Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass.
Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass
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based and gaypilled
what is this from?
he saved lives in 9/11
okay this is epic
took my a while to find
>According to Vulture, Garrett Hedlund, who plays Dean Moriarty in the film, "vigorously bangs 54-year-old Steve Buscemi" in one scene. So, what was it like for the 27-year-old Hedlund to shoot? Well, the star revealed that the most awkward encounter happened after their intimate interaction. "I did feel ridiculous because after [shooting it], I asked him if he wanted to have a cigarette. And he said no! He had always asked me for cigarettes before -- 'Hey, man, can I bum one of those?' -- and after the scene, I was like, 'Hey, you wanna have a cigarette?' And he said, 'Uh, I'm good.'"
gay sex cured buscemi's addiction
me on the right when I fuck my older bf :^)
op's spankbank
So Yea Forums, do you have bigger arms than 54-year-old Steve Buscemi?
a little too comfortable with that buttfucking scene my dude no i don't wanna have a cigarette and actual gay sex
Based SBGFITA poster
ON THE ROAD (2012)
How are you gaybros holding up?
that is sexual assault
If that's sexual assault then sign me the fuck up
is that ser jaime on the left?
One of the guys from Tony's crew offers him a massage in return for all the massage he has been giving out. Well, let's just say he got a little more than a "deep tissue" one
G4Y 4 P4Y
Hey he just fucked a guy in the ass the least he could've done is have one puff
Anyone got the webm? I cant get off to it in this shitty quality.
Why did Buscemi insist this scene not be simulated?
I wasn't aware there was a .webm
Don't know if there is, I'm saying one should be made.
I wanna see the pain in buscemis face.
>for me it was Jennifer Lawrence sending those videos to Harvey Weinstein
I'll make one then, hang on
Keep the thread warm
likely afraid to be labelled a homophobe
the secret camera hidden in my master bedroom.
My secret biopic
who the fuck would buttfuck steve buscemi?
Garrett Hedlund apparently
Kill yourself faggot
by colin farrel no less
lmao bite me nigger
Imagine how great it must sound
The Tron guy?
wait did they have actual gay buttsex i thought everythin in movies and tv was fake
I did this on my first date with my bf
They didn't but are you seeing how hard he's thrusting against his bare ass? I don't know about you, but I would still consider that some type of gay sex.
That sounds really cute user, can you greentext it?
> he dug out dead body parts on 9/11
Fixed that for you
>bf picks me up after work and he's waiting for me with a caramel frappe
>we're holding hands while we walk over to the shake shack nearby
>I order first since I'm in front and he spanks my ass in front of everybody
>He orders afterwards
>we're waiting for the orders
>He's talking about his family and other affairs
>"Hey [insert cute bf's name] you've got something around your lips"
>"Really? what is it?"
>I lean over and kiss him
>he turns super red afterwards
there's more to the date but I'll save it for later
when did people stop punching faggots for doing this shit in public
>caramel frappe
gayest part of the story 2bh
>he spanks my ass in front of everybody
So that's why he's called Mr. Pink huh.
What was the point of this scene?
Nigga that's fucking adorable
That's sweet as fuck, but also expresses my sentiments.
You're gross and I hope you know everyone you meet is disgusted deep down
Fuckibg gross
Why do faggots always insist on doing this shit in public?
Straight couples do it too
This is NSFW, why is it still up
Straight couples doing it doesn't make 99% of the population want to regurgitate their last meal when seen in public
Neither do gay couples.
Because you touch yourself @ night lmao
Fuck off, if we did this in public I would be super pissed at my partner. It's unsightly and that shit is between us, no one else
Liberalism was the point. I've read that book and yes they were all a bunch of degenerates, but I do not recall any buttfucking scene. I'm not saying it didn't happen irl, I'm just saying it was inserted into that cringie movie for the sake of "muh gays."
they probably thought seeing buscemi get buttfucked would be a draw like he's some beautiful actress
Based Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass poster
I can't comprehend why the Beat Generation was so well lauded. I think it's honestly a bunch of nihilistic trash. Especially Naked Lunch.
>You will never have a Steve Buscemi to fuck in the ass
that doesn't look pleasurable at all
burn in hell, faggot
but was it kino? It's gettting harder to tell 'indie' films from gay porno anymore.
No. Like the other guy said, 'what was the point?' Libs just trying to be edgy for edgy's sake. Realism clearly wasn't the point (some young, handsome dude getting diamonds to pound some filthy, sweaty, dirty old man in the arse, lmfao). It wasn't 'artistic' or 'beautiful.' Pure, unadulterated cringe. And if you meant was 'the whole movie at large kino?' No, it fucking sucked. Read the book for the beatnik experience.
based steve buscemi getting fucked in the ass poster
Anyone that poor little white boy faceberg post? I was trying to find that image, but I think I deleted it from my cringe folder.
This is part of a Masonic humiliation ritual they're making him be a part of so he can remain famous
me in the back on the left with the single dollars
I can't say for the rest of the beat lit, but On the Road is a great adventure novel and certainly far from nihilistic
>spanks you in public
utterly repulsive human being. don't you have an ounce of fucking decency and decorum? why display your carnal urges as thought they are something worthy of exhibition? do you think others around you appreciate it? are are you simply so self absorbed that you don't care what others may think of your gratuitous eroticism? you disgust me
Why do you keep making this thread? What is your aim exactly?
and why is displaying my erotocism something to be ashamed of? Is it not what our society is based upon
It’s a Yea Forums gays dogwhistle thread
Oh it's not from a movie or anything.
leaked hidden camera footage
Buscemi is one of the good ones
>caramel frappe
see >he spanks my ass in front of everybody
degenerate for gays and straights a lot
>"Hey [insert cute bf's name] you've got something around your lips"
stealing this.
I liked your story user, i think its very cute.user. Don't listen to these jackasses please