Hi I'm Adam Sessler and I'm Morgan Webb

>Hi I'm Adam Sessler and I'm Morgan Webb

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I don't really miss the show, but I think the first few years of it were pretty solid. That's kind of the TechTV/G4 story in general, though.

>when you could tell Sessler was obviously on cocaine

I miss those titties like you wouldn't believe

I want to lick Morgan's manly jaw.

This and Cinematech. Never cared for Attack of the Show

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This guy is obviously projecting. It's either the drug use or he is a misogynist or actual racist or something but he has skeletons and he is trying to hide them

Why does he hate gamers so fucking much???

I prefer the show before Webb

I liked Filter with the original host.

i liked AOTS after kevin left

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The five star ratings system is the best. With 10 star people complain if you give a game an 8.

Attack of the Show was great. When it was Kevin, Sara and that other guy. The other guy left and ended up becoming a millionaire. I like Olivia Munn too, I don't know why so many people hate her so much.

Perera or Rose?

>Never cared for Attack of the Show
It was no Screen Savers.

The other guy was Kevin Rose who left to start Digg.

leo laporte runs a website called twit.tv and has a show called 'the new screensavers'. it's kind of disappointing desu.

>produces literally nothing of worth
>can live in expensive San Francisco neighborhood

Nothing strange here at all

Diane Mizota?

Sucking tranny cock must pay big.

Yea her, i liked her more than Kristen Holt although Kristen was hotter

>leo laporte
Laporte is by all accounts also a terrible human being.
>it's kind of disappointing desu.
As much as I like Screen Savers (even watching it in archives it's pretty entertaining, though maybe for different reasons now) it's just not the kind of format that holds up in the era of broadband connections. People don't need all-encompassing shows like that anymore. Even AotS struggled to find an audience despite its broader pop culture focus (though I'm sure its poor ratings partly reflected the lack of decent content surrounding it).

The interesting thing about TechTV/G4 is that the channel could never have existed prior to the late 90s, and it was doomed by the late 2000s. Its demographic ensured a rapidly encroaching obsolescence. Bad executive decisions abounded with the channel too, but I think the channel was doomed regardless.

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>Adam turned out to be a cuck who doesn't actually enjoy vidya
>got fired from G4TV for some unknown reason
>now works for some sketchy shill company
>Morgan seems to have a genuine love for games and "nerd" culture
>went on to work with several different game companies
>married a rich Chad
The right person got the happy ending

God I wish I was that camera man.

Adam is probably as annoying in real life as he was on the show. He seems like a casual gamer and just a fag.

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>pronounced "saiyan" as "sai-ohn" once when talking about DBZ
I was offended. Fucking poser

Its “with adam sessler and morgan webb” zoomer

Anyone who likes G4 when it was “hot women prentendinf to like tech” is part of the problem and what killed G4

>Hey it's interesting woman that actually likes vidya and also makes your peepee hard
>and random old bald dude

she looks like she gives good head, but I imagine she actually is fairly bad at it.

Jade Raymond from EP went on to produce the first Assassin's Creed. There was an asian dude that kept making hentai of her calling her a whore.

Fucking hate this faggot. I can't watch my tranny porn without this cue ball showing up out of nowhere.


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She is, though

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He's living the dream of fucking trannies all days long now