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Other urls found in this thread:

have sex

literally me

Tell me, what will I gain from doing this?

the right to tell other 4channel users to have sex

Tourist core

Some time away from the computer, to start. Hopefully some balls, faggot

Who else is drinking 2pm

why do you care so much about other user's balls? got something to tell us sweeite?

Why are you concerned with what others do with their time and balls? Quite curious.

I can't fucking take it anymore.

Attached: Sad goose.webm (1600x1600, 3M)


Did I offend the gaping pussy?

It hurts bros

Here. at least i got a 3 mile run in before another night of hedonism

lol so obsessed with sex
protip: have sex

The difference between waking up at 11am and 12pm for me. I need at least one a.m. hour or my day feels wasted.

‘Sup, /pol/?

whenever it gets too much for me, i watch TDK.


just be your're selve


at least you have hair motherfucker.

have sex you moron!

You will no longer be an incel by definition for starters. Eventually you would like to have sex more often and frequently. You will start to notice that to do this you would have self improve yourself to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex.

I.E working out, eating healthy, getting a job, not jerking off all day, not playing video games all day and watching anime all day.

This is what sex will do to you. Please have some of it.

sounds gay lol

Pro-tip to all incels ITT: getting a gf will not fix your depression.

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You drink alcohol before a marathong

why does he have the tumblr red nose?


Ima go run errands and walk the dog then start drinkin

>put penis in vagina
>suddenly your whole life now revolves around putting your penis in vaginas

You know what else does this? Heroin.


But at least you had sex. Next is seeking better partners

This is an NPCs brain on s*y

>Hopefully some balls,
You gay nigga.

hitler had sex
gengis khan had sex
trump had sex

I will die a virgin.

I don't really care to.

>just be a mindless conformist consumer drone like me xD

I can feel the s*ylent grin through my screen

lmao the lil bitch is trying to act tough haha go back and cry about your “depression”, pussy lol

this is what most don't believe. when you're so deep down the hole, no gf will have you come out of it. Maybe a combo of money and women might.

as if Yea Forums is above Yea Forums in terms of board quality lmao

That's a noble achievement user, you will die pure of body, mind, and soul. Meanwhile degenerate hedonist normalfaggots with STDs will burn in Hell for all Eternity.

What is sex like?

Attached: she cute.webm (1320x1080, 2.33M)

oof, imagine being this retarded

not if I can help it

I already work out, eat better than anyone around me, have a job, jerk off once or twice a week, hate video games and not watch cartoons.
Still a kissless virgin though.

Says the faggot talking about some guys balls, kill yourself freak

like a bag of sand

wet, little bit smelly.

Based and doompilled

Attached: doomers.jpg (5074x656, 1.51M)

like taking a shit in reverse

Then you aren't trying hard enough. Go to a college bar, take chances

tips for growing hair?

>my depression
lmao how can a pussy be so pathetic lol

literally this, I lost my virgnity two years ago and the only amazing thing about it is the fact that I can call other people incels on 4channel now

I thought hooking up at bars is just some american Hollywood meme?

I mean I could go to this local bar/pub near me every single day and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever speak a word with anyone but the bar guy when ordering if I don't actively try to come to other people's tables. No one comes in alone, there is no film-like "lonely" girl at a bar, everyone comes in small closed groups and drinks/talks by themselves in that group, I just can't see it happening unless you're a 10/10 extremely outgoing turbochad who can come to a strangers table and start introducing himself to everyone around without it being forced

I lost my virginity to a man and I am not even gay. Still the only time I have ever had sex. Kill me.

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I like how these steadily get worse and worse

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>tfw should have been born a girl
>tfw could be a useless cumslut/camwhore instead of just useless incel

Salty coins in milk

Where you molested?

this reeks of virginity. Literally thinking sex will actually change anything. Protip: It won't

Nah, just had sex with my gay friend when I was drunk.

Have sex

Have sex.

I drink 6 bottles of ever clear a day and have a horrible health. Why?


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>muh balls
lmao how can a faggot be so pathetic lol

this user has sex and is based

Normalfags project and are retarded, shocker.

Who pitched?

Stop listening to ignorant normalfaggot NPCs, they have no idea how the world works

Him. He sucked my dick until I came though.

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Have sex, you are what's stopping you

That’s pretty gay bro

With this guys whore mother

I'm too poor to hire a hooker

Good. Don't.

Bend over

That doesn't count you fucking faggot. You're still a virgin, just a gay virgin.

Why not? Not him

My horny and lonely levels has reached atomic levels the past 2 days because of these dreams I had
I'm going fuck insane

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Had sex for 5 years straight lad I'm still miserable.

Spicy paper bills in plastic shopping bags

Wait I have lots of sex and I'm still a fucking loser who defends Game of Thrones on a mongolian flamenco dancing forum for free

Just rape some normalfag thot

i could never be anything but a fedora tipper enlightened by my own intelligence but as i get older i truly understand why people turn to god. at a certain point you realize nothing else could make things better

The last time I had sex was like 4 years ago. Does that make me an incel? I don't hate women btw

Post your horny and lonely levels today lads

Horny 5/10
Lonely 7/10

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>Hey you gotta dollar? I need some rubbing alcohol

Have you tried being yourself?

no but I am baked

Attached: baked apu.png (450x405, 104K)

why is this shit thread still on?

If you're a lost cause but just want to get it over with, fine.

Otherwise, work on fixing yourself not just physically but in socializing as well. Paying for it won't change your state of affairs one iota

i have an undergrad in sexology from the university of stanford and I can confirm this poster had sex

Don't worry anons you'll always have me.

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Horny 10/10
Lonely 10/10

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jannies love babysitting the Yea Forumsabbies

>tfw no gf to touch by back