How come millennials are having less sex?
How come millennials are having less sex?
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Boomers truly were a repugnant generation. The arabs are right. American media truly is the devil incarnate
sex isnt special, recently liberated or dangerous anymore.
Because in earlier generations men that were 5/10's to 8/10's still had sex regularly. Right now that's impossible so only women and the most handsome of them can do that.
Reminder who’s behind the incel memes
It used to be that woman dated in their paygrade. Now thanks to the internet, fat and ugly woman can sleep with 10/10 men. Basically, if you are a 6/10 or lower man you are fucked
>Average is 10
Were they exclusively polling Mormons?
They're faggots who are afraid of women and prefer fapping to tiktok traps.
Having a lot of sex and having sex with a lot of different people are two different things. In fact, people with stable relationships have much more sex than someone who chases a series of one-night stands on Tinder.
#metoo is causing men to distance themselves from women
women only want the most chaddest of men and don't want someone in their own class and thanks to technology and the weakness of men they are allowed to have this
also thanks to technology men don't really have to participate in a broken system skewed against them if they don't want to
>Right now that's impossible
You're just a thirsty homo who rates 5/10 men as 9/10s.
MCU incels watch captain marvel.
How come Yea Forums was so heavily moderated last week and now theres none?
>all memes with sociopolitical connotations post 2010
>Dude fuck monogamy and social stability and shit
Fuck Boomers, they ruined everything
Sex is honestly overrated ; God isn't
>greatest generation
>more than one sexual partner
Disgusting, this country has been on the road to hell for over 100 years
Outside of the chanosphere, nobody cares.
>also thanks to technology men don't really have to participate in a broken system skewed against them if they don't want to
Just wait until your parents kick you out
>8 sexual partners is the average for my generation
Holy fuck, this can't be true. I'm far more pathetic than I realised.
They're rebelling against the libertine culture of their boomer parents.
Based AIDS did the trick
There has probably never been a generation in any white civilization where the average was less than 2 for men. 3 is low af dude
Reminder that if you haven't lost your virginity by 17 you're literally a social outlier and misfit
Only Chads are getting sex nowadays. Non-Chads don't have a chance.
Hatred of men + coddling of women + graying of what is or isn’t consensual + tinder allowing ugly women to fuck chads
>he gets his information from Yea Forums
Stop living in the bubble
Wow can you imagine someone only having 8 partners? Ha ha.
Not having lost your virginity is just one of the aspects of being a social outlier and misfit dear brainlet, in other words you are not a social misfit because you don't have sex but the other way around
Back in those days could be fucking blue collar 9-5 job and have a house of your own and tons of disposable income and 2 cars and go to bars and restaurants all fucking weekend and pick up women.
To achieve that in this day and age you have to be investment banker, and those guys work 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week.
The boomer age was probably the easiest anyone has ever had in the history of humanity.
My dad had a porsche and a 5 room apartment in the city at 30 and he didn't even go to university. He went out to bars/nightclubs thursday-friday-saturday until he was like 45.
>SS College Fund
My parents spent mine on a condo
Nice projection, incel.
Fact is that nobody IRL cares about feminism or metoo or SJW or whatever. Only you do, because you live online and don't have a life.
Based boomer
The only thing boomer did wrong was raising this pussy generation
God I wish
You just can't handle money.
Have sex
8 lifetime partners is not much less than 10 though
Incredible to watch this plunge in quality of life, yet the issue gets zero attention in media. Like it doesn't even exist. I wonder who owns the media
that's blatantly not true, metoo was a big deal
Not him but I have a job and go to uni so I get out a fair bit, and I have literally never met a woman who wasn’t a feminist.
sorry im not american that doesn't happen
Brainwashing ground zero desu
WAS, for like 2 months.
