what the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
CIA niggers
not having sex
>well shit i guess i'm a weak willed faggot
>might as well die in a fire
the law aint free, the tree of justice gotta be litterd with the blood of scam artists. james mcgill aka "slippin jimmy" is not my brother. hes an dirty liar and probbabbly a thief as well
Chuck was based and correct. Jimmy McGill is truly a chimp with a machine gun
>see a chimp with a machine gun
>try to stop them
>turns out they're really adept with the machine gun in the right circumstances
>kill yourself
cringe and bluepilled
The A plot with Kim, Jimmy and lawyer kino is better than both the original source material and game of thrones. Why do I see so much hate for it?
>hurr its too slow
>ugh all this TALKING
>why isn't slippy jam making a gun turret in his trunk to kill nazis
dont worry, the last season confirmed that this show is literally the biggest pleb filter of all time
unironically zoomers
Season 3 and 4 were outstanding
The B plot mainly. Mike/Nacho isn't as interesting as saul and takes up a major chunk of the show.
There's also alot of retreading on the point that Jimmy doesn't give a fuck or suck about chuck's death and he rebels against the rules.
Show needs more stuff like the car scene after he meets that one girl and realizes she never had a chance just like him.
Morbid older brother complex.
TV shows and films get boring when its problems devolve into “the whole world is gonna end” or “some meany is going to kill me”. BCS showed how shit BB actually is with all the seasonal antagonists. Its almost becomes a monster of the week kinda show and in the end so many people have been killed (I mean the fucking plane scene was retarded) the show loses all tension. Dunno, tl;dr Marvel/Transformers kinda movies where the world is at stake suck. Give me more shit like The Straight Story or Nebraska
Still salty about the whole Stonehenge stage performance debacle.
I actually think that the season antagonists were pretty well done in both the sopranos and breaking bad. Especially the sopranos though because the show was always so much more than bad guy go boom boom. I thought Tuco and Gus are both fine villains. The neo nazis in season 5 were pretty shit though, I'll give you that much.
I find Nacho to be interesting. Mike's plot is a bit boring sometimes but I think once the A plot and B plot become somewhat integrated during season 5 the show is going to really hit its stride.
Ironically enough, Bob Odenkirk is in Nebraska. Was this part of your plan user?
Season 5 really should have been about Walt trying to cover his tracks while Hank investigates Gus’s death and operation. Instead we get the American History X rejects gang and “muh I did it for me”
I know. He’s a good actor. Maybe why I like BCS as well.
I hated how they handled Gus’s death. It made sense within the context of the show, but the two face scene ruined it. Reminded me of a movie where in the first 10 minutes somebody is brutally killed. You set the tone immeaditelly, but anything after that has to one up it, up to the point it reaches ridiculus levels.
nacho is great. grandpa badass, though originally a great character has overstayed his welcome and needs to go
he was a newfag.
Only polish people will understand this.
Thats because the show had kinda fucked itself with all the violence and action before. For me the drama and tension should’ve been more about becoming ostracized with his family and either Hank having to kill Walt or vice versa. They added the Nazi gang because they wanted some more violent deaths and so Walt or Hank never had to kill the other.
Dunno, an ending like the Godfather III or The Pledge (massive underrated movie) would’ve been perfect in my eyes: Walt having finally gained his empire but only for him to die alone and paranoid.
He was a shit brother who was pissed that despite his superior intellect, his brother had a way with people that gave him an edge in life.
It's like, if you're an asshole, but a brilliant piano player with millions, hating your little brother because girls liked him better back when in highschool.
I'm not gonna lie, it's super boring. But oh so godamn entertaining. And Kimmy is genuinely one of the most attractive women working in tv right now btfo-ing 20 year old starlets who only got the job because they sucked a mean cock. Intelligent women are fucking hot.
Problem?!? You mean being singlehandly the best character on the spinoff?
The problem is the void he left when they killed him. This last season did not have the same magic.
>next season will match the # of breaking bad seasons
still feels like they have a ton more material to work with