>story follows the villian's descent into madness
Story follows the villian's descent into madness
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you'd turn into a tranny too if your speedrunner girlfriend cucked you with a less successful speedrunner
you fags post game of thrones shit on Yea Forums all the time, fuck off
There's actual speed runner trannies that hang out on /vr/. Go there.
ITT we discuss how cosmo is actually a 21st century king lear
Kinos where the hero is actually the villain?
Is he dead yet?
>tfw you will never beat someone so bad at mario they cut their dick off and kill themselves
Feels bad.
But /vr/fags constantly tell me that /vr/ is a safe haven from the shit that infests Yea Forums. Have they been lying this whole time?
He went nuts after his 'unbeatable' oot world record was broken about 2 days after he set it
did it kill itself?
If it hasn't yet it will soon.
Hasn't he gotten banned from both youtube and twitch so he can't stream anymore?
They clearly meant /vg/.
Him and cyberdemon531 would make for such a great buddy cop movie
it was a large confluence of events
>developed rsi and couldn't speedrun as well for extended periods of time
>only girlfriend he ever had left him
>fucked up bigly at the nwc in front of miyamoto, literally got laughed off stage by him
>tranny best friend killed xirself suddenly (i personally mark this as the most significant one for the eventual result)
i feel like there's stuff i'm forgetting too
having an atrocious haircut like that really fucks your mind. he looked like a school shooter incel
>after his 'unbeatable' oot world record was broken about 2 days after he set it
wrong on several fronts. his "unbeatable" run lasted for several months and he became a tranny almost a year after the record was broken.
i hope after we get past the incel joker era we'll get a trans regret joker
I miss him.
Cosmo used to be based... sad...
Someone please give me a basic gestalt here
always lol when i see someone at an event say they got inspired by cosmo (which is fair enough) then get dogpiled for using the no no name
Cucked all the way to trannydom.
The government is putting fluoride in the water and it's turning the speedrunners gay.
Whatever happened to this guy?
Did he finally admit himself to a mental hospital?
One of the original speedrunners
Was very chill and well-liked and became famous
Turns into a tranny and/or schizo
Stops playing games and his streams become about his craziness and paranoia which makes people turn against him which makes him even more crazy and paranoid
Suicide imminent
I just want my son back
40% chance he will
Got beaten so badly in a video game that he became a woman.
If this is a reference to the meme chart you didn't even read it. It's about attempted suicide. Cosmo is 100% chance to hit.
>millions of fans
That's a bit overblown, he was averaging like 10k at his peak.
He was with a difference the most entertaining runner in AGDQ
That's true, him and Siglemic were also competing for being by far the biggest speedrunners on twitch at the time.
>Turns into a tranny and/or schizo
Didn't he just suffer from depression and tried to cope by calling himself trans? I think the depression and the drugs fucked his shit up not schizophrenia.
He might've developed a psychosis from all the mushrooms he ate but I don't think that he naturally developed some form of mental illness.
Why are Whites so susceptible to Jewish psy-ops? It's pathetic how many white men are becoming sissies these days.
It was a clusterfuck of drug abuse, overblown ego, repressed homosex, autism and full blown unironic cuckolding.
>jerk off too hard
>hurt my nuts
He got humiliated publically by losing to John FUCKING Numbers in an official Nintendo-sanctioned tourney
He looked like a very calm and affable guy. You don't develop autism, personality disorders or bipolar into your 20s. Buy the age, suddenness, pure craziness of the symptoms, people saying it may have been triggered by stress or drugs, it smells of schizo.
t. armchair psychologist
Was this his reaction to Sonic?
Autism + drugs + depression = this guy
They'll come for you next.
Think they won't tear you down too?
Laugh while you can, because none of us will be laughing for much longer.
>you don't develop autism
are you joking, he was a speedrunner. the seeds of the tranny shit was there anyway if you look back, his thing for a while was painting his nails, and he showed obvious petty tyrant syndrome when someone annoyed him
We'll always be laughing though.
It's a combination of jewish tactics succeeding in destroying the identity of white families (single mothers GOOD, good dads BAD / TOXIC MASCULINITY) + getting drilled in school political correctness and white culture hate. Blacks got screwed with families as well, but since they don't have any culture per se, that part of the plan didn't work on them, instead they became more violent and the kikes made billions by using them as industry pawns. The goal is to have whites weak and demoralized and blacks fully distracted.
I'm not joking with you; he literally subsists exclusively off of a lifetime supply of onions. You do the math.
Blacks don't have any culture? What? I'm not from the US and I'm not a fan of blacks either but they seem to have a rich culture over there.
Funny post.
You are right. I just remembered the nails shit.
In any case, all trannies are psychotic by virtue of claiming to be something they objectively are not.
But all your music comes from niggers. Blues, jazz, rap music even rock n' roll. What culture do you have besides that? Thanksgiving and apple pie? Pretty boring.
>when you get cucked so hard you become a woman
This is literally the beginning of the end for him.
Not very convincing. Do white americans have culture?
Stay sad, it's our world.
Your boring soulless world.
Yeah you got a lot of those over there I hear.
white american culture is trailer parks rednecks and walmart
Those gorillas are better trained.