Unpopular Opinions

Peter Jackson's King Kong is the best version of King Kong

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i dont know anyone who disagrees

the giant worm scene always scared me as a kid

The original for me, I like the Peter Jackson version but it's too bloated. I will say that Naomi Watts >>>>>>>>>> Fay Wray

Monsterverse Kong will be too big for the Empire State building scene

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it has too much stupid shit

>Jack Black
it will never be best because of this lump

Nah.. It´s too long and they tried too hard to make Kong likable, the original didn´t hamfisted you with any goofy or corny shit in their way for making you root for Kong at all, the original had a degree of subtelty the Jackson remake lacks.

Also this.

peter jacksons kino kong is king kong

>unpopular opinions
back to the future trilogy trumps anything star wars ever did

Attached: back_to_the_future_poster_01.jpg (900x1363, 592K)

>Peter Jackson's King Kong

Its airplanes scene cannot match the classic one.


>giant bugs and cannibals
Yeah it was pretty good, scared me as a kid

this but unironically but the independence day duology

Is this some gen X opinion? Parts 2 and 3 were direct to video tier.

All of the SW movies are shit anyway so his point still stands

Captain America is the most boring Avenger and ALL his movies suck

Nobody who calls the original Star Wars bad has real opinions.


Oh please, don't act like it's some sacred masterpiece. Only film illiterate plebs worship it as some great piece of cinema. Flash Gordon was better

Giant bugs/leeches scene was kino though.

Ghostbusters and Back to the Future are lame

The videogame was great.

Attached: kk_000.jpg (500x285, 95K)

Curious isn’t it, how 2001 a Space Odyssey is universally accepted as dated, only once considered great because of its technical achievements, yet Star Wars is supposedly STILL great when it’s main selling point was...technical achievements.

That's not really uncommon. Especially since most people compare it to the fucking terrible skull island flick

Fuck these centipedes scared the shit out of me.
I legit couldn't get past that one segment in the cave where they all shoot out of the walls.
Struggled for months with this shit.

for me it was the scene with the natives after they steal the chick from the boat, i dont think ive ever actually watched that scene cause i always got too creeped out when they use those skeezy ass poles to vault onto that boat and then id be like damn and fast forward to when they have her tied up and kongs bout to come out