Cleftjaw edition
/got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Starks of Winterhell.
Fuck this shitfest. All Hail Griffit.
1st for he's back!
Stannis is dead
>tfw we memed Stannis to come back
I hope that's true, i'm so happy I will see that face again.
Ok, this is epic.
got reddit is a new level of delusion. It's great to see what lengths fanboys will go to defend this episode.
How many “””men””” are at Burlington Bar?
seven 'ells come 'ere
I missed you boy
Azor Finchy
>Robb gives up Roslin pussy
>Eddard gives up Ashara pussy
>Jon gives up Dany pussy
>Brandon gives up Meera pussy
Why do northmen just keep cucking themselves?
post melly pictures
thanks bros
reminder that the series will end with GIRL POWER
What the fuck
Azor sansa
I was pondering the logistics of raven-texting. Presumably you would need banks of cages with ravens trained for each possible location. And someone constantly training more fo them somehow.
Would you rather eat an Asshai'i curry, a Yi Ti stir-fry, a Meereenese kebab or Dornish tapas?
No “men” exist there, none are allowed in the building
>reddit in general
Gross. At least /r/asoiaf seems to have more sane people
so this is the episode that finally broke them top kek
So we all know that if Stannis does make an appearance it will only be a flashback but why would they do that? Are they going to retcon something regarding Melisandre/Azor?
Who would make a better king: Robb, or Jon?
gurm ate it all in one sitting didnt he
haven't been in a /got/ thread for years. lost all my old memes except this.
>it's fucking real
what does this mean, lads?
Was he the ultimate incel?
Robb was an alpha male. Jon's a beta faggot.
I'll help you out lad
Guys, seriously, don't get hype over Stannis.
Even if he did show up, they'll disappoint you even further
Iwan, Lena and Emilia have the most expressive faces
What asses
Killing Sophie turner would send D&D a message....
Serious question, what the FUCK could they possibly do with Stannis in 3 episodes that won't feel forced and contrived as fuck? His whole plotline was saving the North from the WW and being Azor Ahai. Neither of those things are relevant now.
More ranch, your grace?
no way
is rickonbro still posting here?
Poor Emilia, DABID literally want to kill her with third stroke.
>Emilia said once she heard what happens to her character, she lost all sense of direction and walked through London for “three hours, aimlessly.”
>She added, “It might as well have been raining and I would’ve just walked in it not knowing what to do.” Plus, there were “loads of tears” and wine on her end. “That was the moment I realized that alcohol can also be a depressant,” she said. “I was kind of nursing a glass of wine, going, ‘I don’t know why I’m not getting any happier from this.’”
What are the chances that Arya is pregnant?
in his head rent free
This, stop hoping for anything good with Dabid at the wheel.
What if your wrong? What if the tides have finally turned? We already know that Emilia and Maisie are unhappy with how the show ends.
red pilled and stannis based
r/asoiaf mostly dislikes the episode. They are all shocked what the fuck they were thinking when they threw the nightking just away like that.
Cast the D&D written/directed live action adaptation of Berserk
>Guts: ____________
>Griffith: __________
>Casca: ____________
>Corcus: ___________
>Judeau: ___________
>Pippin: ____________
>Puck: ____________
No because he had animal sex while warging ;^)
Nintendo switch
Mine was some Tarly boy at the battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow, so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword I knocked him down with a hammer, Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, hammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted ‘Wait! Wait!’.
Based larry David
One of the good jews
Whatever happened tot his madman ?
Is he making a comeback /got/?
I was right about (((them))) the whole time
This scene was unironic kino.
what was his name again?
Holy hell he's fat
You can pause just about any time Ramsay is on screen and get a reaction image.
hey bros
i asked you all to post pictures of melly
so fucking do it
There is no way anyone can be casted to play Guts or Griffith and do them justice, absolutely no way. Even physically speaking.
