Why are Westerns such kino?

Why are Westerns such kino?

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desu they only became true kino after Leone

>tfw we will never see his like again

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>this much projection
soibois like you don't watch anything made before Star Wars

No other genre handles the anti hero archetype as good as Westerns and anti heroes >>>>> heroes

they rely on plot and dialogue, rather than pretty CG

>white men in charge
gee i wonder


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Man vs. man in the elements

go to black panther thread S O Y B O Y

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legit points

sergio leone is italian
stop taking pride of things you didn't do by putting everyone in the basket of white/western

Film Noir does it better

no need for much exposition because of a familiar setting, they tend to keep it simple and realistic and rely on suspense rather than lots of boom boom bang

Why are crime statistics such kino?

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But film noir doesn’t have epic shots of the vast expanse of the western frontier


WHERE THE FUCK can I watch Clint Eastwood's movies in streaming? Not the Sergio Leone ones, I mean things like Pale Rider, Unforgiven, Hang 'em High, High Plains Drifter... I'm not a native speaker so I prefer watching these in ENG SUB ENG. I tried Jewtube but that one only has the Leone's movies, while Jewflix sucks in my country and lacks of a lot of shit. I guess I could download them along with the subtitles but I didn't have luck with this method either. If some fellow spaghetti lover can spoonfeed me I'll gladly appreciate that.

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Torrent them or simply google the following:

"Unforgiven free 123movies" etc

The Good the Bad and The Ugly is my all time favorite movie. every shot in the movie is fantastic, the pacing and storytelling are excellent

I stopped using Torrent but it seems like I can't escape that kind of software forever... By the way this 123movies seems like a malware ridden, ad-festival. Not even adblock seems to give a shit about those nasty popups... But they do use stuff like openload and streamango, online players with subtitles support. So in the end, thank you very much kind sir. You helped me a lot.

np dude.

Dunno how malware ridden it is but malware bytes hasn't found anything yet. Just ignore the pop ups and try to enjoy the streams I guess

Although there are a bunch of naive errors here and there (even more so than TGBTU), I still feel like For a Few Dollars More is slightly underrated, or at least it is compared to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Both masterpieces, imo.

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Most of them are on amazon prime

post the best Dollar trilogy scenes, I'm in the mood for some true kino:

My Malware Bytes is the free version, that is why I'm always so careful with this stuff... But yeah, when I see popups I close them as soon as possible and that should be it. Thanks again, I think I'll watch something right now... What do you suggest for starters? I would like something similar to Leone's stuff, I think Eastwood himself played roles similar to the likes of Blondie and Manco... Any kind of suggestion is welcomed, though.

This one, easily.

I'm actually watching Deadwood these days but if i'm gonna recommend you something it's the typical stuff. Man with no Name Trilogy, Once upon a time in the west, Outlaw Josie Wales, Unforgiven, High Plains Drifter. Those are all Eastwood movies except for Once upon a Time in the West

The classics, if you wanna try something more new then look up Godless. Surprisingly good Netflix series (that can be streamed on 123movies). You should find something out of those ones.

Of course I've already seen everything Leone did, I actually come Rome so it was easy for me to watch everything he did. In fact, just the other day I re-watched For a Few Dollars More, that's why I'm on an Eastwood binge right now; I'll either watch Unforgiven or High Plains Drifter, I think. But thanks a lot for the suggestions... I think I'll miss Van Cleef, though!

Look into Sergio Corbucci. He made what's inarguably the best non-Leone spaghetti western ever made with The Great Silence, which has a fucked up ending. Also made other classics like Django, The Mercenary, Navajo Joe and Companeros.

Unforgiven, High Plains Drifter and Outlaw Josey Wales are musts if you like Eastwood. Hang 'Em High was his first American western after working with Leone, but it's not quite as good. There's a massive amount of great westerns made before Eastwood, though. John Wayne - The Searchers, Rio Bravo are good starters. High Noon is tense as fuck. Shane.

Thanks a lot for the detailed response, I'm taking notes; yeah, I heard a lot of good stuff about "The Searchers"... It seems like I have a lot of great stuff in my hands. It's ironic that when I was still a child Western genre was arguably the one I despised the most, now here I am after all these years thinking how stupid I was, even for a kid.

