I honestly think he's perfect

I honestly think he's perfect

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i wouldn't say perfect...just not horrible like the rest of the movie seems to be.

Trump derangement syndrome sufferer.

theres something really excellent about it, i cant place it just yet

I'm ready to absolutely adore this film thanks to him alone. He's the only big name in the film so I'm sure he will have 90 percent of the screentime anyway.

I have high hopes for his performance too. He seems like he's going to be fun to watch. Animated, as a video game character should be.

I just watched the batman where he plays the riddler and I have to agree. He's perfect for an oddball villain.

This movie is gonna suck so good I am so excited for it.

There's still a chance that the script won't do him justice, that "I DON'T CARE" bit fell flat.

for me? it's a yikes

>I honestly think he's perfect

Attached: wonderful.png (629x645, 479K)

dr robotnik is the good guy in this movie

that's why they made sonic look like shit

Attached: 190317 이달의소녀 구로 예술나무씨어터 팬사인회 희진 직캠-EbTDULw-wTo.f315.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

>he hasn't put the nightmare goggles on yet

Also anyone have a clear pic of his egg pod?

Also which boss song is the best?
Sonic 1? 2? Mid boss from 3 or main boss from 3? End game boss themes?

his scene with the military guy was pure cringe
rest was alright


sonic movie should be based on this

>you will never see him as robotnik

Attached: V2ahumB8.jpg (512x512, 38K)

>tfw Cyclops is now in a shitty Sonic movie


Attached: C5265A69-E1DB-4CA3-81FF-10F311952AE6.png (640x480, 396K)

Best regular boss:
Best mid-boss:
Final boss themes are all great, but I love this one:

Attached: madonna sonic.png (992x694, 714K)

He looks good like this but looks like he will only look like that till the end, hey I heard the pikachu movie was actually good

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I wonder what the final boss fight will be. Wonder if it's gonna have a zone like feel to it.

Also what was y'all's favorite zones?

>Oil ocean from Sonic 2
>Lava reef act 2 from Sonic and Knuckles

Will he say it?

I feel like it's going to be this scene. He's already in his red outfit. I doubt they're going all out with an egg robo suit or something.

Attached: eggdrone.webm (1920x1080, 2.12M)

Say what?

Casino Night Zone

flying battery zone


What happened to the Eternal Sunshine's Jim Carrey?

I remember after that movie came out people were asking for more serious roles like that for Jim.

The more I watch this trailer the more excited I am for this piece of shit movie. This shit is going to take me way way back.

>Come home from school
>Mom says I have a surprise for you
>Search the house and search for it via hot and cold game
>It's Sonic 2
>Chemical plant zone
>That computer factory zone in Sonic spinball

Actually you can see the mustache getting bigger and stubble starting to grow so it has to be towards the end if not the middle of the movie.

This was posted last night, seems accurate

>Sonic comes to our planet as a baby with a bag of magic rings that can create portals to other dimensions
>He grows up outside of the town of Green Hills, where he becomes known as a local legend known as the blue devil, he stays off the radar and scavenges shoes and supplies
> Sonic is separated from his rings, which end up on top of the Golden gate Bridge in San Francisco
> Sonic is caught speeding by Tom, a local police officer who is about to move to San Francisco to prove to himself he’s capable of being a big city cop, along with his girlfriend who is a veterinarian
> sonics speed creates an EMP blast which attracts the attention of the government, who send Dr. Robotnik to investigate. He finds Sonic’s quills and starts experimenting with them, trying to find a way to drain his speed. He chases Sonic and Tom as they head to San Francisco.
>after a few hijinks in San Francisco, Robotnik corners Sonic and steals his rings, while Sonic transports Tom and his girlfriend home with his last ring. Robotnik is able to se the rings to supercharge his hovercraft with Sonics speed and they engage in a chase over several continents.
>eventually in a desert, Sonic is able to create a sandstorm that destabilizes Robotniks ship and sends him flying into another dimension with a ring, being electrocuted by their energy in the process
>Sonic returns to Green Hill to help protect Earth from future threats
>Eggman ends up in Mushroom Hill Zone from Sonic & Knuckles. He has his signature look now, and retains one of Sonic’s quills he wants to use for further experimentation (implies Metal Sonic or Shadow for a sequel).

