I'm putting together a team of disgusting whores, Ornella... you in?

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what's on his mind?

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I'm putting together a team of disgusting fat fucks, Jonah...you're the only member.

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Did Yea Forums ever find a way? Or do we need more time?

>Jonah, the only thing you’ve ever put together is a sandwich

one day ornella

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>If the Feed & Seed was formerly Chuck's, then it used to be...


My team has already been assembled

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Ah, so THIS is the fabled bro film king

You can do martial arts all you want you'll never beat obesity Jonah

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jonah: you are slut
french girl: you are very fat

like if you agree

You must be as starved for attention as Jonah is for approval.

Dior and Gucci are killing it this season.

he's literally not obese in that picture...

Obesity is reversible, the wall is not.

Obesity may be reversible but the shame Jonah felt that night will NEVER disappear.
You could say that Jonah's dignity hit some kind of wall that night

At this point is there anything Jonah can do to uncuck himself or is he eternally a laughing stock?


The only thing he could've done was shrug and laugh the first time it happened and just take it in his stride. The reason it still comes up is because he got so worked up.

but excercise is exactly how you beat obesity

outta the park

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no matter how much weight you loose you'll always be fat on the inside