Masketta Man

Baneposting is not dead

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Why does he wear the mask?


>I'm only a four year old girl!
>This gives you power over me?

>nobody cares because he is a white male
It's all so tiresome


Typically criminals wear masks to conceal their identity when breaking the law. Although I admit I'm unfamiliar with the German climate, so he may just have been cold at the time.



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>matches crime scene photo fit

Fucking kek, 75% of the white male population matches that ambiguous sketch

That's a big crime

It's because he's german. "German" and "murderous pedophile" are practically synonymous.

Such bullshit. Cadaver dogs alerted for a dead body in the hotel room AND the parents car. It’s so obvious they did it, if they didn’t have influencial friends they’d be in prison already.

>gym user
so he was probably a big guy back then

>going this far to hide the fact that the Podesta brothers did it

This jfc

bogpill me on it

>implying it wasn't her parents

>doctor parents give daughter seditives so they can go out drinking (possibily involved with swingers)
>daughter dies
>panic and dump body

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>murderous pedophile

You know it's strange because I see people say things like this all the time, but after reading this it seems more like projection.
Having said that if Hitler could be a sex manic that died a virgin because he raped his niece so much due to him being impotent, I guess anything is possible.
I'll admit it was a shock when I found out the most degenerate people of all time were the Nazis. Sure they were against racemixing and general degeneracy, and promoted racial purity along with the nuclear family. But all that was just a ruse because really they were the most degenerate people imaginable, I mean who could dream up something like masturbation machines or dogs trained to rape Jewesses on command? They'd have to be sick whoever they were.
All in all, I think if the Nazis had been as upfront and honest with their policies as the Jews are then they probably wouldn't have been too bad. Though some of their stuff is lofty, a "diverse" world? What the fuck were they smoking? Obviously they didn't understand diversity is when everyone (not including Jews) are one shitty shade of brown. That's real diversity. Fucking bigots, I bet they were even against children chopping their dicks off. Just imagine how bad it would have been if the Nazis had won.

Nobody cared until he put on the mask.

Perhaps that's why the jews latched so hard on to germans, muderous pedos ruling over murderous pedos would work quite nicely I think.

for (You)

Who cares?

Simmer down, hothead.

Stay mad, sneedposter

Why would they do that ?


I thought the guys they think were responsible because of their cell phone activity at the time have since died?

>there are people in this world that kno what happened to maddie
this is the shit that drives me fucking crazy, where is she? how in the fuck it is that there are no fucking clues whatsoever? I suspected the parents at first but there is no fucking way they did it and held their version of inocence after all the exposure the case got, not to mention that praia da luz and the hold algarve was a sort of honeypot for pedos to snatch kids of their families. I want to believe she is still alive...

Would genuinely be better for her if she weren't.

perhaps you are right, fuck, this and the beaumont kids case drives me fucking crazy to this day.

Wait a minute, that face...

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She's got so much exposure she would be found anywhere in the world. The only way she could still be alive would be chained up in someone's sex dungeon sub-basement.

Can anyone else imagine her delicate virgin vagina being ravished into pieces, bruised and battered after being sexually abused?

Am i sick for imagining that?

>there is no fucking way they did it

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Forgot pic

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Was that part of his plan?

literally impossible. i thought that too but read the facts.

anyone have the pepe version of this

Kek I thought about McAvoy too

>kills one of the last 5 white children in Germany
He couldn't just kill one of the millions of muhammad's

Neural scanners would immediately alert authorities about negative feelings towards a minority.

fucking lol. everyone knows Podestas ate and turned her into poop


Dr. MacCann, I'm EDDIE

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The Sun is trash and liabled criminal profiler, Pat Brown on the Madeline McCann case, lying and taking quotes from her out of context to make it sound like she supported the theory that a stranger kidnapped the McCann's daughter, when in actuality Pat Brown has said for years now that her parents killed her and that the suspect seen carrying her was her father.

Attached: pat brown.png (497x510, 291K)

Formerly keep chill chuckposter

>nobody asking the real question
Is she hot now?

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Who? Madeline McCann? She's dead her parents tossed her in the water after accidentally killing her and she's probably fish food by now.