How do I work up the nerve to go to the movies alone?
How do I work up the nerve to go to the movies alone?
Sorry sir but I'm afraid that's not allowed with the no singles policy in effect.
You don't.
stop worrying about the opinions of normalniggers, you spergy faggot. nobody is paying attention to you, I promise.
>Hey user, I can sneak you into the 7 o'clock. But first you have to do something for me...
Realize that the number of times you noticed, much less had an opinion on, a single person sitting in a movie theater is zero or close to zero. People are wrapped up in their own shit and don't care about you.
Go to a matinee on a weekday
its not worth it, you will only feel even more shit when you go alone.
I saw Alita on a Tuesday afternoon and I was literally the only person in the entire theater
You need to leave fear behind and realize it holds you back.
Just pretend you're an online film reviewer.
No one is going to check.
I do this all the time to the point I believe my lie and have started watching more movies pretending I'm going to make a video about them.
I am
Movies alone is easy
Dining out alone is difficult
excellent. then just go. don't spend any thought/effort worrying about when to go, delaying entry into the kinoplex, etc. literally just walk in and buy your ticket and concessions as if nothing else matters (it's the truth).
this is why I started using tinder.
legally if you leave the woman has to pay anyway, it's only a crime if both people leave.
I think he meant that he is (paying attention to OP)
>Wear headphones
>walk up to counter with them on, listening to music
>order ticket with them on, missing what the clerk says to you
>take them out and go "huh? what was that?"
>watch movie
Its not nerve racking when you act like you're not really interested
this, nobody cares and nobody should care. i see people alone at the movies all the time and it doesn’t seem weird or out of the ordinary. it’s onlt weird if you’re weird and you don’t know how to dress or something. enjoy your life and don’t worry about what stupid normies think. they’re all half brain dead anyway
>Dining out alone is difficult
This. You either stare off into space or even worse, try to read something while eating. Only exception is if you can eat at the bar and you can mingle with strangers.
What do you do while you're waiting for the food to come?
Go during mid day on a Wednesday or Thursday. Of course you should only actually go alone if it's a movie worthwhile. If you go alone to watch capeshit then you should kill yourself.
Do you know how many more times you get to do this? One time is how many... you get the one life you’re living right the fuck now, go outside and live it. Enjoy life and recognize it around you, most people are mindlessly consuming nowadays, go out and observe and take it in
Stare creepily at female diners.
I ate alone in the high school cafeteria and college dining hall for 8 years. I am immune to shame now
depends on the place. a fast food spot or a diner is fine. obviously a candlelit dinner in the city at a nice suit and tie restaurant is weird.
Look at your phone obviously.
Pretend that you're a movie critic and this is your job.
Am I just a sperg for never being bothered by this? I always go alone because I have no friends. It's not even an issue. It's not a social event, you sit there and watch it and then leave.
This. Movies alone is no problem. Dining alone can be difficult. If you sit at the bar for lunch it is no problem, dinner would feel to weird and I have never done it. The only time i would have dinner alone at a bar is if I was out on business.
you think about the woman or the girl you knew the night before
precisely. imagine caring what NPCs "think".
if anything, in college, I found it MORE pathetic for people to seek random fucking eating companions (even being downright terrified of eating alone and not eating at all if hallmates had already) than the people who, like me, who would eat alone--if necessary or for the majority.
College dining hall didn't count. Nothing in college counted, it wasn't real life.
God I miss it sometimes though.
Pretend to be having a phone call with a person who is supposed to be joining you for dinner, and then act bummed like they couldn't make it. Then make sure to loudly announce to the waiter that the company that was supposed to join you weren't able to make it so you will eat your meal as fast as humanly possible to clear up the table for others.
You grow up and stop giving a fuck. It’s your time and money. Why do you care what strangers think of you? You’re never going to see them again, watching a movie is a solitary experience, and the room is even dark. I can’t think of another public place more tailored to attending alone.
I remember being self conscious about eating in high school even with people. Like omg what if I look stupid.
Now I will proudly eat alone and get food on my face I don't give a fuck. I just feel comfortable in public in general. Once you get to your late 20's you basically stop caring. It's pretty good.
