Why isn't she big outside of GOT? She is one of best actors in GOT.
Lena Headey
Television acting is a death sentence in the biz
That was the case like 10 years ago
Because she actually isn’t and your opinion, while entitled, is just a little bit stupid.
She’s good in Dredd and awful in that Steve Coogan one.
Shut the fuck up about game of thrones you fucking faggot
too many tattoos
She ruined TSCC
>She is one of best actors in GOT.
She's a one trick pony on GoT. Her character just sits there looking smug most of the time.
First of all, this is Yea Forums-related. Also what's with the homophobic slur?
she was good in 300 where she played as "politically ensnared queen of ancient medieval place"
I liked her in Dredd.
why isn't she wearing leather and placing a ball gag in my mouth?
But she's in a lot of stuff.
She seems like she gets mad easily, like when you call a girl crazy jokingly but they take it seriously
Because she is getting old and losing her looks
Plus she has a very bad reputation that’s gotten worse during GoT
Look how rarely she appears in scenes with other big characters - they literally had it in the contracts she and her ex husband can’t be in the same scene
all the lannister actors are pretty great
Imagine being married to her and having her Domme you in her Cersei costume
Wish she was my mommy desu
>Plus she has a very bad reputation that’s gotten worse during GoT
Where can I read details about this?
>Two kids by two different men
>Got dumped by Bronn irl and now refuses to even share a scene with him
Yep, i'm thinking you're right.
She is a terrible actress, she has the same facial expression and voice tone in every scene
she'd be perfect as my gf tbqh
Because game of plebs is so popular no journo is going to say it out loud
But notice there’s very few interviews with her and those are very controlled
Then go and check out off the record gossip etc
But the contract stuff is public knowledge
she isn't a very good actress. she's good at playing a bitch, that's it
>Rumor has it their relationship ended *so* badly, the production team works to keep them apart at all costs. (There's even a rumor it's in their contracts that the show has to.) The problem is that Lena Headey, as Cersei, is irreplaceable, while by Season 4, Bronn was such a fan favorite that recasting him was unthinkable.
>But with Season 5 coming up, Bronn was supposed to marry Lollys Stokeworth and move into the Red Keep, where his money focused and road warrior mentality would cause him to quietly take power from most of Cersei's underlings without her noticing. Obviously, this was not possible. So instead, they took Bronn and sent him to Dorne with Jaime instead.
>Qyburn's role was massively expanded purely because he literally has to be a go-between for their characters in King's Landing
kek, it all makes sense now. Qyburn's actor must be the luckiest bloke alive.
She is getting old, but still pretty hot. I don't like the tattoos, but hey. Also, I don't think she was married to Bron, although they did date and are not on good terms now. I never heard she had issues with any other cast members.
bitch roles are cool, I would kill for 5 Ma Ma clone villains a year
wasn't she on house of cards as well
She does alright. She's an older woman, maybe that's why.
You're thinking of Kevin Spacey
>ancient medieval place
have sex, incel.
>make millions of dollars acting for a few months per year
>still can't be in the same room as an ex because they make you vewwy angwy
actors are generally shallow, emotionally immature people. It's why they're overwhelmingly leftist and have alcohol/drug addictions despite living like kings in mansions.
explain Cranston and Elba
She doesn't really need to, does she? After a couple million dollars, you're pretty much guaranteed a cushion for life. The rest is just dressing, and it isn't like she's gonna be begging for work after having been on GoT - doesn't matter how shit an actor you are, that gets you at least some name recognition.
That being said, other anons have already gone into detail. Apparently she's kind of a cunt IRL so it makes sense.
Name 2 good movies Cranston was in since Breaking Bad.
imagine being middle aged and still this childish, fucking YIKES
>swn peg you
Why even live?
Godzilla and Power Rangers?
He was always a TV actor
I want to ____ young Lena
Trumbo & All the way are decent
you can always tell the lonely people who have never been in relationships and not had the opportunity to be hurt before
She was already in the 300 movies and I remeber seeing her here and there but after GOT Im pretty sure she isnt going to need to act for the rest of her life.
>that scene where Bronn takes Podrick to a pub because Cersei was at the Dragonpit
>that scene where Cersei has Qyburn ask Bronn to kill Jaime Lannister
She didn't suck Weinsteins cock for a role that would "win" her an oscar and got blacklisted from most of the main stream studios which is why she didn't even have bit parts in mainstream movies despite how good she is and attractive she was. Before the whole Weinstein thing kicked off she mentioned that a powerful producer approached her at 2 separate events and made advances.
can you imagine what the landscape of cinema would look like if for the last 30 years it wasnt directed by some greasy jews dick? we might have had actual talented actress's, who knows what kino might have been? we sure as hell wouldnt have had to suffer through jennifer lawrence and her half ass'd mystique role
>being this wrong
Cranston was nominated for an Oscar.
I find her so fucking beautiful. Not in GoT necessarily but god damn she is magnificent in 300 and Dredd. What are some kino Headly roles?
Promise me, Ned
Hollywoods full of that. I'm looking at your woman who the got cast for Scarlet Witch and sure she's attractive but I can't possibly believe that they got her to read for that role and think that this actress was good for the part.
>She is one of best actors in GOT
She has some good scenes but most of the time she's just playing the smug bitch everyone is supposed to hate which isn't really that hard.
Most of the characters played by actually talented actors died already.
She played Sarah Connor in Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
>women hit the wall in their mid twen-
She dated Bronn and then they got into a fight and hated each other. She's probably a crazy roastie.
why the fuck do hot women always get garbage ass weird back tattoos. I'm trying to aim my load on the sunflower in my 20's MAYBE my 30s, not when im tagging some old bitch
he pobably beat or raped her
It's instant incel repellant, as seen ITT.
