Name a more insufferable marvel character

name a more insufferable marvel character

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the little negress in black panther thats supposedly smarter than stark and banner

ive only seen endgame and not her movie but she seemed more bland and OP than insufferable.

That is litterally because of memes. get some air.


She's cuter than Brie

Guy just wants a fucking sandwich and has to put on with Strange's antics enough, leave him alone.

brie larson thread # 8902931
You're fucking obsessed



STARLORD. Fucking faggot


Do you incels ever get tired making your woman hate threads?

Just have sex already.

Iron fist.

go wash your filthy vagina you dumb cunt



>Tony: You killed my mom!

>Bucky: I already told you, I was buzzed!


Only literal lesbians like Brie. She's as disgusting as the big chimp from Ghostbusters

Whatever incel. You'll never have sex.

Brie is Mommy.
The bald black chick is worse

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What a handsome young lad

>Black Widow

>Mother: Cognitive Dissonance
do you roasties ever get tired of puppeting each other?

Just kill yourself already

How? Okoye has a personality and cool fight scenes.

>Black Widow
You take that back.

I could care less about the character, but my god this woman is a breath of fresh air.
An actual person in a sea of Hollywood NPC's, only held back by the fact that she's fallen for the PC culture meme, which I don't even give a shit about because it's more or less a given in this industry.
Thank you for making me look twice.

Scarlet Witch. Straight up villain that gets away with her crimes and is constantly a whiny child.

Brie Larson may be an insufferable cunt with eternal bitchface and an encrusted toe, but at least she isnt a nigger.

>edgy prick that never did anything important before endgame
i wont

>name a marvel character

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How old is she supposed to be anyways?
Either she's 18 or 23 but the actress is 30

Fuck it that cunt ain't white no more.

>never did anything important
She fought with the avengers. And calmed Hulk. She killed a TON of nameless faceless extras

Shut the fuck up.


Disregarding the encrusted toe, you couldn't be further from the truth.

all of wakanda niggers talking in that cringy accent

>>calming hulk
>he still ends up in a different realm
oh yeah, how useful

Na, low tier white women are better than high tier nigresses

She really did look better with the new haircut.

Well he would have fucked the Helicarrier with no lube if it wasn't for her.

Also she brings ass



She is only smarter because she's privileged and grew up in a country where vibranium is used everywhere.

He got abused and mocked all throughout Endgame. He's paid his dues.


Cap America can cover the ass requirements with ease tho.

I liked Groot till they ruined him with that baby shit... hopefully he's back to normal in 3

robin sherbotsky is a shit character prove me wrong

He didn't get abused nearly badly enough nor for long enough. God I hate Starlord and the little faggot that plays him IRL



quip factory with no redeeming quality

Shitty quips, at that.

>irrelevant character at every movie he appears except winter soldier
>completely useless character that somehow manages to get the spotlight at every single avengers movie

>insufferable cunt
Call me when Scarlet or Gwyneth or any another of these shallow NPS'cs interact with literal nobodies with the same level of respect that Brie has.
Just because you don't agree with someone's politics doesn't mean they're garbage people.
Do your own research.

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Seriously this obsession is pathetic

>blatantly arranged 'advice' to people on twitter is supposed to impress us now
You're the fucking NPC you clown

>why not try to connect to people with kindness!

Ohhhhh herro ferrow yerrow man

Her words are so banal and empty--it's like they belong on one of those motivational posters from the mid 2000s.

It doesn't matter if it's canned or basic, it's still more than most people would bother doing.
Especially considering she's a heartless feminazi cunt who doesn't care about her image anyways because she's a "strong woman".

Lurker here.

I NEVER EVER post in this fucking shithole, but you HAVE TO come back to REBBIT
Right fucking now!
Needs you back

Drax, Valkyrie and Tony's black friend which name i forgot

I don't care about your feelings, I care about the objective truth. You're telling me I'm supposed to hate someone who I don't know jack shit about, so I do my own research.
Turns out things aren't nearly as black and white as they seem.
You can stay as mad as you want but until I have objective evidence that this woman is as big of a cunt as you say she is, I'm not going to agree with you.
And for the record I would have absolutely no problem joining the party if I knew you weren't full of shit.