Incel stuff
I had nobody to go watch Endgame last weekend so I bought a ticket at 230 am. The theater wasn’t packed so it wasn’t too bad. So just go at 230 am. Watching it again with my bros tonight
>Nothing in college counted, it wasn't real life.
If you are really autistic buy two tickets then loudly fake a phone call as you stand in line for the metal detector
>dude I literally just bought the tickets I'm still seeing it
play on your 3ds
You have to watch television in public while alone first, to build up your tolerance. If you are really shy you might even want to start with puppet shows.
Read a book? I only eat with people when I'm out with them for something else. Needing to swallow my food whole to respond to things they say sucks.
Just what I meant. Being in college you aren't a real human being, you have some level of adult freedom without childlike limitations on your behavior. This is so cliche at this point it feels stupid to even need to explain. There is a reason college is venerated.
don't even do that. that's dumb dickhead shit. there is zero need to impress some minimum wage worker with the memory of a goldfish.
So you'd rather announce that you're such a loser that your friends stand you up at the very last minute?
>tfw pay extra to buy tickets online so I don't have to say "1 please" at the box office
why do I have to be so spastic
why can't I live life properly
You don't. You torrent movies and watch them in the comfort of your own home.
Fuckin loser
>parents tell you studying is the most important way to get ahead in life
>it's actually talking to people and being attractive
why the fuck did they raise me to be a fat loser neckbeard
they didn't want you to kys over immutable unfair aspects of life
Every individual moment that induces anxiety when going to the movies alone is actually nullified in the moment.
Walking alone in the parking lot isn't humiliating. You could be meeting people.
Walking in the cineplex isn't humiliating, your buds could be in the theater.
Sitting in the seat isn't humiliating. You could be waiting on buds.
The people on your left and right could think you're with the other.
And you can get up the leave before anyone else and sprint to your car.
There's not a single moment in a theater alone that gives me anxiety despite thinking it would. The only problem is when you get home and realize how alone and pathetic you are when the only people you can talk about the movie with are virgins on Yea Forums.
Why take the risk? I've seen someone go to the movies alone and
I was silently judging them the whole time (got invited to see infinity war). Seems like a lot of bullshit to me
Why is the line between bravery and stupidity so thin, bros?
I go to mid day showings of movies that have been out for a second. I'm not an autist, I just like having the theater to myself. I'll get baked in my car right before the showing. Don't think about it so much man, no one is paying attention to you and it's one of the coolest things ever. I like going to the movies with friends but going by yourself is just a next level comfy experience.
just do it. why the fuck care about what people think? i literally go out all the time alone. bars, movies, restaurants, the beach, etc. being alone is preferable to be with someone, to be honest.
being able to communicate properly and having a upkeeping a network is a skill. also wasting 8 hours a day in shitty public schools for 16 years is actual suicide fuel. maybe 10% of that time was useful. fucking mozart learned music from his father when he was 4. I learned how to avoid tyrone be fearful of stacy and chad.
Just go to late night weekday showings after the film has been out for a couple weeks. Theater is usually mostly empty and most people there are also there alone. I love going to the movies alone like that, no one sitting near you, no one talking during the movie, no annoying people eating food or talking, etc. It's great.
Don't you get bored at places other than the movies?
>metal detector
Where the fuck do you go to the movies?
Aurora, Colorado?
I honestly feel for you bros that have anxiety and let it affect your life. It’s a shame. Working out and CBD cured mine for the most part. I wish not caring about pointless shit came naturally to us, but it doesn’t. Good luck bros.
nope. if im out its because i wanted to go there. im at a bar alone right now, reading this fags thread while i drink after my work shift. i usually bring a book or watch sports also. im a major autist and prefer being alone though.
