I teared up guys
Knock Down The House
I know a guy who is going to kill her. He was really upset about that Amazon thing
>I teared up guys
Is he a piss bottle connoisseur?
Tell him to livestream it
AOC is fucking evil and her economic policies would cause massive poverty on the American people.
sent the fbi report. enjoy nigger
Wow she got 15,000 votes in a no name district before anyone got to hear how stupid she actually is. What an achievement
She should have shown her twat and I would watch it
Honestly my biggest problem with her is that she positions herself as anti-corporation but she's hamdled by the Justicr Democrats who are in turn handled by corporation operatives. Honestly I've come to the conclusion that wokeism is just consumerism by another name.
That's because you're a fucking Clown from Clown Town.
Of course it is, I don't know why people are surprised about this shit
>gets appointed to the House Committee on Finance
>"What are you going to do about Wall Street, AOC?"
>"Uhhhhhh we need more diverse representation on the executive level"
Didn't she secretly siphon (steal) over a million dollars of her campaign money with her manager? Why the fuck is this hypocritical cunt not getting arrested for that? Just like the Clintons she's just in this politics game to enrich herself through shady shit and to get power. She doesn't give a fuck about NYC or America.
I hope Bernie wins bros
You're delusional
Do they mention the3 felonies her campaign committed?
The DNC is trying to rig it.
Pic related, remember that poll that had Biden up by 30? They didnt poll anyone under 50
we replaced a liberal with an even bigger liberal who doesn't understand anything about business in a liberal state
Why would you want a millionaire to win? I thought you bernouts hated rich people
Incredibly based
why is this Netflix shit allowed here, but we cant talk about youtube kino?
Bernie is going to get fucking schlonged again by the DNC establishment. It's going to be funny.
Yikes. How could she be such a hypocrite?
Too late snitch faggot he’s taken to the woods to plan
You voted for a fucking billionaire
literal propaganda
nah, he'll sell out again to the dnc, like last time
I know. I hate Joe Biden so god damn much. Voting for Donald again if Joe is the nominee.
No, never said that. Just crony capitalism that ignores the needs of the populace. Why are you a bootlicking bitch? You understand billionaires would gleefully kill you for a dollar, right?
I don't hate rich people, I just want to take some of their money.
he's gonna get fucked over again, dnc has already chosen biden as their guy
I really don't understand how anyone can still rely on bernie after he bent the knee to hillary
The liberal media is burying Sanders again like they did in 2016.
he sold a book, vet good, you should read it
and what the literal fuck does that have to do with anything? trump voters like winners, not geriatric sell-out commie losers
I didn't vote for anyone, nigga.
Same here. The benefits are two fold: The DNC watches another of their selected candidates crash and the GOP catches all the blame for the inevitable recession. We can wait 4 years and use the economic crisis to sweep in a new deal
Fuck off Trumpster
And? I don’t hate the successful
Yes he did he always says the rich should pay their fair share. So why doesn’t he? He could sell one of his mansions and give the money to charity. But of course the commie doesn’t cause he’s full of shit.
That’s called stealing
See The fix is in
why does Bernie need 3 houses and $100000 sports cars though?
>Trump is Israel's bitch
>Jews still complaining
the economy now is shit. i want AOC to destroy the country
Haha that's right, fellow comrade :)
>That’s called stealing
Problem, moralfag?
>economy is shit
Only someone with no marketable skills would think that. Learn a trade car boy
>want a thread about ken blocks pony car show
>retard starts crying about trumps dick
bugger off
Don't play dumb.
Yes stealing is wrong. Even a child understands this
>bernie loses
>m-must be rigged
>it can't be that he's a fucking moron even dumber than AOC
The Dems are fucked either way. There has never been a weaker pool of candidates since Reagan/Mondale.
Bernie and his ilk are the only anti-Israel politicians in Washington.
literally the best it's been in 50 years
It's wrong
Where is Sanders in this NPR article? Aren't they supposed to be the non-biased liberal media darlings? Then why are they promoting DNC propaganda against Bernie?
But bernie did pay his taxes. We know this because he released a decade of tax returns. Now why hasnt Trump released his? Oh yes, because he is lying about how rich he his after a string of failed businesses and being bailed out by Carl Icahn. Try harder, MIGA pede
>daddy took away my credit card and its all drumpfs fault
Bernie, warren, butthieg, and harris were just placeholders for Biden. They throw out ideas to rile up the more lefty side of the party to see what sticks and what doesn't, and Joe just gets to say what he agrees with them on (what sticks with the moderates) and what he disagrees with (what the moderates don't like). Bernie is a glorified jobber. Thirty years in Congress and he's written almost as many books as bills he sponsored have passed. Bernie's biggest political accomplishment is naming a post office.
