>So... you fapped to traps again
So... you fapped to traps again
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Not like cap cares, he was giving dating advice to a fag in endgame.
yeah. every single day
What if I stab one in the chest and laugh about how I got "one"?
Better than to a 3/10 from 1945 with a face like a male monkey and a voice like a foghorn, Cap.
I would respect Cap a 100 times more as a character if he told the gay dude in the self-help group to "neck yourself you fucking faggot".
They're not traps, Cap, they're futanari. They're actually just biological girls with a vagina and uterus but they also have a nice cock and balls. It's not gay if I want to give one a BJ because I also want to fuck her in the pussy and impregnate her. Okay, sure, she could fuck my tight boy hole from time to time, but only as a reward for being a good girl. It's not gay though because she has boobs and acts like a girl. Look, you just wouldn't get it, okay?
I'm more of a twinks/femboys kinda guy Cap
If you fap to girls with dicks, there is a 50-50 chance that you are a closet tranny.
>those twig arms and legs
Civil War actually began because Tony said traps are gay
what if i didn't know it was trap?
>I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart!
>You did that when you sucked a man's cock.
>Alright, I've had enough of this. UNDEROOS! Explain to Cap why sucking a trap's cock isn't gay!
Only 2D ones, captain recently
Wait fuck, I got it backwards.
i'm sorry cap
user that's a tranny
no but I did fap to fat chicks last night
pornhub (yeah)
cute teen trap dildo play and cum
you're welcome
it's only gay if balls touch
who ?
What if we froth shaft only? That's cool right? I'm asking for a friend.
Jessy Bells
looks like haillee steinfeld lmao
literally just man with long hair fucking disgusting
I'm sorry.
I'd tear her anus
They are all men with long hair, bro
If all man looked like this with long hair, I'd unironically go gay
What if I fapped A trap...again.
I apologise for nothing
yeah cap I did
got a problem?
>being such a closet faggot that you fap to dudes that look like chicks but you need a dick to get off to
LOL faggots
unironically kys
It's better when the guy has a bigger dick
literally gay sex
No because I’m not a faggot
I like futa which is straight
I can't stop laughing holy shit.
>8 years ago
>start fapping to futnari
>fap to traps
>fap to gay
>quit porn/masturbation
>feel normal again
porn is one slippery slope
Bailey is the best
even thicc Bailey
somebody post Bailey
>taking dating advice from a 90 year old virgin
That's gonna be a yikes from me
>1 hour
hiro on twitter
not /feedback/ or /qa/
>everyone watches porn all the time since the 90s
>percentage of gays in the US still under 5%
maybe, just maybe, you're a fag
Kill yourself schizo
Bailey is too tall to be a woman
The weird thing is I went all the way back around and just get aroused when I go on /s/ now.
Which isn't to say I don't browse /d/ or /gif/ from time to time.
got you senpai
I only saw a few seconds
Did my week long noporn streak break
Fucking a dude isn't gay in my book
>"Hear me out, Tony. Those psychiatrists, those Jews, they're behind all of this."
I didn't get this line until now.
Based oldfag
>cant chop off that manface
bless you user
I'm at work so I can't get it myself
>fags say there's a difference between traps and trannies
>all the traps they post in these threads are just trannies that do porn
Isn't she like 6'3" tall?
your book is wrong faggot
Did it titillate you? Did your prostate tickle for a second when it witnessed another feeling good while it had been denied release?
All I want is crispr to gene edit penises on real women to make real futanari so these trannies will join the 45% faster
Bailey still has a dick you idiot. He looks more feminine than most women.
glow up gurl
Why is she hotter than natural women bros?
I'm straight as an arrow but I'd slam that into next year
Good times.
Why don't trannies like black men?
he is a faggot and still looks like a dude
teen bailey was best
no one likes niggers
>I'm straight as an arrow
this is where you're wrong
kek this is like one of those comedy movies
>lazy eye
This is my fetish
porn is just a girl and a dick, so fapping to traps is basically the same
just like instead of eating some ham and bread, you eat a sandwich with them
youre wrong their, thats all they mostly want
>Hot either way
Now those are some aesthetic genetics. Shame about the gender dysphoria
A grill, is a grill...
sup redwood
there's literally nothing wrong with traps. Traps aren't gay, a transwoman IS a woman you biggoted piece of trash!
I fucked the trap with some fava beans and a nice chianti
it's all fun and games until you can't get it up with real women
Most people would
post some videos then
Joke's on you I can't get a real woman
Found the manlet
is she okay?
Men liking women isn't gay
depends on if her name is annie or not
maybe i exaggerated that but sort by viewed all time, looks like most of the amateur is black on tranny
vanilla trap is soo heartwarming
For me it's Domino
I find it funny how despite the reaction of newfags on Yea Forums, which all used to love traps as a whole in the past, traps are STILL a growing genre in the east and west who's main consumers are straight men
Joke all you want. It's literally true. Gay men are like 9% of the global population and they're definitely not the ones consuming trap porn
but I only fap to 2D traps! it's different
that 9% fails to account for the oceans of denial in your post
Jesus, he straight up Star Platinum'd that """chick""".