Not only do I eat alone, but I frequently go to hibachi restaurants like Benihana where I have to share a table with singing kids having birthday parties and shit. I like hibachi shrimp and I'm not waiting until my friends are in the mood for it just so I can eat it. I can't even imagine how much an autist you need to be to not eat at a normal restaurant because you don't have anyone with you. For fucks sake, you carry around a phone which gives you instant access to an entire universe of entertainment. Is that not enough stimulation while you wait for your food?
this, just download a camprip or wait until a bluray rip is out
dont listen to this faggot, everyone who sees you alone in the movie theater will be judging you, watching you, and have 911 ready to dial on their phones
>get /fit/
>get a job
>buy clothes
>grow stubble
>have sex
It is less awkward once you get your shit together but the autism and self doubt that makes us all congregate here never truly leaves.
t. sex haver who was bullied in high school
that sounds like a fucking nightmare
Why not just go with your girlfriend?
>t. sex haver
go at like 10am on a weekday no ones there
The thing is, everyone saying “nobody will even notice you bro nobody cares about anyone but themselves” is totally bullshitting you.
People are ALWAYS looking at what the people in their immediate surroundings are doing. Some will see you at the movie and think nothing of it, it’s not even something that occurs to them that you are pathetic for being there alone. But some people absolutely will see you alone and think you are weird, think they’re better than you, think you have no friends etc. The idea that people aren’t making judgments about random people is so fucking absurd I have no clue where it comes from, it happens all day everyday, there are entire internet communities dedicated to shutting on random people going about their day, some people care so much about what other strangers are doing they will take the time to pull out their phone, record it, and then post it online.
So yes, people are on the nonstop lookout for things that appear abnormal or weird, they desperately want to quash or berate any behavior that is outside the norm. However, you just have to not care.
meth is a hell of a drug
meth really turns you into a superhuman
>you just have to not care
have sex
Yes, if you don’t care then what does it matter? Some retard spent his time making this comic about people like you, but if you don’t care, then what’s the big deal?
post hair color
What? Are you supposed to care about every conceivable insult someone could possibly hurl at you?
>can't even comprehend the concept of objective standards
>stand in line for the metal detector
unironically, yes
went to go see widows alone to be with my waif and it was awesome. first time alone at the kino.
nobody cares u faggot, nobody will even see you. You really think one month later some friends will talk about the one time they saw someone going alone to a movie theatre like they are talking about some car accident?
Why you even care what other people think about you lmao, like i want you to explain to me how your live will benefit if you are always scared about other ppl opionion. Opinions of ppl that you don't even know and will never see again. You really think you will sit down and then some Chad will ask you why you are alone LMAO
This is the true answer.
When I went to watch BR2049 with my friend I remember there was a nerdy looking guy buying a ticket for Thor Ragnarok alone. That sort of things attract some people's attention.
However, good for him on not giving a fuck about stupid unwritten social rules.
and now tell me how the chemical reaction in the brain of a person is negativley affecting your life?
maybe if he gave a fuck about them he would have a friend to go with
Endlessly scroll up and down twitter, ad nauseum.
>I have no clue where it comes from
Being an adult. I can guess someone's age based on how much they obsess over this. High school's a lord of the flies situation where everyone knows everyone else which conditions underagers; there are actual consequences for doing something uncool that determine how you will be treated for months. But if you're an adult going to the movies with total strangers in a large city it doesn't matter. No one will remember your face, much less your name and you're unlikely to run into anyone you meet again. Not even the employees unless you're a regular.
Theres gotta be a safer way to do that
You’re right. Just do it. If you know how to do shit on your own you automatically become 10 times cooler. Not even kidding. People are so afraid to be alone out of fear of getting judged or because they feel lonely. Basically negative reasons. Enjoy yourself
>sit down
>movie starts
>suddenly the movie stops, sound of an adjustet microphone
>"Sorry but we have gotten a call that the person sitting in row 20, chair 19 is without a companion. Is this true?"
> Spotlight on me, can't see shit
> "I have asked ... IS THIS TRUE?"
> "Yes"
> get escorted out and beaten up at the parking lot
"You really thought you could walk in like that, trying to fool us that you are one of us? Never do that again or we will have to kill you"
>drive home and watch the camrip with chines subs
based zoomer post
>large city
Why is Dougie a meme now? Been out for a year or so.
I’m currently traveling and I want to say it’s the most comfy. I’ve made a bunch of friends and I enjoy eating with them. But sometimes I even turn them down to eat for myself.
>35+ degrees.
