Is it really that bad?
Is it really that bad?
god i wish i had their courage
I hope so
This is the fault of social media. Giving teenagers that overload of social connectivity is legitimately bad.
I’d probably commit suicide as well if I ever sat down and subjected myself to Suicide Glorification: The Series
nice one op
that's a lot of dead zoomers
for 12 episodes they built her up as a 10/10 and as soon as the full body shot comes out she's a fucking line backer
Hanna or whatever he name was is pretty much a spokesperson for revenge through suicide. Everyone who mistreated her feels miserable throughout the series, as was her goal. Essentially she got power through killing herself. A really shitty message to send to young people.
Apparently so.
How long will it be until everyone realises this?
Did this study take into account that Smurfs: The Lost Village came out at the same? I think that's relevant.
It's called the wertham effect. Teens have been killing themselves coping mass media since the 18th century. Teens are fucking dumb and easily manipulated.
i think u meant werther effect brainlet
Of course not! Teens think that the Smurfs are cool!
>Netflix propaganda accomplishes what it was explicitly created to accomplish
as long as they were mostly white
Can you imagine how cringe these meetings must be
>Teens were more likely to classify smurfs as "cool"
Note the quotes. Only weird autists would consider smurfs cool
I wish you had their courage, too
That's why in the Netherlands suicides are never reported in the (local) news. Because that reporting would lead to more suicides.
death is good
It's a bit of a grotesque story when you think about it. The entire plot revolves around a suicide victim getting petty revenge over everybody who even slightly wronged her, and in doing so she makes a posthumous idol of herself. Then the second season felt just flat out exploitative and wrong
at least 2 more christchurch shootings need to happen before they realize it's bad and start regulating it
wh*te people are sheep
t. fly feeding off our dung
this is what happens in most countries
She ended up being a pretty shitty person. Obviously some people were justified to be drug through the ringer (Bryce), but others, who merely took a note from her (Zach) were included in the revenge tapes.
Also she was proven to be an unreliable narrator, because she said Zach ripped up the note in front of her, yet when Clay confronted him, the note was still in his wallet.
wh*Toids are the dung of being digested by jews a mess to be shovelled out
I mean what do you expect to be done?
Ban social media?
There are articles all the time about the negative effects of social media and telling parents to be careful and limit exposure and stuff. But in the end it is only something the parents and kids themselves can control.
Post like yours are why China will (rightfully) consign white america to the dustbin of history
It's probably a good thing that their weakness was taken out of the gene pool.
>Giving teenagers
Giving anyone an overload of connectivity is bad. We didn't evolve for this.
age verified social media like any sane person? only pedophiles want children on the internet
>ticks 18+ box despite being 10
Yeah you really solved that one
>watch Netflix trash
>wanna kill yourself
It checks out
Argentina:16 Australia:MA15+ (Netflix self-rating) Brazil:16 (self-rating) Brazil:18 (2018, re-rating) Canada:14A (Manitoba, DVD rating) Canada:R (Ontario, DVD rating) France:18 Germany:16 Italy:VM14 (TV rating, self-applied) Malaysia:18 Netherlands:16 Norway:16 (Netflix self-rating) Russia:16+ Singapore:R21 Singapore:M18 (season 1) South Korea:18 Spain:16 Turkey:15+ United Kingdom:15 (some episodes) United Kingdom:18 (some episodes) United States:TV-MA
>Is it really that bad?
not really, unless you're white
suicide is a race issue. it's a white issue.
people who have a social media account are the same cunts who "have nothing to hide" and don't care about having 5 eyes all over their shit. so now if you want a social media account you need to 100 points of ID to get one.
no more pedos on social media, no more kids getting catfished and buttfucked by said pedos.
get fucked: the end.
This is no more news that "people do things they see on TV"
Suicide rates among adults spiked by an even bigger percentage after Robin Williams killed himself.
Advertising exists because it works.