I want to cum a huge load all over that specific face
Worst timeline happened. Playing as Robert, I won, hung, drew and quartered Rhaegar, but Ned failed at the Tower of Joy, he got killed and Lyanna fled to Essos with Aemon, Rhaegar's son. Should I just kill myself now bros
He's unironically the King of Slaver's Bay with a harem of Red Priestesses
>she said. “I was kind of nursing a glass of wine, going, ‘I don’t know why I’m not getting any happier from this.’”
Welcome to our every day, Emilia.
Major characters are removed just like that. Why on earth would this guy be brought back?
Took me a minute lmao
I don't know who's more tragic fucking the other.
He can sit in the forgotten corner along with Robin, Edmure and frogfu.
He's thinner now.
Now that we know how it all ends I'm said It had to be this retarded show and not the books.
GURM you fucked up
>“I was kind of nursing a glass of wine, going, ‘I don’t know why I’m not getting any happier from this.’”
More wine, your grace?
>What if your wrong?
I hope I am, user, I hope I am.
GRRM is a bizarre mix of Tyrion and Sam
>be good franchise
>be taken over by Juden
>be ruined
Every time
Rewatching random scenes from throughout the series... season 5-7 are batshit insane in terms of writing.
>Euron ending his kingsmoot speech with "I paid the iron price... AND HERE I STAND"
>stabbed in the uterus and flooded with poopoopeepee water
All of that was just an excuse for him to claim his rightful place on the Iron Throne. We know Dany dies and Jon doesn't want the throne, so Stannis is the only suitable option.
Top fucking kek user
>uh, so you stay and be in charge of slaver's bay, k?
>a fucking sellsword
Danyfags will defend this
Guys someone should go check up on Alt Shift X, dude's probably on suicide watch
Thoughts? Haven't seen a single post about this unless people already discussed it
And Kit
Brienne will kill Bronn.
I mean let's be honest ASOIAF is a pretty bluepilled good goy franchise to begin with, it's written by a 60s hippie.
>knows how to use shields
>knows how to kill giants
>would force the North to accept Dany as Queen in exchange for marriage
>Red Wedding + Dragonglass = Game Over
>No Jon, no dead dragon, no wall falling down
>Defeated the Lord of Light's chosen
>Skilled archer who could probably hit the NK's magic spot with a dragonglass arrow
Was he the chosen one?
I don't think he will. Bronn is a slimy dude but friendship and/or gold.
Reinhard von Lohengramm is best blonde, effeminate husbandu
>what the FUCK could they possibly do with Stannis in 3 episodes that won't feel forced and contrived as fuck?
Stannis is the younger brother (Valonqar) of Robert. Cersei cucked his brother and had him killed. That's motivation enough for him to want her dead.
he's beyond suicide watch at this point
both he and preston
grey autist
Maybe it's just my brain trying to forget but seasons 5-7 are like a blur in my memory, I just remember them being bad.
Anime is gay
Unpopular opinion here but Shae isn't even a bad actress to be honest. She's not spectacular but she got the job done, and her accent is fine since she's supposed to be foreign and have one. I had forgotten her relation with Sansa, it's cute.
holy shit
Name a more raped character by D&D.
>Jon kneels over Dany's dead body, sobbing and wondering how it all came to this
>a pair of boots come into the shot
>camera pans up
>it's Stannis
>Davos is with him
>Davos has always been with him
>They look impassively over Jon
>Davos speaks:
>"There is only one king in Westeros and his name is Stannis, traitors and usurpers will bend the knee or be destroyed."
>Jon is shocked
>Brienne starts looking for the door, but is interrupted as 100,000 Stormlands knights flood into the room
>Cersei is led screaming into the Black Cells
>Stannis turns directly to the camera and winks
>cut to black
>"and who... are you..."
Jon is more like Ned
Why does a British actor filming a show in Scandinavia care so much about the US Vice President?
>GoT ends with a fantastic ending that all the normalfags hate and one that /got/ and Preston adore
I would forgive D&D
In appearance yes. In mannerisms, they're pretty much the same, Robb and Jon.
Atleast Petyr had some good scenes.
Someone post the Jaime one please.
