The directors once said they wanted to create a villain that could measure up to Darth Vader in terms of memorability

The directors once said they wanted to create a villain that could measure up to Darth Vader in terms of memorability.

Did they succeed?

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Darth Vader is the most memorable villain in movie history. I'm not sure anyone else will ever measure up, let alone fascist Grimace.

No I don't think so but they've come closer than most with the same goal

Infinity War Thanos for sure. not Endgame Thanos though.

Thanos had no rational motive for his actions

this honestly, Infinity War's Thanos really left an impression, can't say the same about Endgame though for obvious reasons it just didn't feel the same with the same villain but missing 9 years of actual experience

What this user said. Endgame Thanos wasn't interesting in the slightest. He pretty much regressed to being a generic doomsday villain. Just one of many letdowns of the movie.

Not really. It's not that he was a bad villain, but he doesn't get enough screen time to really create the same impression of having his fingers on the pulse of what's going on. He comes across as a last minute brawler.

in infinity war yes
in endgame only partly
i liked seeing the more ruthless, pre-stone thanos, lines up nicely with what they said about 'when he gets 2 stones he becomes more like a holy warrior, only killing when there's a threat to his agenda' so seeing more of that version before is nice.
at the same time, they worked to really push him as a psychopath. he never calls gamora little one in 2014, he now doesn't respect the avengers (despite respecting stark in 2018 for fighting to save the universe in his own way, which despite being contrary to thanos' goals, thanos admires since he views the universal scales as cruelly unbalanced and wants to set the population right) instead calling them unruly wretches (bearing in mind this is before he knows they kill him so you can't yet at this stage argue he's bloodlusted from knowing he was killed) and he's just less poetic. again you can argue that's because he's not now set on his mission to collect all 6 stones quickly but even then. even him just making a comment to thor about this being the axe that consolidated his hold over the balance of the universe (since it killed thanos post stone destruction) or again commenting on his begrudging respect to the 2019 avengers. even little things like when ebony may stranges nebula, it would have been interesting to see him threaten maw for his violence towards nebula. for me that kind of stuff makes thanos memorable since, similarly to when he maimed nebula to 'perfect' her, he'd be defending his 'daughter' despite having done such horrific things to her. i feel like endgame thanos completely lacked that strange moral compass that infinity war thanos could at least use to 'justify' his actions.

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They call him "Mad Titan" for a reason.

based and reality stoned

No one is going to read all this.

Infinity War Thanos and Endgame Thanos are both derivative stencil archetypes. There is nothing unique about the cinematic version of Thanos. We COULD have had a proper adaptation of Thanos which would have made him a villain with a truly distinct motivation. But as it stands, the MCU version is a nothing burger.

they should but if they won't, i'll just go straight to your point. i agree, comic thanos is based af 'godhood cannot be imprisoned'

My colombian grandma knows who thanos is and she doesn't even know what the fuck star wars was about. Is say so.

Do you really think "I want to put my dick in death" would honestly work for a worldwide or even American audience? Hell even Deadpool never introduced death in it and he's got hard-on for her/it in the comics too.
I will admit they touched on the idea a TAD bit with his gf in the second movie but yeah, it was tame as fuck.

>No one is going to read all this.

I did.

No. They fucked him up in Endgame

>Based Thorough Reader.

Yes, I think so.
The infinity gauntlet is already an icon after 1 year.
Despite people whining I also love him in Endgame, something about him going full evil mode was great. He has no more pretensions of saving the universe, he just wants to wipe everything clean.


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I read it all

I definitely think so. What people don’t realize is that Darth Vader is memorable because the kids who were amazed by him grew up and remember him fondly. Once the kids grow up who watched Thanos they’ll look at him the same way and the MCU in general will be this generations Star Wars

I agree

I wish people would stop using pictures of the FUCKING TOY made out of the character instead of the character itself. (It's from Hot Toys or Sideshow).

yes, but not in the way they hoped

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Just like 4/5 vs 6 Vader

Imagine being such an estronaught that you typed all this out. Hit the gym you fucking disgrace.

Vader? No. Vader is a fucking Icon

Thanos will be remembered for the next 3 years then no outside the fandom will give a shit

Haven't seen endgame and tempted as I am, I want to avoid it. This is exactly what I fear and a good reason not to watch it, thanks user. Also you triggered some dilatin' lady:


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Vader was retroactively ruined as far as I'm concerned, star wars is garbage now. The people who still cling on to it need to let it go.