That time I triggered a bunch of Marvel bootlickers. Felt it good, man

>That time I triggered a bunch of Marvel bootlickers. Felt it good, man.

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Molly is probably a single mom, I think.

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epic blog bro

Based. Keep shitting on the manchildren and their idols.

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very based, fuck manchildren

Chelsea are shite

I like it

fuckin PWNED

fuck off phoneposter

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Why aren't "womanchildren" not a thing? Or is it because we don't have a proper sounding word for them yet?

It doesn't have the same ring to it

Sorry you're such a sad child, user.

>Why aren't "womanchildren" not a thing?
womanchildren? I think you mean just women. No need to add the children part

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pretty dumb of them to be on twitter or anywhere online if they want to avoid spoilers.
I stopped going online a week before the movie and binged like 10 seasons of supernatural so I wouldn't have to go online

Because female manchildren don't exist? Most of their non-socializing interests are superficial at best.

How do you spoil something so fucking obvious? You'd have to be a drooling retard to not fully expect what the ending is going to be.

>Northern Michigan. I love my rescue dogs, vodka, and my kids. In that order.

I bet she's into zoo.

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Based mudslime triggering bunch of sóis in that BBC radio 1 video.

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She's taken the knot, no doubt about it.

based Yusef

Because woman being childsh is their natural state

cool wine aunts

someone post that poster. Looks based.