>I go to uni
>I only meet feminists
A small percentage of men are having A LOT of sex.
hah, I've already had 34 sexual partners
guess my age
Feminists and MGTOW are usually unattractive people to begin with. Victimology projection
Also your gender is female
who up to 5 all prostitutes
>tinder allowing ugly women to fuck chads
This right here is what's most annoying. You have all these "Chads" now with extreme mommy issues fucking every obese fatty from coast to coast and instilling in them an overbloated (rimshot) sense of worth. The Chads could do so much better for themselves, but since they are a product of the pussy ass millennial generation, even they set their standard bar too fucking low for themselves. Not to mention for every morbidly obese social media thot out there there's 100000 niggers going "DAYYUM GURL U FINE"
Wrong and wrong.
It's a big deal everywhere remotely left-wing. Like the entire media, politics, academia. Maybe in flyoverstates or eastern europe or something nobody cared, but they're in their own bubble.
By default, women don't actually care for sex with men. Boomers were an abnormality that continued into gen X. We're seeing things return to the status quo.
Please say 10, I fucking love /ss/
Greatest generation only had 3 but managed to pump out a fuck load of children what?
Its just the men really.
less partners doesn't mean less sex
When have they ever not? Social media makes it easier, but it's not a revolutionary change in social dynamics
‘Sup, /pol/?
This is not going to end well
I never even kissed a girl.
26 years old.
you actually only need 1 partner of the opposite sex to make kids
women like sex, men are just usually shitty at it.
Inceldom is a threat to society
>day 101 of celibacy
Should I continue and do a year or break my streak and have sex? Thoughts?
Im 32
>sex is about performance not the interpersonal connection
why not just masturbate?
How's it cracking pussy
Heres a thought, kill yourself.
Like its up to you to decide
The biggest reasons imo are:
1. Women still expect men to earn more than them, even though today the wage gap is practically non existent
2. Tinder and the general culture around it, a 10/10 man will happily fuck a 5/10 woman but the opposite is not true
3. Racial dynamics. It's an elephant in the room that I think hasn't really been addressed, but if you look at the statistics, white/latina/asian girls overwhelmingly prefer white guys, which leaves the rest of us to fight over the worst white/latina/asians or god forbid black girls, who nobody wants.
tfw 23 and only had 1 gf in my life
Had sex this past Thursday for the first time in over 4 years
It was just as great as I remember it
>27% in a different font from the others
C'mon guys. Don't believe everything you see on the internet immediately.
85-15 rule brother.
Jews. And they don't want for you to have a wholesome family, a house with garden and job that pays for all of it.
I can't
It is
Good job
101 is too much. Once a week, once every week and a half is fine dude.
>B- but I had to sit around in a Fort in Vietnam shelling innocent people and now i have PTSD
>J- just give them a firm handshake!
>Life was sooo hard back then.
>Ah yes crashing the economy, killing the environment and subverting politics forever... Gen Z will fix it HAHAHAHA
Why are you babysitting this thread, julian?
We're not. Women are having more sex than ever. Les and less men are having sex, while the top percent are having A LOT of sex, which leads to highly misleading averages.
Yeah, just keep your avocado toasts to a minimum, and only drink Starbucks once or twice a week, and soon you'll be able to afford a house, medical insurance, AND food at the same time
you can thank social media and tinder
Entry level desu. It's the elite family bloodlines. They're predominantly jewish, but not exclusively. Saying "it's the jewish race" just gives them another handle to discredit you entirely. Hit them where it hurts the most, not where it doesn't
>Tfw got hugged by a girl once
That is basically having sex. Get on my level, incels
Lol. Renting a 5 room apartment in this city, today would be €3000. In my county, a doctor M.D who has finished his speciality earns about €6000 before taxes.
>women doubled
>men trippled
Its pretty clear a narrative is being set up where male virginity will replace terrorism and racism as the peasants' big boogeyman in society
My dad bought our house at 27 years old, and has owned numerous boats, camping trailers, etc. He supported a family of five working as a manager with zero experience for the job basically.
>third highest in that list
>as much as greatest and silent gen combined
Better question is why were boomers such whores and the answer is degenerate drug abuse
It already has, as if virgins weren't vilified enough. .
>How come millennials are having less sex?
More pee-pees into hiney holes mainly.
>Women are having more sex than ever.