But westerns don't have chiaroscuro

they're imaginary and fantasy on the same exact level as dragons, magic, robin hood, and saving princesses

Try out Hang em High and Pale Rider. Anyway, enjoy lad!

These levels of kino may never again be reached.

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Because they were the most cinematically-focused genre and dealt with universal themes and possibly the greatest mythological period of American history

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Tombstone is fun, but it's also stupid. Way too many "badass" "reveal" moments.

Very good post. I'm a big fan of of Corbucci

I'm not gay but Angel Eyes can fuck me anytime he wants, without even asking for permission

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only spaghetti westerns are good
the rest is amerifat self-wankery bullshit

0/10 bait

Watch High Noon if you haven't already. It's in black and white, but it's still one of the greatest westerns ever, IMO.

>Italians inspired by japs

>tfw a video game is the best Western of all time

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Errol Flynn is the most underappreciated Western star

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Spaghetti Western became kino after Leone, there are plenty of good american western before Leone's trilogy

RDR is the best game of that generation. The 2nd wasn't nearly as good. Videogames as a whole have gone to shit.

Boring fuckign game with shallow characterizations and shitty ripoff cinemotgraphy

People are gonna flame you because "old good" and "new bad", but RDR2 legitimately had one of the best Western worlds i've experienced in any medium.

Arthur and his downfall was pure kino

I really don't know how somebody can think RDR1 was better than RDR2. Everything about RDR2 was superior. Everything from the gameplay, to the story.

Come to think about it, RDR1s story literally shits the bed the moment you get to Mexico whereas RDR2s story only gets better as it goes on. Even the Epilogue was way more satisfying than RDR1s (probably because you play as john and not that faggot jack). Really don't get people who make claims like yours


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Western media has in general gone to shit

t. Seething PClards

Cope and Have Sex

God I wish I could appreciate westerns, but they're just so boring and predictable. The only non-comedy western I ever enjoyed was Stagecoach.

It still hurts bros

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But that's the exact opposite you ape. Westerns were so good because they were among the oldest films to subvert traditional "good guy" and "bad guy" tropes, see Go watch High Planes Drifter, Unforgiven etc. Those films are anything but predictable

That's not Outlaws though.

But they're all the same, the subversion becomes predictable.

>I'm not gay but

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Fucking based. Outlaws' OST is literally perfect. you can feel Ennio Morricone's vibes and inspiration all over the place.

The guy who plays Indio is a fucking master

He was good looking as hell too. I so miss the days where it was almost a requirement that you didn't resemble a troll to have a major part in a movie unless you were someone like Peter Lorre or Gene Wilder.

Not many dames

Western thread gets 60 replies in two hours. Avengers/got threads hit the limit at 20 minutes. Never change, Yea Forums.

>they're all the same
Explain what makes them all the same narrative wise.

Because that's just so hilariously false. Before you do, tell me your favorite genre of movie so I can make the same arguments against it

I mean.

>Game of Thrones
New episode tomorrow and it's a relatively new tv show. Also appeals to a larger demographic
New movie just came out and it's one of the biggest most anticipated movies of all time
Nothing new released or releasing. Just us, a bunch of boomers, reminiscing about the good stuff

Not everything is some giant conspiracy dude

it's not gay if he's from the Dollars trilogy

Fair enough, genre movies tend to be all the same. But for some reason westerns don't do it for me. The setting and concept just doesn't captivate me. ffs I'm not saying they're bad per say, I really want to like them, but still...

>He was good looking as hell too

good lord this
>tfw you will never marry a man like that

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Go back to your marvel and starshit threads r*dditor

>Before you do, tell me your favorite genre of movie so I can make the same arguments against it
I'm a capeshit fan.

This is not the user you were replying to, I hate capeshit.

> But for some reason westerns don't do it for me.
Well you could just say that without calling them predictable. I think the Western genre is among the least predictable.

Take Unforgiven for example. Everything is pointing towards William Munny (Clint Eastwood) living up to his dead wifes promise and not going back to his old murderous outlaw ways. But once his friend dies, he completely loses the plot.