I don't care about "right and wrong". I only care about my personal interest.
>you voted for a billionaire
wow, no shit, that's the only way (((they))) couldn't buy him, unlike Bernie
this, i fell for the stem meme and I don't give a fuck now
AOC is the future we chose
You missed the part when he did release them and he paid more in taxes than any Democrat ever has?
lmao at that field jesus what a shitshow
biden is the lefts jeb
You need to get a job and get out of your parent's basement. Stop being a pathetic nose-picking loser.
how deep you in?
Reminder that only simpletons and racists defend the EC
1. It was made to allow slaveholding states equal footing without having to count slaves as citizens.
2. For the most part, red and blue states aren't of equal importance now: A plurality of "red states" are tax-sinks, put plainly. Texas is a producer state. Florida is, marginally, as a shipping and tourism destination. The border midwest, some. But for the most part the agra and industrial sectors the bulk of the populated red states existed to support are on life support subsidies or are done, so even if I WAS going to entertain the argument that citizens of a low-population state should get artificially-inflated votes to account for how important their state is to the lifeblood of the country... dude, it's not 1973. It's 2019 - we're not using that shit anymore.
You're basically arguing for Nowhere County, Trumpsylvania to get 20 votes to every ONE person because they supply our nation with the precious resource of avocado-green shag carpeting.
When did Trump release his taxes? Please, gibe me a source
Good for you. Totally healthy
I'm not american and I barely know anything about AOC but some of her ideas are very odd. I read somewhere she wants to get rid of the ultra rich? How does she even think she can accomplish someting like that
>all shilling against Sanders
Why are they doing it again?
Yes but surprise! It's not being investigated.
>Human beings who live and vote in a real country with real laws insist on voting for a literal actor who is run by and fed talking points by a hyper-liberal SuperPAC run by Soros.
>Stand by her as she literally only ever succeeds in making an idiot of herself and destroying her own party by splitting it down the middle along with her 3 friends in the "Woke Brown Congresswoman Brigade" who's entire life work is just saying stupid shit and then complaining about racism when they're called out on it.
I cannot comprehend liberals.
She's so dumb for that. That really could have boosted the economic outlook for her district and it's residents.
are they still hiring game "journalists" these days?
I don’t honestly care about trumps taxes or wether he’s rich or uber rich. But you avoided my question like a typical weak minded commie. So I’ll ask again, why doesn’t comrade sanders sell one of his million dollar mansions and give the money to the poor?
She wants to get rid of airplanes. Not even kidding.
Maddow showed his tax filings for 2012? on her show and found that Trump actually pays a lot of taxes.
Joe Biden is bad with words, has a bad record, and is not a very exciting candidate. He has the visual aesthetic of a damn televangelist. As soon as the cable news debates roll around, his support will tank. There are two many Joe Biden-like candidates that are more charming and better eye candy. He will get like only 10% of the votes in Iowa and New Hampshire.
die red scum
stem phd in 2014
first job was a uni postdoc
second was industry postdoc
third is national lab (basically postdoc)
flunked so many on-sites/phone interviews so something obviously wrong with me but nobody will tell you that
apparently companies prefer h1b pajeets and white girls who get hired on first interview out of school
And provide gibs to those who are “unwilling to work”
I'm not American either and don't give a fuck about their clown show. I just think she's cute.
>The entire country should be run by California
>A Blue state so fucking horrible that not only are they hundreds of billions of dollars in debt, losing their middle class by the millions, and being demolished by unchecked and uncontrolled illegal immigration, but also dealing with incomprehensible homelessness, cities literally being flooded with human shit, and a drug problem that the government can't think of anything to do but subsidize with free needles for everyone.
Yeah I sure want them to have the power to choose my lawmakers.
literally not one person cares about trumps taxes, its just a looney-lefty talking point when the latest narrative fails
Landowners are worth more to the country than welfare case roaches, though.
>I just think she’s cute
That’s the only reason she’s gotten as far as she has. Beats like you
Biden is being pushed by the DNC because he's under their complete control. They have already fixed the primaries to make sure their puppet is the guy. Votes don't matter in the DNC primaries anymore.
Because the media is right-wing. The country is divided this way: Christian fundamentalist right-wing and Pro-gay right-wing.
>You understand billionaires would gleefully kill you for a dollar, right?
Commies will kill you for free. What's your point?
>Implying that the DNC won't rig their primaries again.