So they had really big castle. Why didn't they man it like Helms deep? Why most of the army is outside in front of the castle? If some of the army is outside it should be in the side of the castle and get the enemy in front of the castle.
Jon slept with her tho.
Just because the character is back doesn't mean stannis is alive. It could be a flashback.
Calling it now, Shireen will be needed to sacrifice in order to bring Jon back. There is no easy ways coming back from death.
I'm still holding out for lemon trees in Braavos in the books, personally my favorite theory
>basing your enjoyment of the show on the opinions of other watchers
yikes dude
Punished Robert
britbongs often pretend american politics is their business for some reason
>So they had really big castle.
Walls don't keep the dead at. That's why they didn't have a huge ice wall keeping them out for 8,000 years
Unless you're Beric
Forshadowed around 1:00-1:10
Bronn will either kill Jaime or at the veryu least try
it's the most compact heap of shit you've ever seen:
Starts with cock talk (standard), centerpiece is Euron Greyjoy using the house words of the Mormonts, and the last line: "Where are my niece and nephew? (evil pause) Let's go murder them"
this one?
No I'm saying that an ending that would satisfy us would most likely upset the normies.
So is Euron's and Cersei's marriage matrilineal? Makes no sense for a Greyjoy to inherit the throne
Assuming they aren't magic or super smart I think they'd work like other homing birds in that they can only fly home. So you'd need to be constantly training them to home to your castle, then distribute them to anyone else you want to be able to message you.
I think that's how it works. But in the show the 3ER probably just handles all mail routing, like a big Raven DNS server
i just came
>he still thinks foreshadowing and setup and buildup and development and prophecies and common sense mean absolutely anything in the show!
It's a lie, like everything in late night TV.
Quads and I get a cute girlfriend.
USA is their colony after all
Euron conquered Cersei's G spot, so he has the right
because he has no dick and doesn't wat to get electrocuted
And Pycelle
Anyone got Littlefinger book versus show meme?
It had its price too. I just don't think GRRM has revealed it yet. Probably through Thoros.
heres your redemption arc bro
>Im not going to be around when those things start spitting fire on kings landing
100% Bronn betrays Cersei
wtf how did you do that?
Jon. He is more pragmatic.
Jon intentionally broke his vows by sleeping with Ygritte in order to better infiltrate the Wildling army. Robb accidentally broke his vows to the Freys and dishonored Jeyne Westerling. He could have just apologized to Jeyne and then kept the Frey’s men and not been killed. Instead he chose to do the stupid thing.
That's exactly how it works
Yes but why would Cersei agree to have a Greyjoy and not a Lannister inherit her throne?
Just so everyone knows about Preston Jacob's quality writing. Racism, prejudice and genital mutilation fetishism...
>he still thinks foreshadowing and setup and buildup and development and prophecies and common sense mean absolutely anything in the show!
It does when it comes to stupid D&D original scenes. That's why we got that "you will closed multi colored eyes" line
no it's not, if anything they're a US puppet state now
>Jon intentionally broke his vows by sleeping with Ygritte in order to better infiltrate the Wildling army
lmao you actually believe this? He enjoyed fucking her.
What the fuck
Daario is literally commander of an army (the Second Sons) and is (was?) loyal to Daenarys who (now that the main bulk of her army is gone) is in dire need of men.
Has D&D and the rest of the production really forgotten about him?
Here the army was smaller than the castle, which was also designed so it could only be attacked from the front only.
Winterfell is a castlet. Rohirrim should also have died similarly to Dothrakis when against the uruk spear wall. Sunshine ex machina was embarassing.
Congratulations user
You deserve it
Oh yes this one. I'm pretty sure this was the first out of these to be made, probably thanks to season 5 being so horrible.
She's dead and Euron has the biggest force in Westeros. Nobody cares what she wanted
All of Essos has been written out for this season.
The US is an Israeli puppet state.
Puck: Eddy Murphy
>Racism, prejudice and genital mutilation fetishism...
so it's only bad if you're a cuck, thats good to hear
Is he the one who pissed on the icon?
