What was her problem?
What was her problem?
she was a proto-arthoe
She was a woman.
Arthoes are the best as long as you pump and dump them and dont catch feelings
poop eyes made of glass
"What the fuck is an Arr-thoe?"
Lack of black dick
How much time do you have?
You'll catch more than feelings
>date Chris Evans
>dump him for Jason Schwartzman and Michael Cera
it was mental ilness
She has so many problems, its easy for me to just realize she's not worth it. This is the best advice they're not capable of long term, it's an abstract concept to them. They want to live grand lives like they're amazing, rich, powerful, creative blah blah, but they're usually trash humans with complexes.
she's a slut
baggage from her 7 previous relationships
cmon this isnt hard
This is actually the most accurate assessment of a modern woman in cinematic existence, the entitlement, the shamelessness, the lack of guilt that would put most sociopaths to shame. Sure she's hate-able, but moreover she's a metaphor for just how insufferable the modern woman has become, and how unapologetic they are for being that
art hoes have been a thing for a long time
total sloot.
She wasn't sat on my face
hate Summer but both were to blame there
Say what you will about the movie, but the music and casting was 10/10.
>music was 10/10
how does it feel to be 15?
Cera's farting noises would be better than that watered down indie rock crap
>choosing insecure, uncommitted roastie over a ride-or-die asian qt
scott was a fucking retard
casting was perfect except scott, but cera did a good job as a somewhat different interpretation of scott so in the end not a major issue
she was a high schooler and he didn't even like her or relate to her in basically any way
Bros how do I get a qt art hoe gf? Short dyed hair is my weakness and I'm willing to accept some of that baggage it always entails
That's what I'm wondering too
become an insufferable snob
also, exercise. nobody likes ugly, fat people.
Why are they so fucking hot?
>casting was 10/10
i thought Gideon was really cringey idk
Buy a Nintendo Switch for starters
this. the movies soundtrack has not aged well and wasn't even that good to begin with
Because you and I want some dour bitch who shares our tastes. But unfortunately we realize that every art hoe wants Chad and his love of capeshit.
How was it his fault at all? Summer was a whore who lead him on.
I am in fairly good shape but I don't work with humans, have only one friend and also no way to meet new people
If you really want to meet new people, go where there are people. Just go anywhere without any expectations and see what happens. Treat it like a movie, just let it unfold. Don't think about your own role at all.
So is arthoe the new way to address a chick that dyes her hair and pretends to be into photography? They used to just be called sluts.
I am a hungry skeleton actually, trying to put on muscle right now
Will being a movie snob work, or do I need more?
I always wanted to play Splatoon
same film as brae
and brae was the lesbo so
I can't be the only one that feels Hegel's works to feel unnecessary, right? And that the hegelian dialects being complete fucking cancer
sell drugs like ketamine and lsd
Homewrecking PUTA
I am deeply upset that this is probably the most on point advice here. I already have a good career setup, which is kryptonite to my cause
I had a cute blue haired girl I dated for a week, then she told me she wasn't ready for a relationship and got together with some other guy.
Make it changa and shrooms
Fuck, I'm sorry user. I think if that happened to me I would break.
the fuck is changa
DMT for smoking
Yeah it was pretty bad, I still miss her sometimes.
Look on the bright side, it probably wouldn't have lasted long anyway if she was like that. Would have been harder for you after, say, two weeks
Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.
You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.
And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.
And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.
So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.
I know, I know. She was a total slut but I loved her and she said she was ready for a relationship. Partly my fault for believing her I suppose. It made me lose trust in women and also started an attraction for blue/purple haired girls with bangs and big cute eyes
>attraction for blue/purple haired girls with bangs and big cute eyes
She's not married to me
Where do you pick up art hoes once you're out of college
Man of culture
If you don't see how he was a pathetic piece of shit, then chances are you might be one too.
she got blacked twice now in a past few years. first by some random black and now common. soon she will be the next julia stiles
Too Cute
you don't.
>bangs and big cute eyes
literally my weakness
still in colleges
if you have money literally just drive by with some godard shirt blasting grimes on your speakers or some shit like that
I'm trying to convince my fiance to get bangs. She already had big cute blue eyes and curly brown hair
she was an art hoe. fitting because she's an actual ho irl
Has to be a shop
No way a qt reads Hegel
If she doesnt do what you want you should dump her ass. Last thing a guy needs is a woman with a mind of her own.
I graduate in a week wtf bros my plan was to make it once I got out
haha yes this must be right
what is this from?
I always thought this movie was kinda overrated. I never got the hype. It's too cheesy for me.
I loved Scott Pilgrim when I first watched it but couldn't stand it when I rewatched it recently. Everyone in it is self-centered and utterly unlikeable.
Drop the art hoes my dudes, brown qts is where it's at
Not really defending it, but I think that's how the characters are supposed to be. Iirc some dude who read the comics said that everyone is just sorta supposed to be an unlikable, self absorbed cunt.
art hoes don't read anything, art and literature is just a prop for their persona. not saying it doesn't work on me though
>Where do you pick up art hoes once you're out of college
Synagogues and Birthright tours of Israel
>I'm trying to convince my fiance to get bangs
apparently they're hard to maintain
i convinced a girl to get bangs for a while but she hated it. said it was too much effort
have sex
how is the original scott pilgrim different?
I haven't read it but I tend to be of the opinion that there's something self important about writing a book at all, not that it always would be but alas, this is just my interpretation.
You'd be in good company with idiots because you are one
>posts to call someone an idiot
Thoughtful. Truly.
Judging by her hair? White straight CIS males.
The point of the movie isn't what happens, it's how he tells the story about what happens. He's intentionally supposed to be the bad guy in it (or something akin to that), toward Summer, at least.
>I already have a good career setup, which is kryptonite to my cause.
Iktf, I work in finance and have a boner for arthoes, but I am an empty suit to them. Most of them prefer a tattooed hipster with a lit degree who works in a restaurant and deals weed.
This. Fuck women and fuck jannies.
stop riley. just stop.
Homewrecking whore
the movie didn't dwell enough on just how horrible a soulsucking she-devil she is like in the comic
you dont even need to go that deep. literally just invite them over to smoke pot and you'll get your dick sucked. art hoes are thusly named for a reason.
say, that's a pretty good deepfake.
Manic pixie dream girl. The female equivalent of "bad boy." The idea that you could fuck the insanity out of a woman and tame her. Or you could be her white-knight cuck and admire her from afar while she takes on miles of dick.
This is an interesting analogy, but a good natured woman with an alt hairstyle and fashion sense is arguably perfect, whereas a well to do man in a leather jacket does fuck all for females
The point is that you won't be able to "fix" either in any situation. The frivolity of helping them is part of the allure.
This may be the case for other men, but I've always just imagined the shitty personality of alt girls as the cost of doing business for really cute hairstyles. I pray for any man that thinks they could "fix" a woman. A lot of /pol/ types parade around the "just dick her sane" cope
Comic Scott is a genuine Chad, not an awkward dweeb like the Cera version.
because comic scott is a self insert. if he had a modicum of honesty he would be a dweeb like cera
its not a deepfake
I unironically know a girl like that. It's one thing to callously monkey branch upwards or keep a beta around to cheat on him, that's somewhat rational if short term reproductive strategy. This girl dumped her 6'4 swole Chad(but a bit nerdy) for one night with one of the most beta puppy dog guys I know. Then proceeds to swing from beta to beta randomly.
I actually have a bunch of ketamine right now, but it's hard to "break into" a network in a somewhat safe manner. I've sort of fallen into a rut of selling speed and the only fuckers that buy that are burly eastern euro men
All About Nina