/pol/ must be deleted to save Yea Forums, and to save all of Yea Forums as well

/pol/ must be deleted to save Yea Forums, and to save all of Yea Forums as well.

Attached: Capture.png (509x211, 34K)

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Weak bait 2/10 I replied

Fuck off you tranny cocksucker

Yea Forums, /bant/, Yea Forums and /r9k/ as well

What's it like losing OP? Even Yea Forums, a board you claimed was 100% anti-/pol/, is now supporting them because of how much you redditors cry about them

Attached: 1527101611748.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

/pol/ isn't the problem, it's merely a mirror that reflects 4chans true nature. Drop all the self-righteousness and a good majority of Yea Forums are /pol/ minded.

>delete their containment board so they infest other boards
Good thinking genius

Attached: 7D3ACD38-7406-4347-B62B-6D8A052DC805.jpg (547x519, 47K)

>deleting a containment board
There's a reason they were created in first place... Few years ago Yea Forums was also infested with pony fuckers thread until they get thriwn into their own echo chamber

Also unironically /pol/ is the only board with Yea Forums that keep producing memes nowadays