Scarlett Witch
>I won't let you kill my robot boyfriend to save the universe.

this all the way

Fuck off Brie

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That doesn't belong in the original quote.

>Yeah take that patriarchy!

You have to go back

You people don't understand the importance of being objective and doing your own research.
This is just a test flight to a situation where it would really matter, like choosing the right person to vote for.
Extensive research >>> Initial impressions/biases

You are gay noodle

war machine
that happens to like every stone in the movie
>i wont let you kill thor, take the stone
>i wont let you kill tony, take the stone
>i wont let you kill vision, actually ill kill him but it didnt really matter since its too late to do it now
>i wont let you have the stone unless you kill your daugh-, oh have the stone i guess thanos
thanos was the only one able to successfully sacrifice anyone so you cant really hold it against scarlet witch for not being able to do it.

Where did I mention the patriarchy? Can you get your head out of your ass and use logic and reason ,you emotional schoolgirl.

I just want to cum on her while she looks disinterested ok

>extensive research
>screencaps tweets
Yeah your own research was so extensive wasn't it? Cocksleeve

>and now we introduce marvels newest super heroine: The Truthsearcher.
>she’s just like a female Vision, her powers of Autism make her a kind of super robot like the womyn fembots from Austin Powers but her sexiness isn’t physical it’s in her mind and her willpower to succeed makes men grovel and want her.
>she is colourful and flamboyant like Vision too but instead of having a red and green outfit she has red and green hair. Wild!
>her superpower is taking Gen X social values and instilling it into today’s Gen Z. You see she really is a hero for the Kids! Kinda quirky and fun yet smart and sexy in a respectful to all minorities way

You gotta fuck off you fat funless cunt

Can you?

It was much more than you would've bothered doing, you can't disprove this.
Sprinkle your original adjectives all you want, but I am a calculating machine that doesn't care about your emotional bias.
The truth is more important than anything.
You throw a pedophile in here and if I see fit that they're not to blame I'll defend them too.

>little faggot
But anonymous people hate Chris for being mildly republican not effete.

Fuck yeah so much ass I love it

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This is not really going the way (You) wanted is it?

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Yeah but that's gay nigga

Have sex

What does that have to do with anything I said?
Do you think acting like a retard does you any favors?
That's all I've been doing. Don't assume I've been even remotely uncomfortable at any point during this """""debate""""". This is a random conversation on the street.

This really was a chilling premonition of this

Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re fighting the good fight Justin. Ignore all these fattiea

Cockhead nigga bitch

That's nice. Star-Lord did one thing wrong and a lot of things right in IW, For that sin he got mocked to his face and behind his back and kicked in the balls. Seems like it balances out.

Do you honestly, unironically think that sending a picture of a baby does anything to make me triggered, or support your argument in any way?
Are you mentally deficient?

just say no homo retard

Will mommy make milk tonight with my pee pee?

It’s something you’ll never have, your ovaries with dry into prunes before one of those ever pop up your vagina

Have sex

nah, she's qt


>not a single argument that disproves of anything I said
The biggest irony here is that you think I have something to gain here, that I'm a tranny, that I'm a liberal, etc. That I'm her, that I'm some Justin guy.
The simple fact of the matter is, I call it like I see it. Keep replying, it doesn't bother me one iota. I'll keep telling the objective truth till the day I die, regardless of bias.

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Have sex

Forgot to add you in the pile, sorry. Btw you're the only one who guessed who I was. It's really me, Daisy Ridley.

Not only do I have sex, I can almost assure you that I can sweep your own girlfriend (assuming you had one) off her feet within 30 minutes of conversation.
When you learn to fine-tune your brain to behave appropriately to every little thing you unironically unlock potential within yourself that you never thought you had.

God what an annoying little bitch. I had an argument with my coworker about her; she's literally only smarter than them because of a magic space rock, she didn't earn/work hard for her intellect, talk about fucking PRIVILEGE. And when she snaps at the confused scientist dude in her lab "Don't touch anything you dirty colonist!" Bitch the only thing he's colonizing is some shitty apartment in San Fran, don't throw out terms you know nothing about.

based tuna melt wong

i don't know whats the big deal
she's ok just a little cuntish

season 1 ted is a cuck, not listening to based barney but 'destiny' so that mental impression of season 1 retard ted prolly put robyn off for good every time she thought he was the real deal

The big deal is politics. Retarded of her to bring it into the equation, and even more retarded of the anons here to not only fall HARD for the proverbial bait, but also project it tenfold.
The situation has been grossly exaggerated and if you're perceptive you'll see that.