A fucking Kardashian puts on some makeup and millions and millions of dollars are made because all the chicks calling her a whore still run to buy her makeup.
and also japs, but to be fair they are honorary whites.
no sympathy
Based and Tedpilled
>browses Yea Forums every day
>hasn't killed yourself yet
what is your excuse?
I believe they mentioned something about how the results would have been even worse had the smurfs movie not been released at the same time
so many unposted posts that need to be posted
How many people did it stop from killing themselves though?
I'm married with kids and have a good paying job.
Non-white btw.
Can we please have sequel '26 Reasons why' to kill the rest of the zoomers?
kids shouldn't be allowed online
>need 100 points of ID
Racism accusations will fly. At least here in the states where ID verification is considered racism by some because poor non-whites can't afford IDs.
this whole time I thought the leg on the left was his and it made his ass look hilarious to me
The Internet should be regulated strictly for business and academic use.
No, user, we need to take this further
kids shouldn't be allowed PERIOD
Y not they let u online
The reason this is going on is because we avoid actually talking about suicide like the fucking plague. If teens felt comfortable talking about shit like that then this nonsense wouldn't be happening. The message of the show is it's important to talk about suicide with parents or professionals when you are feeling it.
Or 14 year olds shouldn't be watching this piece of shit show. It's pretty evil when you think about it
>Racism accusations will fly
potential child sex crimes > racism
anybody who disagrees probably has something to hide, you don't have something to hide do you?
maybe all NPCOC's[non playable character of color] are just child molesters?
>give the show's evil straight white male rapist antagonist a 10'' hog
unironically what did they mean by this?
And teens are too dumb to realize that they won't be around to see if their revenge plot worked.
I think we have hit a point of no return when it comes to exposing people to useless information and putting insanely high social pressure on everyone.
>minorities are now pedophiles because they don't kill themselves over Twitter posts
Hey retard the point he's making is that it won't happen not that he likes it.
>suicide is a white trait
Cool I hope you all affirm your whiteness soon.
Read about how charcoal suicides became the #2-3 method in Asian countries after the media gave a detailed description of how this one woman in Taiwan did it. They even described it as painless. Practically advertised this mostly non-existent method into prominance.
It's all East Asians.
hey retard the point im making is you can spin it one way and i can spin it another so that it does happen. welcome to fucking literally any topic in politics where no decision is made using logic.
Doesn't look like 10" to me. Think they told him to get hard or used a prop?
Do 15 year old American high schoolers really drink whisky and look 30?
some of them, unironically yes
Some dudes on the football team do.
Why the fuck would you create a series that glorifies suicide this blatantly
Shame on you Netflix
i still dont get this show the WHOLE 2nd season shows she was a pretty shitty person herself literally the spic didnt even want to talk to her since she was "walking drama"
>christchurch was the fault of social media
Is it darwinism? Is it proof the youth are incapable of unique thought? Is it proof that society has been engineered and devolved thanks to liberalism?
Netflix got so much shit for it they had to put warning labels on every episode in Season 2
Take a Rothschild or Soros with you pussy
don't ask me to explain it, it's like blaming guns
Nah, Sheldon Adelson is a greater threat.
gee it's almost like the show does literally everything that the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention says not to do in media and glorifies the shit out of suicide despite supposedly being anti-suicide
What did she mean by this?
When will Americans realize the (((media))) they consume exists to deconstruct them?
I think this is causing issues in the US. It only strengthens the taboo on suicide and doesn't really help those who are suffering. It's possible to report on suicide or suicide rates as a social issue without glorifying it or providing instructions; it's just not what people are doing.
I don't see them signing the consensual sex agreement.
oh no, who would have expected
it's not like we know this since the late 18th century
>"humor" and "comedy"
Based Sony marketing team.
That kid is gay as aids
>honorary whites
Implying we'd like to be part of your cucked race. Fuck off.
>child free life