Why didn't they have a black power team up moment in Endgame like the female characters?

Why didn't they have a black power team up moment in Endgame like the female characters?

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maybe because these black men are not cucks unlike the female cast

Because a group of blacks only scares people

Who did Lawrence Fishbone play?

Nick Fury


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He was in Antman and the Wasp.

Thanos killed all niggers

Because people would call it racist, while calling the female scene empowering. There's no real difference.

>what the fuck did you say about trans kids white boi?
what do?

scientist man that could grow big

>All the females show up
>All the black males show up in front of them

Based and Blackedpilled

Throw a basketball at him and run.

villain in ant-man 2


I think in time they will turn on black males. I'm making a prediction here, they will be the next target, as they will have privilege or whatever over latinx, Muslims and pure africans like somali

They did

They imported wakanda through the portals

This movie is about women not blacks. Stop being a misogynist, you faggot. It's not their turn this time. Possibly next movie.

because the blacks were too busy killing each other to fight Thanos


They did, when Black Panther, Shuri, and baldo all showed up in the portal. When I saw the movie, all the black people in the theater started cheering and shit.

You mean behind them, right?

>you faggot
homophobes have no place here

Black Goliath

Why do you hate blacks? Such a racist.

Because they smell

The Crew Movie when?

Don Sneedle
>segregating yourself into race like lets get all the nigs together for a picture


Was Fishbourne in it too?

Because a pack of wild apes hootin’ & hollerin’ triggers subconscious white fear and hurts ticket sales

>I'm putting together a team

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Of course. White women are already being betrayed; blacks are next.

T’Challa, Okoye and Shuri actually know each other. Doesn’t count.

they did they also did a black person chant did we even watch the same movie?

Based Larry jumping from the dc ship to the marvel one

Namd my band Yea Forums

>no women

As if they already haven't. Why do you think they're always trying to push homosexuality, drag, effeminancy, irresponsibility, and degeneracy on black males. They've been going after us long before they went after you

>straight black males are the white people of black people
It's already happening

Because it would have been too based.


LL Cool J should have played somebody. Guy is still yoked at 50+

Black Nigger

>Ayo wite boi. We finna boutta protect some trans kids. You in?

Because niggers slaughter each other in record numbers when in a small area together.

Does Don Cheadle unironically think that we don't see that he is over fifty years old or is it just his undeveloped nigbrain that causes him to dress like a 90's LL Cool J?

Angry Black People: The Movie

Holy shit I see FIVE Lawrence Fishburnes


who did Denzel Washington play?

>And we've got...back up, back up, dawg, y'feel me?


Silver surfer

I'm sure you can do something with the fact that Avengers ends with ngers.

Professor Malcolm X.

why do black guys pretend to like each other?
white guys don't do the same.

holy shit, i forgot about that

5 BLACK millionaire....COPE

C - S. Jackson
PF - L. Fishbourne
SF - C Boseman
SG - H mackie
PG - D Cheadle


Wow. Denzel Washington cloned himself?

Don Cheadle looks like a chimp

Sorry boys they're making our movies first

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is dat all you got....lets see how you look

Mommy's special friend who helps her in her bedroom when daddy is at work

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Perry White

Based Captain Planet

don cheadle seems like a really tedious, unlikable person

He has Dress However The Fuck You Want Ain't Nobody Gonna Say Shit money

Jesus scarjo looks busted. Also I wanna fug mantis

>black guy
>uncle tom
>crazy black uncle
>lightskin nigga trying too hard
>darkskin nigga trying too hard
lmfao only one out of five is normal

Why are Mackie's eyes so far apart?


>segregatioon is a thing of the past

you mean blackup?

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grow big where?


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Are these the only niggers in MCU? I felt like there was one more.