ITT: pleb filters

ITT: pleb filters

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Is Nolan both a hack and a genius?

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it was a pretty good movie, but the climax was cheesy as shit.

*Sexy as shit

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>pleb filter
My ass. It wasn't that great, and this is coming from someone that was waiting for this all year. The first hour and a half drags, and I mean DRAGS. The boneitis scene is cool, but it's not nearly as bad as people have made it out to be. The side plot with Dr Klemperer is useless as well. It goes nowhere, and the movie could be made much trimmer and flow much better if he was removed. It really doesn't do the movie's 2 1/2 hour run time any favors. And yes, he was played by Tilda Swinton. I get it. She's a great actress and a chameleon. Not this time. The fact this old doctor spoke with a chick's voice completely distracted from the movie. It constantly reminded you that this is just Tilda Swinton in a suit. When Mia Goth finds Chloe the movie does swing into high gear, though. Really picks up at that point, and the visuals from here on out are spectacular, but overall, and I'm sorry for using a buzzword, soulless. Not once do these lavish scenes hold any real substance. They look great, yes, but aside from the final dance ritual, what do they really weigh on the story, or the film even? They're shots for shot's sake, and all the people that like to come down of Refn for style over substance (not true, btw) you'll have a field day with this one. This movie could honestly be the new worst offender for style over substance. I do like that they changed the ending from the original, but overall it wasn't really a good film, and the more I ponder over it, the more I don't like it. It's a shame, I had real high hopes for Suspiria, and was hoping this would be yet another return to form for horror. It wasn't. It was self indulgent, and it reminds me of a kid saying smart sounding things pretending to be smart. Stick with the original.

to each his own, brother

Huh. I found it to be pretty comfy. Even some scary imagery in there


One of the biggest pleb filters of the past 40 years. I use Hudson Hawk to see if people can form their own opinions, or just parrot what they've heard.

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I watched The Siege the other day. It started out good

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Based. Saw it unironically twice at the movies when everybody hated it

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agreed, but I respect the director's gut to go with it

Just tell me what the coven was trying to accomplish with the whole ritual and ill frig off. What was the purpose?