No one fucking cares
man you know well that you will need epta at least
god i wish that was me
Last time I remember Cersei has the Golden company, the Reach, the Riverlands, the Westerlands, and Dorne with her.
>tfw no gf and no Stannis on the iron throne
wasted quads. you get a cute gf but we're still stuck with this dumpster fire of a show
how can mortals gain this power?
He thinks the books will be different
The Reach has been wiped out. Don't ask me how. Same for Dorne. Riverlands are Stark loyalsits. That leaves only westerlands who shouldn't be having much left after the battles against Robb Stark and Golden Company.
But this show doesn't have consistency.
you cared enough to upload a pic and reply
>I now remember how retarded this was
And the funny thing is at least here Euron seems to have more aspirations than just
>i wanna fuck the queen lmao
>Here the army was smaller than the castle,
Euron has the gold company.
> the Reach, the Riverlands, the Westerlands, and Dorne
I have no idea what these are and neither do D&D
>that gormless jew in the middle
>tfw got a black haired kid from Cersei
>still cucked by Rhaegar though
Do I still name him Joffrey, or something more Baratheon?
you cared enough about someone caring to reply
She was so beautiful.
I hope she smells nice
Truly ourguy
it's time
name him orys
>It had its price too. I just don't think GRRM has revealed it yet. Probably through Thoros.
I think so too. Everywhere else in the book there seems to be a sacrifice involved in that sort of magic. Even Beric had to sacrifice himself to bring Catelyn back.
godspeed user, make us proud
Wasn't it like 300 peasants and a bunch of faggy elfs? In the books the battle was more balanced, the uruks were smaller and the soldiers not grannys and kids, but in the show the battle was lost before trying.
Zed flooding would have overrun their walls in seconds.
Do we have any confirmed spoilers for tomorrow?
>mfw is true
Did anyone save that image of Bran watching himself watching Sansa through the binoculars
What does lemon trees in bravos imply?
There'll be a throwback to Tyrion's line "whatever they're offering... I'll pay double" and Bronn will use the crossbow to kill Cersei, put your life savings on it
GOT was a mistake
Proud of you
Braavosi lemonade
Book Euron is utter shit.
Reminder Littlefinger knew at this moment he was in danger.
Anyone else wants to fuck the dragon queen?
I'm sure it will happen. By the way I think we can all agree that Bronn had no logical reason to be brought back to the story, other than his popularity right?
But seriously what does it imply?
how do i get into this game i don't know what to do when i tried it i was just looking at the screen like a brainlet trying to understand things
it looks like it can be so fun when you're an autist
The fucking castle was so empty and there weren't even properly men on th walls.
why would i go on a message board if i didn't care about messages?
on the offchance that memes become reality and stannis did survive wtf has he been doing?
Wtf I love Davos now
>It all started with Bran
>Bran will be King
>If a man passes the sentence, he should be the one to swing the sword
>His sentence was future-fight and getting everyone killed
>He swung the sword
Reminder Highgarden falling in a few hours was stupider than the Night King shit.
Fucking the body of his dead wife.
His duty.
I audibly gasped
probably healing
How can you use archers when your men are on the battlefield too? There were plenty of men after they fell back inside. Would a lot of guys looking from the walls have satisfied you more, sweetie?
Which best primes the palate for lemony lemoncakes
Raising an army
Next episodes are each 120 minutes long.
Dany remembers a lemon tree outside her childhood home, which was supposedly in Braavos where it's too cold to grow lemons. It implies that Dany is Jon's sister and grew up probably somewhere in Dorne, the assumption is Ned took Jon north and left Dany in Ashara's care.
So that's what was Bran doing during the battle.
video now
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
Well the message is thst no one but you cares about that fag Preston.
So how would dany and viserys spend time together then? And viserys was some enough to know if some random girl was dropped off/if his mother actually gave birth or not
Red pilled and based
danny will kick azor incel in the balls
>Characters who died how they deserved
Ned Stark
Syrio Forel
All/The Red Wedding
Joffrey/Purple Wedding
Khal Drogo
Viserys Targaryan
Theon Greyjoy
Jorah Mormont
Night's Watch Mook Squad
Tywin Lannister
Shae the Funny Whore
Everyone else has had a shit death.