They know full well that far lefties will vote anti-trump regardless of who gets nominated.
Don't forget to donate
Wow that’s really funny. What a talented bunch
>MIGA pede
holy shit, go back to /ptg/, your polish boyfriend is getting lonely
Billionaires are donating their entire life savings to charity. Liberals won't even get a part time job to feed themselves, let alone help anyone else.
no, I mean debt
Don't forget they are resource incompetent and have to import water to grow almonds in the desert because they overused their own rivers and tried to pass a law that would have forced neighboring states to give them electricity.
Honestly? If it triggers /pol/, I support it.
>all the brown people are ruining everything with drugs and crime!!!!
(Also California actually has a $6 billion+ budget SURPLUS under Jerry Brown)
>the media is right wing
>centrists are the enemy
Oh, you're one of those.
>California actually has a $6 billion+ budget SURPLUS under Jerry Brown
Imagine believing this.
>Because the media is right-wing
please, please be real
I'm not american too.
She has university degree but worked as bartender until she was elected.
She just idiot and unqualified for any job.
This is typical case of communist - "every cook can govern the state"
She's a socialist, so they hate the rich by definition. They think that everyone with wealth earned by anyone is earned by stealing from someone else, and thus the government should seize and redistribute it.
She also thinks that the government should take control of auto manufacturing, planes, energy, and agriculture (farting cows were literally in the Green New Deal) so they can remove all of them and replace them with as-yet-undefined magical methods that are clean and renewable and will be available to everyone.
Seriously, read the Green New Deal. It's like 5 pages. It's fucking hilarious.
>t. Uncle Joe fan
Center doesn't mean much in a country where there really is no leftwing.
>Because the media is right-wing
>I just think she's cute.
typical le goblina 56% face
I didn't say "brown people are ruining everything".
I said liberals are ruining everything, and there's tons of drugs and crime, and the millions and millions of unchecked illegal immigrants every year certainly doesn't help.
So nothing from 2013 on? Trump said he was gonna release them but refused which probably means he is broke.
Aww, keep defending the rich, Im sure you will bee the next Bezos.
Actually many people and in fact Trump claimed he was going tonrelase them but I guess your average Trump fan is used to being lied to.
Hey, how is construction on the wall..I mean fence, going? How is Trumps catch and release gping at the border?
This country is more than 50% insane far left radicals.
>trump ripped off some jews
yeah, /pol/ is just furious about it...
Whatever happened to those black chicks?
>in a country where there really is no leftwing.
>keep defending the rich
Like Bernie?
i dont have any debt, stem phd pays tuition + stipend but i dont have much savings either
And it's only going to get higher
>Actually many people and in fact Trump claimed he was going tonrelase them
Until the collapse when they all turn on each other like zombie hordes. Every totalitarian leftist regime ends the same way.
That’s twitter not the average American who works all week and cares about their family
Britfag here. I have read some of Bernie Sanders' proposals. Why do Americans considered any of this controversial or radical?
engage in intercourse
obvious leftypol shill posing as stormfag is obvious.
shit, I just wanted to laugh at you. well, good luck anyways.
They’re already eating each other. That’s what identity politics leads to and why cultural marxism is doomed to fail. Just like all forms of marxism
>$6 billion+ budget SURPLUS under Jerry Brown
Because they're all breastfed on corporate cuckery
Such people tweet 5000 tweets per month and surprised if they see account with 10 tweets.
lmao fuck google
Because socialism is stealing
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
Republicans are destroying this country.
She's right you know.
I care because I think the fucker is lying his ass off about being a billionaire and may be broke. I think it would be hilarious is he was poor. Why do Trunptards get so mad when Trump is asked to keep his word?
Hey btw when is Hillarys trial? Drain the swanp yet? How about that 1 year warning to Mexico? Man, that sure was tough!
It’s just you. Yea Forums is still /pol/. But you can go back to discord now tranny
It's ironic. /pol/ is just as active as always, it's just that you have shitposters who act be contrarian to argue with them so they they pretend to be retard liberals and it makes it seem like Yea Forums actually has a large retard liberal population.
Rightwing is a mental illness.
stealing is wrong
More like people are ashamed of the flaming trainwreck that is the Trump presidency
Who cares?
>this is the new meme of the left
>they're actively attacking centrists now
2020 is going to Trump easily. The left just can't stop themselves from sliding harder left and alienating every voter.
ITT The last Trumptards show their ass
You mean the one where we became a net exporter of natural gas instead of importing it, have the lowest unemployment nearly ever, and can actually sell shit in Europe and other markets without retarded tariffs, while the stock market keeps climbing? Seems to be a pretty good one. Certainly better than anything Obama managed.