Predictable would have been him forgetting about the bounty, because "murdering another soul isn't worth it" or whatever and then going back to his family. Instead, he shoots up a saloon, lmao

Because contrary to common perception, the American west was not lawless. Justice reigned supreme in a way that our unserious modern world has forgotten. Men lived and died by the choices they made and offenses committed against another were met with definitive retribution.
The best westerns are the ones that faithfully capture this brutal justice that we've abandoned for ideology.

It's just that when I watch a western I feel like it's just going through the motions. I doesn't compel me at all.

Tombstone is enjoyable, but not kino


Unforgiven goes exactly where you expect it to. What's great about it is that it happens in a tragically believable way.

Nobody has posted the best western kino in the world yet. Wtf?

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>not gay, but can fuck me anytime
>not gay if it's form the Dollar's trilogy
oh boy, silly me.

Don't be so serious user, it doesn't make a guy gay to admire a alpha chad

For me, Little House on the Prairie is low key Western kino.

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To each his own

I dunno, I definitely didn't see him going full Nuclear in that Saloon personally

Lame. Both can be great.

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>not a single mention

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Do you even need to post movies like "Once upon a time in the West" and Leone movies in general? It's common knowledge that they're kino

I actually agree in terms of themes (the grittier tone of Spahgetti Westerns is the standard Western Archetype now because old John Wayne westerns simply did not age well).

I really can't watch any of John Waynes movies, they're so fucking shit lol


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The greatest western cast of all time
>John Wayne
>James Stewart
>Lee Marvin

And Lee Van Cleef as a bonus

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Speak for yourself, I'm not a boomer and this shit is great. Miles better than nu-western movies anyway.

klaus kinski nailed it so much in the great silence (although he was a fucked up guy in general)

>I really can't watch any of John Waynes movies, they're so fucking shit lol

Pleb and zoomerpilled.

If the penis was a movie genre, it'd be the western. Men, ever moreso than women, live at and are drawn to the outer edges of civilization. The untamed and unexplored fringe that brings both risk and reward and serves him as a reminder of the duality of his soul, something a life of comfort and amenities clouds and obfuscates.

This desire to struggle and suffer exists inside every man, and the Western celebrates it like no other.

Everyone listen, I liked it.

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Pic related is Zoomer repellent. Wikipedia claim's it's a "neo-western," though--whatever the fuck that means. It's a great movie if you faggots haven't seen it yet.

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Because Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef aren't cucks.

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You're plagiarizing me. I wrote this a few years ago.

Because pretentious people on the internet said it.

I assume it means a western set after the death of the Old West. Excellent film btw


I'm not a film buff. I just like to watch good movies and that film has all of the qualities of a good western so I personally consider it one.


The fact that the Coen brothers took an old classic like True Grit and made it infinitely better shows how shit those movies have aged. You really think those two memesters could do the same to something from Leone?

Those westerns are ACTUALLY timeless

Ford and Peckinpah made a bunch of kino

I don't think anyone is contesting its status as a western though

You're the type of person that considers Planet of the Apes remakes better than the original because flashy CGI.

Fucking this. There's nostalgic charm to Wayne westerners, especially as artists of bygone Americana, but judged on the merits Leone elevated the genre like no one has before or since.

I just never see it mentioned in these threads. All I see are Clint Eastwood movies and shit like Tombstone. No one posts the black and white shit because most people here consist of posters like this:

And it's a shame that some of these timeless classics are never watched because of "they don't age well because of no color."

True Grit is good but its not as good as Red River, The Searchers, Stagecoach, Rio Bravo, Fort Apache, El Dorado, or The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

Well I for one strongly prefer classic Hollywood westerns over any other kind

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Both are better than Sergio Leone, who is a plagiarist.

>spaghetti westerns
They're like the capeshit of westerns. Revisionist westerns like unforgiven are the gritty westerns.

The letter scene almost ruins the whole movie for how hamfisted and contrived it is but is otherwise a really good movie

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I like any western that is good, but like I said--tons of people nope the fuck out when they see that a movie like High Noon or The Treasure of Sierra Madre is black and white and that's a shame. There are so many westerns out there that are just as good as The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly if not better. It just takes a few minutes for your eyes to adjust.

