What's a movie everyone hates, but you love?

What's a movie everyone hates, but you love?

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Only God Forgives

Blast from the Past

the wolfman 2009

The Gambler

No one "hates" it but nobody gives fuck about The Burbs and I absolutely love it

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GOTG2. I honestly believe it is twice as good as GOTG,

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Ace Ventura

I cannot get a single person to watch Kung Pow: Enter the Fist with me. Including people who love the "memes".

great movie

Kickboxer is one of my favorite movies, as is Road House. I know both have a pretty good following but figured it would work because they got shit on so bad by faggot reviewers.

Born of the Fourth of July

Doubt that the average person would "get" let alone enjoy these type of movies so I'll say any Troma movie. My favourite is Class of nuke 'em high and Citizen Toxie.

The Last Jedi

Revolver. I thought it was brilliant

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get this hothead out of here

>cringeposting in a thread like this

Kys, tryhard.

con air

I still haven't seen Citizen Toxie but I love the first film. It isn't great but you might enjoy the Puppet Master reboot, it's fun for what it is and the puppets being nazis this time around is fucking shibby

Yeah i have good memories of watching this movie on a summer evening as a kid, I remember it aired often

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Godzilla 2014
Kong Skull Island
Osmosis Jones

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>posting the gay version of The Postman


Same. Always thought it was best watched late on a dark warm evening.

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I have not come across a single other person that likes this movie

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You mean the entertaining version without the cuckold plotline

GOTG2 is almost great, the tone whiplash really does the film dirty.


I love batman and robin, I enjoy films that go full retard immensely

Freddy Got Fingered. Not in the reddit "so bad it's good" way but I unironically thought it was a hilarious movie

I'll give it a watch tonight just because of big puss

Loved that movie when I was a kid, where aren’t there more movies about mech combat?

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There is another, Robot Wars (1993)

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Batman vs Superman

This was one of the DVDs that came with my first DVD player

Wish I had it still, but it's not like it's expensive these days or anything

I'll never understand what people see in those 2 white chicks. Especially the far right. I can't explain why but I feel repulsed looking at them. Same with Julia Roberts.

what do you even like about prometheus? it was a huge disappointment and anticlimactic

Cameron Diaz was fucking hot as shit, barrymore has always been an ugly fucking troll though and she was only in it because she was a producer, no one has ever thought she was hot

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all the Transformers movies. I really really love the transformation effects. It's basically visual porn for me.

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The ice man cometh

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I never watched the Alien franchised before I watched Prometheus, the entire space thriller shit waiting to see he gets killed off next was interesting.

Simple as, everyone has their own opinions man.

Marked for Death.

great movie

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Pray people at large keep not giving a fuck. That ending in the hands of outrage artists would produce non-stop articles about p-r-o-b-l-e-m-a-t-i-c issues.

no it isn't, those films are all shit

I rest my case

it all makes sense now, everyone else has seen all the alien movies, you missed out on them so you cant discern crap from kino

World War Z


Poor Little White Guy. I watch it with my wife and her son and his father and her boyfriend all the time. The scene where they eat the chicken skins off the titular character's back while they're drinking 40's at the start is our favorite.

Alien Resurrection. A french black comedy starring Sarah Kerrigan Ripley and a severely fuckable Ryder.

Jeff Stryker: Heavy into Jeff

My gf hates Big Trouble Little China and Escape from LA/New York
I love them. They just coincidentally have Kurt in them all.

Maybe everyone doesn't hate it, but I've rarely seen someone as enthusiastic about it as me

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Cameron Diaz is pretty damn hot. Bet she made for a great cumdumpster back in her day.
You're absolutely right about Julia Roberts though. She's even a terrible actress


Batman v Superman, Last Jedi, Southland Tales, Jupiter Ascending, Speed Racer, Sucker Punch...

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Congo. Shit is kino.

Nacho Libre


game of thrones

Who that.

No joke. Batman and Robin.

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German television personality Daniela Katzenberger.

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Howard the duck

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the movie is achingly pretentious as fuck but its also one of those movies that make me uncomfortable as fuck and I admire it for that.

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>all these faglords posting the same shit as if this gay board doesn't circle jerk over it endlessly, ironically or not
You say "as fuck" too many times.

Shut the fuck up nigger

these three

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Sucker punch.

hey user, just wanted to remind you that racism isn't allowed on 4channel. It would be a shame if someone reported your post since I don't believe you truly mean that and are only using that word out of anger. Please realize moving forward the pain you're causing our black anons by posting that awful word. You're basically re-victimizing them and in a sense putting them through genetically coded slavery trauma

Real Steel

My man

As far as Drew and Cameron, they have that vibe of ‘just be confident in front of the camera and we’ll prop you up as capable and pretty.’

Julia Roberts is more like ‘let your anger out at this straw man on film and we’ll prop you up as a strong, intelligent visionary’


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I find powerlevel-reveal movies comfy even if they are womanbait

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The fuck? Burbs is boomer kino.

rachel is super cute in that movie

Freddy got Fingered

Conan the barbarian 1982

Star Wars Episode 2
300 Rise of An Empire
Men In Black 2
Jurassic Park 2&3

>don't surf my turf
>beach bumrush
>doin' the 'bu
>surfing & skeezing
>'bu tang romp
>valley sally
>sandy panties
>get glucked
>don't be hatin'
>westside shout-out

For me it's Malibu's Most Wanted (2003)

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Unironically me too. Yeah it's cheesy as fuck but hell it's capeshit for god sake. Suicide Squad for example was a million times worse IMO.

Unironically I prefer it over drive. Specially because mister potato face has barely any dialogue

I fucking love Monkeybone

Stop or my mom will shoot.

>The Hitman movie with Timothy Olyphant
>Spiderman 3
>The Jolie Tomb Raider movies

i love it

fantastic four silver surfer one

I was 8 when it came out, and I found it funny

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For me it's Terminator Genesis with a Y. Is it a good movie? No, of course not. But the premise and execution are unironically pretty decent and I still rank it higher than T3 and Salvation.