Cast the netflix series

cast the netflix series

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haha le holocaust wasn't real :)
hitler did nothing wrong!
1422!!! HEIL TRUMP!

now that's out of the way, this thread better be about actual Yea Forums discussion or else it's being deleted.

now if we could get mudslimes and ninjas to decline too.

The population of ireland hasn’t recovered since the famine, where’s my sympathy from twatter thots? where’s my reparations?

Why didn't they just fish though? Seriously?

how many children does she have?

Irish, like niggers, are afraid of the water.

maybe 16 million is Jewish critical mass? They're annoying but tolerable to the masses below that number but once they reach the event horizon everyone chimps out and tries to exterminate them.

That was just because they werr fussy eaters

If that's true, then why were there so many Irish people on the Titanic when Captain Smith heroically sank it in an effort to spare the US hosting more of those potato-munching, booze-swilling, pasty-faced, ginger-haired simpletons?

Shame you didn't all die.

Titanic is a movie

Just accept Jesus you silly kikes and everything will be fine.

>1/3rd of the world's jews are in the US
>there's only 5.3 million jews in the US
Yet despite that, they make up massive amounts of
>hollywood execs
>Ivy League population
>university staff
well beyond their population. Really makes me think.

I don't believe this statistic at all. Hasidic Jews have more babies than Mexicans. They breed as if children are currency.

>1% of the population but responsible for 90% the scientific and economic advancements of the USA
is jealousy the reason why jews are hated so much

it's because of Jews having children who become effectively atheists and stop self-identifying as Jews.

lmao. and this is actually true.

thats because your retarded race couldnt figure out fishing
you were meant to be extinct

>16.6 million Jews
>murder 6 million
>15 million Jews left

Really activates the old almonds

This is impossible. Unless the average tribe member has fewer than one offspring since the 1940s, there's no way the population wouldn't be more today. There were 16 million pre-HC, subtract a perfect 6 million, that's 10 million post-HC, yet somehow only 5 million more exist now? Not to mention there are a million HC "survivors."

Isn't this scientifically impossible?

its as if population grows over time

shut the fuck up potato nigger

Jews do have very low replacement rates, and keep in mind that only children with a Jewish mother are considered Jewish. My grandfather was a Jew but because he only had one son who married a goy he didn't create any new Jews.

If death rates are the same as birth rates, population remains constant.

Oh look another fucking Jew

Oh Elon, where are you going with this :I?

I know you see me looking at you and you already know I wanna gas you

>but whites are superior to blacks cuz muh statistics

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Depends on the rabbi. Some are ok with it, other are if you’re not halachic you’re a goy LARPing as a Chosenite

Does that statistic only count religious Jews or ethnical Jews? Because most of the Jews have become secular since 1930s.

why do you redditards continue to come here and act like you're some moderate majority when everyone hates you?

>90% the scientific and economic advancements of the USA

They did, they also grew other crops that the famine weren't ruining. The British just took all of those from the Irish so they wouldn't starve during the industrial revolution

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Um sorry sweetie, but you're white and have privileges the Jewish race will never understand. Jews are a separate race from whites btw

but whites are.

Not that fucking fast

Doing the Holodomor before it was even a thing

Jesus is the messiah that was promised in the Old Testament. If you reject him, you reject Logos.

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>potatoniggers die because they only ate potatos, a crop that is not even native to europe
ok this is epic.

Seriously? There's only 15 million jews? What are we waiting for?

In English, doc!

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Stop strawmaning the alt-right. The problem isn't that they're successful, it's that they're highly ethnocentric and nepotistic population that always work against the interests of majority populations of their host nations.

>90% the scientific and economic advancements of the USA
This is completely false


these symbols are satanic. do not look at them. do not read into their meaning.

>only children with a Jewish mother are considered Jewish

how the fuck does that make sense? if jews are a racial demographic then their children will be at least some % jewish even if one of their parents aren't.

It checks out.

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No one knows the famine was made up and that the British were just taking all your food.

On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland. No offence son.

>how the fuck does that make sense?
Talmud, bitch

Aside from the occult meaning behind passing the blood through the mother, Jews have very high rates of genetic diseases and mental illnesses. To combat this, they've created a culture where the Jewish lineage is passed through the mother and they use this to essentially invade and usurp other races after they've inbred too much and worn out their previous stock.

imagine thinking you need echo brackets when you’re name is Yair Rosenberg...
I thought Jews were supposed to be smart?

it's easy to get into a field if you have connections and all how-tos spoonfed to you. Jews are just great at pulling connections and protecting their own. That's their secret, not the IQ bullshit

>Jews do have very low replacement rates
Yes but the Orthodox in Israel and America are breeding like niggers because of all the gibs they now get

What're Poland's population numbers like nowadays? They got holocausted by a man with a nice 'stache too after all

There are more whites in America with >120 IQ than there are jews on the planet, total. Assuming the commonly recognized difference in IQ between Ashkenazim and humans is real, it does not account for the discrepancy in representation between humans and jews in institutions of learning and positions of power.

