unfit here. Isn't the bar supposed to.have weights?
>He's not even got any weight on the bar
Oh No No No No No No No
Aren't you supposed to hold the bar the other way?
No, that's just a /fit/ meme
>Natural Otter Mode
>Still doesn't have weights
Get the fuck outta here.
What am I apologizing for? Did I do someting wrong
man the 40 year olds at any local gym have a way better body than this, why the fuck is he showing it off
Why does it look like Arnie's old boy?
Maybe if he put some weights on it, there would be muscles on his arm.
>Those ratios
What the absolute fuck kind of work out has he been doing for the past 2 years to the point where his abdominals and pectorals are both lateral at the same distance?
Jesus Christ, is he a mutant?
It's like he just doesn't have a sternum
trains a different set of muscles you retard
depends on the routine you are doing
I think his overpriced hollywood instructor must be have come up with a meme routine where he uses the only the bar for a few reps
That's a reverse hold and is done quite a lot.
What is the benefit of reverse hold?
I'll sometimes do the straight bar (45 lbs) for max reps as the last set of rest-pause. If you're just doing a fucking ez bar curl with no weights for every set your meme hollywood trainer watched too many kai greene youtube videos and thinks it's all about "feeling the muscle and time under tension, bro". He should have found a meme hollywood trainer who gives him steroids.
Works forearms more
whats the point when the suit is stuffing
the ironing
how the fuck do some stars get so big like tht thor fella or huge jackedman? Roids?
It's a reverse curl with terrible technique.
It emphasizes brachialis.
Yes. Basically all hollywood stars use roids, mostly to speed things up.
Roids and the fact that they do nothing but train and eat for a few months before the shoots.
yeah pretty much every contemporary action star is on steroids. it's hard to think of one who isn't
Yes. Also it's pretty easy to get shredded/big where your only job is to work out and you have a personal trainer and chef on stand-by 24/7
considering Zachary's body, he is natty
what does juice do? Make your balls work funny?
I always kinda sorta wanted to get fit but the standard set by these people is insane
The bar alone is 45 lbs.
That's 5 gallons of milk you're drinking on the daily, fatass.
Fit by normie standards mean twink mode aka otter mode
There's different kinda juicing. But it's essentially a cheat code for workout. It makes it easier for you to work out. You gain muscle faster, or lose fat faster than naturally.
Is this bait or do you genuinely think that's impressive?
No, an olympic EZ bar weighs around 25 pounds.
there are a bunch of different types, but the most basic steroid is just synthetic testosterone. your balls shutting down is a side effect caused from your body sensing that you have "enough" testosterone circulating
I dunno I'm not a big guy but the best looking musculature imo is something like geralt in witcher
extremely beefed up guys look and walk funny.
This exercise emphasizes the forearms, not the biceps. That EZ bar probably weighs about 10 kg by itself. He should be doing at least 50 reps mininum to get something out of it. I weigh 75 kg and am significantly less buff than he is and I do this exercise with a lot more added weight to it.
Probably at the end of his workout. Who the fuck is this dude anyway?
Steroids block receptors that degenerate muscle over time (which was important back when food was scarce and survival cared more about being efficient than being 'strong' since muscles take a lot of energy to maintain)
You can see gains by doing nothing else than taking steroids. No I didn't type that incorrectly.
He is probably just curling without weight to check his form. His publicist probably just uploaded it because he looks dumb when he curls with weight.
/ottermode/ is the best mode desu
Look at the placement of his hands. The tension on the forearm muscles changes dramatically in that position. Try it.
that's probably true. the biggest actor who I think is plausibly natural is adam driver
>The bar alone is 45 lbs
Get a fucking load of this retard
apparently there's a mutation which does this naturally. There are superkids about, but they need lile 5-6 meals a day iirc.
Yea that's literally just don't eat and do 100 sit-ups and pushups everyday tier
nice. I could probably pull that off. I've noticed that hikers have tree stump legs, is hiking or running a good alternative for squats and weights?
>not doing every meme lift in the book
someone's not gonna make it
yeah alright good luck not looking flat and emaciated at that level of bf without some assistance
Yes. Doing actual functional work is superior to isolation since you're working out the stabilizer muscle groups. That's why climbers can pull off some circus shit climbing up mountains.
Yeah, cycling, especially on a road bike is good as well
Obviously gotta eat brotein and getting a tan also helps, also, lighting and angles when taking pics
To train the calves the best thing in gmy opinion would be hiking, or just long walks in general where you shift the speed from slow to fast. Also a jumping rope is good. I have amazing calves and it's mostly due to walking. Running for me never really worked the calves as much as it should.
if you're a beginner looking for fitness advice, asking a non-fitness community for it is so dumb. every other answer is going to have bullshit misinformation in it
Could you imagine if all muscle gained just stayed there and never shrunk. meme lifters would HAVE to maintain 4k calories a day or starve to death
I'm a manuel labourer regardless. so I'm generally fat free and wiry as is. Thanks.
People of antiquity must have been jacked dping everything by hand.
Just take the syntholpill bro
The EZ bar usually weighs around 10kg in and of itself, so if you're a noob, you can train with the bar alone.
Yeah I believe there was a study that found a normal man lifting consistently gained less than another man taking steroids but doing nothing. Their potency is insane.
I thought it was standard Olympic bar, which is 45 lbs. That EZ bar weighs a bit less.
That study is widely misunderstood as it made an equivalence between lean mass and muscle mass. Lean mass includes an increase in water weight, of which a single cycle of test puts a shitload on. The group taking steroids for the 12 week cycle in the study you are referencing have essentially no real gains.
Also no offense to the people in this thread but the level of ignorance regarding basic fitness is almost unbelievable. Bonus points for thinking because this person is doing unweighted reverse curls in one short video that means his entire routine is doing them lmfao
For the love of God do not take synthol
go to /fit/, retard.
He must be a cunnyslayer.
this nigga gonna die at 20
That should be child abuse honestly, sure he must be feeling good about all the praise right now but his growth is probably stunted to shit now.
it's a random mutation. He's born with natural roids.
t. knows nothing about science and is repeating a meme he heard
>That EZ bar probably weighs about 10 kg by itself.
Lmao no
>newfag's first dirty bulk
Implying there is such thing as a clean bulk at all
For a natty past your noob gains its hard to pack on a lot of muscle. So eating more than 200-300 cals in excess is meaningless. It will all turn into fat.
I loved this entire montage.
That depends on your height. At my/Geralts height (6+) you'll want to be able to bench mid 200 weight and do alot of heavy curls. You would have to be a turbo manlet to look like that just by cutting
>he doesn't know about leangains
manlets get better gains?
I just saw a play with him last night on Broadway...definitely natty but a big dude for sure. Hes just fucking thick. I was jealous.
calling child abuse right now
Smaller frame is requires less to fill it out.
How was that play btw, I keep seeing ads for it
there are small but crucial muscles (rotator cuff muscles for example) that benefit from doing such light and prolonged exercises. whereas heavy lifting will only give you a few reps and those will never strengthen the small guys.
Why? He's not anywhere near ripped nor buff there.
Not for warming up.
Tom Cruise has never roided
thats a shit body for having the best steroids money can buy and a team of nutritionists and trainers
C- too TITE
>the straight bar (45 lbs)
Studio hires you a pt/nutricionist, your job is to workout and eat.
Thoughts on my body?
been lifting for 7 months, i know im still a chicken, but i'm happy with the results so fat
7/10 would cuddle nohomo