So Captain and Iron Man are out for sure. Thor is confirmed to stay

So Captain and Iron Man are out for sure. Thor is confirmed to stay.
So whats up with green dab man? I guess Ruffalo could just do voiceover from now on, but if hes out they can't pretend Hulk doesn't exist. and its not like you can just recast Bruce Banner and everyone just goes with it right?

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Hulk and She Hulk are getting a Disney plus series
I guess they don't have to kill him off since they made him a jobber instead of the most powerful character

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Hemsworth's contract ran out

They already did it once.

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It's a consistent gig. He's probably glad to have it. Actors live in fear of never working again.

They'll probably keep him for at least a couple movies.

But there's motion capture involved, it's not just voice-over, user.

Hulk was possibly permanently handicapped. He might be a science guy and not a fighter

>Hemsworth's contract ran out
Yes, but he said he would love to reprise the role.

probably will stay green but hes basically useless. will probably be a mentor or a teacher for new avengers or something

Source? I hope he does. I want at least one Phase 1 character to remain in the MCU

hes going to be in gotg3

Just reboot Hulk as talking Hulk from Ragnarok. Professor Hulk is a jobber

Who the heck would ever cast Mark Ruffalo in anything ever? That voice makes me want to drive a screwdriver in my ears. Easily the worst part of the entire movie.
>show tremendous respect to your former friend and colleague by showing up to their funeral as a giant barefoot green ogre in a suit

>“Me personally, it’s the best fun I’ve ever had, and I’d be happy to do more if they wanted me. More than happy.”
He said that on the Elle DeGeneres show in april

Black Widow still has a movie coming up. And I think Hawkeye is getting one of those shitty Disney+ shows.


He will definitely not a get a solo movie because his character ac is done. Plus, Ruffallo can't carry a movie by himself. He might appear as a side character for others movies. Too bad there was no scene in Endgame where he got to smash. Professor Hulk is just Banner except he's bigger and green. He's still just a awkward nerd. It's the Hulk who does the smashing.

>Hulk and She Hulk are getting a Disney plus series
Source? I don't want them to ruin She-Hulk by making her look like a ugly man with no curves.

nah they've all made so much fucking money from these movies they can retire if they wanted to. it's gotta get boring playing the same role after a while, but since he didn't appear as himself at all in endgame maybe it's a pretty easy payday.

Hemsworth hated Thor 1 and 2, but loved Ragnarok because of all the comedy. He prefers comedy over action, but knows that Thor does need some serious moments too. It's why he will most likely be in GOTG 3. Unless Evans and Downey, he's not tired of his role. It helps that he's still young.

he still does mo cap for hulk

>Ruffalo could just do voiceover from now on
This is what I presume they're going to do.

Once within the MCU. The Ang Lee movie was independent.

We get to see him half-ass smash a taxi while he was pretending to be old Hulk. Also, we get to see a bit of old Hulk when he's griping about having to take the stairs.

>hulk last fight was getting GTFO so hard by thanos that he never got out again
I cant accept this

To be fair seeing classic hulk go apeshit on that alien with a van was pretty great.

mcu will never do she hulk because she hulk is the goofiest shit possible

normies tolerate talking raccoon...not this.

The director explained he was not scared to come out. He's tired that Banner only lets him out when he wants to be saved. The Hulk is a separate entity in Banner's mind. He grew a lot when he was in full control for 2 years during Ragnarok.

It's just a rumor

that's a failure on the directors part because it doesn't come across like this at all. Every aspect of infinity war seemed like hulk got beat so badly he wouldn't come back out

I mean technically it's more than just voiceover work right? He does all the mo-cap doesn't he?

Renner was looking so old and tired in Endgame, practically phoning it in.

They'll keep him around as comic relief and a veteran Avenger.

He doesn't just do the voice acting, his face was obviously captured as well.

Comicfags, was Hulk getting bigger and stronger the more he get angry always a feature of his? We see it in the 2003 movie but not really in the MCU

Renner's been angling for a Hawkeye TV show ever since the Netflix shows started. He doesn't get that no one gives a shit about Hawkeye.

Girls do, retard.