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it's a religion/culture, kinda like islam, it doesn't have to make sense.


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they have 1.3 births a woman

I wonder how the Russian population changed during the war and if it has recovered. Or any country really, what fraction of war dead was the holocaust?
Is the loss of a religious sect of a small area worse than the loss of the whole country when you are considering the loss of a culture presumably ?
Also interesting: what is the Muslim Palestinian population and how has it changed as they are forced out?

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they need to lay some pipe

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Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

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we need to instate jewish breeding camps. we need more jews on Earth stat.

>only children with a Jewish mother are considered Jewish.
We're talking about self-reporting. Kurt Eichenwald and Tim Wise and Michael Douglas and his sons are only jewish on their fathers' sides but you bet your ass they identify as jews.

% the scientific and economic advancements of the USA
90% of 0 is still 0.

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>Also interesting: what is the Muslim Palestinian population and how has it changed as they are forced out?
its massivly boomed. Main reason that the whole "right of return" thing is such a big issue.

It happens with other animals, not just Irish.
Rats, like irish will find a single source of food, and gorge themselves on it, rapidly reproducing, causing a massive population explosion.
Inevitable, due to a reason beyond the rat's understanding, the food source will run out, and there will be a mass extinction, and the population levels will return to normal.

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Murcans are just being extra nice to them and giving them all the best jobs, because of the hooleecost (which the murcans aren't guilty of).
Nice murcans!

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Where? The coast? It's a small island but not that small. Are you going to feed 8 million people out of lakes and rivers using 18th century fishing technology?

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>it's that they're highly ethnocentric and nepotistic population
Well maybe because they aren't retarded.

>Yea Forums was always exclusively white nationalist get out of my safe space REEEEEEE
why do you retards always try this historical revisionism when other boards besides /pol/ and Yea Forums exist, not to mention archives?

Tel Aviv, for example, is 1% Muslim and 1% Christian. What were those percentage like 100 years ago? What were they like 1400 years ago?

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At the end of the day you will pay the price if you are a fussy eater.
But really, you dont understand what happened that is obvious so shut the fuck up stop embarassing yourself.

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I like him

The holohoax was invented for TV audiences, prove me wrong.

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everyone unironically hates /pol/cels more than reddit cucks, by orders of magnitude, that's how cringy you angry virgins have gotten

when I was searching but not finding, I found one upright redditor among a thousand, but not one /pol/cel who ever had sex among them all

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>prove me wrong.
Your twitter is showing.


imagine being this much of a kike
pleast post your forehead slant and giant shnoze
fucking lmao

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Actually it does.
The world population has tripled since WWII.

Most redditors keep a low profile because they know people hate them.
/pol/tards, on the other hand, just can't shut the fuck up about how redpilled they are and how many buzzwords they can scram into a single sentence. Ironically, they are also newfags AND redditors.

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>get proven wrong
>lash out like a toddler sans arguments
every time lmao

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t. reddit

Allows them to survive being otherwise weak. Doesn't matter who their women have babies with they Jewish.

It literally has.
But keep crying.

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how convenient

Ireland is a decent country. With decent people.

I don't even understand how reddit works.

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You destroy your host countries and antagonize the far larger native populations to hate you so much they either kick you out or kill you. That's plenty retarded.

Na not really.
Yea Forums is /pol/

Go dilate tranny

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thing is we are all /pol/.

Actually, Yea Forums is Yea Forums.

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Is this what kike parents tell their Jewish children?

>all this text
>all this COPE

lefty/pol/ is so useless, it's almost endearing.

New York has always been like the cultural capital of the world and has always had a ton of Jewish people. Mix that with their high IQ and it's no doubt why there are a lot of rich people with Jewish heritage.

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The potato nigger fears the Anglo.

>90% the scientific and economic advancements of the

made up statistics about vague descriptions with no detail.
Sloppy job mossad

Modern Jews reject the Old Testament and embrace the Talmud

Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony

Isn't it the other way around? Yea Forums was a cesspool way before the_donald refugees came to /pol/

>tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost

>still not a single rebuttal of the facts
honestly can't tell if you're a /pol/tard or a false flagging anti-/pol/ poster

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Aren't they kinda the same tho

Yea Forums is /pol/ + hobby.

This is literally an appeal to authority though, instead of arguing the claims, they argued the guy making the claims isn't in a position to make them.

>and has always had a ton of Jewish people.

Nah, that only happened in the late 1800s-early 1900s the Jewish population rose from about 80,000 in 1880 to 1.5 million in 1920.
Convieniently right after the Civil War, but like always anything involving jews is 100% for sure mere coincidence.

The only problem with the so-called holocaust was that it wasn't bigger.

the_donald is a Yea Forums colony and the only good part of reddit at this point.

Richard Krege and Leuchter are both extremely cringe, but beyond debunking these made-for-debunking false-flaggers, there's really no argument here.

None of the "death camps" were found outside of Soviet-controlled territory.