She was great in Dredd
I doubt it. She's probably got daddy issues and acts like an entitled cunt like all women these days.
Because shes old, expensive has fucked some of her co-workers already and created drama. There's younger, cheaper and prettier actresses who will put their backs into it on Harvey's casting couch.
manage the orthodontic treatment for
This thread is shit. What’s a good MST3K episode to watch?
She has a better career before and after than everyone outside of like 4 people.
Don't listen to the plebs in this thread. Lena was kino since her teenage years. I remember being a wee little lad of 4, watching her in The Jungle Book from 1994 or so. She was a beaut
Wtf is your problem
>wanting to "fix" those qt teeth
Because homophobia is completely rational after you understand how homos behave, spreading AIDS and buggering young boys.
> MFW you realize she was your nerd-fu long before GOT.
> explain Elba.
Bran should have sent her a raven once a week with the words "you were so beautiful thar night" the second he became 3ER
>she is one of the best
she IS the best desu
>ancient medieval place
> 10 years later. I am forgotten.
have kids
Isnt she bipolar or something? That probably has something to do with it.
she's really good in Billions
too bad Billions becomes fanfic tier half way through the first season
George Clooney.
Henry Cavill.
Amy Adams.
>all white kids
>only dates whites
she's based af
Haha, what?
>single mom
Yikes. No wonder she’s so good at playing bitchy dykes.
a good actress would cut her hair and would not wear a wig
respectfully admire from afar
sarah connor chronicles was great
Emilia Clarke is there to make a lot of mediocre actresses/actors look good by comparison.
I want her to bite my dick and bully me for having a small one
He deserves it though - a very good actor who was pushed off tv into radio because he didn’t have the right nose I f you know what I mean
Check'em, you gigantic faggot
GTFO you inbreed cock sucker
I have only seen her in 4 roles (got, 300, dreed and the purge), she was kimo every fucking time.
How is it that the talentless ugly hack of Emilia had more exposure than mommy Lena?
Shes sexy as fuck. Loved her since Sarah Connor Chronicles. My friends at the time made fun of me for finding her more hot than the terminator woman.
A tscc post this high on nu/tv/
I’m impressed
>talentless ugly hack of Emilia had more exposure than mommy Lena?
>likely more willing to perform sexual favors.
She's 45 years old. You'd have to be exceptional to still get roles at that age and she isn't.
Cutest Lena
Her Instagram is unbearable. Made me hate her
Theres something vaguely Daisy Ridley about young Lena's face.
no (You)
A shame it got cancelled.
Tends to be the case before they slag it up and end up becoming single mothers.
Unattractive fingers
What age is she here?
have sex, incel
This might be the most unusual and bizarre complaint I've ever read about a woman.
It's obviously a woman typing that. What kind of man would bother typing that kind of shit.
No wonder why a good chunk of them are leftist. Emotionally broken, self-centered children that need to be told what to think and how to act.
She got typecast pretty early
absolute kino
Nobody's ever content with just a few million. You tie it up in investments so that you're financially secure, then what? Live an upper-middle or lowest-upper class lifestyle? Do a few cons to put a deposit in for your kid's college tuition?
Like says, most actors are the same type of weird faggots who were in drama club when we were in school. They'll never be content to just enjoy life.
>pushed off tv into radio
He's still in Endeavour as well.
Who are the exceptional 45 year-olds then?
remove the tattoos of
Not many come to mind. Amy Adams, Cate Blanchett.
i want her to choke me
Liz Hurley is 53
slowmo litterally done by this guy on dredd
Why does the cat look so sinister? Does it know we sexualise her in that pic?
He's seen some shit.
>big maw maw
Yes sadly Sophie Turner's career was destroyed by her appearance on GoT. She was destined for great things before she took the job. Now Hollywood wont touch her
lmao check out this grandad over here. It isn't the 20th century anymore. Television and film have been blurred.
have kids
ejaculate into
This. Only women focus on dumb shit like this because they're constantly comparing themselves to other women.
>that scene where bronn visits tyrion after Blackwater battle and cersei marches out the door
that was the only scene those two shared
fuck hard
There are no girls on Yea Forums
30% of Yea Forums are girls.
girls (male) don't count
Maybe, but there are girly and bitchy """"men"""", which is even worse.
There aren't even that many trannies in existence according to Yea Forums's traffic statistics.
*people who aren't developmentally challenged and are capable of regulating their emotions
/po/ isn't Yea Forums
Yeah.....I think you're right
>People from TV don't make it in Movies
>Cranston did
>Name good movies he did
>that one that got an oscar nom
>That means nothing
holy moving the goal post. Cranston has a film career. Fuck if their good movies, he's in shit like Godzilla and Total Recall and so on. He's absolutely has a career in film, he went from Malcom in the Middle, to Breaking Bad, to movies. Fuck you if they're not good, fuck you if oscars don't count, he did it, stop trying to reject the point. Steve Carell did it, Evangline Lily did it, Jennifer Aniston did it, people go from TV to movie star. Quit adding qualifiers.
She'll always have her goats.
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English women are the sexist for me. Which is odd considering I'm Irish.
>the biz
Do you also Drive?
god I wish that were me
They both have piddling Hollywood careers. Literal B actors
She was on terminator the tv show right before this. What are you talking about?
"Attractive" English woman have a distinctiveness about them that I like. For me looking unique is often more arousing than just being generically attractive--MANY people are attractive--but I've also had more sex than everyone on Yea Forums combined so I'm not sure if anyone here shares that feeling
Excuse me Sir Idris Elba is the main bad guy in Hobbs & Shaw which will make hundreds of millions of dollarydoos.
She's not in Billions, nigga.
I like Idris but he stopped trying to be an actor awhile ago
It's not TV. It's HBO.
yea, now he's just trying to get rich