Since all the stolen stones got brought back to their original timelines...

Since all the stolen stones got brought back to their original timelines, and the stones from the prime universe were destroyed by Thanos, what the fuck are the wizards gonna do now if they don't have a time stone to sperg over?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They'll just reassemble it. The energy of the stones still exists on an atomic level

too many sorcerers

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Imagine putting this much thought into magic fightey man movie for preteen boys. What would your great grandfather think if you went back and explained that this is how you spend your time? He'd probably say "What, you watch this stuff with your kids or something?" You do have kids, right user?

why even bring nebula back in time? she served no purpose other than to let old thanos know whats up so he can come to the future and set up that big battle which was actually incredibly shitty.


Listen Gramps, the times have changed. I don't give you crap about your outdated, often times bigoted views, so let me live my life the way I want.

They'll all fight over the tesseract Loki collected in the fractured timeine, which came to the prime timeline when he snuck aboard Thanos' ship before it quantum-leapt to it.

>gives Thanos the green stone
>"lol sorry there was no other way"
>half the universe dies instead of Tony

What exactly was the rest of his plan? He didn't even like Tony, so it wasn't an emotional decision.

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Because he saw that in order to eventually win, Tony had to be alive

What do you mean?

If Strange hadn't given Thanos the stone, they probably would have beaten him. But then Tony would have had all 6 stones, gone mad with power and become the immortal godlike dictator of the universe, controlling all worlds with unlimited armies of autonomous Iron Man suits. So he had to die. And the only way to get to that point was to have Thanos snap, then undo that snap.

That sounds a lot like Gandalf or Galadriel being afraid of the One Ring corrupting them. I'm pretty sure taking the Gauntlet from Iron Man woulda been a lot easier than taking it from Thanos.

>explicitly tells tony that this was the only way to win after looking into the literal fucking future
>tony: "we can't win, its over, i give up."
nice first act

What happened to Bucky? Did he get AIDS in Wakanda or something? He looks terrible.

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He looks like a young Mark Hamill

He looks like tall Peter Dinklage

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He looks like a post-breakdown Sam from Supernatural.

Agamotto lost hard:
> Loses Time Stone
> His efforts to suppress Chaos Magic have now failed.

Why didn't he open a portal to Wakanda and use portals to cut off both of Thanos's hands?

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they made him live alone with one arm, this is literally monarch programing all over again

Disney should use him for adventures of Luke Skywalker after the death of the emperor

They didn't know that would happen and needed everyone they could send. She was sent to space because she knew Quill and about Vormir - not complete information in either case, but more than anyone else had.

but strange could have told them not to have her tag along when they traveled back in time lol

Why did Strange want Tony to be dead? He said there was only one timeline that ended with them winning. But they killed Thanos at the start. So the only thing they needed to win was to bring everyone back with the stones. Which the Hulk did. Then Thanos from the past attacked. So there is another timeline where Nebula warned the Avengers ahead of time that Thanos would be looking for the stones in 2014 and they may possibly meet him. Which would mean there is another timeline where Thanos from the past never made it to the future, the big battle at the end never happened, and Tony didn't die. So will there be a flashback in Dr. Strange 2 where we see that Stark and Strange met in the past when they had their normal lives and Stark was an asshole to Strange? Because why else would he lead them down a timeline where Tony died, even though it wasn't necessary.

Are you being disingenuous or are you just stupid? But the time the plan was arrived at, Strange had been dead for five years.

Shut the fuck up boomer. I clap when niggers kill your old ass in the knockout game and I dont have to pay your retired welfare anymore. If I was in charge all old people who needed public assistance would be fucking killed

So the deaths were Iron Man, Black Widow, Gamora, Vision, Loki and Heimdall and a bunch of no bodies.

This is the only scenario where they win.

No scenario when they win but 99% is dead or 0% is dead.

but strange knew they would go back in time you dumb fuck. he literally knew the whole entire sequence. he could have said hey, when you go back in time, dont take the robot bitch. and they woulda been like huh? but then when the time came and ant man arrived, they would know oh yeah lets not take the dumb robot bitch because then thanos wont be able to come and "foil" our plans causing a big shitty battle to happen at the end of the movie.

Tony leaned on the cauldron of the cosmos. That's unforgivable and he deserved death.

