could you imagine? haha
what a silly premise haha.
can you imagine if something like that happened to someone?
>thread is not even 10 minutes old and the incels are already here
my fucking sides every time
incels should have sex
cringe and bluepilled
have sex
Reminder that men are entitled to sex, a human right, and a woman’s obligation to fulfill this biological urge is more important than whatever warped notion of “self-esteem” she has which can only be satisfied through material acquisition.
tl;dr your woman brain is so fucked up you don’t even know it, put out already
I am going to have sex this year bros even if it has to be by force
that's the spirit, never give up
based incel
I've already resigned myself to my fate. I said "singles and I get a gf" on a thread with a load of failed gets and I get dubs
Lmao imagine
Virgin: I don't care about having sex
Normietard: Whaaaaaat?????? You fucking freak!!! You're just coping!!! OMG look at him cope ahahahaha oh my god look him cope sex is the best! If you don't have sex you're a freak!!! biological failure!!!!
Virgin 2: I want to have sex, but only if I find a partner I like and that likes me back
Normiedtard: Whaaaaaat???? You don't want to have sex all costs??????? You fucking piece of shit! You scum of the Earth! If you don't have sex you're destroying the human race!!! OMG think of the white race!!!1!! lower your standards you should marr an obese turd so you can brag about sticking your penish in a fleshy hole like me!!!
Virgin 3: I want to have sex with anyone!
Normietard: OMG look at him COPE! You just can't get what you really want!!!! Get a high paying job, a deluxe car, get super fit, get plastic surgery! Only THEN you'll be able to be a real man!!! no one else deserves happiness!!!1!!11
dubs and everyone ITT gets a cute gf and lives happily ever after
have less sex
sorry bros I tried
I'm tired of these films with ridiculous premises
imagine if we actually pretended to be snowflake incels haha
Sure smells like incel in here.
Honestly thogh, imagine being a 40 yo thogh yikes
Sorry, that was me
>Implying men can be virgins though
There's literally no biological difference between a man who had intercourse once and a man who has never had intercourse
Oh no I'm getting called what I am, what will I do?
>he doesn't know that your penis changes color