Also the idea that people would become disenchanted with Trump and immediately 180 of a cliff into hyper-liberal retardation doesn't really follow.
I'm going to enjoy watching another historic liberal meltdown as Trump wins again in 2020
Screencapped. I'll see you in 2020 when the dipshit loses.
Blue wave.
/our pedo/
As a leftist, I prefer Donald over right leaning centrists like Biden and Harris. At least Donald doesn't think tariff is a bad word.
What the fuck kind of "New Deal" do you even want? Just free money for anyone and everyone?
Maybe ask your kike overlords to stop gutting the value of labor and jacking up the cost of rent by dumping tens of millions of illegal beans into the country
Just like the blue wave in 2018 that never happened?
>blames getting a stem degree for being autistic and asocial and unemployed
Mentally healthy people
Friendly reminder that /pol/ fell victim to a con artist.
Its almost as though Trump has Jewish family that he's secretly let running the country
Based. Bernie will give us lots of free things (more than Yang) and the billionaires will pay for it.
>liberal queen
>fucks white guys
>If it triggers /pol/, I support it.
you are very linear and simple
He looks like he bathes in so y
It is not mentally healthy to vote against your own personal interest.
how can i improve myself to become like you?
Not to mention a white guy is leading in the polls for presidential candidate as well.
>Trump has Jewish family
Yeah, we know know. If we want sharia law we need to vote democrats.
Hasnt Trump overseen a massive influx of illegals? 100k monthly. Oh and isnt he just basically continuing catch and release? So I guess we can say Trump has done jack shit about immigration.
fucking fence sitters. take a side.
americans are trained from birth to be bootlickers. they feel they exist somewhere in the middle of the hierarchy, and if the people they think are one the bottom punch up, their place is threatened., not realizing that "middle class" americans are on the bottom themselves.
>crony capitalism
>needs of the populace
Time for the copter ride, friendo.
>vote Republican
>get cucked
>vote Democrat
>get cucked with no pretension
>vote far left
>get cucked, but also get to watch the rich people who insist on mass immigration get BTFO
Choice seems simple to me
Any time there’s a thread like this I’m always astounded by how dumb and ill-informed the average /pol/tard is.
>ONE (1) Muzzie Senator
Your average American is a fucking retard that doesn't understand the first thing about money or government policy, which is why 'MUH HOMOS', 'MUH TRANNIES', 'MUH UNBORN BABIES', 'MUH FEMINISTS IN MY CAPESHIT MOVIES' is what people base their worldviews around these days.
So its actually very easy for a nefarious Jew to hijack and subvert even an anti-semitic movement, so long as he's a boring fucker doing boring shit and not drawing any attention to himself from the plebs.
wtf is sectarian language?
>Dems are running a fractured 20-person primary ticket right now, with likely more people being added
>At the same time you have AOC and her cronies splitting the party along the lines of SJWs and Establishment Dems, and also the socialist vs. capitalist split.
>At the same time you have growing concern for border security as the Dems keep trying to wipe it away
>At the same time you have a failed Mueller report, a 2-year Russia conspiracy, and no signs of any impeachment
>At the same time the mainstream media is crumbling, with CNN and other sources down so far in viewership that basic-ass Youtube bloggers get more views per show, while Fox and conservative outlets are soaring.
>At the same time social media is completely censoring, banning, and deplatforming anyone on the right, creating tighter and tighter bubbles for liberals to exist in.
>At the same time liberal activists are getting conservative commentators, newspeople, and activists' money shut down literally by forcing credit card companies to drop them
>At the same time MeToo, the Women's March, the SPLC and the ACLU and other lefty organizations are getting demolished over being racist, sexist, anti-semetic, and supporters of terrorism.
Yeah, Trump is 100% re-elected. Nothing the libs do right now is helping their cause. Every bit of everything the do is self-destructive to their message, their image, and their allies.
politics isn’t a fucking sports game you brainlet
It's almost like you need to pass a law to do those things, and the people who write the laws don't want to.
Enough kikes have successful connected communist Russia with Mediacare for all to scare all the sub-100 IQ people away
I choose the side who owns all of the guns. The other side is going to die. A bunch of landwhale trannies and weak effeminate nu-males isn't going to be able to defend themselves.
move to britain and find out you fascist
she won with a few thousand votes in a spic dense district.
>Pelosi: a cup of water coulda won her seat
Trump's approval ratings are at historic lows and the only reason he even won in the first place was the Rust Belt which Bernie can take easily
Calling people pakis
Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?