You're a fucking cringe lord holy shit.

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Just because it sounds like someone read it off a screenplay for a tv show doesn't mean it's not true user :)


Too easy

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>"Hey there Peter Parker, you got something for me?"
What did she mean by this?

she's into shota

She unironically calls someone "Colonizer"

*manually fine-tunes brain*

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I can't. This is the most insufferable character in all movies.

Yes, you should unironically learn it. It's an amazing tool.
You'll be getting your toenails taken off with pliers while your brain replays episodes of the Simpsons.

>that I’m some Justin guy

Legit retard

Redpill me on Justin then? I'm assuming he's a left-leaning YouTuber?

*Defends Brie from ironic memelords on a Chinese piss bottle forum*
*Manually fine-tunes the big brains*
*Becomes the champion Yea Forums needed but doesn't deserbe*

Nothin' personal, kid.

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She's not officially included yet but once she's in the MCU she'll piss me off

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Making earth references as well

I sick of just using woman for sex. I’m good


That's why you've been "black knighting" her for months on end. You assume there has to be a "side" and that one side has to lose and the other has to win.
I haven't closed my eyes to the dumb statements she has made. But you've escalated this to a level that is actually autistic, so I have no other choice but to defend her. She's clearly not as shit as you're saying. That's all there is to it.
I will continue to call it like I see it. Judge individuals, not ideas and "sides". I could give a fuck about either side because they're both flawed as shit.

I was talking about her character in avengers. she's shit

I guess it's not important then.

>That's why you've

Yeah, the entirety of Yea Forums is me. You definitely, unironically have autism.

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They literally sent her away like Poochie.

You MCU newbies have no idea the shit waiting in thw wings from nuMarvel.

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Your argument is only valid if this is the first time you've discussed her. Doesn't take much of a genius to tell that it's not.
Even if you haven't been making these threads, others clearly have, to an unnaturally excessive extent, and there's evidence to it. And this indicates a problem.
>You definitely, unironically
Are being an emotional schoolgirl. But I understand why. I know I'm being irritating, but I just can't follow a pack of blind sheep my guy.

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Manchild Han Solo

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The only argument I made ITT is that you're a spergy cringelord and you do nothing but prove me correct with every subsequent post you make. user, you're far more obsessed with her than some random faggot that calls her a lesbian on an anonymous Mongolian knitting forum while spamming memes. Step away from the Internet for a minute and take a breather.

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I thought the whole leftie finger snapping thing was some joke until I went to a college lecture at my old uni where everyone was doing it instead of clapping.

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when is this iconic character getting an adaptation?

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>The only argument I made ITT is that you're a spergy cringelord
Not a good enough argument at all, even IF I was a sperg, which I'm not. So way to disprove whatever little weight you had to your """"arguments""""".
I'm not obsessed with her, but I did familiarize myself enough with her to know the truth. I had no other option, this all seemed unnatural to me, even for a place like this. My gut feeling was completely true.
But let me whiteknight™ you for your efforts. You would be right that I'm somewhat obsessed in presenting my own truth. The reason for this is because I find it all extremely obvious, yet I'm surrounded by people who refuse to take it in.
>Step away from the Internet
The conversation has taken it's course anyway, so yes, I will. At the end of the day we'll both disagree with eachother, but only one of us will comprehend the other's perspective.

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You're so emotionally invested in her. Top fucking lel.

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If it will make your day/night any better, let me say that you're completely right.
I'm totally assblasted my dude. You destroyed me with your sound logic and good arguments.
The worst part about it? I'll lose my job as a Disney shill and fade into obscurity while you keep winning at life.
Goodbye, Chad. I hope you can forgive my ignorance.

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This wasn't me.

But this was.

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Wasp. Totally unnecessary.

>It's right behind me isn't it?

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Let me guess, Gamers + Geeks? Kek
Have sex virgins.

>user, you're far more obsessed with her than some random faggot that calls her a lesbian
Nnonononon. You guys are more obsessed. This thread proves it.

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Pepper Potts