Cursed images
Cursed images
how tall is he?
me on the right
Two Harry Potters? What's going on here?
me in the middle
original pics for retards
me in the middle :3
why is he so smug brehs?
Die phoneposting scum.
mogged super hard
I posted that earlier but the thread got deleted and I got a warning. Beware user.
>ust be yourself bro
Also shopped
It's ok when straight Hollywood producers do it with girls tho right?
which alita movie is this?
i saw a girl there
>pool open due to aids
>It's okay when I do it, right?
Yes Dan it is okay when you do it, Dan. please put that gun down
ah yes but does she have a cock
imagine the smell
>this particular filth is better than this other particular filth, right?
based rippenposter
/pol/ party
no user age is not just a number & they can't consent
I feel bad for confused zoomers that didn't grow up with county fairs
one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.
They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.
I'm seein' double here! Four Frodos!
>Daily reminder that women get wet on the sight of the man on the right
Oh man this made me kek for a minute. The thing is it's bad, but still good enough to where some might still fall for it and think it's real.
the sneakers are the cherry on top
I see no difference?
WTF I’m seeing double...four Elijahs!
It wasn't funny in the last thread either
never seen one with a canvas top, what kind of cheap ass fair do you attend?
sorry for copying, hadn’t seen your post
He looks happy
Are you?
which one
This is a blessed image user
what is ezra's endgame?
shut the fuck up, incel
That's the real curse of this image.
virtue signaling on Yea Forums is pointless
ezra gets beheaded by Cage, who then wears his head as a pseudo hat for the rest of the movie, call it "Head/Off"
Wtf, is this /x/? Every new board that i visit converge to Yea Forums
I haven't been happy since august 2017
Working with Nicholas Cage probably, kek
that's a picture of one of the pool parties by the X-men gay director thing
too early
too soon
This is the weirdest pasta
Man, Scientology gives you some cool powers doesn't it?
The dimensional merge has begun. Two unlikely heroes find their lives turned upside down as their daily lives slowly turn into anime. Every time they wake up, the morning is the exact same and plays out like an anime opening with full theme music. It becomes appearant that fate wants them to face off as rivals in a battle to the death, but will their friendship hold through reality despite battle music appearing whenever they meet and bystanders overly reacting? Ezra Miller IS Billy Sneed a.k.a. Yokusakara "Kanima" Amuharabonsai. Nicolas Cage IS John Wilson a.k.a. Oda "The Demon King of Tokyo" Kinohino.
Who will remain standing when the story arc finally ends?
delete this
He's 6'1"
This is a thanos the avengers literally would never defeat
Maybe if they got Goku and Superman to help them out, they just might win.
holy shit
Nic Cage works as a manager of a strip joint. Ezra is an up and coming designer and starts designing the strippers’ outfits. He eventually falls in love with Cage and becomes his wife.
>Nic Cage works as a manager of a strip joint
pretty sure I've seen this already
>captain marvel is still stronger
poop in my kinoseum HH
Who saves this pasta and then posts it, it makes no sense i see it every time someone posts a similar picture
>not posting the full image
Yeah but not with Ezra Miller as his wife
>David Caruso
fucking loser
>mission begins in 10 seconds
being blonde is become bald
Based keriposter
I went to Florida several months ago. I was quite happily swimming around with the dolphins when she suddenly decided to grab my foot with her genital slit. Dolphins have very muscular vaginal orifices, and can use these muscles to manipulate objects and carry them. I stayed still for a while, to see if she was just playing, but she continued to masturbate against my foot, and in the light of the torch I sometimes carry, I could see that her slit had become very pink and had swelled as well. She was aroused!
So, I started to back-paddle with my hands towards a small beached area, partially submerged in the water. A couple of times she pulled me forward into the deeper water, but eventually I got my self to the shallows. I dislodged my foot (Being careful not to pull too hard), and took her gently by a pectoral fin and rubbed her belly just to aclimatize her, I guess. She immediately rolled belly up and started doing pelvic thrusts against the palm of my hand. It was unmistakebly erotic, and by now I was fully aroused.
I stripped off my shorts, and gently pulled her into the shallows until she was lying on her side, her belly facing towards me, half submerged in the water. I nestled myself belly to belly against her, and pressed my member against her genital slit. She immediately arched her body against mine, and took me inside her body, initiating a quick series of muscular contractions with her vaginal muscles. I wrapped my left arm around her body and just held her close while she manipulated me inside her body, until I climaxed barely 2 minutes later. Surprisingly, her body also shuddered against mine, and we spent the next 5 or so minutes just lying together in the shallows, holding each other, enjoying our company and revelling in the fact that we had shared something special together, something very few people can claim to have done.
Okay you win
i thought this was aubrey plaza
>only the millenium puzzle
>not the entire set
"You've got digger's shoulders, right there. Well-toned triceps and meaty deltoids, yessir, that's digger's shoulders. We have a lot of need for a man who can bury things around here. I'll be honest, the last four didn't cut it. They couldn't bury a dead cat, let alone a live one. I know, I followed them around for days in my van. They don't dig for pleasure or for sport. They don't even own their own shovel. Not even a pickaxe. You know, you can tell a lot about a man by the way he buries something, Josh. It's a crucial thing."
