Is this worth watching?

Is this worth watching?

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as long as you quit after season 3, yes

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Was just about to say, yeah first 3 seasons (especially 1 and 2) are kino as fuck but just stop after 3 at the very latest, I beg you don't proceed past 3.

I enjoyed it--even the shitty seasons to some extent. The last episode went full retard, though.

By that point, no one is going to stop and you know it.

Remember when they tried to push the Korean lady and the nigger together, and make the Korean husband look like a monster for beating the shit out of the nigger for clearly trying to fuck his wife. Why is this constantly happening in media? I see them pushing BMAF harder than I see them pushing BMWF even, is it just because Asian women are weaker minded and more susceptible to media indoctrination?

I couldn't even make it past 5 episodes, every single one felt like a pilot episode. Just introduce the characters and move on

>missing the best episode of the show in S4

best episode of the show is either the pilot or S2E1 though

It's probably best you quit when you did. The structure of the entire series is that way: Each episode centers on a single character's backstory.

I never saw any of Lost until I binged ALL of it last summer. Loved it. All seasons were worth watching. I got a little tired around season 5. But when I finished the final episode I was really gutted. I felt so attached to the characters and was sad it was all over. Also was sad I had nobody to talk to about it. Since those who saw it hadnt seen it in years.

No. The first couple of seasons were fantastic but the rest was complete ass. It's rare to see a great show slide into absurdity and stupidity in its latter seasons but LOST is a perfect example of it. People say only watch the first three seasons but I guarantee you won't be able to restrain yourself from watching the rest in order to see how the story ends, and the latter half taints it all.

they had no idea how to end it and threw out mysteries without knowing where they went

Watching Lost as it aired was an unforgettable experience. Every new episode was an event. I made literal friends all across the country thanks to this show and the community it spawned. I still visit them from time to time.

This kinda applies to me too. I binged s1 to s5 in a week, tok 1 year pause and wached the rest of it couple of weeks ago. Definitely check ot out op. Early seasons are very comfy

no, not really. it was good at the time but the fact is it was just nonsense bullshit made up on the fly

Juliet dying is still some of the best tv there is

But if you've seen Dexter, it follows the same pattern.
Amazing for a few seasons, then gets progressively worse till at the end you're only watching to see how it finishes.

The only season that's below par is the final season. Seasons 4 and 5 are flawed but they have some truly great moments and episodes. Season 6 just felt flat to me. If you honestly stopped watching after season 3 then I feel sorry for you. You missed out on some kino.

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Cringe. Have sex
Best episode is season 11 episode 5

I still love the show even though it becomes clear as you're watching that they're just making it up as they go along and had no real plan for how it would end.

The show is nothing but padding and cliff-hangers after this. It's the show I most-regret finishing.

Watch it until you feel ready to bail out, and know that you made the right decision. Its a straight downhill slope.

>Is this worth watching?
way better than nu-lost crap like The Leftovers.

Honestly one of the comfiest shows of all time. I binge watched every episode for the first time about 2 years ago when I was off work trying to recover from a bad drug problem. It sounds retarded but it really helped me take my mind off the drugs cause I was so invested in this other fantasy world that the misery of real life faded away.

If you don't like the first episode, keep watching for another 4 or 5 episodes. Although lots happen in the first few episodes, you find it hard to care about any of the characters or even remember much about them. Once you're 4-5 episodes in, you start to really get emotionally involved.

I didn't like it when I watched the first episode as it aired in 2004 but since I've given it another chance, I really regret not watching it at the time.

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Pretty much this.

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It's weird that so many of you felt like bailing out around season 3/4. Season 6 was the only one that truly felt like a chore to watch. I only watched it to see how it would end. It wasn't enjoyable at all.

The show begins to decline after season 3. Still decent, though. The last season is the only one I consider truly terrible. Honestly, I think it's still worth a watch. It depends on how much of a tolerance you have for mystery, because "mysterious for the sake of it" may as well be the show's tagline. Personally, I find it enjoyable to get lost in the intrigue, regardless of the payoff. The whole journey is a real trip. No other TV series quite has the same existentially strange feel to it.

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The Island in season 1 is my favorite fictional setting of all time.

Thing is that around 3 and 4 I kinda got the feeling that they were asking more questions than they could possibly answer satisfactorily. The later seasons have their moments, but its still a downward trajectory.

by season 3 you get intensely blueballed that the show is about survival, the island, its mysteries, intricacies, and paranormal phenomena
but thats bullshit because in season 4 up until the very end it is a show just about the characters, so to say the whole secret mystery death island is just lazy filler plot backstory for a documentary about 20 people

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Same. There was a point after season 3 where I was like "The writers are clearly just making this shit up as they go along and the pay off to these mysteries is going to be shit." but I honestly didn't care because I was so invested in the characters by that point. I enjoyed almost every moment (apart from season 6).

Don't listen to these faggots, the entire show is great.

I like all of it except the final season


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Only the first season to be honest.

Ay hey

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1st season is kino.
After that it's shit.
The 2nd season went on and on about some button and finally we don't know what the fuck it did. Fucking stupid.

But user.. the skeletons of S1!

we're never gonna get another tv show with this kind of mysterious aura ever again, are we?

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