It's an entire board dedicated to a white nerd hobby. It's filled with people who don't like women or progressive politics.

Jesus fucking Christ.

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>their high IQ
>In a 1998 op-ed (“Some minorities are more minor than others”), Ron Unz pointed out “Asians comprise between 2% and 3% of the U.S. population, but nearly 20% of Harvard undergraduates. Then too, between a quarter and a third of Harvard students identify themselves as Jewish, while Jews also represent just 2% to 3% of the overall population. Thus, it appears that Jews and Asians constitute approximately half of Harvard’s student body, leaving the other half for the remaining 95% of America”

>One might simply suppose that this is due to higher Jewish IQ. However, on the basis of Richard Lynn’s estimates of Ashkenazi Jewish IQ and correcting for the greater numbers of European Whites, the ratio of non-Jewish Whites to Jews should be around 7 to 1 (IQ >130) or 4.5 to 1 (IQ > 145). Instead, the ratio of non-Jewish Whites to Jews is around 1 to 1 or less.

>t. lives in some irrelevant warsaw pact country with a lower gdp than the average african nation

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He is not wrong. Anything that triggers Reddit that bad is always good in my book.

Let me guess you just love /r/politics?

>Reddit triggers reddit

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>only sources are imgur
The state of anti white leftypol shills

That a person needs a degree to put forward a scientific and presumably therefore objective fact is stupid, and this image only undermines your argument. Present a scientific rebuttal of the mans position instead.

You cant expect to change the opinion of a holocaust denier with slapdash rubbish like this it must be water tight.

Yes good exactly. Someone with head screwed on.

>people who don't like women or progressive politics
Honestly, who does?

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Fuck off

The fact that the donald despite being such a small and irrevelent sub causes so much pain from the redditards here and there that just shows you how bad reddit has gotten. But we already knew that when it became soi boi/bernie central last election.

This place barely tries to hide the fact that its target audience is white supremacists. Find a better source.

They finally admit it

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right after the civil war, right before the Great Depression and WW2. A million jews flood into New York.
Its always just coincidence with the kikes.

This but semi-ironically

Old Yea Forums was Yea Forums + hobby though

No mate I live in a country responsible for actually inventing about 99% of everything ever.
But I'm not some nationalist retard that thinks those achievements are mine simply because of nationality.

Bring back /r/niggers and we can negotiate.

I have no fucking idea what /r/politics is because i am not a redditor you mongrel.

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>find a better source
listen to jewish media

>Reddit triggers reddit
Yes you've shown us that.

Th-thanks user

ad hominem
Debate the facts.

No, an appeal to authority is putting the cart before the horse. It's when you say someone's right because of their authority in itself, irrespective of their arguments and evidence. Leuchter had neither authority or legitimate evidence.

remember that %21 percent of israel is muslim, and they have more kids than jews. say something nice to the %79 globinos

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>responsible for 90% of scientific advancements
They may have funded them but they weren’t the actual innovators.

>give me one argument
>not that one though, something from my side
I've never used reddit either, I browsed it a couple of times to see what the fuss was but I dislike the general layout of the site, and from it's reputation I don't believe i'm missing out on much

It might be a colony like the USA is a colony of British empire.
I.E mongoloid retard embarassing cousin that we pretend we had nothing to do with

But I do laugh when some redditor fag posts an objective fact and get called out and downvoted immediately for posting in td, it's worse than having aids leprosy. Reddit will hopefully eat itself complete shithole. Td is full of not ironic extremist /pol/ rejects and everywhere else is brainless vegan LGBT-jealous.

The second image has sources outside of imgur, and the imgur linked has sources itself.

Gosh ir couldn’t also be that they have lower birth rates like most Westerners, and also practice race mixing, and lots of liberal Jews are atheist or don’t cling to their Jewish identity any more?

>I've never used reddit either
>I just make snide references to reddit boards in lieu of arguments

Nobody takes Neo-Nazis seriously anymore, and your share of the population is dwindling regardless. Kikes and niggers WILL replace you.

>i am not a redditor you mongrel.
You seem to keep proving the opposite.

>he doesn't know

keep reminding them to fuck

one number is specifically concerning ausschwitz not the total deathtoll.
hard to take anything you say serious when the very first thing in the image already screams of retardation.

What the fuck does that even mean.

>white supremacists.
Why is that a bad thing?

>It's when you say someone's right because of their authority in itself, irrespective of their arguments and evidence
Or wrong because of their lack of authority, irrespective of their arguments and evidence, which is what they did. The post literally says
>arts degree
>challenges historical facts
These facts coming from the "authority" in this equation

>believing there are neo nazis in Yea Forums
what a boomer, i bet you also buy newspapers

>Kikes and niggers
yes, a discord tranny made this post
this is definitely not a false flagging /pol/smoker

That you are a redditard.

>discrepancy in representation between humans and jews
BASED frog poster

Do yourself a favour stay away its complete cancer.
If you think you have depression but haven't checked and you want a pity party it's perfect for you based on what everyone else posts