>been on the beach all day
>grab a scooter
>go find a cheap place with WiFi
>sit next to a fan
>order a fruit shake and a local dish and watch your favorite show on your phone while eating
Seriously, a bunch of people do that and even do it back home. Literally nothing wrong with it and if you just stop thinking about what everyone else is thinking it’s some of the best me time you can have
I've never seen anyone watch movies alone, but the other day I saw someone watching TV alone while I was walking my dog with my neighbor
>and you don’t know how to dress or something.
please can you explain this part
I love dining out alone. I'll go to a pub on my lunchbreak or hit up a diner by my job after work. It's my downtime and a way to take a "break" from the world for about an hour. On the other hand, going to a movie by myself sounds terrifying.
Don't wear anime shirts and a fedora, or like a giant trench coat or something.
Dress like a normie or figure out how to be /fa/ and you're good
The desire to struggle and suffer exists inside every man. The untamed and unexplored fringe that brings both risk and reward and serves him as a reminder of the duality of his soul, something a life of comfort and amenities clouds and obfuscates.
I just buy 2 cans of popcorn and look around, pretending I'm waiting for my date
Nah this is bullshit, adults gossip nonstop
While this is sort of true, yes people love finding people to be better than, but the one drive stronger than shitting on other people is being self-centered. Most people don't give a shit about the people around them because they're way too busy thinking about themselves and their own issues.
Now, if you stand out like an actual autist, then yeah. It's like prison, keep your head down, don't look weak, you go under the radar. Act like a faggot and you'll get raped.
Don't be a faggot and no one cares, they've got better things to do. The most they'll think it huh, that dude is alone weird, and then move on with their lives and who the fuck cares what they think anyway. Do you, see Alita 9 times by yourself, master your own retarded destiny
Autism + traumatic life + alcohol = no fucks ever given in public
Very, very, very easily-if you are me. I've been going to the movies alone at least once a year since I was a teenager, though I will occasionally see something with mother when I'm home. In particular I have seen the following, in the theater, on the same screen, alone:
Citizen Kane
The Room (I feel very fortunate to have seen both Orson Welles' and Tommy Wiseau's room-trashing scenes on the exact same screen)
Alien, my favorite film
Blade Runner
The Thing (1982)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Terminator 2
The Holy Mountain
Blue Velvet
2001: A Space Odyssey
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Ghost in the Shell
Stop Making Sense
It's true that the above aren't exacty minor Ozu, Herzog, Story of Apu or otherwise-they're well known meme-flicks (this is exactly why the theater plays them-they know they can make money on screenings). But in each case, I asked myself "Would I like to pay money to see this film in the theater, be able to say I did so, and experience it with an audience? In every case, the answer was yes, and in every case, I was allowed into the theater without incident, and enjoyed the experience.
>it's actually talking to people and being attractive
ok good, I thought you meant some subtle color mix and match fauz pax that automatically identifies me as a autism
I just wanna go to ghiblifest bros, but I can't handle the shame of being exposed as a lonely weeaboo in public
normalshitlords out of Yea ForumsREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Just do it man. Heaps of people do it. It's piss easy. You'll love it coz you can see movies you want to see without some other idiot complaining or talking over it.
Whenever I go to a movie alone I always like to get the blackest jacket that I have. And basically before the film starts I just walk around and look at everybody and sit and do the same until the film starts.
Guaranteed people are scared shitless that a shooting is about to begin.
do you go to watch a movie or talk to people? why the fuck wouldnt you be ok going alone.
Just go. But don't go on the weekends though.
go in the day time..
>Not dining while watching the movie
Do you watch with headphones on at least
I had a coworker that would always sit with me and watch anime loud as fuck with no headphones on and try to get me to watch with him
I started eating lunch in my car with the AC on because that shit was embarrassing
Jesus user I did this last week and I'm you
Stop caring what other people think about you. Enjoy life. Eat drink and be merry.
Its fine if your going to see an intelligent movie, not for fucking capeshit though.
>One adult for Captain Marvel please
This shit will haunt you in the small hours of the night for the rest of your life
yes, fine Robert I'll refill all the falcon feed buckets . a small price to pay for admission to the latest cape kino. you could't hook it up with some crab legs could you?