I'd seen Casablanca, The Big Sleep and The Maltese Falcon before that movie and didn't quite get the big deal with Humphrey Bogart, but he was really amazing there.

Having never seen the original, I did not like the remake. Didn't jive with me.

If you want to get even further outside your comfort zone check out this early John Ford silent western.

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it's true though

Because we only remember the dozen or so good ones and not the hundreds of absolutely shitty ones.

Speaking of Sergio, When I took Once Upon in A Time in America at face value I thought the ending was insanely stupid and ruined an otherwise compelling movie. After searching out Leone's interpretations based on some clues he left in the post 1930s scenes the movie came together a lot better and I think flawed but brilliant is reasonable.

John Wayne fags BTFO


It's literally nothing to do with the fact that it's black and white. Some of my favorite movies of all time are black and white (Twelve Angry Men, Seven Samurari etc). It's the fact that its portrayal of the Western genre flat out sucks.

It had an idolized take on the genre which is contradictory to the whole period it's set on. Everybody is handsome, everyone is clean, John Wayne is extremely handsome (and not in the scruffy Clint Eastwood way). It was just a garbage portrayal of the West imo and that was a direct result of when those movies were made (borderline propaganda). The reality is much closer to Leone's movies where the men are ugly/deformed retards, everyone stinks, nobody bathes, nobody is educated, everything is filthy and putrid.

You watch John Wayne movies like the Searchers and you actually wanna live in that time period. You watch something like A Fistful of Dollar and you think "fuck that shit".

There's a reason why every modern Western follows closely to Leone/Spahgetti Westerns and not the John Wayne ones you retards keep shilling.

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Nobody mentioned this classic

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>Dead Man
>El Topo
>Lemonade Joe
the Acid Western has already been proven to be the most kino genre.

Fuck off Jordan Peterson

dubs of truth

all shit

A Fistful of Dollars is overrated as fuck

muh realism

Well if we cant get along peacefully there is only one way to solve this

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Clint Eastwood is way more OP than John Wayne, so I guess I win.

muh nihilism

Enjoyable but flawed movie. Suffers from pacing issues and weird story beats... undoubtedly a result from the troubled production.

Step aside, sissies

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I liked it better when it was called Yojimbo.

Coz they copy Kurosawa.

Ford > Leone

None of Leone’s “gritty” westerns end as bleak and depressing as The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence.
Spaghetti Westerns are capeshit Westerns but they can’t even top Winchester ‘73.

How is ""The Great Silence"? Is it as good as people say?

The absolute state of brainlets.

>Thats the way it is
Is this the most comfy game of all time

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You mean underrated. The other two in the trilogy are mentioned way more than that one... It is a bit slower though, but not for the worse imo

>naive errors
where they at

based outlaws poster

they don't think it be like it is, but it do

>Planet of the Apes remakes better than the original
Not better than the original but certainly better than the sequels.

Clint Eastwood's hat is blue at the beginning, but on the very next scene is brown, even if it should be the same day so he clearly didn't change it (he didn't even have an hotel room at that point iirc). Further proof for this is that it'll always stay brown from that point onwards; the bounty on a certain character at the beginning was 1k, but the sheriff will give Manco 2k instead. There's also other stuff I really can't remember, but there is in fact some websites talking only about this stuff, such as imdb.com/title/tt0059578/goofs
still, it doesn't bother me that much. They're great movies anyways.

Well if you like being stinky and filthy so much I could arrange that for yah

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Dirty Harry VS The Man With No Name
who would win

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It's greatest claim to fame is being the best movie in a subgenre of movies that only one director actually mastered, that wasn't directed by said director. It's a good movie though. It's just that Leone was the only one who actually knew what the hell he was doing.

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Armond White told me to watch this movie
It was really quite good

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>the old west was idolized therefore old movies suck!!!
>Everybody is handsome, everyone is clean, John Wayne is extremely handsome
With criticisms like this I doubt you even saw any Classic Westerns. Nearly everything you’ve said was wrong. Also, most of John Wayne’s classics have an older Wayne and he looks like it. Wayne was already 32 in Stagecoach and he didn’t look anywhere near as handsome as pretty boy Clint in Fistful of Dollars.