I leaned back in my chair and took out a highlighter. I cracked it open, removed the ink filter, and proceeded to smoke it like a cigarette. It might've looked odd to old Josh, what with how my face was dripping with pink ink, but I was deep in the heart of Flavor Country, headed for the local Flavor Saloon and then, more than likely, the Flavor Brothel to nail some Flavor Whores in their Flavor Asses, and then I'd probably try and skip out paying them the Flavor Money, which is pink, like everything else is there, and on the one Flavor Dollar bill is a picture of a woodpecker, but I don't know why. Josh wouldn't understand, what with his snooty, lack-of-chocolate-spewing attitude.
"Yeah," I went on. "Every once in a while a man has to go out in the woods and bury something. Sometimes a man buries a thing, sometimes a thing buries a man. Sometimes you're the thing, and sometimes you're the man, and I suppose sometimes you're the shovel, if the digger had managed to fashion a crude shovel of some sort out of your bones. It's the circle of life, that's what it is, Josh. I suppose if you were really determined you could 'bury' your way out of the hole the thing buried you in, but wouldn't that just be digging, Josh?"
I tried to masturbate to this, but I just couldn't. I'm sorry. I couldn't.
i got a boner
Believe in yourself, user, I know you can!
>this happened
>Shopped images
there, I fixed it for ya, curse evaded!
That's because he's got the badboy role, same reason teenage girls lose their shit over Kylo Ren despite how fucking odd-looking Driver is.
>Oh my god, how terrible, he's genocidal and trying to take over the world, such violence, please fuck me
i fucking hate this so goddamn much. what's this film even about. I hated it when I was 8 and I hate it now. FUCK!
Is that why thots love Hitler?
Fuck her shitty repacks that take 6 hours to install
Goo goo ga ga tampon boy is worse
i want to be katie's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her katie blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo katie blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her katie hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her katie hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her katie face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
Is that Charles dance?
Always knew that fuck was a Satanist.
>muh equality to derail conversation
>Fucking hot barely-legal twinks in a pool of punch
Someone post the gif
god american fashion is awful
>ignores the blood water
that's punch
you moron
Why does this shit get darker everytime I open it?
Where are all the girls?
they made his skull smaller
goddam, why do i like this so much?
me on the left on the right
pretty sure this is also from a Bryan Singer party What's the name of the movie that exposes him and his pedo ways? It was pretty good.
she's cute but her repacks fuck my computer up
>you will never be a god
holy shit lmao
this makes me feel funny
lmao post sauce
Too soon
Are they conjoined by the forearm?
w2c Mazinger shirt cage got on?
To be fair, Jack doesn't look to good now either.
Wow who knew dolphin erotica could be so romantic
brb gonna go bust a fat nut
Please anons, don't save this webm
Only one of these men has fucked taylor swift
one of these men and hundreds of music producer jews and maybe also animals
This is the difference between someone who is pretending to be not who he is, and someone who is being himself.
This website is literally dedicated to virtue signaling
>if someone's smiling in a photo, that must mean they're happy
>I feel bad for confused zoomers that didn't grow up with county fairs
What the hell are you talking about? I'm a zoomer and I've been to one. It's not like they ceased to exist everywhere else just because you decided to move to a shitty city, user
>14 years old
>his hairline is already halfway through his scalp
Now that's unfortunate.
The fuck
Damn.. that's some wisdom for that ass.
But not you.
Makes me giggle like a fucking idiot every time
don't look for too long
>fate wants them to face off
that's not what virtue signaling is, retard
Who is this semen demon?
>UNITINU-ing only the woman but not the rest of the pic
*holds up spork*
Spattoon from recess
>plane is floating
>no door
how old is that photo? i'm a 30 year old boomer and even when i was a kid they'd be safety restraints that would prevent anything like this from happening. even the ones enjoying the ride normally don't have a single restraint on them.
Don't even try to bullshit us brother HH
Jesus Christ
He didn't pick so well here
my dick is diamonds
*appears before you*
Do you think they do this already?
rape me plz
also rape me
... yes
Is that Dad’s Google History?
>People think Thanos with the IG Thanos is OP
>They don't know the beyonder, a dude that looks like a black haired David Hasselhoff or Mr Mxyzptlk, an imp that farts universes
the call that saved my dick
Every time I See this image my immediate thought is that it's Doug Walkers fursona.
I swear its head moved what the fuck is that
hurr clowns r scary durr
theyre sexy
whoa I had totally forgotten this show existed
The pool lights are red...
Like the color of blood
Like aids
who you callin pinhead
I don't like this
Wow, yeah i am taking your advice
which aphex twin music video is this
lol there's a Yea Forums version of this
I thought it was two Spider-Mans or two Master Frodos.
kek, he really hates Creep isn't it?
You can tell the real one by his teeth
that bulge...
