So what was the verdict? Was LOTR surpassed by GOT last week?
So what was the verdict? Was LOTR surpassed by GOT last week?
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Lotr is unironically one of the greatest achievements in cinematic history, all around probably top 5 films ever (if looked at as one big movie), got is unironically overrated pseudohipster dogshit, kill yourself for even posing this question
Of course not. Only trannies, feminists, and numales would think that
helms deep takes place at night but jackson isn't some meme tv director like sapochnik and actually understands lighting
no lol
>protagonist gets overun by zombies
>you can clearly see him get surrounded
>camera cuts before anything happens
>next scene protagonist is fine
a bunch of hacks
I love LotR but its bad parts are made worse when held up side-to-side with the best parts.
>bad parts
which are?
inb4 I AM NO MAN
the lack of diversity
theres a load of orcs
i mean thats one but also the way they simplified characters like gimli and legolas. that being said they also added depth to faramir and took out certain things that probably shouldn't have been in there. I'd say another flaw is the tone is at times inconsistent. still a towering achievement and a massive personal favourite of mine, got has never even come close.
>The best battle of GoT was in Season 2 when the budget was way smaller
What did they mean by this?
That part is terrible though. It would have been great if what's her face could have summoned a fraction of the intensity Ian McKellen had for his encounter with the balrog but she's a shit actress who was terribly miscast. Although Jackson's bad direction completely butchered the role of Eowyn as it should have been.
That besides any if the more video gamey bits or anything that deviated too strongly from Tolkien (killer ghosts at Pelennor Fields hurr) sucked. As did Galadriels's stupid light show with Frodo and Gandalf and Saruman's geriatric psychic wizard battle replacing their careful sparring of words. And why I don't know any dialogue they took straight from the book was great.
t. pretentious Tolkien nerd
Martin writes schlock btw and GoT reflects this. EvenPeter Jackson couldn't drag down the LotR films too much.
How can we say when none of us saw GOT
lmao best post
Can't be sure, couldn't see a god damned thing in the last GOT. Looked like the thing was shot underwater at midnight.
Popularity doesnt equate quality.
good edit. i kek'd
>Gandalf and Saruman's geriatric psychic wizard battle replacing their careful sparring of words
It was never implied that all they did was argue though
> hating breakdancing wizards
t. zoomer
In the movie the closest we got to theur verbal sparring was "don't smoke so much weed lmao xD".
If I were a zoomer I wouldn't have read LotR before the movies, or at all.
GoT is shit. It's a clunky, poorly-conceived mess.
>hurr what would realpolitik be like in a fantasy world? soooooo subversive
>meanwhile Westeros looks like an MMORPG map with every subregion agreeing to have their own flag, catchphrase, and MO that corresponds to how they are stereotyped
Embarrassing even more when stacked up next to LotR.
well, this only happend a few dozen times. No biggie.
Nope a derivative can never surpass an original
>couldn't see a god damned thing in the last GOT
Neither NK's bodyguards
>meanwhile Westeros looks like an MMORPG map
It's even less imaginative than that.
GOT was really good up until they caught up to the books. once the two directors had to make up shit by their own the quality of the characters, dialogue and a lot of other things went down
>Gimli gets surrounded and overrun
>Aragorn orders a volley of arrows onto the horde and rescues him amidst the ensuing melee charge with a hundred other guys
>Theon, Brienne, Jaime, Thormund, Sam, or Jon are surrounded and overrun
>camera cuts away so the average retard forgets this just happened and when we go back to them they're perfectly fine
t. Descartes
>the lands of always winter
Such a creative name i would have went with The Region of always snowing and cold
sure is hot down there in sunny Donegal
Imagine if, as the uruk Hai attacked, the elves were sent on a suicide charge while everyone else stayed back and watched. That's literally what happened in Got.
>Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest achievements in cinematic history
What killed me was that panning shot across all of our protagonists to remind everyone that even though Winterfell is neck deep in zombies, all our heroes are fine.
Long answer:
Short answer:
No. Not in the slightest.
I actually went back and watched LoTR. It's still great. I can't bring myself to sit through that last episode of Thrones again tho. There's so much shit that is wrong with that battle. I'd rather Legolas shield surf than le funny fat man crying and being dogpiled by zombies but surviving.
I'm watching RotK right now. I had only planned on watching a bit of Fellowship earlier today, and here I am 12 hours later with Frodo holding the ring over the volcano.
100%. This scene in particular was absolutely incredible.
LotR is kino GoT is not.
its weird. when i watched it the first time, i didn't notice how dark it was, but i went back to re-watch scenes and couldn't see shit. guess i was just so hyped up for it.
I gotta ask, is GoT season 1 really the only actual season that is worth a shit? I heard the show even goes to shit in the second season or something
It was too dark to surpass anything
unironically true. It's comfy as shit, and as far as other fantasy epics go it's still unsurpassed, but still basically mid-tier in terms of actual cinema quality.
Nah 1-3 are all good. Starts going downhill in 4-5 and then once you hit 6 it’s like it’s a different show in terms of quality imo
I love lotr but that part when Haldir comes to help was not canon and fuck em for including it. If you're gonna add more people to Helm's Deep, then add dwarves too. Elves were getting the fuck out of Middle Earth and didn't care to help mankind.
This happens to a lot of people I bet.
No, it gets better after season one. The first season is mostly an introduction to the characters. The same with season two. Season three and four are both great seasons. And honestly, the rest of the show is great too. There is an obvious dip in the writing when they go off-book, with unrealistic events taking place, but it's still a very good show.
Episode 3 of this season was really the only major let down of the series I've ever felt. All the other sub-par moments were still passable and were largely forgettable, since they didn't majorly impact the overall story. The last episode however...
Dude if things went your way the movie would be 25 hours.
No. I liked the GoT ep, but even if we say they're on par action sequences... Helms Deep had a better build up, crescendo, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say it'll have a better payoff/fallout.
>Castle Black
>filled with rapist, thieves, murderers and other criminal scum
>silly as a castle
>meanwhile White City
Yes its over. DABID IS KING
this makes me want to create my own fantasy world, i could do so much better