I wish there where more snow westerns. Can I get any recommendations for some besides these two and Hateful Eight?

Callahan was just a normal guy with an ingrained sense of justice and brass balls.
The Man With No Name was a borderline supernatural character in his films. A wraith traveling across the west just doing whatever he wants.

TMWNN. He’s easily superhuman and he probably would have sniped Scorpio with his revolver in the first 20 minutes of Dirty Harry.

It was a time when men were men, women were property, non-whites were animals, and Jews didn't have full control of America yet.
It makes for great viewing because of the potential future possibilities instead of what we ended up with.

You clearly haven't seen The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Seraphim falls.


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Here here!!

Not even the best Western game of all time, retard.

I want to love it, but I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to believe that Wayne and Stewart are as young as they're supposed to be and it completely takes me out of it.

The Salvation was simple but effective

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bump accepted

>It had an idolized take on the genre which is contradictory to the whole period it's set on. Everybody is handsome, everyone is clean, John Wayne is extremely handsome (and not in the scruffy Clint Eastwood way). It was just a garbage portrayal of the West imo and that was a direct result of when those movies were made (borderline propaganda). The reality is much closer to Leone's movies where the men are ugly/deformed retards, everyone stinks, nobody bathes, nobody is educated, everything is filthy and putrid.

This is all retarded nonsense and it's obvious that you've never seen a single old western. The movie Shane turns nearly all of those stereotypes around and that movie was shot in 1953. And that's just one movie among many, many others. It's obvious that you watched a few minutes of an old film, saw that it was black and white, and then noped out.

Yeah this is a great film, and very implicit.

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It is one of the few uniquely American genres.

I liked the Magnificent Seven more than the source material. It was a good movie.

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Nah, Once Upon a Time in the West is the forever GOAT

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More like Little house on a toxic landfill that is making the actors and crew die of cancer.

Is this true?

pseud garbage

This game was an absolute slog but I had so much fun going around as Arthur and just fucking murdering everyone I saw. I counted it up and had over 5K murders by the time I stopped playing.
I beat the game and just got bored with the epilogue. I don't care about John, only Arthur.

This movie is unironically amazing. Probably Johnny Depp's best despite being one of his least known.
Acid Westerns are cool too

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Oh, sorry, let me just catch my brea- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I liked the Magnificient Seven remake more than the one from 1960.

Corbucci is based af. The Mercenary has the best duel scenes outside a Leone movie, and The Great Silence is legitimately one of the best westerns ever.

I only watched the Dollar trilogy for the first time around two years ago, absolute fucking kino, the good the bad and the ugly is one of the best movies i've ever seen, I was blown away, and I was pissed off it took me so long to watch it.

TMWNN is like an inch away from death in all 3 movies though. Gets his fuckin ass kicked. The people he killed were retarded for the most part. Hell, Tuco was prince retard and woulda killed him easy if it werent for the absolute circumstance.

HDO.to is the only streaming site Im aware of that does its job well without ads destroying my life.

Thanks for the suggestion but it seems like I can't reach it, not even with a proxy. Asides from that, does it even support subtitles (like openload does, for example?)

Il Mercenario is my favourite. It also has a great theme.


Severly underrated film despite its flaws.

Literally the best revenge story in cinema

>Sergio Leone is an icon of spaghetti western
>Sergio Corbucci too
>Sergio Sollima too

What's with the name "Sergio"? Is it representative of quality or it's just that everyone in Lazio is called that way?

Post a school shooter version lmao

stop replying to yourself

It's unironically zoomer filter

When the chimes end, pick up your gun. Try and shoot me, Colonel. Just try.

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>tfw you realize Tuco is the main character of TGTB&TU

I don't think there has ever been a better scene in film history than this one. Everything about it is perfect.


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no jews

Rdr 1 is better though

Western is the best genre for real men and that's a fact.

