Cobra kai

Is he the best character in television history right after Pete Campbell?

Attached: hawk.png (458x388, 276K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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His hair is cool as fuck

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Hawk did nothing wrong.

Attached: 2-9-4s_hawk_nice_hair.webm (1136x640, 3M)

Based and chadpilled

So based on this thread this is a show I need to be watching?

I just picked up this series, please tell me there is an edit with boomer johnny

Nigga you what? Cobra Kai is unironically the only American series worth watching in the recent decade or so. The writing is perfection.

Attached: (600x400, 21K)

It's great, although is exaggerating a bit. There's a decent amount of camp and cheese, but it's a solid watch.

>Tory is best fightfu

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yea she is

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Her mom is still not as fuck.

>tfw there will never be a Ferris Bueller sequel

demetri - hello eli?
hawk - new phone who dis

Who will win?

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Daniel fights like a pussy so probably Johnny.

Ignore these threads, they're full of shills.

Attached: cobra kai shills.png (2000x1545, 852K)

He always fought like a pussy. Not once watching the first three movies do you ever think, "Daniel's a badass." Your more like, "the script saved that nigger's life."

Why is he only attracted to mutts?

Miguel died a virgin

So someone is a fan enough to keep posting generals. Or at the very least someone who is a dramatically worse shill than those for GoT and capeshit keeps posting a general and doesn’t bother to fake enough engagement.

I know I’m not a shill, I genuinely enjoy Cobra Kai. You’re either a pioneer in the new ham-fisted countershilling tactic or a total schizophreniac. Calm the fuck down faggot

just like Jesus

The same side that always wins...

Daniel > Johnny
Robby > Miguel
Sam > Tory
Miyagi > Kreese
Demetri > Hawk
Chris > Mitch
Nathaniel > Bert

what the fuck is wrong with you?

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Watching with my bros

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me on the left

>tommy is dead
>dutch in prison
>johnny on suicide watch

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>Miyagi is dead

That's it, Larusso has no more friends.

>permanently inking your skin for some roastie

Moon is the true villain. All problems by the end of the season can be traced back to Moon inviting Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai to the same party without telling them.

The eternal mutt strikes again...

Attached: 12.jpg (250x236, 8K)

So now that Miguel is on a wheelchair and Robby is going to Juvenile hall or jail, who will replace them in season 3?

what the fuck is wrong with YOU, shill?

>guys an Avengers thread died for this!
Literally kill yourself.

Well if it wasn’t for the shills then I wouldn’t have watched this kino.

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool oh my god i still die from laughing. can you attain this kind of physique natty?

Three episodes later when they break up...

>"But I got this tattoo for you! I'm gonna have it for the rest of my life!"

>"Nobody told you to do that. You fucking nerd." (drives away)

Funny how you Hawkcucks don't post the kino scenes.

I apologize. Based Robbychad posted this follow up... I do like my version better.

kid looks like a 90 pound weakling

Who could beat Daniel after spending one summer rennovating a house?

You post this in every Cobra Kai thread, regarding a poster who per your image, hasn't made a thread since Season 1.

So ask yourself this young grasshopper... who is worse...

The shill... or the anti-shill?

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>Moon is the true villain
No, Sam is.

KK3 is the epitome of Danielle fighting like a pussy (and yes, I meant Danielle, it's a callback to KK1)

In 3, Mike Based beats her ass during the All Valley tourney, leaving her a crying shaking heap of shit pissing her pants in the fetal position on the ground.
Ironically, it is Barnes that gives Danielle a patented Cobra Kai pep talk that gets his faggot ass off the ground and helps him win the tourney with a cheap shot aka Cobra Kai 101.

If it wasn't for the teachings and teamwork from Cobra Kai, Daniel wouldn't have become a man and the financial success he is today. Prove me wrong!

Attached: Cobra Kai say Never Die, get up, u can do it!.jpg (580x326, 153K)

Tommy only faked his death like Krease.

Keep up!


Why did I read that as “hey zeus?”


They made him lose too often, but that was based when Miggy apologized for their fight and Hawk replied, "We were enemies for one day. But we are Cobra Kai for life!" and they eternally squashed it.

>Who will win?
Both of them against Kreese

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Oh yeah, cause Kreese is such a threat. NOT.

I hope they make the bullies bulk up because I cant take them seriously when most of them look like underfed nerds

I unironically want to watch the show now because of this webm. Does he have a harelip thing going on?

That and they always seem to get their butts kicked.

When they cornered Demitri in the comic book store, they shoulda hospitalized him

I've posted literally one Cobra Kai thread and used that same image and same filename. They have the same filename because they're all downloaded from the same place you fucking retard. Imagine thinking that an actually enjoyable show with one thread in a sea of capeshit and GoT is the one being shilled.

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i hated how much fucking plot armor miyagi-do had in season 2
i don't think any cobra's won a single fucking fight in the entire season except for miguel and he immediately got btfo'd when he showed mercy

>guy in hospice meaning he can die fucking any minute especially if he is removed from nursing/medical care
>take him out camping and drinking beer
Why is Johnny not in jail for murder?

It really pissed me off how Dimitri was basically the root cause of the war at the end and constantly inciting everybody yet he got 0 comeuppance for anything he did and was portrayed as a "good guy" and even beat Hawk which was extremely retarded and forced.

Who did more wrong?

Hawk is a cunt, as annonying as Dimitri is he's only got beef with Hawk because Hawk is a powertripping cunt that views Dimitri as a punching bag

Robbie. Sam at least didn't kill someone

>implying hes dead
cobra kai never dies

Robo-Miguel when

Attached: Cobra Kai s3 spoiler.jpg (500x569, 56K)

Robbie is all the good of Johnny mixed with all the bad from Daniel.


does anyone have the webm of johnny using the internet for the first time

That scene was forced.

Up until then, their jokes about Lawrence's boomer-ism was money and on point.

Get him a body bag.

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>mantarraya blanco
jesus fucking christ

Tetas Grandes? The girl as no tits at all

Kreese will pull out a gun and shoot them in the finale

Any place to stream this?
Watched the first ep on YT and gotta say, it decent.

Thoughts on them?

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Looks like a crack den.

why is black Mitch not at the bottom?

>ey mufugga I be wantin ta join NIGGY-DOE
>actually, er, its Miyagi-do
>whateva punk ass fuckin Italian ass bitch. Eyo who dat skinny whiteboi of an dere? Can I play da knockout game wit him? Maaaaaaan yo daughta got a fine cornbread ass SHIIIIEEEET

Fuck moon and fuck Miyagi-do.

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Very late but yes. Highly encourage you to watch it, it's gold.

I mean the whole point of Karate Kid is that miyagi-do just creates better fighters, and Miguel is miyagi-do deep down. Cobra Kai is good for turning nerds into gods though. The best solution is combining both philosophies, which is probably going to happen next season.

>The best solution is combining both philosophies, which is probably going to happen next season.