>Yara starts it, attempting to have Euron killed as soon as she shows up
>Euron defends himself and his nation
>Gets democratically elected Leader of the Ironborn
>He's supposed to be the bad guy
>Bronn and Cersei being in the same room
>and Bronn getting the better of Cersei in that scene
Not gonna happen my friend
His stare there was priceless. Mastermind meets paranormal.
Theon's death accomplished literally nothing.
it makes sense for the wealthy to have lemon trees in braavos. i think even grrm comfirmed it's an irrelevant detail
>Raising an army
I'm putting together a team. You in?
S2 - Melly banged and then had shadowbabby
S8 - Melly speak gibberish and make fire
Syrio is not dead
How about everyone inside and rain of arrows constantly over the walls???
Viserys was there as well likely, and eventually then sailed to Essos.
Lemon Trees shouldn't be able to grow in Braavos because the location and climate isn't suited for it.
The place that is would be Dorne and the suggestion is that some of what we know about Dany's childhood is a lie.
Except it's probably more likely that GRRM had a senile moment.
Also, if Winterfell can have a Greenhouse then any rich cunt in Braavos can have a Lemon Tree growing and it seems plausible that Dany and Viserys were with the Sealord of Braavos.
Hell, Lemon Trees aren't so weak they die when they're taken out of 20C heat, some can go down to 5C, which seems perfectly reasonable for Braavos.
One last job....
Im curious to find out if the lack of lady stoneheart is the reason the undead army fell flat plotwise.
>Robert and Stannis as friends
this fanfic is getting weird
>Bran didn't give Theon the dagger so he could stab him as he fell and save Jorah's life
Jorah was a threat to Bran's magic time loop plans due to his love of Dany.
Simply based.
You would hit your men too.
Fucking the single unmarried Queen is becoming King of Westeros, bro. Maybe once he rules from Dorne to the Wall he's going to build a bigger, badder fleet and rape Essos into oblivion.
but viserys was present when dany was born on dragonstone.
Why did 90% of the cast decide to join the Night's Watch in the later seasons?
I would have a littlefinger
You should watch this.
the lack of lady stoneheart is one of the only good things this couple of hacks did
>Not having a shit death
Pick one
I don't think so tim
It's more likely that someone from Dorne visited them in the passed, Oberyn more than likely and brought with him a lemon tree. It could be in a potted plant with soil from Westeros or some type of contraption considering soil is poisonous in Braavos. But yes, also a likely case of GRRM just forgetting.
WHO was this guy again? seems so familiar
>slay hundreds of your enemies
>never taste defeat
>get a qt wife
>lead the greatest khalasar the Dothraki Sea has ever seen
>get a minor wound
>shilling your dumb channel
Wow, wonder what happened to Jaime.
Jorah was either going out fighting/dying side by side with Dany or not at all, he had no other choice unless they wanted to ruin his character.
It's fake, sadly
Episode 4's runtime is one hour 18 minutes
What is Varys telling Jorah
Infections man.
You have even idea how medieval tactics even work?
Jorah has great dead looking at his storyline, Jorah & Dany and Melissandre scenes were literally the best from this episode.
Wardrobe lady from the early seasons left and was replaced by pic related
any new leaks about ep4-6?
He was a pussy, he was no stallion, no warrior. Many a man have tasted stronger shit and lived, he was nothing in the end, a fitting death.
>it's real
That tiny Hound is fucking hilarious
He's as tall as Jon Snow
Did Ashara follow Ned in death?
Is that the one where Ned died?
I did one where Ned tells the truth and Robert demands he hand Jon over. I refused, it triggered a war.
