Is it kino?
Is it kino?
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uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh, i'd have to ask my friends
He's genuinely retarded
"Adam Ruins... The Holocaust" was kino
It's a good show and it was also embarrassing as hell watching him run circles around Rogan on his own show. I thought it may just be a case of him following a script but that podcast showed me he actually practices what he preaches and is in the know. He should be across the table from actual intellectuals not a dude weed type of guy.
haha, good post. This is opposite day right?
The one good thing i can say about the show is that they required someone with a very punchable face to be the main character and by god they found the perfect guy
>watching him run circles around Rogan on his own show
You didn't actually watch it, did you?
Yeah I agree, he really won me over with his debate about trans kids. Dude is really informed.
>Hey, I'm Adam Conover! Sorry to butt in, but did you know that despite making up only 13% of the population
that was a hard one to watch
its biased and full of shit.
The absolute state of fragile right wing egos. You're all clowns.
Superior "political vlog that pretends to be a comedy show" coming through.
i've seen a few clips and he's pretty annoying.
>this equally bad show is better because its more sympathetic to the right
You do know that was sarcasm right?
That show was actually good tho.
Hi Adam
>Penn & Teller
>right wing
It's reddit and rick and morty tier
"more sympathetic to the right" =/= "right wing" you illiterate zoomer
No, he's retarded.
uh well i'd have to ask my trans friends for their opinion on that. i'm not claiming to be an expert either but..
It's edgy libertarianism.
Both shows are poorly researched and occasionally place entertainment and the personal views of the hosts over truth.
You should take them with a grain of salt.
dropped them when the went after /ourguy/ maddox
At least Penn & Teller admits it's bullshit right in the title
This fat fucking slob is pathetic
What do you call people who don't want their children castrated with chemicals?
Hi Maddox
Retards standing in the way of progress.
>The right
Nice that you admit that the truth is right-wing and based on facts rather than emotion.
Nice of you to admit that the right is retarded
Literal nazis
I'm a democrat though
>right is retarded
Reality disagrees with you.
Rightwingers tend to be more sucessful at life, make more money and most of all stay more informed.
daily reminder maddox lost
>gets so butthurt over being called a cuck he tries to sue his former business partner for an absurd sum
when is he gonna commit suicide? he already got cucked and got his lawsuit thrown out
I never watched this, but I feel a strong need to punch his face.
This post is obvious b8 and it will still ruin the entire thread.
>using reality as a coping mechanism
That's a perfectly normal reaction.
I remember when he was a good guy and funny, now he's just your typical deranged redditard leftist.
The show kinda admitted it during the first episodes when everybody hated him
Then they made him their SPESHUL NEEDS FREND
So you didn't actually watch the show I take it.
I do find it funny that when you take these lefty types out of their controlled environment they can't even form a coherent sentence without looking like a vapid airhead.
Libertarian is fairly right wing. Except on issues like the military, lgbt rights, and the war on drugs. But arguably those are minor issues for the right wing. Their main thing is letting corporations do whatever they want which libertarians are all about.
That's kind of the point of his character.
It was for a very brief spiel. He's now the "weird lovable friend" of the other equally punchable characters
>Libertarian is fairly right wing.
>Their main thing is letting corporations do whatever they want which libertarians are all about
I don't think you know anything about libertarians.
>embarrassing as hell watching him run circles around Rogan
Hey, which side is the one shilling for Google to be allowed to censor the internet and for banks to be able to refuse people service based on incorrect opinions?
low quality bait
Libertarians want small government, no regulations, and no taxes. If that's not letting corporations do whatever they want I don't know what is.
libertarian is actually left wing, right wing is monarchism and fascism. its just that compared to the actual left wing Liberals aka Libertarians seem right wing
Google isn't capable of censoring the internet. They can censor search results on their platform, but that's not illegal. I mean they've been censoring porn from search results for a long time.
I haven't heard of the bank one, but it sounds like a similar issue. Banks are private entities and can refuse service for whatever reason they want as long as its not based on a protected class or whatever.
But if you want more regulations on corporations so they can't do those things then you'd probably want to support the left. The right hates regulations.
>But if you want more regulations on corporations so they can't do those things then you'd probably want to support the left
Libertarian is, more or less, left wing on social issues and right wing on financial issues.
Why do assume corporations hate regulations? Dodd-Frank made the "too big to fail" bamks even bigger.
Tell me again about all those regulations the right has passed to hamstring corporations.
Tell me again about how corporate America hasn't become the palace of the left wing in the last two decades.
>hen you'd probably want to support the left.
But the left is actively pushing for them to have the power to do that because its not coming after them, and the right is fighting it because they're the ones getting deplatformed.
This thread is why Yea Forums shouldnt discuss politics
>changing the subject is an argument
Sorry about your lobotomy user
Hi Adam, thank you for helping College Humor to die, btw can I fuck Emily?
>btw can I fuck Emily?
god i thought it was only me
I dont know why but my dick goes crazy every time shes on screen. shes not even that pretty or hot but SOMETHING makes me feel that way
>Libertarian is fairly right wing
>except for all these issues where they aren't right wing
>but those don't count because I don't want them to
>Okay, we all know the story of the holocaust. Adolf Hitler brainwashes Germany, scapegoats the Jews for his country's problems, millions of people slaughtered for nothing, yada yada, you've heard it a million... I'm sorry, SIX million times
>Haha, well! What if I told you that Jews had been the primary actors in communist revolutions that REALLY DID harm Germany in WWI?
I know user, she is flat as fuck but since I saw her I got the urge to fuck her like crazy
nothing will make me angrier than the Columbus video
it is so densely full of shit that it actually makes my ears bleed because of it
you know that retarded shit eaters will eat it up to because "HE HAS A CARTOON AND HE USE STRAWMAN SO THAT MEANS HE IS RIGHT"
I hope the guy gets cancer for being such a malicious dick head
>Libertarian is fairly right wing
>He should be across the table from actual intellectuals not a dude weed type of guy.
hes an actual cuckold though
So what? It's just a fetish and a pretty vanilla one at that.
>letting corporations do whatever they want
this is, unfortunately, just the centrist position
>libertarian is actually left-wing
In principle, they're radical centrists. In practice, they tend to side with the right
>got cucked by his best friend
Actually makes sense now you mention it