So you are saying that there isn't a scenario where past Thanos doesn't come to the future and Tony's death is avoided?

Fuck off you old coot I'm going to live to the point where I can shoot my cum at a cute boys face in zero g. Can you say the same?

not having any infinity stones will likly be a plot point in the next phase, including warlock im sure, infinity guard

they universe needs them

the sorcerer supreme still has a job to do even if he no longer has the time stone anyway, did most of the sorcerers even know the eye of agomotto was actually the timestone?

she was essentially an avenger for 5 years you spastic, doing space OPS with rocket, marvel and rhodey

she also has actual knowledge of where and when they are going, why wouldnt they send her back?

that was a different time though, avengers battle in ny took place before gotg


>Use mini time machine from the end of Endgame to back to just before Hulk did the snap and take all the stones.
>Use them to defeat any villain that might pop-up
All Marvel movie plots are now null and void.

beacause sending her back is the only reason thanos learns of what the fuck is going on you doofus, if they go back without him figuring it out then they wont kidnap her and use her as a conduit to go the the future timeline. instead the gus can use the stones and bring everyone back and there wouldve been no fight at the end. the whole purpose of sending her back was the shitty writers creating a way to make a really bad end game battle to pander to the shitbrain masses.

Or any movies for that matter. Film is the cuck’s “art”-form. Just read a book lol

Did they ever call his amulet the Eye of Agamotto? If they didn't they'll have to use/find that.

>instead of Tony
Tony's dead, dude. It was a pretty big moment.

They literally have a time machine now, they can use that.

>Did he get AIDS in Wakanda or something?
AIDS would've been rendered meaningless in Wakanda, like, 10 years ago.

Sounds like a better movie already.

Why didn't they bring Tony back with the time stone at the end of Endgame? He wasn't a soul stone sacrifice.

Tony still had no idea what the correct set of decisions from that point on would be so it's understandable

>she knew Quill and about Vormir
You're otherwise right, but she didn't go to Vormir.

Maybe if Nebula didn't go to that planet with Rhodey then Rhodey (and someone else) took too long getting the power stone out of that energy field, Djimon turned up, and the mission failed.

well banner was pretty fucked already and they didn't really have a gauntlet anymore. but they could find peter dinklage again, or Pym or Banner could probably figure it out.

then Captain Marvel couldve snapped, or probably some other superstrong alien. shit even like Nebula probably could've done it then just repair her

>So there is another timeline where Nebula warned the Avengers ahead of time that Thanos would be looking for the stones in 2014...
But he wouldn't, because he did come to the present.

Not one caused by the time travel in this movie, no.

Wasn't their primary duty protecting humanity from (magical) threats? Guarding the time stone was part of that. Sure, time stone no longer needs guarding since it blew up but they can still protect earth.

The fact the time stone is gone annoys the fuck out of me but it was probably a conscious decision when they realised Strange is by far the most powerful MCU character and the only reason his fights aren't over in seconds is because then we'd have no movie. Strange 2 and Asguardians of the Galaxy are the only Marvel projects I give any fucks about at this point.

Tension user, stories need to have tense moments

asgaurdians of the galaxy is going to be so fuckin sick

he saw all potential ways things would play out and realised that:

a) they only defeated Thanos in one version of events
b) in that version of events, he gives Thanos the time stone

why is this difficult for you to understand? it's a straightforward mainstream film.

Thats not even the worst part they could have used the time stone to go back to the past and get the gems before thanos

How they made Sir Benedict Cucumber into such a chad is beyond me. He was fantastic.

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Because it would've brought Thanos and his army back.

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He's just weird looking enough to be "interesting", plus it helps that he's naturally very charismatic. Even when affecting an American accent his voice is also very pleasing.

That doesn't make any sense.

And even if it did, they could take their sweet ass time to prepare for Thanos and his army reappearing.

He should just go for the goatee and the whole look in general. He looks pretty good like that, no homo.

>literally has knowledge that thanos records everything she sees and can play it back whenever he wants
>literally knows that thanos and her past self are both looking for the stones at that time and place
>literally says nothing
honestly the biggest plothole in the movie but the directors will probably fix it in some lame interview 1.5 years from now on youtube because you're allowed to do that now

You two are on point.

You three are triggered so badly by the realization that you are lesser men than your ancestors it is delicious.

