Abuses his very important wife for no reason

>Abuses his very important wife for no reason
What was his fucking problem?

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sometimes people are just crazy user. ramsay's motivations have no grounding in politics or logic, he's just a sadist

Evil is irrational and self-destructive. Read Tolkien.

His actual wife died and littlefinger black mailed him to marry the frigid used goods of joffrey and tyrion.

GRRM doesnt know everything so he writes nonsense sometimes.

>Read Tolkien
GRRM doesn't have the moral grounding that Tolkien has, in the books Ramsay has yet to get his comeuppance.

He didn't love Sansa at all, he hated the Starks and all he wanted was a child.

sometimes people are just crazy user. ramsay's motivations have no grounding in politics or logic, he's just a sadist

He read Elliot Roger's manifesto.

>used goods
she obviously didn’t fuck either of them retard

How did Jon even beat him? Ramsay had no issue engaging the Ironborn's fiercest warriors, while shirtless and duel-wielding.

What's wrong witrh hedonism?

his twenty good men were off pranking Stannis

Jon didn’t beat him, ramsay was going to win but the big guy came with vale cavalry

He was a retard with very little foresight.

He didnt rape sansa, if she wasnt enjoying it why did she kiss him?

Because he was a moron and because the writers didn't know how to write an evil character that wasn't 100% unrestrained evil all of the time.

What was she thinking in this moment?

Attached: sansa.jpg (1280x720, 28K)

>I wonder if I look beautiful

>I sure hope no one is watching this using their magical greenseeing powers haha

>stop watching me Bran, you perverted little brat, this is supposed to be an intimate moment

show tried to be controversial by random sansa rape but didint have the balls to pull the whole dog and theon diddling that happened to ramseys wife "arya"

>This wouldn't be happening if I didn't sell my father out on the whim of some one who openly hated me

Have to say I completely cringed my way through the Theon and Ramsay torture bullshit as it occurred in the show. Kind of ruins the entire arc and program for me as well as Ramsay's character.

excuse me? what?

>dog and theon diddling

Explain yourself

Id fuck her in the ass too

>lemon cakes

i wouldn't she looks like a tranny


Ramsey was married to Jeyne Pool who was thought to be Arya Stark.

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unironically. salsa has one brain cell and that’s all she uses it for

i only cared about the dog stuff

The answer is that the show is based on shitty books that are poorly written.
Ramsay is not really any more "evil" than Khal Drogo (or Daenerys for that matter). You're just made to think that way because GRRM can't write.

I thought he was an okay guy

He was using a bow in close combat.

How long did Sansa get raped? How come Ramsay never put a baby in her? is his sperm that weak?

Her body rejected it, I dunno.

Yeah, and obviously everyone would believe that.

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>I should have ate that bowl of eggs


That's why Tolkien is a one-dimensional writer.
No matter how much bells and whistles he added to his world, it still felt empty and lifeless.

His "problem" was being VERY based and EXTREMELY redpilled
fuck niggers

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i think RRetard wrote him in to make us feel sympathy for Theon after he acted like a faggot, but he needed someone who's legit one dimensional to accomplish it
he wasn't even satisfying to watch die

I don’t have a problem with Ramsay being one dimensionally evil. I hate how D&D elevated this character and turned him into a big bad villain sue for their fanfiction.
His role in the books is just an over glorified henchman. Nothing more than that.

>lets ignore what he did to theon and people in general because he forced his peepee inside ms snow princess
millennials, fuck sake

Remember that time in Lord of the Rings where Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are chasing after the orc patrol that took the two hobbits, and the music swells as they run over the New Zealand countryside because they have no horses to ride?

it's legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down

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Ramsay let him because he got off on getting his face beat in. He could have easily killed jon but he shot the giant instead.

>What was his fucking problem?
Incel syndrome


all had the chance to put a baby in her and none of them even bothered to try (ramsay was only into painal)

really makes you think

His family tutored and skinned people in the past He was just trying to revive his family of old so he could seem legitimate to his father, all for the realm.

Totally something a naturally sadistic psychopath would do in real life. I actually like how he doesn't have a backstory that's in any way tragic enough to explain how evil he is. Some people are just born like that and it gets exponentially worse the more power they get.

Some ppl just want to watch the world burn


>I feel like someone's watching me and no I'm not talking about Reek

>His family tutored people
How nice of them.

Jon is very good in one on one combat. Not enough to be legendary like Jaime but probably well above average for a noble.

In the books Ramsey is portrayed as quite an unskilled fighter who does okay out of brutish strength. Book Jon wipes the floor with book Ramsey, but DnD had to pull the ironborn scene out of thin air to completely fuck things up.

Ironborn are notorious jobbers.

>How did Jon beat him?
Ramsay had his shirt on

The Reek chapters in Dance with Dragons are my favourite in the whole series. Years later I can't get over how well they portrayed just pure broken misery and how trumphant that made his successfully escaping and saving Jeyne.

Alfie Allen plays it perfectly but there's no matching being in his head.

Who can be the next one?

>empty and lifeless
Imagine being this much of a nigger that you start to "think" this way

For what it’s worth, GRRM is good at writing misery and despair.
The Riverlands carnage imagery in CoK still stick with me.

He is a panty sniffer.

>sunset found her squatting, desperately trying to shit out the loads of cum Ramsay and his pack of dogs left in her ass
Jesus Gurm made a dark series even darker

>rapes peasant bitches on the daily

some men just want to watch the world burn (ramsey and his co-conspirators: d&d)

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