/'cue 'ral/
'sup /ck/
As we know, 'mer is right around the 'ner, which means it's almost 'mer 'lling 'son. I love 'cue myself, almost more than life itself, so I 'gured we could use a 'ral thread for all 'ling-'lated 'sscusion. What are your 'rite meats to 'cue? 'gers? 'furters? 'wurst? 'ken? What sorts of 'ments do you like on your 'kout food? 'chup? 'tard? And of course, do you prefer 'lling with 'coal or 'pane?
I've got a 'coal grill myself. 'gies to 'panefags, but I'd 'fer it if my meats tasted nice and 'ky. I don't want to taste 'dro 'bons in my 'cue.
As for the food itself, nothing beats my 'made 'ni 'gers. I've got a special new 'tensil (pic 'lated). It's 'sentially a cage for my 'ni 'gers. After I put my 'ni 'gers in the cage and sear them, I like to slather them in 'tard. 'rry 'tard to be 'cise. I was never a big fan of 'dian 'sine ('nated 'ting streets 'may 'side) but I love 'rry and I love 'tard, so 'rry 'tard is like a match made in 'ven.
Nothing beats some 'ni 'gers and 'rry tard on a nice 'mer's 'ning, 'cially paired with a nice 'cal 'robrew... Maybe a 'can 'zen (I 'nically think 'can 'zen is 'ter than 'man 'zen). 'ly makes you say 'LA.
hbu, 'nons?
>no u
>malware repacks
imagine being a cuck
He truly knows the depth of this Clown World.
That one song he did with Moby
Holy shit.
Holy shit. What about this photo shakes me right to my very core?
That’s a shop too actually, it’s originally their newest album
Your brain knows that faces aren't supposed to be exactly symmetrical
What happened in august 2017?
Me on the left
I shided and farded and camed in my pants
This was a girl, right?
i love this shit lol
ayy lmao
dexter wanted to fuck his sister?
This thread is entering /x/ territory
im scared help
an open secret
genuinely cursed image
>huge duct tapped patch
could give you a seizure
it's a wax figure right?
literally me
>yakub making contact with whitoid colorized
Jesusfucking christ. I just clicked on this pic for one second and my room's lamp flickered for a sec after the pic loaded. Almost crapped my pants i swear
is not floating, the front leg is right behind the black guy
the door is on the other side of the plane
then why is he so upset?
Remember marks, dont work yourself into a shoot
forgot about this
what is this
wtf is that the fucking dude from the Tay pic?
Wakanda's chief scientist
this was a girl's room, btw.
why did this make me burst out laughing
>H-hah thanks for inviting me to the Hollywood party guys
>So are where are the women?
Absolutely BASED
holy shit I haven't seen this in years
this is so based
>ugly young woman became ugly old woman
very specific but also triggering to the right user
number 15
>bacon demon
Nic is a retired rockstar trying to get his band back together while struggling from a divorce when his wife found out about his affairs. He finds out that Ezra Miller was the boyfriend of one of the groupies he slept with and he's trying to get his revenge by killing off Nic's band and eventually him. He records each kill so that it becomes a viral hit.
Video Killed The Radio Star, coming this summer.
I DID IT. Name: Crappy daddy the pervert (August 16 Wednesday 07:14:22)
Yesterday on August 15, the three of us, Me (53 years old), the dirty fetish workman (45 years old) who sent me an E-mail the other day, and the usual old bum (60 years old), enjoyed having group sex under the riverbank in the northern part of Okayama.
Because the next day was a holiday, and the it was a quiet place, there was nothing to prevent us from getting high. So we went to a convenience store to buy alcohol and some snacks. After boozing up, we started to suck and fuck each other. While licking our cocks, all of us but Jikatabi took off our clothes, so that Ichijiku could give enemas to each of us (up the ass).
After a while, I felt my anus twitching, and there was shit churning in my stomach in search of exit. Tasting the workman's anus, with my hip on the old bum's head, he suddenly spewed his shit into my mouth. With that start, me and the old man also gushed out. My face was completely covered with shit. Spreading our shit onto our bodies, sucking our shitty dicks, giving enemas with our pee. Ahhhhh...... that really hit the spot!
You know, it felt insanely good to give enemas again after playing around a bit. It felt so good to thrust my cock into the bum's ass, the combination of pee and shit worked very well. The workman was also fucking the old bum. He thrusted his cock into the bum's mouth and shaked his hips skillfully. While scraping-off the old man's shit-covered cock, I ejaculated with all my might. From that, we spread some more shit onto each others' bodies, sucking our shit-covered cocks like mad, and I came twice with macho semen. I want to do it again.
It's true, having group sex while covered by shit is amazing. Why don't you play with me, an old pervert?
AHhhhhh^^~~~ I can't wait to become covered in shit again.
>seven hells!
Absolutely supreme
Is it sad I recognized his dad first?
>my face
>my soul
the aristocrats
> boomer
> 30 years old
> Baby boomers were born between 1944 and 1964
Why the fuck did my curiosity ge the best of me
and opened it a bunch of times? Fuck me and fuck you.
>not being a 30 year old boomer
la luz extenguido
not clicking on any of the spoilered ones
fuck that