No joke, my great grandfather didn't give a shit about movies and spent all his time drinking and picking up high school chicks in his Chevy. My father and uncle have vivid memories of him hauling up to the curb after school and getting girls their age to "go for a ride." When he died and they had to clear his house out, they found a stack of Playboys so heavy they had to call three friends to haul it out.

So yeah I guess he wouldn't have cared much about capeshit.

Implying grandpa wasn't a sperging fanboy for John Wayne, Westerns, and dime store serial shlock.

Tilda Swinton helped train him. She's fantastic.

dafuq does that even mean?

we don't know if she knew thanos had a backdoor

they did not know that before. The movie is really simple, are you literallly fucking retarded?


there's a thing called risk

>The real villain was Tony

>Thanos only wanted to wipe half of life

>Tony on the other hand with the Gauntlet, would pretty much wipe out any non-human being on the universe to protect the earth, and then he would kill any human that would be a threat to others or his order, basically become a full blown dictator

>Doctor Strange saw 14,000,605 futures, with several thousands on which Thanos died before he could snap, but only 1 where both Thanos and Tony died

>So he made Tony believe he had to sacrifice himself in order to save the universe, which was correct, but not form Thanos, but form himself

>That's why Strange didn't use the time stone after Tony snapped save him from dying just like Thanos did when Vision got blown up

No Thanos fight = no need for Tony to sacrifice himself = universe loses.

true, it's a fair point

but they needed a space expert and as the other user said, she knew about morag and vormir the most, as well as the ship, since she sets the shipt to jump from morag to vormir

nebula made the most sense since 2014 rocket was just a bounty hunter, and 2014 nebula was aware of quill on morag

Nah. Time Stone can work on individual things and won't affect its surroundings. You could bring back Tony without undoing anything else.

tbf its been 5 years since she even had to think about thanos. it probably didnt even enter her robot head until they reached the planet that she was also being seen by past nebula

the stones remain "destroyed" in 2023, their energy is dissipated since energy cannot be created, but thanos destroyed them once and for all

>it’s delicious
I’m sure you say the same about cum. Faggot

rewinding time around a person also resets actions involving them though. we see this with Vision getting killed in IW but getting rewound by Thanos. if Strange brings Tony back to before his injuries, the snap doesn't happen.

Tony wouldn't survive (even last a minute) using all six stones at once, let alone the power stone.


Literally the only sensible person in this thread

You are literally posting in a anime website

>keybord warrior acting tough again

Aren't there 2 Caps now?


Thor could have put on the glove and brought back Tony with a snap, or Captain Marvel.

yeah but one was frozen in ice for some reason

so send someone else then to help him lol. theres plenty of people to choose from in this shit tier universe.

see my last reply. strange knew that. thats all that matters you dumb mother fucker.

the entire idea of this movie is complete shit if you have half a brain unlike literally 90% of the people here

how do you give the soul stone back with black widows soul in it

>Black Widow was an hero who an hero'd


Cap just stuck it up his wife's butt

He means they would have cured it or perfected anti retroviral drugs.

Even now if you have HIV you can take drugs that suppress it so much that it can't be detected in your blood, you can't pass it to others via unprotected sex, and it doesn't affect your lifespan.

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The beard slims his face.

Pipe down, you old clown.

They didn't know there'd be a time feedback thing happening.

How do you put the red stone back into hershlag body?

I don't know what point you're trying to make.

I'd be willing to try.

a better question is why after rhodey went back and she had her spaz out did she waste time running to the ship to try to radio hawkeye and black widow who thanos wouldnt have been able to find anyways if he hadnt captured her and scanned her memories instead of just immediately going back to the future and cutting off the "quantum entangled memories" before thanos could learn anything more

i checked out this guys post history, and yup, he's a racist incel. move along people, downvote and ignore.