Wears hijab.
But but... it is only 1 case
Prepare to get cucked in next elections. Democrats = mudslimes now.
Don't worry. He's making Mexicans legal again!
You gotta understand MIGApedes. They honestly believe Truml, a guy who has all jewish Grandkids ( his daughter converted) is going to usher in a white utopia. They also believe Trump is the epitome of macho behavior even though he is a draft dodger
>Hasnt Trump overseen a massive influx of illegals? 100k monthly
Saying he's "overseen" it is kind of misleading. He's literally been trying to get shit done about it and it's the combination of the Dems in Congress and the liberal states like California on the boarder being "sanctuary states" that bus in thousands per day over the border, that mean that while he's being stonewalled and unable to accomplish border control, they're trying to rush as many across as they can before anything does happen.
>>vote far left
>>get cucked, but also get to watch the rich people who insist on mass immigration get BTFO
Wrong. A borderless world is a right-wing ideal.
>he thinks owning guns is going to save him
Two or three trained military men will blow you away before you think, and the military will follow the ones giving them the direction
leslie jones literally has Bart Simpson hair
>Trump's approval ratings are at historic lows
Certainly not as low as 90% of the people running against him.
Didn't most people polled about who they want to win the Dem ticket vote "Someone else" instead of any of the available candidates?
>the economy now is shit
By what metric?
It is his old statement. He changed his mind already.
I agree. Which is why I’d never vote for a socialist
same famm
Because they're retarded
>Wrong. A borderless world is a right-wing ideal.
Then why are only liberals fighting for abolishing borders, abolishing police, and free mass migration?
>Trump has manipulated/pol/ enough that they are pro-jew now
Damn, i got to admit, he is good at manipulating the dumbfuck masses
>can't do at this point
Two-faced Jew
That's nice and all dude but you still haven't answered what it is you want out of some kind of sweeping new deal
How young and/or naive are you exactly?
This is why that kike will never get my vote. Fucking pussy just stood there and let himself get upstaged. Fucking loser.
Allahu Akbar.
How anyone could be not against jews, am i right, brother?
>announcing reports
Read the fuckin rules
A vote for Trump ia a vote for the kike though...Wang is the only answer
> Its the Dems fault!
He had total control of congress and couldnt do jack shit. He has full legal authority to use the military to shut down the border and hasnt done jack shit. He has ran up the national deficit and started dropping off illegals at bus stations though.
When do you think "something will happen?l
>Trump's approval ratings are at historic lows
wow it's like you don't even know what you're talking about
The military is all right wing. They aren't going to follow and unconstitutional order from a left wing commie. They'll just put two bullets in his head and piss on his corpse.
Even tho this is fake news let’s say it isn’t. How does the top 1% paying more taxes help me?
You talkin' 'bout creepy joe? The FTN crew said he has no chance in the primaries.
>you must be a Muslim to be against jews
Welp, /pol/ is dead
I want to make America great again by returning to the policies that made America great in the first place
Does this look like /pol/ to you? Fuck off back there.
Implying you are not.
Go fuck a goat ahmed and read your koran.
wow wtf america was socialist during the cold war? i guess we were the commies all along
Or not voting at all retard.
>Trump's highest numbers ever are some of the lowest ever among presidents since polling began
>its not trump's fault that immigration is higher than ever while he is in office but the economy improving that he has done nothing to fix, that was all him
Cuckservative logic everyone
Donate, my dude.
Because our government, like every government, is full of thieves and liars? The social security fund has been robbed blind so why would a healthcare fund be any different?
Do any of you irrelevant shitholes think that your crappy countries are being flooded with niggers and arabs because of some sort of desire to help a bunch of rapists and criminals? No, it's because you've built a bunch of social systems that are now crumbling because you stopping having enough babies to sustain it, so you're being replaced by people that do.
>he's a conservative and doesn't understand the mortal threat to the White race posed by the Jews
How's your John Deere holding up, Cletus?
How’s that cock up your ass?
Ummm, no sweetie
lol what? stay on script, you're not smart enough to think on your own
Believing in any religion is retard behavior, fagboy
America was great during that time because every other country was ground into gravel and we got to take over.
The middle class have a better lifestyle than the rich did 80 years ago, dipshit
Get a job
>Calls someone else stupid
Ok m8.
>Johnson 69%
wtf i love vietnam now
Are you a millionaire?
I will when Bernie brings the jobs back.
Yep, trumpo n the kikes won...time to delete /pol/, they lost
>He has full legal authority to use the military to shut down the border and hasnt done jack shit.
