So... you fapped to traps again

>So... you fapped to traps again

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Not like cap cares, he was giving dating advice to a fag in endgame.

yeah. every single day

What if I stab one in the chest and laugh about how I got "one"?

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Better than to a 3/10 from 1945 with a face like a male monkey and a voice like a foghorn, Cap.



I would respect Cap a 100 times more as a character if he told the gay dude in the self-help group to "neck yourself you fucking faggot".

They're not traps, Cap, they're futanari. They're actually just biological girls with a vagina and uterus but they also have a nice cock and balls. It's not gay if I want to give one a BJ because I also want to fuck her in the pussy and impregnate her. Okay, sure, she could fuck my tight boy hole from time to time, but only as a reward for being a good girl. It's not gay though because she has boobs and acts like a girl. Look, you just wouldn't get it, okay?

I'm more of a twinks/femboys kinda guy Cap

If you fap to girls with dicks, there is a 50-50 chance that you are a closet tranny.

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>those twig arms and legs


Civil War actually began because Tony said traps are gay

what if i didn't know it was trap?

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>I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart!
>You did that when you sucked a man's cock.
>Alright, I've had enough of this. UNDEROOS! Explain to Cap why sucking a trap's cock isn't gay!

Only 2D ones, captain recently

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Wait fuck, I got it backwards.

i'm sorry cap

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user that's a tranny

no but I did fap to fat chicks last night


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pornhub (yeah)
cute teen trap dildo play and cum
you're welcome

it's only gay if balls touch

who ?

What if we froth shaft only? That's cool right? I'm asking for a friend.

Jessy Bells

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looks like haillee steinfeld lmao

literally just man with long hair fucking disgusting

I'm sorry.

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I'd tear her anus

They are all men with long hair, bro

If all man looked like this with long hair, I'd unironically go gay

What if I fapped A trap...again.


I apologise for nothing

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yeah cap I did
got a problem?

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>being such a closet faggot that you fap to dudes that look like chicks but you need a dick to get off to
LOL faggots
unironically kys

It's better when the guy has a bigger dick

literally gay sex

No because I’m not a faggot
I like futa which is straight

I can't stop laughing holy shit.

>8 years ago
>start fapping to futnari
>fap to traps
>fap to gay
>quit porn/masturbation
>feel normal again
porn is one slippery slope

Bailey is the best
even thicc Bailey
somebody post Bailey

>taking dating advice from a 90 year old virgin
That's gonna be a yikes from me

>1 hour
hiro on twitter
not /feedback/ or /qa/

>everyone watches porn all the time since the 90s
>percentage of gays in the US still under 5%
maybe, just maybe, you're a fag

Kill yourself schizo

Bailey is too tall to be a woman

The weird thing is I went all the way back around and just get aroused when I go on /s/ now.

Which isn't to say I don't browse /d/ or /gif/ from time to time.

got you senpai

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I only saw a few seconds
Did my week long noporn streak break

Fucking a dude isn't gay in my book

>"Hear me out, Tony. Those psychiatrists, those Jews, they're behind all of this."
I didn't get this line until now.

Based oldfag

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>cant chop off that manface

bless you user
I'm at work so I can't get it myself

>fags say there's a difference between traps and trannies
>all the traps they post in these threads are just trannies that do porn

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Isn't she like 6'3" tall?

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your book is wrong faggot

Did it titillate you? Did your prostate tickle for a second when it witnessed another feeling good while it had been denied release?

All I want is crispr to gene edit penises on real women to make real futanari so these trannies will join the 45% faster

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Bailey still has a dick you idiot. He looks more feminine than most women.


glow up gurl

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Why is she hotter than natural women bros?
I'm straight as an arrow but I'd slam that into next year

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Good times.

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Why don't trannies like black men?

he is a faggot and still looks like a dude


teen bailey was best

no one likes niggers

>I'm straight as an arrow
this is where you're wrong

kek this is like one of those comedy movies

>lazy eye
This is my fetish

porn is just a girl and a dick, so fapping to traps is basically the same
just like instead of eating some ham and bread, you eat a sandwich with them

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youre wrong their, thats all they mostly want

>Hot either way

Now those are some aesthetic genetics. Shame about the gender dysphoria

A grill, is a grill...

sup redwood

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there's literally nothing wrong with traps. Traps aren't gay, a transwoman IS a woman you biggoted piece of trash!

I fucked the trap with some fava beans and a nice chianti

it's all fun and games until you can't get it up with real women

Most people would

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post some videos then

Joke's on you I can't get a real woman

Found the manlet

is she okay?

Men liking women isn't gay

depends on if her name is annie or not

maybe i exaggerated that but sort by viewed all time, looks like most of the amateur is black on tranny

vanilla trap is soo heartwarming

For me it's Domino

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I find it funny how despite the reaction of newfags on Yea Forums, which all used to love traps as a whole in the past, traps are STILL a growing genre in the east and west who's main consumers are straight men
Joke all you want. It's literally true. Gay men are like 9% of the global population and they're definitely not the ones consuming trap porn

but I only fap to 2D traps! it's different


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that 9% fails to account for the oceans of denial in your post

Jesus, he straight up Star Platinum'd that """chick""".