Sansa's claim to the throne is that she is the last surviving Lord/Lady of one of the 7 Kingdoms
That's not strictly true though, the costume lady from the first few seasons was only gone for one season then she came back
Jorah's death was great what are you even talking about, the only thing was them writing in him saying I'm hurt, which is beyond retarded
The guy who handed Theon over to Ramsay.
but sweetie this show isnt set in medieval times, its a work of fiction, did you notice? there werent zombie tactics in medieval times
>tfw stannis and littlefinger will come back
Why are D&D so afraid of color? Everything is so grey.
You’ll need shomeone with the shkill necceshary to convince your foesh not to crossh you... count me in
I dismissed him from the Kingsguard. He's no longer lovers with Cersei.
>why do kikes hate ______
A real mystery
I refuse to think he didn't deserve more than to just say "I'm hurt" and fucking die without Dany even saying anything to him - scenario of death wasn't bad - execution was terrible imo
Does Robert kill Jon if you do?
Same, I tried and looked at some vids and was like, this is too much, I can do lv. 1 criticals on KH or dark souls and do damn good at fighting games, but this is a tad much.
I just stuck to CIV desu with GoT stuff.
any new leaks ?
it's difficult to speak when you have multiple fatal injuries
where's tywin?
damn maise's kinda hot in this pic
The late 2000s trend of grimdark gritty grey realism still hasn't died yet
Stannis is back
The only thing I felt it really needed were these.
>Have him say Here I stand when he gets back up and fight off a WW (we needed more of this period)
>Say I love you as his final words (like he tried to)
>Have Dany say it back
>Have Rhaegal mourn Jorah too
Like, its not even really big changes other than the WW desu.
I bend the knee to the rightful king and pledge to serve him until victory or death.
You calling the man a pussy for inexplicably losing his immune system to service the plot? Don’t talk shit on Drogo.
The fact of it is that he needed to die so Dany could leave and try to go to Westeros. In the vision she has later it’s Rhaego, not her, who’s claiming the Seven Kingdoms for the Targs again. If Drogo remained alive, it would be hard to explain why Dany wouldn’t just stay to raid Essos with her loving barbarian husband
You'll need someone who knows the land. Aye, I'll help.
>bronn not pictured
You know the land? Good. Are there at least 19 more of you?
Even the green in this picture is pretty grey
Bronn wasn't a main character. He has taken the gold and fucked off to Braavos and will never be seen again
He becomes Jon Sand and you take him with you anyway. For some reason Lyanna survived as well. Obviously it's CK2 so the AI Bobby still sent thousands to die at the neck chokepoint.
Why not
they would reveal stannis with cold open pre-credits like they did with the hound anyway
Yeah, Ned died and Lyanna fled to Essos with Jon (called Aemon Targaryen). Ashara's fine, she married Stannis.
Fuck the king
the guy was poisoned by the witch, man
Skyrim aestetics pleb
it would be to melodramatic, it was very good and Emilia did good job this scene, sometimes no words are better.
Sad, but Stannis is as honordumb as Ned so makes sense
- How did Sam and Jamie the fucking cripple survive the assault on Winterfell?
- Why did Dany land her dragon while being surrounded by the undead?
- Why did Jon stand in front of the undead dragon? Did he have a death wish?
- How did no undead notice Arya and where the did she come from in the first place when attacking nk?
- Why was Cersei thinking she could take on a giant undead army with a bunch of mercenaries?
- Is there any hope season 8 will get better after episode 3?
If you're in need of someone to suck all the mens' cocks to keep up morale, well... you have my mouth, sire
>"I'm gonna seduce Danerys with my ships!"
>"Not if I don't do it first!"
>"Shit! Now I have to seduce a different queen with my ships!"
It's not about his immune system failing, its about it being a deep wound that began to infect and rot, that's common, its actually how a lot of wounds are supposed to heal, the flesh rots itself off, if its bad enough it can get infected, especially in sandy environments.