It's not that simple. He can't just order the military to occupy state land, especially if the state itself wants to stand in the way and deny them. He could, in theory demand mobilization but it would end up in a huge legal battle and would end up ruining the whole thing because obviously the military can't be there while a judge or the Supreme Court decides whether they can be there or not.
>When do you think "something will happen?l
Realistically, I don't and never really did. I want immigration reform and border security, but I underestimated the lengths to which both Democratic lawmakers and state leaders, and regular citizens would literally die to make sure the border is open and illegals can walk in.
If you can't change the public demand, or get people to listen to it, you can't get anything done. Immigration is the big issue of our time and we literally can't even have a public conversation about it because "it's racist".
How this is relevant to anything. You know statistics can be manipulated in any way. Forgot Trump vs Clinton already?
Oh look it says handling of economy not presidential approval. This is why Trump loves the poorly educated because you are obviously borderline illiterate
> believing jew propaganda
>time to delete /pol/, they lost
Such /pol/ exists only in your mind, retard.
Hey stem user, how true is this pic?
America was great during that time because most of the wealth being created and owned (and spent) by the middle class rather than being hoarded by the top 0.1%.
He actually can order the military to shut down the border. Regan did it after Kiki Cameron was killed. Commander in chief, remember? Posse Comitatus doesnt apply. Trump.is a bitch
I will be someday. You see the top income earners aren’t always in the top. Something like 80% of the top income earners aren’t there 10 years later. Just like the poor aren’t always poor. 90% of the poor aren’t poor ten years later. Which is why capitalism works
>calls others uneducated while using debunked facebook quotes
i don't live near any coal mines, so getting a job under the trump regime isn't really possible.
Fact, any woman with horse teeth like that is probably a good fuck but a fucking hellscape afterwards.
>lol what?
>wealth creation
>by the middle class
Doesn’t work that way kiddo. Take a economics course
fake news. me and my dad are both voting for him so that statistc's probably bullshit.
He is done. Media can't lie.
capitalists don't earn income.
Then you must have absolutely no marketable skills if you can’t find a job today. Shouldn’t have majored in gender studies bucko
>I will be someday.
Said every trailer park dwelling redneck with a Don't Tread On Me decal on his pick-up.
Oh no that sucks
The jews cries out in pain....
let's check back on those numbers in a bit now that the Russia farce is over...
>implying original /pol/'s entire goal was to redpill everyone to the deep state control of the kike elite
I know you came over in the 2016 election in the reddit migration but try a little harder not to be a newfag trump shill next time
barely 55% of americans even vote at all during presidential elections either way.
My paycheck begs to differ
Kek my dude
Inflation and quality of life
I made 50k last year and ended up owing 600 on my taxes.
how do you propose CEOs magically create wealth without a workforce? the middle class create all the wealth either way, just that they used to get paid their fair share of it whereas today they don't.
damn it's over, I guess it's her turn now
25% of them are in Cali so he still win the election while losing popular vote once again...califags, migrate for a year to attempt to disperse the electoral control, even though its futile because the kikes control the electorals and they will do as they wilt
Yeah great go raise the rates again and suddenly everything will fix itself. Why not nuke everyone other developed country while you're at it so tax havens that weren't possible back then don't just siphon off that extra money.
>democrats = mudslimes
You don't get to create the political dichotomy anymore kike
They still believe trickle down is the only answer.
your neetbux doesn't count as having a job, you know.
I’ve already invested enough in my 401k to be at about 430k. My company also offers a pension that I’ll take as a lump sum which will be at about 3mil when I retire (depending on interest rates) Add in stock options my Roth IRA with about 100k, and my HSA I max our every year, yeah I’ll be there before I’m 40. While you hope that some politician will help you get more wealth I’ll go make mine. Lol pathetic
I can't wait for Califags to seethe in the streets come 2020, at least if there's enough room around the steaming piles of human shit and dirty needles.
>same poll that had a 98% predicted Hillary victory the night of the election
They ask me, a fine resident of tv
>what are you gonna do about wall street?
>we gonna sneed
Why are the biggest corporations- Facebook, Amazon, Walmart, etc. Democrat supporters?
You meanehen Trump said he loved the poorly educated live on TV?
Lmao you really a fucking idiot
Why do you think? Democrats are just Republicans who like gay people.
lol at all the """""millyunairs""""" on 4channel
just happens to be the hotspot for the well-to-do
The business owners are the ones taking the risk, putting together the business plan, handling the titling, purchasing the raw goods, navigating the business risks, etc while the worker comes in does his work and goes home with no risk to his personal assets. They don’t create anything they are one of the tools of said creation
>meanwhile people still believe trickle down economics is a real economic term
ur a faget
They were right about the numbers. Hillary won millions more but wrong about the distribution. Also Trump largely won because of first-time voters in the midwest and large amounts to those people are now dead from heroin overdoses.