MGTOW fanaticism. Female celibacy has doubled
I gave up my dream of marriage and a family about 3 years ago, because the competition is just too stiff. For every girl, there's like 100 dudes in her dm's. You have to put in triple effort just to get noticed, and even then, you aren't guaranteed success.
You just accept that supply far exceeds demand, unless you're a chad, which I am not.
>tfw at 3
damn I need 5 sluts stat
>it's hard so I gave up
Congrats. More for me then
>your age
>how many you had so far
Social media basically brought about the doom for every average guy. Girls can just rotate around the same minority of Chads instead. This is why less people are having sex, it's less MEN having sex. Women are having more than ever and so are the top 20% of men.
I’ve had sex with 21 women ask me why I still feel so empty
Not surprising when you see the state of millennial ""men""
Lots of "self-help" for virgins being thrown around on a saturday huh?
Because you consider it a quantity hunt instead of quality hunt?
What age do you reckon you'll reach before you kill yourself?
Have you ever actually met many Arabs/Muslims IRL? I have been pretty good friends with quite a few Muslim guys, they're redpilled af and somehow their women are the only ones with any kind of reasonable check or restraint these days left.
Because we don't need sex primarily. We need a loyal female partner that walks with us thorugh life no matter what.
No, most of them were objectively attractive
Wtf I feel insecure and angry now
>your age
>how many you had so far
Both of them in the last year when I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself for not getting laid and did something about it instead
"Men are shitty at sex"
9 times out of 10 the girl doesn't communicate what's good for her.
But even if what you're saying is true, did men suddenly get good at sex and now it's stopping? Why would that be?
im married but i will enjoy watching the world burn when this baby starts hitting 50%
I have sex with my Wife (Doll) all the time. Like 5 times a day.
Why do you think the NWO has been overextending its hand so far to invade and attack Persians/Arabia for the last 70 years. They got away with it, too. All that bloody violence for nothing. Just because Arabia would invalidate globalist culture.
sex is a basic need
It's hard to please the local whore.
>Female celibacy has doubled
Citation needed. Also has male celibacy seen any changes then?
35 year old virgin here. No, it isn't.
Based creepy autist
>not int the chart
Well, I had sex about twice in a year and it makes me feel like the lowest of low, but if almost 30% of all men are not getting any then I guess things could be worse
how about large scale pessimism about the future, no cold war good vs evil, its all shadow corporations and fake religious people doing the good and bad work of Pepsi cola. Also didn't the hippies do all the free love thing so like their kids rebelled by doing conservative love?
actually it's the opposite: most men are terrible at interpersonal connection, and make stupid practical mistakes like assuming from porn that women like rough sex when the clitoris is actually too sensitive for that to make them come.
women help propagate this situation by being terrible at asking for what they want (confrontation, aaargh) and putting up with men doing sex badly because they think they're "giving" something to him by pretending to enjoy it more than they are.
t. has sex
Sure thing, buddy. Have fun.
I'll kill you long before I do myself. I'm no so much of a soulless, depraved husk that I would base my entire existence on pussy. I had 2 good relationship in my early 20's, that's enough for me.
Regression to norm. Things are returning to normal after Boomer degeneracy.
Someone that fucking gets it
is it because you're to emotionally stunted to experience intimacy?
idk, prostition legal yet?
also the brainwashing tele fucked y'all up good
When coal mining first started in England most of the colliers owned some land and used coal mining part time for extra money. The coal business took off, coal mines offered much higher wages, so people moved into coal towns and gave up their land, thinking good times would never end. But once this was achieved, the mine owners dropped the wages to near nothing, and the colliers were completely dependent upon mining for subsistence. Every boom is manufactured to lure people away from independence into dependence, and then they close the pincer. This is what the 50s were in the USA. Gone were the days when farming was the number 1 profession in the country. Next went manufacturing, and now we are in the gig economy phase. I imagine UBI will be implemented and Every one will live on a pittance, forced to hustle their way barely above starvation. Supply and demand is real, but it is on a global scale now and resources feminist every hour. We are forced into unsustainable ways of life to ensure our serfdom. Nothing we can do about it either. An armed insurrection would just hand power to a military junta and produce outright authoritarianism, as is demonstrated constantly in recent history. Learn to drive uber, clean houses and sell research chemicals.