All that means is that Drogo likely was never wounded that badly before and thought he could take it because he was so good at fighting. Even then we never once saw Drogo fight anybody properly from Westeros. The Dothraki ranged in skill from Hot Pie to Jaime Lannister when the plot demanded it. Also yes, Drogo needed to die, but he also didn't, at least not in the books because its very clear Dany is stockholm syndromed, Jorah either would have stood up eventually to it or Dany would have, even then if he needed to die, how is him being a cocky bitch and then dying like one not a fitting death to Khal Drogo, the cocky bitch.
>In December 2006, at an anti-domestic violence event run by the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet in Berlin, she stated, "I have experienced for myself that both physical and psychological abuse are regarded as normal in a Muslim family. Sadly, violence belongs to the culture of Islam". In response, the Turkish consul general left the room.[16]
wtf I love Turkish women now
Davos is the only character I'm 100% cool with having Valyrian plot armor
It would make sense if they were just mourning, but clearly this isnt the case.
And the Stormlands has finally fallen into the sea
Why would she have anything to do with that?
>Stannis marrying Ashara
I never knew I wanted this until now.
>How did Sam and Jamie the fucking cripple survive the assault on Winterfell? Jaime is Jaime, cripple or not at this point. Jon needs a Citadel witness for his claim.
>Why did Dany land her dragon while being surrounded by the undead?
Gotta save mah bae Jon Snuh
>Why did Jon stand in front of the undead dragon? Did he have a death wish?
He was trying to out alpha it, he failed
>How did no undead notice Arya and where the did she come from in the first place when attacking nk?
They did, they even looked at her, she's just faster than lightning and ninja like, ooo aaa Batman
>Why was Cersei thinking she could take on a giant undead army with a bunch of mercenaries?
Golden Company is fucking huge, they also have Elephants.
>Is there any hope season 8 will get better after episode 3?
For the fallout yes.
I need her in my life.
He just wants to bang Queens man, nothing wrong with that. A pirate after my own heart.
Him, Jorah, and Podrick are the only ones that deserve it due to their insane amounts of honor by this point.
GRRM told some fans years ago that Dany is about "8 or 9 months" younger than Jon. So definitely not twins. And that also means that when Ned took Jon away from the Tower of Joy, she wasn't even born yet.
Until eclipse or why is the crew missing?
He didn't need to say that. His books paint a very clear timeline of events. Robb and Dany were born in the Spring Months, Jon was born in the Autumn Months based on dates of battles and events and taking traveling into account.
Could Stannis redeem the show?
Golden Age arc. First episode is Gambino finding Guts as a baby. Last episode is Guts getting the Dragonslayer and heading out on his quest.
Fix The Long Night
Holy fuck I just looked up her porn
It's fucking AMAZING, I dunno if it's the kino 90's teir filming but her porn is literal perfection what the fuck
Yes and no.
You can't retroactively fix shit scenes and pointless NK plot, but the ending would be satisfying, better yet if Littlefinger also survives.
go like it did, except no NK. Everything else could have happened like it did, but at the end it should cut to the NK attacking king's landing and sitting down on the iron throne
>no Bronn
>no Tormund
>no Beric
>no Gendry
>Dothraki charge later after the initial strike with Infantrymen
>Characters fighting White Walkers as the Night King advances towards Bran with mooks taking on Wights
>Jorah/Dany vs. WW
>Jaime/Brienne vs. WW
>Sam/Davos vs. WW
>Tormund vs. WW
>Arya/The Hound vs. WW
>Jon fights his way towards Bran
>Theon puts his last stand up there just as Jon arrives
>Jon fights the NK and kills him
>Completely remove the Lyanna scenes
apparently since they dated they can't stand being in the same scenes as each other
The real cause of his death wasn't infection, it was Dany's idiocy.
>Dothraki charge in the smoke with Jorah and Ghost
>The entire horde marches back with a squad of wight heads
>"That's all there was Khaleesi"
>Cuts to the NK standing outside with his army in front of King's Landing
>Euron's Fleet in the background
>Qyburn in love with the process of undeath and is killed
>The rest escape on Euron's Fleet that has been mostly burnt to the ground
>Red Keep in ruins like in Dany's dream
>NK on the Iron Throne
I fixed it.