Is soa worth a watch?

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No it is like the walking dead for bikers. Every SOA is a Mary sue. Somehow this group of 7 guys single handily take down the cartel, the FBI, the IRA etc

Some seasons are great others are retarded and if you really want to enjoy it turn it off 45 seconds before the credits of the final episode


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It seemed like a hot ticket with The Sopranos just ending, but it gets more drab each season.
At the very most watch up to season two.


did he died?

The last 6 seasons are pretty bad.

It had it's highs but mostly lows. Extremely uneven show.

That scene is actually really good up until you see the shit cgi

>Shit cgi
Is this the same show where somebody is dragged on a wheelchair and the cgi is even worse?


>bike going 3mph
>truck going 3mph
i cant stop laughing



[There iiiiiis a houuuuuuuse in New Orleaaaaans...]

>slow mo makes it look like they ride 5km/h
>cut to shitty cg truck
based and kinopilled

This show cracks me up

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No. It's Walking Dead meets VIP (That 90s Pamela Anderson show), staring bikers.

Is that really how it ends? lol

First couple of seasons are good but they dragged it out way too long.

Damn Vic Mackey has really gone down in the world.


It had kino moments and great soundtrack but it's so fucking long, if it was 2x shorter it would be be worth watching
It's the 100 tier but with bikers instead of retarded teens

The thumbnail looks like Star Wars rebels panicking as they see a Star Destroyer approaching their ship

In hindsight the show was a comedy drama

Grand Theft Auto biker DLC: the TV show

The show was good and entertaining for the first two seasons. My biggest problem was they didn't let people die fast enough. I mean, these guys ride on motorcycles every day, often being chased by law enforcement and other gangs shooting both ways. For the most part, people pretty much get by unscathed until there's some super dramatic, inescapable situation.

Opie's death was pretty sad, though.

No, it’s so so very bad.

Missed a jaysus keerist and something about GOVING BACK MY SON otherwise there will be blowback.

I love you brother

>the they dragged out Clay’s death for like 3 seasons and by the time they finally killed him I was so apathetic that I couldn’t even remember the circumstances of how it happened

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Also, the Ireland season was some of the worst shit I've ever seen.

Oh no no no

by the time he finally dies, I had already been feeling like I was only watching to the show to see how it ends. I didn't mind the fact that Jax "kept him alive" as a puppet because it made sense, but his character go boring really fast.

Good post


its not slow-mo, they were actually going that slow to get the shot

I honestly didn't mind Jimmy as the villain to the bad guys character, but he was much better as the guy from overseas who showed up in the states sometimes. Going into his world is when things just got so bad it was hard to watch.

No, the show only appeals to Trump supporting evangelical hicks in flyover states

Oh shit my dad might’ve been black the club is gonna fucking kick me out if they find out even though I’m obviously not 100% white to begin with, our closest allies are an all-black biker gang, and one of our most senior members was married to a black woman

*gets raped by Marilyn Manson*

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It's like all the seasons of prison break past the first combined but with slightly better actors


seriously one of the most lazy conundrums ever written.

but what if they sped it up to make it look like they go fast and then used slow mo to make it more dramatic?

Damn what ps2 game is this?

Did that ever go anywhere? I remember that they eventually find out but I don’t remember if they cared or not

Couldn't they use a drone/mounted camera and let them ride at normal speeds and then greenscreen'd it to the inside of a truck?
It looks so retarded now

The funniest part was how actual Irish actors were using terrible accents as if the directors told them to stop speaking the way they naturally do and instead speak stereotypically

he tried hanging himself or something but failed and Jax was like ok baby bobo don't cry my dad was a nigger too yknow, he changed his diapie, sat him on his bike and they rode off into the sunset with some boomer music in the background

they didn't care
They even let a black guy join it was just an old rule nobody cared enough to remove

Wait wtf? I don't remember this scene and I watched the whole thing. Was this season 3?

The show is meh at best, it's better to watch something else.

Best character is Opie

reminder that he got wrapped in some DEA deal or whatever and then murdered a club member simply because of this

he honestly did the show a favor because that new guy's character was super flat. same with the fat kid. those two constantly looked like two guys who got lost on the way to their shift at best buy.

it stopped being worth it when it got pulled from netflix
if you have to put in any effort to watch it, you'll just end up bored and disappointed

randomly caught one of the later episodes on tv one day.

>Some chink and his goons standing at the corner of a busy 4 way intersection in broad daylight yelling at the SoA "I WANT MY MONEY AND I WANT MY GUNS!!"

so fuckin bad.

Definitely give it a try and see if it hooks you. It's not well written, but its fun written. Think GTA: Biker Edition: The Series. I watched it with my brothers and it gave us a lot of inside jokes, and even Jaxposting and other small memes on Yea Forums. That said, all of the negative things people are saying about it in this thread are mostly true, and it really does have a comical ending. It's mostly meh, sometimes shit, and sometimes surprisingly high. Also, the first season is a somewhat accurate depiction of biker culture in America, if that interests you at all. Give it a shot, brotha.

Attached: Opie-Dopie.jpg (530x298, 38K)

the "highs" you speak of almost always involved Opie's storyline. He was the silver lining in the show.

oh yeah doesn't one of the SoA members fall in love with a tranny??

Did "Filthy" Phil browse 4channel?

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Tig was /ourguy/

They were outlaws not stable people.

Season 1

Opie was the only truly conflicted one. He let his love for the club interfere with his family life more than anyone else. Everyone else was either divorced, or unmarried, or had a family that was a part of the club culture (Jax and Clay).
Opie spent years in jail for the club, was constantly fighting his wife about being a member, ended up losing his wife and his father because of the club, he gave his own life for the club and left behind a qt porn star wife with two children she doesn't love and was a constant sad sack.
I really hated him because of how cucked he was by everything, but now that I think about it he's the only well-written human character who was not a superhero/villain.

Watched it for a season and a half but it never really got its hooks in.
If you want a generic biker show that's exactly what you think it'll be, then yeah, it's good, but if you want a little more it disappoints.