>its not like you can just recast Bruce Banner and everyone just goes with it

funny joek

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Yes. The reason he was in Thor 3 was from a plot line where he gets so pissed off he starts to crack the planet so they have to shoot him into space

He's the last thing left alive in the universe in another one

Friendly reminder he's a massive lefty who cries about "white privilege".

I hope he gets cancer.

But why? just let it die.

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I thought the final fight in Hulk 2003 was kino.

Also this version felt like it was the last time that anger was the catalyst for the transformation. The MCU explanation is that his heart rate gets too high.

He negotiated a new one in 2017.

Not quite from the beginning, but almost immediately in his history, yeah.

If he still had that anger trait in the MCU, then would he have defeated Thanos? Thanos vs a creature that gets more powerful as he becomes more angry is unstoppable.

Yeah, I really like that version of Hulk better

Rumors say he has signed a contract for 2 more movies. One of them might be Thor 4.

Renner is "only" 48. Cheadle and RDJ are 54. Ruffalo 51. Deaging technology exists, as we saw when they made Samuel l Jackson (who is 70) look like 35.

Wtf didn't know they were that old

>Black Widow
100% out.
>Iron Man
100% out.
>Captain America
95% out. We might get Old Cap under specific circumstances.
80% out. Can finally retired, but he's already broken retirement twice.
50% out. Might die in GOTG 3, Thor 4, or might just be written off as "trying to find himself" in the galaxy.
50% out. Got his arm fucked up by the snap, and there's no indication that damage caused by the stones can heal. He may be permanently disabled, in which case, he'll probably fuck off back to instagram while others do the avenging.

teebeeaitch, all original 6 should stay out of the next mainline movie.

From hero to literal jobber. Go fuck yourself russos

whats happening with my nigga war machine?

You're stupid.

>we will never see a planet hulk/wwh type smart hulk

Feels bad

Pretty sure he's out too.

nigga cant even walk anymore

Maybe his fucked arm was a way to retire the character? I always thought Hulk had healing, but that kind of thing is usually immediate.

wants nothing to do with brie, he's OUT

In the comics, his healing rivals Wolverine. But it is way toned down in the movies.

616 hulks canonical regen is a step above wolverine

Why is he such a bitch in every movie besides Avengers 1 and Ragnarok? Hulk is basically a god in the comics.

He was also great in Age of Ultron when he was hypnotized. That's the kind of Hulk I wanted to fight Thanos in Endgame.

they seem like they legitimately get along and her being a bitch is out of context

In all seriousness why the FUCK did they butcher the Hulk in the last few movies? Nobody on earth wants to watch just Mark Ruffalo, and everybody wants to see Hulk go ham and destroy everything

Explains why Renner didn't die when Thanos nuked the Avengers HQ. Thought for sure when he went flying after his phone call he was a goner.

they played with that in thor 3 but they bitch slapped hulk and basically deleted him in avengers

I've liked Hawkguy since they gave him a family. I also like that the hilariously outmatched guy somehow made it.

Isn't that pretty much the entire cast of every MCU movie? Hemsworth and Renner I think are the only ones who keep their politics to themselves, but I could be wrong.

World War Hulk establishes that angry Hulk beats everyone. It literally took the strongest character in the universe to stop him.

hulk draws his mass from the meatforce
his size is limited not only by his own anger, but also by other meatsters in the universe

So does this mean that if he sees someone meatier than him, he'll be able to grow extra-meaty?

Or that his meatiness is dependent on how many people are meaty right now?

She Hulk is literally just Deadpool with tits, and Normalfags LOVE deadpool

The meat force is limited, and the presence of other meatsters reduces how massive one can become. A few meatsters have merged with the meat force when they die, becoming one with the meat.

Thing is the Hulk isn't solely CGI, they still use Ruffalo for facial recording. So he'd still have to come in if he was returning. If they skip that part it would look very very shitty.

does the thing count as a meatser?

while large, the thing is not a true meatster.
just like how many superheros punch, but only a select few punchsters like cyclops have access to the punch force.

I should add that wolverine is a good example of a meatster

i told you about the touching.

They can literally just do a Hulk with a different face and people would go "oh it's the green guy who isnt angry anymore"

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I mean, we've all accepted that it's going to be IronWoman in the next series right?

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absolutely based

Stairs WAS old Hulk