What are the best baseball movies? Other than field of dreams
What are the best baseball movies? Other than field of dreams
more like high chair
Who else here is 5'8". I kind of with I was taller, but I don't really care that much, I still get pussy
>baseball game
>wear high heels and whore clothes
the one with Madonna and tom hanks
There is literally nothing wrong with women being taller/bigger than men and stuff like this just reinforces the problem
I wish I was a baller
Same height but I'm a virgin. Pretty cool that it never stopped you.
She is a well know reporter who is 6’1 plus she’s wearing heels. He’s obviously just standing like that for both of them to be comfortable
>She is a well know reporter
I've never heard of her
That's what I'm saying though. There is literally nothing wrong with women being taller than men so him needing to be taller for them to be "comfortable" is the problem. He is allowed to be shorter than her, it's not a big deal.
In case you guys don't know this was a joke. The guy on the bucket is Kike Hernandez, he's a short latino dude who plays for the Dodgers and constantly makes jokes about himself. It's not about him being more comfortable, he had the photo taken like this on purpose for laughs.
It's the awful mix of modern baseball broadcasting and LA.
...Did I read that right? Hernandez?
He has a great attitude
>It's the awful mix of modern baseball broadcasting and...
....cancer. PURE cancer.
Yes, Kike Hernandez. He's from Puerto Rico iirc, he's a utility player for LA and can play most positions while still being a solid hitter.
It was probably done for TV production purposes
>Who else here is 5'8". I kind of with I was taller, but I don't really care that much, I still get pussy
>I still get pussy
The only real benchmark that matters
Btich is wearing 4" heels, thats just unprofessional.
It was done for a joke. Kike is the Dodgers' resident class clown, he always does shit like this. This is what he tweeted when he announced his engagement.
Does anyone else think this is underrated kino? I thought it was so fucking funny I was a kid. One of the better remakes in my opinion.
Major League
I can hardly imagine anything more boring
but... Hernandez? that his real name
You unironically don't know how the game works then.
Get educated, pleb.
Of course. That's a pretty common latino last name
Dont worry too much about it. My face is OK i guess, and I have a "normal" personality
It's lame to play, it's boring in the stands, it's excruciating to watch on tv.
Get fucked baseball fag
hockey and soccer are bottom of the barrel in terms of entertainment.
>lame to play
Wrong. Git gud.
>boring in the stands, it's excruciating to watch on tv.
It's a social game. Only fags watch it alone.
There are a lot of white latinos if you leave Omaha.
I think it's fun to play and watch. Fucking love baseball
>"Excuse me, ladies."
I just wanted to post Biel
omg how tiny is she?
>a dress
>whore clothes
have sex
>not being taller than a woman on her tippy toes
Not gonna make it
Most movies about baseball are kino.
>field of dreams
>love of the game
It's a great canvas for some reason
Can't forget Bad News Bears.
I tried watching it twice and got bored to sleep each time
Why is he covered in baby poop? Hasn't he learned to go potty yet?
>Mr. Baseball
>League of their Own
>Bull Durham
>Bad News Bears
>The Sandlot
>Major League 1 and 2
>The Scout
>The Perfect Game
Those are all good baseball movies.
Major League is the most enjoyable. The Natural is the most comfy.
I really like Eight Men Out but I think most people would probably find it a little boring.
What is his first name short for?
you dont like 8 men out?
id kill to be 5'8 kek im literally 5'6 but I get laid regularly so its ok I guess
I know a guy named Sleve McDichael, actually.
What's hs batting average?
if bitches get to wear high heels i get to step on buckets, that's how it is
>Kike Hernandez
I've never seen it.
is there a house on the diamond?
linklater made it, its not bad but its not so great either. Some funny moments though.
>>Bull Durham
great movie if you want to see a bunch of love triangle bullshit and not so much baseball
it's a very short field
>She is a well know reporter who is 6’1 plus she’s wearing heels
then why the fuck would you wear heels? I could understand if you were like under 5 feet tall.
ass and legs look better when wearing heals.
just read mitsuru adachi manga
they show a full body shot when interviewing someone standing on a can?
They may and its not necessarily 100% for the camera. You're thinking small.
Bad News Bears 1976
I'm 5'9 in shoes
jesus christ
Can anything top it?
Im 5 8 and have sex. Theres hope bros
literally cant even type out Kike when its someones real name hahaha lefty/pol/ is doomed