Why do modern critics hate the monomyth archetype?
Why do modern critics hate the monomyth archetype?
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Whenever you keep deconstructing an idea, you always conclude that said idea is bad/problematic.
This is one of those cases.
Leftoids consider it white male tier, even though every society has it.
Was it monomyth kino?
They consider any common theme to be a "trope" and is therefore seen as boring and overplayed. They might even assume it's prevalence is indicative of some kind of oppression.
The notion that an idea endures because it might be meaningful is lost on them.
Did he followed the archetype in Infinity War?
Because the universe is programmed like that and they are the soulless enemies.
GTA: San Andreas is a very traditional monomyth tale when you think about it.
All the hero had to do was follow the damn train
It's not "subversive" enough. Apparently people don't want a good story anymore, they want to be "surprised".
it's literally meant for young children and uneducated masses. it's a very restrictive and primitive structure, even campbell acknowledged that.
Hero’s journey is about personal growth and enlightenment.
Thanos is just a walking ideology taken to an extreme. He doesn’t grow, change, or learn anything else by the time the movie ends.
Because you can interpret the movie as feeling manufactured when you are aware it being used. The truth is, monomyth and traditional act structure is just good, reliable pacing, but people misconstrue it as predictable, tropey storytelling.
Yes he does, he learns about sacrifice.
unironically the most monomyth movie I've seen in theaters in a while, but I don't go to movies and especially capeshit that often
The more I think about it Aquaman was also incredibly Proppian.
They don't. This is used in every fucking capeshit film, it makes billions and critics all love it.
AAAAAAAAAnd here he goes with his two bit snake oil again.
It's the "hero's journey" a trope that fits literally every story ever written if you do enough mental gymnastics.
Congrats on the literary equivalent of astrology.
You are delusional
Its not particularly Proppian though is it.
>brap brap brap brap brap brap brap
What did he mean by this? Filtered.
Critics hate it because they never really emotionally matured beyond being a snob in high school
They fail to realize that there isn't an infinite amount stories to tell, just like there isn't an infinite amount of ways to live your life. We love to tell the same stories over and over again in different forms because there's something inherently important in them to us. We're much more simple than we like to pretend, and the way to a meaningful and happy life for the most part works the same way for all of us, so it makes sense stories that reflect this keep being popular
Because they're jewish propagandists, so they hate film giving any of the slaves something to believe in or strive for
>A member of the hero's community or family leaves the security of the home environment. This may be the hero themselves, or some other relation that the hero must later rescue. This division of the cohesive family injects initial tension into the storyline. This may serve as the hero's introduction, typically portraying them as an ordinary person.
Aquaman's mother leaving Atlantis and Aquaman growing up on land.
>The hero encounters a magical agent or helper (donor) on their path, and is tested in some manner through interrogation, combat, puzzles or more.
Putting the spyglass through the statues in Sicily or whatever the fuck it was they did there.
>The hero gains a new appearance. This may reflect aging and/or the benefits of labour and health, or it may constitute a magical remembering after a limb or digit was lost (as a part of the branding or from failing a trial). Regardless, it serves to improve their looks.
Aquaman only getting the iconic gold scale costume after he gains the trust of the sea monster and gets the trident.
>The hero marries and is rewarded or promoted by the family or community, typically ascending to a throne.
Aquaman becoming the king of Atlantis and marrying Mera.
Aquaman was textbook fucking Propp.
Because it's boring and predictable.
Most people are normies though and haven't been introduced to it, so they don't realize how predictable it is and just end up enjoying it.
ur retarded
It even had a whale belly scene wtf
faggots/lefties exist to deconstruct and destroy, the hero's journey is no exception
Okay, rabbi.
>thinking art would show any progression without deconstruction
What are some movies with unusual story structures?
woah postmodernism woah
They hate good storytelling
So his name doesn't mean anything? Thanos is the Greek word for Old Norse word "thane" which means hero.
post-modernism is breaking and subverting stuff.
Except the movies didn't name Thanos, it came from the source material where he had an entirely different arc.
I remember seeing this diagram at film school and thinking "why am i paying to learn this shit"
This doesn't mean that every single work should be deconstructive and it really doesn't mean that works that don't deconstruct are automatically bad.
We've hit a cultural point where an unironic adventure movie is rare enough to no longer be cliche when it happens.
>film school
This is high school level stuff... I'm thinking you got cucked out of your cash bro.
Yes, Thanos trying to murder half of all living creatures in order to impress personification of god of death is just too complex for the modern audience.
why didn't thanos make it so nobody ever dies and then tells death that the only way people will ever die again is if she becomes his gf?
>Congrats on the literary equivalent of astrology.
that's psychoanalysis though
Toxic masculinity
>mfw read The Heroine's Journey
>it's just a bunch of nonsense
>author only wrote it because muh male centered world so oppressive
One of the points is literally the female heroine leaving her femininity behind. What the fuck.
Why is predictability a bad trait in a story?
Because everyone has ADHD these days and need constant excitement.
because it's gay pseud shit
"Modern critics" are jews. Jews hate everything good and natural and hence hate the monomyth.
>Whenever you keep deconstructing an idea, you always conclude that said idea is bad/problematic.
This is not even sort of true.
>why do the same things that worked ages ago no longer work today
because of this thing called time
Because most filmmakers who say their work is based on the Monomyth are actually just making excuses for being unoriginal and derivative and besides have never actually read Joseph Campbell. See for reference George Lucas
Did you know that every story ever written is either Jack And The Beanstalk or Cinderella if you ignore enough of what happens in it?
No. He teaches in case and not really. More "tests".
You take my post to absurdity. The point is brainlets all over use the "hero's journey" as a way to try and seem smart when it can be applied to almost anything.
Using it to describe any story means literally nothing, you don't describe or dissect it, you only try to push it into a mold that fits nothing well and everything poorly.
I was actually agreeing with you and providing another example of literary snobbery that chooses to ignore everything that doesn't support its asinine theories so that they make sense.
I can't believe you're actually asking that question
Protip from someone who has actually read the book.
The heros journey is not something to be applied. Which is to say, you don't specifically set out to fill every niche of the heros journey.
Instead, it is a blanket generalization and deconstruction of common themes.
It's not a guide book.
i blame star wars for this "heroe´s journey" garbage, so sick of the same plot over and over again, fuck star wars, fuck george lucas and fuck hack screenwriters who think this stuff is deep
>We love to tell the same stories over and over again in different forms because there's something inherently important in them to us.
only redditors believe this stupid stuff
It was the worst movie i've seen since Thor:TDW
Autists cream themselves over it because they can easily match every scene in a movie to the chart, and they get the sensation that something was accomplished. Same reason they get so incensed about lore. It's literally all they can enjoy from the experience: recognizing patterns.
>Autists cream themselves over it because they can easily match every scene in a movie to the chart
Oh my god you're right
what if the guy is literally by himself and nobody helps him ever
no mentors or anything
If you provide an example I can break it down.
But imagine something like this: helper/mentor can be a life experience, an object, information.
The thing is so vague that it can fit anything because only the works completely devoid of any story would not fit it in some way.
Seems like it's cheating. Hero's journey should be applicable only specifically to hero stories, especially ones where they're trying to emulate it.
I bet youre a determinist but for some reason scoff at there being a science for it
No, not particularly, why would you think that?
Its overused. Like super-overused at this point.