If that were the case every woman would stay a virgin.
Soon all memes will originate from conference rooms in international banking offices
>assuming from porn that women like rough sex
every girl ever asks for chocking and rough sex
doesnt mean they like only that, but they all ask for it
birth control. social media. tinder.
having sex makes you want to have sex more, actually.
the figures are because of the rise of social media as a replacement for going out. it's infected the normies now as opposed to just us, hence the larger statistical footprint.
11 sounds like some kind of mental issue on display, 8 does too honestly.
Will do :)
Thanks loser!
Resources diminish* fucking LGBT autocorrect!
The amount of people who have never had sex or aren't having much sex is dragging down the average of the guys at the top that are having sex with 100+ women and women lie a ton so when polled none of them are saying more than like 3 or 5 partners even if they slept with every guy in their state. People are having more sex than ever, you're just not one of them.
What the fuck is this shit.
There really aren't that many places to meet others interested in dating. A lot of young people find what does exist (bars, clubs etc) to be fucking vile and would rather stay at home.
I've banged 55 girls from 19 different countries at 24, 52 of those within the past 3 years - thanks tinder
i genuinely feel bad for you guys who can't get laid, going on dates is literally my favorite thing to do, and the primary thing preventing me from ending it all
ask me for tips to be less spergy
watch at least 5 minutes of it
>We need a loyal female partner that walks with us thorugh life no matter what.
not true. No matter how loyal, beautiful, smart or funny a girl is there is a good chance you'll get bored of her and fall out of love. Your eyes will never stop wandering and you'll keep looking for something new. It's just in our human nature to want something new and shiny. Either you give in to those desires or you stay with your female partner and slowly begin to despise her.
There's no fucking way people my age only has 8. I've heard 18 year old girls talk about sex partners as if they've been at it since their baby years. And I'm ten years older than them.
>it's infected the normies now as opposed to just us, hence the larger statistical footprint.
I'm not gonna lie, that's a convincing model that explains the trend.
Help me with this Tinder shit. I'm extremely self-aware when it comes to displaying my face on social media.
How come Yea Forums lets threads about any random off topic bullshit stay up forever, is there no moderation here?
Underrated and true. Isn't it an objectively good thing to have fewer lifetime sexual partners?
You don't know me homie. I can tell you that is not true. I buy prostitutes on the regular and I'd rather have one loyal wife.
that means there is a chad that have had 20 sexual partners
Hey dolls need love too
lots of it
Why would I watch a video about supposed """"""""""femcels""""""""""
>tfw you went from 22 to 40 without getting laid
online dating saved me
because they think they're supposed to want it.
I'm not blaming men over women at all BTW.
more examples of hivemind-like behavior in women is the rise of labiaplasties as the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure, and how suddenly they all started shaving their pubes off several years back.
>i genuinely feel bad for you guys
>fucking sluts is the primary thing preventing me from ending it all
No user, I genuinely feel bad for you.
get out newfag
its more about how fucked birth control is than a video about femcels
>tfw you went from 22 to 40 without getting laid
I don't get what you're saying here.
That doesn't automatically mean a good lay
You sure that it's not a big deal? Look at this article for instance, people are actively avoiding females in the work place. Which affects their careers and trust as coworkers. Nobody wants to deal with women anymore, there is no point to it because it can only get you in trouble especially if you are in a position of authority.
>the only thing keeping him from ending it is strange pussy which has been used and abused by dozens of other men
Damn bro....
Have you ever heard someone say "incel" IRL?
lol, the last two girls i slept with were yale student in their early twenties. im going to thailand next month free of charge, freelance accounting 10 years older than me paying for everything
just because you sleep with girls from tinder doesnt mean they're worthless - theres plenty of fun girls out there
I mean if you can afford it fuck it, glad you’re happy bud
houellebeck predicted everything and they're slowly starting to realize it