>Get good grades on my report card
>Parents take me to Walmart
>Don't tell me why
>Bring me to vidya section
>Say I'm getting a Game Boy Advance and can get any game I want
>Choose Sonic Advance
>Play that shit 24/7

Good times.

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Watch the Netflix doc on him about when he played Andy Kaufman. He's completely blackpilled now.

Also watch the doc because it's unironically one of the best I've ever seen.

Sounds like exactly the kind of fake leak someone would make based off a single trailer

Your girl? Why doe she get to be your girl?!

>He's completely blackpilled now
um no

Attached: 1555125122339.jpg (491x404, 32K)

God that sounds generic and boring.

>Have you thought about my cock today?

I have a few suggestions for how to improve this movie. One, Rouge needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Rouge is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Rouge"? Three--

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Go back to veddit

Fucking kek


>Running around as Rouge in SA2
>Turning her around towards the camera to watch her tits bounce

It's definitely some zen variant of being blackpilled, but he's definitely better off. Amazing documentary still.

This guy gets it

Attached: 1552387229091.webm (1000x562, 2.87M)

I won't be happy until they find an oval actor.

Mandatory robotnik dance:

Whine more, snowflake.

If you liked that documentary, go watch American Movie, it's from the same director as Jim and Andy, and it's even better.

They've already made the film with a properly designed Sonic. They made a secondary character design that was intentionally bad in order to manipulate the internet into caring about a god-damn Sonic the Hedgehog movie when the trailer dropped.

This was always part of the plan - it's part of the marketing campaign. It's brilliant because it's working. The studio doubled down on releasing such a terrible character design, the internet would bitch so hard that the fans would feel a personal investment in 'fixing' the movie.

If you don't realize this is what happened, then you are one of those very people that the sci-fi genres have been warning us about for decades: the ignorant consumer feeding on whatever Big Brother tells them

Yeah but he's going to have to carry this shit hard. There's only so much one man can do.

Yep, that's actually the plot. It was already leaked like 3 months ago, by people who saw pre-screenings or something.


If we weren't sure already, the trailer confirms 100% that this leak is accurate.

That leak's been out longer than the trailer homeboy.

how can anyone deny that this shot is anything but absolute kino? He looks amazing here.

Attached: robotnikoreggmanfuckicantremember.jpg (1343x673, 145K)

I don't like him for his politics either but he does fit the role

Fake leaks are always far more interesting than what we actually get.

Like that fake Sonic Boom leak that had Hawaiin shirt SHadow.

Or this fake movie leak from December. old.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHedgehog/comments/7e8a15/some_info_about_the_upcoming_sonic_film/

Just curious, what keeps his goggles in place? There's no straps. Is it pressure?


Magnets and a metal plate in his head

Super Science.

hell make /pol/cels screech and return us cinephiles to a time where Carrey kino was a norm

Jim's gonna feel that back pain in the morning.

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Can you try this post again in English?

Attached: evil scare.png (283x388, 279K)

Nothing can compare to Mike Pollock voice, but he's a close alternative.

What did he mean by this?

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What did he mean by this?

I honestly think you and everyone else are going to see this on the merit of Jim Carrey playing a caricature of himself from the 90s instead of a genocidal mad scientist need to shut the fuck up and never breed.

>tfw Madonna will never be an official Sonic character ever again

agreed, he really pulls it off

from the leak that is the post credit scene yikes

Robotnik Into The Eggverse when?

Attached: Bi0V4mmCIAArRgt.jpg (598x427, 48K)

>Nothing can compare to Deem Bristow (RIP), but Mike Pollock is okay and Jim Carrey is a joke.

>pikachu movie was actually good
you heard wrong

>there's no proof or hint whatsoever that they're "manipulating us masses!" or pulling a viral marketing scheme

Yeah there is, because the only other option is pure coincidence.

Why do people keep parroting this retarded conspiracy theory? I guess it was suspicious how quickly and smoothly they decided to announce that they would be making changes, but there's no proof or hint whatsoever that they're "manipulating us masses!" or pulling a viral marketing scheme.
People who saw the movie pre-screenings said Sonic looks more-or-less just like the February render leaks, which is what we saw in the trailer.

The curtains are blue, and there's nothing behind them. You're not "one step ahead" of anybody. Stop being paranoid.

I'm honestly suprised he's playing a traditional wacky Jim Carey character after his breakdown.

user in as sequentially ranked hierarchy based on critical importance the disparity between us is too vast to quantify


ya basic