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I don't think you understand. The only reason Thanos came to the present is because Nebula was on Morag and Thanos wasn't far away. His computers connected to future Nebula and then he discovered that the Avengers travelled back in time to get the stones. This led to him kidnapping future Nebula and past Nebula switched places. Past Nebula later let past Thanos to get to the future. Tony's death is dependent on 2014 Thanos coming to the future. If 2014 Thanos didn't come to the future than Tony would still be alive.

that too. she couldve dipped out while her ship was being beamed into thanos' grasp

>she also has actual knowledge of where and when they are going, why wouldnt they send her back?
The problem is that there is zero reason that they would have to go back to exactly 2014 to get the power stone. Going back to 2012 I understand. Because three of the stones were all in the same city at the time. But there was no rule that said that had to got there at the same time that Quill went there. Shouldn't Nebula have known that Thanos' computers would have hacked into her head. Endgame became my least favorite Avengers movie because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the only reason why had a giant end battle is because these characters acted like retards when planning out this time travel heist to get the stones.

They did. It wasn't until the ending of Doctor Strange that Wong commented that the eye is an infinity stone.

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Maybe the hulk or captain marvel snapped them back into existence again before they returned the ones from the other world? I don't know.

You guys are wasting too much thought into this one.
That's why.

>Movie was too long
>Setup was such a hassle
>Time traveling bullshit robbed Thanos of his victory
>Tony Stark gets Uncle Ben'd
This movie is pretty dumb

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He knew that Tony would be the one to undo the snap, thus allowing Tony to live and half the universe to die would ultimatley result in it all getting undone.

W-Whos bill?????

honestly the only plot hole in the movie that bothered me.

he's the only wh*te boi in a land of proud africans he probably mostly lived on scraps just look they didn't even let him have two arms

>super soldier serum
>puny tiny weak arms
what a bitch

Strange now buys a handgun.

no not really they are, for the most part, giving the audience what they want and focus on getting the character stuff right first and plot holes second. For the amount of stupid comic book powers and cosmic problems that are in play for this movie, the writers did a very good job.

>Use gauntlet to go back in time
>Travel to Thanos's homeworld
>Help Young Thanos save his planet and people before destruction
>Show Present Thanos another time where his people thrived and overcame their dilemma
>Present Thanos becomes overwhelmed with guilt and regret
>Sacrifices himself at the Red Skull planet to to get Gamora back
>Tells Avengers that with great power comes great responsibility
Where's my paycheck at, Disney

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Sorry DC sucks so bad.

> yfw based feige takes over after kennedy is fired and fixes the entire universe by using seb as young luke

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>If Strange hadn't given Thanos the stone, they probably would have beaten him.

Kind of bugs me that thanos never used any of his mutant powers. Realistically he could have just killed them all and just took the gauntlet back.

Why didn't Dr. Strange just use the Time Stone and prevent Quill from hitting Thanos?

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My nigga i have signed copies of superman my great grandfather gave me. Get over yourself lmao

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i like thano
i am excited to see him in the next the advengers film

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beta ray bill

Presumably Strange will have to make deals with powerful entities and possibly use dark magic in order to deal with threats to the universe.
The way he did in the comics.

Yep the fact that nebula didn't hit the button as soon as she could walk again was pretty stupid, but we needed to have a fight to end the. movie

the stones still exist, they are just split into atoms. strange 2 will probably deal with it

The one on the right is the one brown girls like. See all posts from brown or Asian women how the get wet from the pale white boy who doesnt sleep look

everyone keeps acting surprised that bucky isn't the new captain america, yet if you have seen black panther you would know he is given the alter ego "white wolf" and they would never set that up if he was just going to become captain america. it is clear that bucky will have a major role in black panther 2

What happened to this guy. He was big in the 90s

I know it won't happen but making kang the next big villian and reveling that kang is Tony would be cool. Would maybe explain how he figured out time travel so fast

Strange was dusted you fucking imbecile.

there is no point to doing that at all. tony's story is completed. RDJ is done. it would ruin it

They need to bring back the kiki Dee overalls and haircut look

Still not seeing the issue. The logic just has to be that if past Thanos didn't travel forward, then something else vital also didn't happen. Maybe it had to be Nebula on Morag (or NOT on Vormir), else they didn't get one of the stones.


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>Shouldn't Nebula have known that Thanos' computers would have hacked into her head.
Obviously she didn't know that, and the movie made it clear that 2014 Thanos and Nebula didn't know what was happening at first.
This also means Thanos being in range wasn't something they knew they had to consider.

Well, shit. I guess it's still the Eye with a different power source in it?
Reading up on it, the director somehow thought the comics' Eye was too OP, yet an INFINITY STONE was fine.

Who is Ray Bill, and what makes him beta?

the better thor