550 people definitely not gonna vote for him. He is done.
Thanks fags for being useful idiots!
Trickle down is a leftist falsehood. It’s supply side economics. Look it up. I’m sure your sociology professors didn’t have the first clue about it
As opposed to what? Hating the poorly educated?
I know he CAN order them to do it, I didn't imply he couldn't. I said that it's not necessarily true that the military can carry out that order to the extent it is issued.
Why are Banks, Energy companies, and the military industrial complex Republican supporters?
both are liberal arts education. i'll pass.
I work in oil and gas. It’s booming now with the Permian Basin. You can make six digits with a higshcool degree
So real, honest, not-shitposting or pretend Liberals:
We know Hillary should have won, it was her turn, she was robbed, etc.
Do you want her to run again?
What are you doing to make sure she gets her turn like she was supposed to?
Economics is the only liberal art major where you’ll find conservative voices. But the majority are still leftist zombies
Yea man, mega corporations are really taking shitloads of risks with no tax burden and the full knowledge they will be bailed out. When will it trickle down, exactly?
No, just no.
Don't you dare allow her to be stopped. The inevitable shitshow she's bringing is gonna be absolutely hilarious.
>it was her turn
wrong. most of us were apprehensive about her run. She was a terrible candidate. Trump wishes to god she'd run again, but it won't happen.
Biden will carry on her and Obama's legacy (a rule-based world order built on unity not division with pragmatic approaches to climate change, technology and the economic crises of our era)
I swear, there is a very real post-WW1 Germany view between dems post-2016.
The vast majority of us workers are employed by small businesses. Please learn about US economics before posting again. Thank you.
No she shouldn't run? Are you going to vote for the Diversity Hire Woman this time around? Maybe it's her turn now?
We can't have a white man, that would literally be rape.
seems like tulsi is the new chosen one
i never vote, but i might for her. i'll just leave all the other boxes blank.
Bernie 2020 and 2024! Trump weakened the typical system but if he or a corporate Democrat wins the 2020 election the system will go back to normal. A hard push to the populist right followed by a hard push to the populist left will smash the system's normality.
We can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>Biden will carry on her and Obama's legacy
Oh fuck, I hope not.
I don't think you're right about that
Hello strawman! Hows it going larping as a 60 year old?
Why do liberals think this is an effective screech?
America is gay anywyay. Once you hit 40 you realize you wasted your life being a wage cuck and you only live once faggots.
>There exist real people who think this
>seems like tulsi is the new chosen one
I'm not a Dem and don't generally vote Dem, but the fact that both Libs and Establishment people are trying to crush her seems to mean she's probably the one they should be going for, but won't.
based. always check poll methodology. Trump polls consistently weigh dem heavy
The "banks" are neither Democrat nor Republican biased since they influence both parties. Clinton repealed Glass-Steagal and Obama continued the bailouts Bush began, that said the "banks" paid back their loans.
Energy companies with the current "global warming crisis" is an apparent one. I'm going to agree pollution is a problem, but the Democrats offer no solutions apart from finger pointing and virtue signaling. Likewise regulation of gross profits being made somehow is never a Democrat talking point.
The "Military Industrial Complex" earned more under Obama than they have since WW2. They go where the conflicts are being fomented, namely the Middle East. That said their donations tend to go hand-in-hand with wherever the zionist donors pay since they are the ones fomenting the wars.
Why not? Obama sent more Mexicans back to where they came from than any president and he's the one who started separating kids from their parents at the border. Obama was the real Trump.
It's human nature to improve, cunt. That means nothing.
What does mean something is the cost of food, education, housing, and transportation has skyrocketed since 2000.
The USA is dead in the water. Every retard with a science degree just went into a bullshit job for the money (ads, apps, games, finance) while the rest of the world continued pushing forward with real work.
Meanwhile the government has to give welfare to the banks, the auto industry, the aeronautical industry, the farmers, etc, while whining about how socialism is bad. LOL.
Everybody is mad and few are showing their cards, and this dumb fuck faggot country is going to bleed hard when something puts a crack in the system.
>I-It's the Democrats fault he hasn't done anything about the illegals, or the globalists, or Hillary, I swear! There's no way he would lie about his desire to tackle those issues! I studied logic by watching hundreds of hours of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson youtube videos so its not possible for me to be fooled!