Ask any man if he likes westerns. If he answers "no" then spit on him, he's just a fag

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High Noon for sure. That was filmed in my home town and my dad's friends were kids as extras in that one. I still love that remake of it starring Sean Connery, "Outland".

The Unforgiven was unique in that it was the antithesis of the westerns that Eastwood was known for. I mean, at the end he rides into the darkness in the rain, not into the sunset after announcing that he'll even come back to kill the townsfolk's dogs.

>He hasn't seen bad day at black rock

LOL! Melissa Gilbert used to baby sit me when I was a little kid! That show was filmed in my home town... And my grandpa worked on location finding.

Use openload.co rip movies. Sites like ololo.to are very easy to use and find western and even obscure films

Blood Meridian, when?

there’s not very many westerns on there

>Our staff and community are über friendly
Not a /pol/faggot but kek,good one

I certainly wasn't expecting that. Or anything like it, to be perfectly honest.

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Is this what inspired the Three Amigos?

I just saw some silly YouTube video where they pointed out all the Star Wars shots (the new ones) that mimic this shot.

There are other worlds.

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based Nick Cave & Warren Ellis

lol... literally
they filmed on a location that was an old mine and was riddled with cancerous chemicals

But I don't smoke.
Yeah, this and Fear & Loathing (not a western but one of my favorites that he took part in).

After he walks through the desert and then drinks a bunch of alcohol at the saloon. Badass.


Nobody has seen this kino starring Stewart?

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Fields of the Nephilim's first album!
(Excellent covers)

When Clint comes in at the 2 minute mark with the econd music box [spoilers]I came[/spoilers]

Westerns are great and all, but has anybody seen Easterns?

Yeah, and I didn't expect Little House on the Prairie to be referenced here, but I guess that's Yea Forums for ya. She was cool, though. She'd swing around and around by my arm and leg helicopter style. I'm surprised she didn't bang me into a wall or lamp or something...

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Well played.

if you really like spaghetti western you have to take a gander at Poliziotteschi as well


Reminder Leone's greatest film wasn't even a western.

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>Winchester ‘73
You're the only other user I've ever seen mention this. I'm glad to see some love for it, best Western ever.

Original is better.

A little cringey with the wording, but you're right

Never heard of this but I like the sound of the cast. Might give this a watch.


Thats some mental gymnastics and a stawman in a single gay post. Go get raped

Why does a single scenario that makes tiny percentage of the murder rate matter?

anything before the 80s is zoomer repellent now

I liked Red Dead Redemption's story better, but I'll say that 2 was pretty damn close. The only thing I thought the entire time from when they announced it to when it came out was that it would be a disappointment. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was dead wrong.

Wow. I had no idea. Good lead... thanks for that. I like the write up about the zeitgeist of the times to fit the themes of the films.

>the theatrical release
What a fucking travesty. The full movie is great though.

>We live in the current year and we must cater to the current zeitgeist, it's that easy
>if you dont, you're a bigot and a racist teehee
> {insert kike response}

Attached: 1547988557287.jpg (500x500, 38K)

Probably not. Like The Three Mesquiteers I'll bet it was inspired by The Three Musketeers, which in turn was inspired by that (Russian? certainly Slavic) team of three adventurous knights and warriors whose names I'm hopeless with.

I know it. I've often thought the leads ought to have been swapped so Robert Ryan had the Jimmy Stewart role and vice versa.
(Stewart could have been a great villain or antagonist.)


I doubt Yea Forums types would cope well with Execution Squad.

>team of three adventurous knights and warriors whose names I'm hopeless with

Bogatyrs, breh (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

Attached: 3Bogatyr.jpg (800x530, 162K)

how so?

>wicked leftist terrorists suspected
>wicked leftist terrorists *wrongly* suspected

Is this Kino?

>one of the few uniquely American genre
>the best ones are made by Italians and filmed in Spain

how did they do it?


Nothing wrong with Boss Nigger. Or Nigger Charley.

Attached: fred williamson nigger charley.jpg (239x211, 6K)

Please kindly go fuck your mother

>that one tear

I've always wondered what that meant. Is he scared? Did Indio want to die?

Attached: fafdm.png (940x532, 352K)

Does Little Big Man qualify as a Western?

