this quite depressing
Other urls found in this thread:
>top critics
that's what they get for during tim into a mutt and detective pikachu into a marvel quipster
>top critics only
Something you want to tell us OP?
I see theyve been briefed by disney
>I see theyve been briefed by disney
absolutely this. access ((("journalism"))).
These critics who pan it for being a nostalgia cash in are probably the same ones that gives star wars force awakens and jurassic world a glowing review, fucking hypos
Yea Forums's ability to always be wrong will never cease to amaze me
Can't wait to watch it happen again and again throughout the year
Top Critics are literally 60 year old writing for newspapers. They have no idea what a Pokémon is.
Yea Forums said Disney Critics would try to sink the movie
And we were right ;)
you lying liar who lies
How many of them are boomers?
What went wrong?
>"Alita's gonna make 1 Billion!!!!"
Oh, Disney is getting scared.
>movie gets good reviews
>movie gets bad reviews
>BASED CRITICS *insert movie here* btfo
>comparing unknown names like Alita or Shazam to the biggest franchise in the world
>non-Disney movie gets review-bombed by alt-left critics brigading again
>this level of cope
Have sex.
>keeps dropping
it'll be rotten by Wednesday
how do I get a gf like this bros
>gets proven wrong
>have sex
cringe department calling
I can't wait until this bombs and you retards have to try the same thing with Godzilla
lmao based Paddington still rules.
Did you play detective pikachu
Isn't that what you do all the time, capeshitter from twitter?
don't know what you're talking about, schizo
Fuck you, Mouse. This movie WILL outperform A-meh-ggers Endblameitonthejews because Pokemon is the biggest franchise in history.
The Jew fears the Samurai, you gaijin no baka fuck. Pikachu bangs more hoes than Mickey does to his fucking Minnie dakimakura, bitch. Your country is failing. Submit to the East.
This, every single time.
Won't be a coincidence that Pokemon is going to overtake Avengers or One Piece is going to overtake Batman AND Superman soon. Marvel and western comics are the 20th century, pretty much over now and the past now.
Any movie Yea Forums supports it ends up flopping and any movie Yea Forums hates ends up doing well.
Not him but yes, and Detective Pikachu wasn't a quipper
He was almost always serious and a good detective who only looked funny because of the appearance/voice dissonance
I don't take the opinion of white people and/or women into consideration
inb4 have sex
Good thing most of the top critics are neither of those.
Is Chaddington the number 1 movie of all time?
>giving a shit about RT critic scores
just 100% of it no biggie
Imagine typing all of this and thinking it's remotely clever.
We mostly hate Disney related shit so it's a uphill battle. I'd rather be wrong than getting in line to suck Mickey circumcised knob.
Tiananmen Square Protests
Freedom of Speech
Censorship is Wrong
America is better
Mao Zedong = Mao Zepenis
Winnie the Pooh
Kate Winslet Titanic
The Big Bang Theory
The Good Wife
The Jasmine Flower
Animal Farm
Peppa Pig
Time Travel
Big Yellow Rubber Ducks
Gangnam Style
Empty Chair
Shanghai stock market
以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻
Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland.
以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻
Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people.
以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻
Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated.
以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻
Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work.
以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others.
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits.
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and discipline.
以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻
Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.
>Mao Zedong = Mao Zepenis
What is the point of these posts, to kick in the chink censors?
>official slogans
>kick in the chink censors
cringe and non-scientific outlook on development pilled
Chinks suck Disney cock & hate Pokemon. We need to keep them off BasedChan.
don't bother
he's a capeshitter that's trying to add this flick to his dc vs marvel wars
Seems more intersting than captain marvel
>Why is it that you people keep getting constantly BTFO by reality?
The opposite, actually. We're not dumb enough to actually love capeshit, user. We do this to throw you off and test whether you're immune to obvious bait posts or not.
You're not. Therefore, you're a dumb tranny. Go back to Discord, fag.
To be fair, those boomer reviews are shit
You meaningless box office figures on movies with less cultural impact than Game of fucking Thrones? Holy yikes!
But the majority of americucks here are also marvelfags. Even the mods are hired mouseshills.
reminder (((they))) hate what we like
Wasn't it 78% a couple days ago?
>Even the mods are hired mouseshills.
Prove it.
I hate boomers so much.
It was at around 60% yesterday. It's going back up.
You fucking wish shill
it was 71% yesterday after being at 74% the day before
>It's going back up.
The absolute STATE of Pokeshills.
>Disney shill calling people shil
>Disney shill
I hate nu-Wars, so, no.
Well Jumanji did well and it outshined The Last Jedi. That's pretty much it.
paddington more like chaddington
Why do they all try to sound so clever or educated? You're reviewing a live action pokemon movie for Christ's sake. Just say Fun or Not Fun.
These names all look fake as fuck.
>Just say (((Fun))) and turn off your brain, goyim
What did he mean by this?
Because Disney has some money to spend on this, but not much
Don't have to wish it. Look at the archives, Disneybro.
Based. May I copy this text for future use against the Chinese menace?
Are there any posters left who aren't shills anymore?
I did dipshit that's how I know it used to be 74% before it dropped like a rock
>May I copy this text
....why the fuck do you even need permission, dipshit? You're on the internet, where everything is copied all the time 24/7.
Movie critics always trash movie that are in direct competition with Disney movies. Check it out.
Funny, the main actor is 30% white too.
/pol/ is that way!
*points to exit sign*
Any other film and this would be brought up more here, but because /vp/ posters are so autistic they have to praise anything with "pokemon" in the name.
SONIC fans are now objectively a better fandom than Pokemon, they atleast called out the shitty attempt at taking their series and selling it to normies
>steal a role meant for a Japanese guy
>give it to negroe
>blame white people
Explain the leftist mindet to me
Leftists are the most racist people on the planet.
I couldn't care less about his skin color.
Then why did you bring it up?
critics are meaningless in this age of film, giant blockbusters like this will always make huge amounts.
consumers are dumb and starved for anything good so they will flock to this regardless
I wasn't the first one to bring it up in this thread
Who are these nobodies?
What did Armond think?
wtf they could've just taken a pomeranian and gave it rhombus ears to make an eevee, what is this.
That can't not be a troll.
>it’s just like Warcraft where boomer reviewers couldn’t understand what was going on and felt left out so they say it’s shit
>man I wonder what /vp/ is saying about Detective Pikac-
Based crossposter.
No joke, you're absolutely right. I know for a fact that guy Alonso praised the shit out of TFA but gave Rogue One a bad review for forced nostalgia.
The top critics are all literally boomers.
Detective Pikachu is a litty spring romp FOR THE FANS that OUT OF TOUCH critics just don't get.
Pretty based
Have se-
This is still up
Why do chinks hate time travel so much?
why are you lying, user?
Based : Mike
get fucked
>4% drop
>Dropped like a rock
Fucking embarrassing.
>people expected this shit to be good
Pokémon is the normiest series ever.
man on fire is trash lets make another movie where denzel pretends to be jesus
Debruge has a valid opinion though
Oh no, not Tim! How could they possibly racebend Tim? How dare they?
So the movie will underperform everywhere but China?
>this quite depressing
70% for a video game movie is like 100% for a normal movie
Apparently, pic related
I thought this movie was coming out in like November for some reason. Well that's good.