>when dems do it: real
>when republicans do it: fake news
Get ready to be shocked, the Democrat Underground blizted them online and put enough pressure on the Waltons to flip them the last cycle.
Why do you think on red-dit they were being smeared so hard? These days politics are merely mafia-tier threatening.
Except that actually is the case 9 times out of 10.
whatever you gotta tell yourself, dirtbag
imagine being this dumb
T. Rural and suburban retards
Go back to school, update your skillset, and become productive members of the global economy already
Food is cheaper as is the means of getting food. Same with transportation. Even the poorest nigger usually still has a car. Education has gone up but who is running our universities hmmm?
Whatever you were trying to say about a science degree didn’t make any sense.
But I agree with you on govt subsidies. The free market should dictate who gets money not the govt.
The thing is, Dems are corrupt, racist, scheming, conniving, and despise their constituents.
They just get elected by people too stupid or who don't speak English, and media that doesn't report on them, so they can't be called on it.
>and become productive members of the global economy already
Your job is literally to suck off Muslims that cross the border dude. I wouldn't brag about that.
yeah, she's actually a decent candidate. not liberal enough for the outspoken left though.
We're smart enough to not fall for your stupid shit about Obama's legacy, so no.
>it's a "and this is how Trump can't win" repeat
I work in tech. You can too. It's growing world wide at roughly 5%
Obama saved and repaired the global economy. That is a fact. He worked across the aisle and did what was necessary. He was the best president in decades
He's successful but he advocates raising taxes on people like himself to pay for public programs like Medicare for All. He walks the walk. Can't wait for the corporatecuck tears when Sanders starts taxing corporations and billionaires.
>repaired the global economy.
who gives a flying donut fuck about that?
The political parties in the US- both Republican and Democrats, are loose coalitions of groups with some intersecting special interest groups. Mexicans and blacks are actually competing groups- money sent to Dreamers comes out of expenditures for black education. Spanish bilingual requirements reduces opportunities for black laborers. The influx of Mexicans reduces available low-income housing. But both groups rely heavily on welfare hence they fall under the Democrat party. It is just easier to demonize the white upper class and offer no real solutions while obtaining their votes. The irony is the white upper class enjoys the cheaper migrant labor- the white middl and lower classes are the ones who suffer. The Republicans are similar in some regards- what does the military industrial complex have to do with evangelicals? Nothing apart from maybe one employing the other ironically.
>tfw want both Trump's wall and Bernie's M4A
To be fair there was a lot of deceit with the republicans even last election and the one before that. Remember when The RNC changed the rules to Ron Paul wouldn't win the nomination in 2012?
How did Obama repair the global economy exactly? That’s quite a feat if he did lol
Your pension depends on it
>He's successful but he advocates raising taxes on people like himself to pay for public programs like Medicare for All.
He literally doesn't pay taxes, so that's a fucking lie. He spends his days convincing his followers that wealth is immoral and the rich are criminals, and then skirts his own wealth by saying "Well you can be successful too if you write a book!". He hides his money overseas like everyone else. He's not walking the walk, he's just like every other socialist leader who takes from everyone but themselves.
Underage spotted, pensions are tax paid, you should have said 401K.
Why doesn’t he give one of his millionaire mansions to the poor? He’s got about three of them
He admitted there was no way to bring manufacturing back to America and compared doing so to doing magic. Meanwhile Trump has been doing that for the country for years now. The economic optimism only begins with the current president. Further you have Obama's tremendously bad economic policy, causing the largest humanitarian crisis of our generation - the migrant crisis.
Ron Paul wasn't going to fight Israel's wars which meant no more sweet sweet Sheldon Adelson bucks or Breitbart support, hence why the neocons fucked him over.
Yeah it's actually weird to me how the Dems, at least the voters, believe in both universal welfare of all kinds for everyone, but also that literally every human being has a right to live in the US. They want better and bigger cities without gentrification for blacks, but also billions of brown people who directly compete for space with them.
How both blacks and latinos can co-exist in the same party is fucking baffling to me. They share nothing in common other than their demand for public welfare and resources.
>blacks and latinos
That’s why it can’t last. They rely on indentity politics way too much these days. The dems are going to implode in the next decade
I think thats why Jeb! and the rest were courting the Latino vote so hard, most are fishing, gun toting, conservative Catholic anti-abortion types who hate faggots. But culturally they aren't exactly nation builders.
Depends on the type of latino. For example mexiacns are basically like niggers. Just gibs. Cubans on the other hand fled the communist revolution so they hate leftists with a passion. That’s why Florida is a swing state even though it’s got so many latinos