Any kinos about female depression?

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dude how could she kill herself femcels are not real incel mgtow roastie bla bla bla

everyfucking day with this shit....

female """"""""""""""""depression"""""""""""""""""

Women can't be depressed, they will always have someone to talk or have sex

Not even a have sex poster usually but god damn, you guys need to have sex and get a fucking clue

Have less sex, roastie.

my life haha

Not a bad flick

post pussy plz

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More like Christine givin me a chubby

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>why wouldn't poor people just buy some money and stop whinning already!

that bitch dead, user.
She won't have sex with you.

Can someone please find out the law firm that the footage is stored in and steal it? This footage needs to be available. My dad saw it live when he was living in Sarasota but won't tell me anything about it.

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she fell for the feminism of the first

there's a biopic on that chick

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Did the footage of her death ever surfaced?
I remember a suposed real video appeared a while back but it was confirmed fake by one of the staff members.

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I swear I saw the video once here

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supposedly the only copy of it is locked in a safe somewhere

sex havers gtfo my Yea Forums

back in high school we used to call her "chub fuck" then she went bulimic

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I don't know, antichrist?

>that part where she talks about some incel approaching her at the religious meetups and her finding him kinda disgusting

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how about someone asks her out

it's in a safe under control of a law firm by order of her family

what happened in 1998?

>women had more sex during the gfc
we live in a society...

Haha imagine forcing these two into having a very awkward and silent conversation

women could experience depression prior to the advent of social media, but today it is simply impossible for them to realistically experience depression.


>cast an attractive woman to play this ugly lonely beast

fuck hollyjew

Not him but women can get literally anything they want with a couple of swipes bro

Eat pray love
Though the sequel return of the cock carosel looks promising

Attention from multiple men is always available to women thanks to social media. Prior to social media, it was possible for women to be socially isolated, today it just simply isn't.

>owns a large dog
>doesn't think any man is good enough
>isn't a lesbian


What the fuck is wrong with 18% of women?

Why does she looks like Lisa Edelstein?

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>The men's graph never goes below the women's graph
Really makes you think

I have a feeling things will get really fucking dystopian next decade. I don't want to be alive to see it.

Damn you're dumb

Don't even bother deleting your post

Search “NationSquid Christine Chubbuck” on YouTube. Some people say it’s fake, including the studio director who witnessed the suicide live, but it fits the news reports and photos of the set quite accurately for the most part

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It's more fun trying to get comfy and watch.

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I don't find anything about life fun anymore. I'd rather it just ended.

do a flip faggot

It's already pretty dystopian right now, it just isn't interesting, fun and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it unlike in the movies.

what are you talking about. the most common is post birth when the hormones are completely out of whack. its definitely possible

I agree, but I still kind of want to see how far clown world will go.

Honk, honk

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>nothing you can do about it
There's plenty you can do, but you have to be willing to do it. We have movies and video games to distract us and keep us from turning over cars and setting things on fire.

holy shit

Reminder that if you know a gril that;

A) Identifies as a feminist/lesbian/bisexual
B)Always complains that men don't measure up to her standards
C)Has a large dog

She's getting fucked by that dog and she's a dogslut

Oh I watched this a few months ago, pretty good

I dated a girl like this. Bipolar.
Fortunately, her dog was a girl.
So I became the dogfucker

Too bad she rapidly aged and looks like a granny now


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>female depression

cat lady tier gross

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All women lie their ass off, but 18% are so isolated from reality that they think they can lie about that and people will believe it.

why do white women age like fucking milk? its a travesty i tell you

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This is kino.

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It is more in 1996/97, wich is a year Titanic released.

good I wish that were me

>look mom i posted it again

same. maybe we'll be reborn as phones

except if you look at the graph it does several times you retarded person

Don't know about 1998 but on a steamy summers night in 1992 pic related happened

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Would still smash.


This but unironically. If you're a woman and can't get laid, you're probably retarded

Possession (1981)

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war films about African women
literally impossible for first world women to be depressed

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these quads cannot go unchecked

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this kinda falls under that umbrella if you consider her story in isolation is about depression

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Mmmmmm Yea Forumsposters, don’t wanna mess with them

>tfw have been burying guns for years

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Ginger snaps Unleashed

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