Uhhhh you guys DO realize it's a SATIRE, right???

Uhhhh you guys DO realize it's a SATIRE, right???

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you do realize the the federation is a constitutional democratic republic right?

yeah, and its kino

only the privileged can vote

yeah real nice democracy you've got there

Literally every democracy ever has had rules on who can and cannot vote, you fucking retard.

Democracy doesn't mean universal suffrage.

>my daddy Sargon taught me
it's the obvious satire the only thing is the government is not fascists

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>only the privileged
you mean the deserving
besides, military is not the only way you can become a citizen, the only way you can't become a citizen is if you are too retarded to understand the oath

Democracy is for brainlets.
Letting 18 year olds vote.
Lmao, most 18 year old don't know left from right.

t. 21 year old.
I'd make it so you couldn't vote unless you were.
30, married and with a child, and a homeowner.
(If you're infertile fair enough you get the vote, but willful vasectomy's and sterilization in general and no kids are banned from voting.)

Literally would solve all political problems.
This ensures basic competency in life, you're put together enough to have a life partner, kids (next generation), a house, and you're not young enough to be a retard.

It's unfair to the really high IQ folk under age 30, sure, but it's better to wait until the lowest denominator is intelligent enough to actually engage politically.

That's still democracy, it just doesn't have universal suffrage.

Is there a democracy on earth that doesn't have universal suffrage? (Outside of poor african nations, I mean)

That's an amazingly shitty opinion

most of the people are dumb in any of their ages, in the political sense

rico's parents were rather privileged

Didn't rome have this while it was a republic and Every lover of democracy points to them?

Wait, so you're tellin me i can be a lazy citizen!?!?!

Your opinion is also amazingly shitty.

The same guys who bitch about big government, forced diversity, and feminism also think the governemnt in starship troopers is ideal. I like to think that these retards just haven't actually watched the film, but I think they have and they're really just so stupid they don't recognize The Federation as being the culmination of 21st century leftism.

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who even bitches about big government nowadays? lolbertanian larpers and turbo normie boomer fox news commentators?

Well it hasn't even existed that long within western society, it only really came to be in the 20th century.

>Creating an underclass based on completely arbitrary feelings

Age is not a barometer of intelligence. There are very, very few people who are actually smarter at 30 than they were at 18. In fact I find the opposite is far more common, since by 30 most people have a decade of drinking, drug use, and sexually procured parasites under their belt, all of which have a huge negative affect on their brain chemistry. Not to mention most people stop learning complex subjects after 22 when they're done school and their minds degrade under the dreariness of repetitive work and media consumption. Intelligence tests should be the base metric for voting rights, closely followed by lifestyle choices.

Without fail, every single person that says that 'hate speech' is not free speech also wants to be the arbiter of what is and is not hate speech.

/pol/ lives in literal fear of one world government and boomer conservatives are always moaning about governmental redtape and over regulation.

are you retarded
the Federation is economicly libertarian also, the military service is VOLUNTARY

you're dumb. good night. try not to shit up the thread with your pointless retarded bullshit while i'm gone please.

1. Rome was even more restricted than the Federation and remained so until Emperor Caracalla issued the Constitutio Antoniniana in 212, granting all free men in the empire Roman citizenship, though they still could not vote.

2. The Romans never claimed to be democratic in any way, so I don't know if the comparison is fair.

/pol/ is all for a big, fascist government. Oppressing others, invasion of privacy, and rampant censorship is fine as long as you're doing it to the opposite team according to /pol/tards.

>Michael Ironside, who read the novel as a youth, said that he asked Verhoeven, who grew up in Nazi-occupied Netherlands, "Why are you doing a right-wing fascist movie?" Verhoeven replied, "If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me. So I'm going to make a perfect fascist world: everyone is beautiful, everything is shiny, everything has big guns and fancy ships, but it's only good for killing fucking Bugs!"

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>rampant censorship
The war reporter in the movie was questioning the ethics of completely annihilating the bugs, and they had another person opposing the war on TV.

>anyone who has anything more than anyone else in any area doesn't deserve it
kys commie scum

>If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me
yeah ooo boy better not disparage fascists in the media, that shit will get you in hot water!


What an idiot

Only citizens can vote. Just like today. And being a citizen is a privilege not everyone gets. Just like today. I don't know about you, but I rather like it that way. It has worked for over 2000 years so far

>I find
Well I find most people actually have wings but they hide them from me

pleb status: filtered

seriously, have sex.


Okay, your place or my place? I'll bring the condoms.

I think you need it more considering you took the time to reply to everyone's posts.

And that's a good thing