This movie fucking sucked and you know it
This movie fucking sucked and you know it
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>stop liking things i don't like!
it did
i cant decide if i should get the prequels steelbooks before they are sold out :s
the beginning is utter kino, but it falls off a cliff with the Ewoks and their shithouse planet. still really like the throne room scene though
Fuck off, nigger faggot. ROTJ and ROTS are the only good movies in SW.
Wow, cussing on the internet. I bet you feel so cool, /pol/.
None of the Star Wars movies should be enjoyable for anyone over the age of 14
Replace Ewoks with Wookiee and it goes from 7/10 to a 9/10.
Still the best duel and space battle in the entire season and perhaps of all films.
6yo me loved it and the lego xwing sets.
All Star Wars movies suck.
It is unironically my personal favourite
Unironically kys.
sure, so does Empire Strikes Back
>cringe Yoda handpuppet
>le epic twist that subverts your expectations! (And makes no sense with the first movie)
>nothing else important happens
The only bad part is the Ewoks, the begging and the scenes at the DSII where kino, and generally better than V
unironically the worst star wars film
mayyybe solo is worse, but thats it
literally the only good thing about the film is the throne room scenes
feeded and seeded
Fuck off Mike you fat disney retard
>Baiting this new
>The only bad part is the Ewoks
brainlet detected
ROTJ could be fixed with a little tweaking. The prequels and sequels are irredeemable garbage.
Mediocre at worst.
When I was young I grew up mostly on ROTJ since my parents didn't have either of the first 2 recorded and thought empire was too dark for kids to watch anyway. We got that THX remastered VHS set of all 3 when I was 13ish though but ROTJ will always have a special place for me. People get way too bent up over the ewoks, they're annoying but honestly nowhere close to movie ruining.
This is a forced meme. Everybody liked it for a good couple of decades. Everything involving Jabba the Hutt and his BDSM harem and the Emperor is great and the Ewoks are, at worst, no worse than Yoda and C3PO in Empire. Please be less of a bandwagon trend whore.
So if some teenager sees it for the first time and doesnt like it, they are a 'bandwagon trend whore'?
lol forgot this place is literally just psychos hating everything
>So if some teenager sees it for the first time and doesnt like it, they are a 'bandwagon trend whore'?
Yes, that is correct, unless they live in an underground bunker with no contact with the outside world.
>this place
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