How did Adam Driver make it so big in Hollywood?

How did Adam Driver make it so big in Hollywood?

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I know it's hard to believe, but some people actually know how to act and are rewarded for doing so.

Jewish relatives and friends.

like who?


one second please

He talented, reliable, discipline and not a crazy drug addict.

He's a good actor with a unique look, cleans up nicely

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Worked with
>Spike Lee
>Coen brothers

And he's only 35 years old. Pretty based if you ask me.

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He's carrying the Star Wars movies.

Weird enough looking to be instantly recognisable without being overtly unattractive and can legitimately act.

Probably also had a part to play.

watch the snl sketch about the oil industry.


Anybody see the Terry Gilliam Don Quixote movie that he's in?

He’s actually a goy from the Midwest lol.

Jews in Hollywood don’t want to make good looking men stars anymore.

He played in that horrible show for roasties called GIRL. It appears Kathleen Kennedy and her daughters watches it, they also watch Handmaid's Tale, what a surprise, she hired him for Kylo Ren despite being way older than the character. Also maybe they had sex but I don't have any proof.

Sort of but not exactly. Driver got lucky because he was doing indie films in the years following Garden State when agents and casting directors were looking for indie stars to make the jump to mainstream films.

just answer the question

Implying he's worked with them because they absolutely wanted him rather than these movies got produced by someone who forced Adam on them

Adam driver is one of ugliest actors I've ever seen.

>Adam Driver is the only actor who made it big in the industry out of the show called GIRLS
you can just imagine all the salty vaginas lmao

>getting your start on Lena Dunham's shitty nepotism show for her shitty friends and becoming more talented and famous than all of them combined

what a chad.

I think it's funny that aut righties rely on le Jew nepotism to explain all the ways whites get BTFO by Jews, but they can't conceive of white privilege as an idea. Literally change "Jew" to "white" and your nepotism theory is the basic sociology that you all so vehemently deny.

He was a well respected actor well before TFA, worked with the Coens, Eastwood and Spielberg before J.J. even sniffed at his direction.

He was in the Marines before graduating from Juliard. Dude is based and has a unique look that women are attracted to.

white privilege has nothing to do with nepotism, retard.


Yea Forums also seems to think nepotism is solely done by Jews and only in the film industry lol. The only reason I now have a well paying job is because my non-Jewish but well connected college buddy got me in.

Normally if you want to be taken seriously you would back that statement up with actual analysis.

If he wasn't a successful actor girls wouldn't care for him.

Lol wrong. He’s also like 6’3” and muscular. He’d be an absolute slayer no matter what. Women don’t care about face in the same way guys do.

>He was a well respected actor well before TFA, worked with the Coens, Eastwood and Spielberg before J.J. even sniffed at his direction.
You just reminded me that his first real role was in Spielberg's Lincoln , co-produced by KK. I assume the only reason this guy is having a career is because Hollywood godfather has decided to, just like he made Shia Laboeuf and other crappy celebs.

Are you 6'3" tall?
Do you have a huge wide built frame?
Do you have thick long luscious hair with a perfect NW 0 hairline?
Do you have a deep manly baritone voice register?
Are you an ex-marine now turned highly successful passionate actor?

Try to be one of these things and maybe you'll lose your virginity some day.

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I like how you faggots can't decide if it's face or body girls care about.

Friends, maybe. Probably not relatives though. Driver isn't Jewish,

If you’re on /fit/ or /fa/ they’ll say face but that’s because those boards are filled with homosexual men.

Nepotism is when you literally have a personal connection to someone at the top level of an institution. White privilege is the idea that rural whites have easier access to wealth because some boomer CEO shares their skin color.

The former is basic human interaction. The latter is voodoo nonsense used to square POC dysfunction with blank-slatism.

He doesn't sound like an idiot when he talks and he is not an empty shell like, let's say, Brad Pitt...

this is cope. I'm 6'3'' and ugly as sin. Are you seriously implying that if I became muscular women would have sex with me? Not a chance.

As the guy before you pointed out, he's has not a perfect face, but he's not ugly, he also has everything else (also, personality, intelligence, etc etc...), so all things together, he's above average guy. Money he's making right now, are just icing on the cake. Obviously his isn't the face if you want girls to be immediately attracted to you, you would go for more, so he will never be your first, second or third choice.

Name one person who can act

He drives.

Sam Rockwell

Absolutely. If you’re that tall you’re a Chad. Women won’t care if you have kind of a goofy face when you’re tall and have a good body.

Lena Headey

Girls was a very good show and better than anything that came after it

Christian Bale
Tom Cruise

Anatoliy Solonitsyn

Big Fish is one of my favorite movies. I guess that's where he got his big break. That or Bubble Boy.

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probably has a big dick

Chiwetel Ejiofor (or whatever is it spelt)

even if I have red hair

Damn right. Underrated actor if there's one.

No wonder you people watch shit movies. None of them can act.

Hmm that’s a tough one although gays and girls are wet for the guy that plays Archie in Riverdale.

You are not getting a (you) trippy boi

I think Tom Cruise is professional, best kind, he has the right approach to acting. I don't think he's particularly talended, he's good but not great, but damn he's the opposite of guys like that RDJ, to name one.

>the crossposting tourist, minority, newfaggot, tripfag, attention whore phone poster
still thinking his opinion means anything
yikes x3

Agreed about his work ethic for sure. I think he did some really good acting work prior to his current era of being an action star/stuntman.

he is a real good actor based retard

Absolutely BTFO.

Keanu Reeves

That’s a lot of buzzwords.


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He’s a good actor and Girls was a good show.

I don't think there is anything wrong with jews hiring jews nor do I think it constitutes a form of privilege, but it is worth pointing out that all non-white racial groups including jews regularly and blatantly practice the natural in-group preference that whites alone are demonized for. If you think racial groups preferring their own kind and acting upon it is corrupt you're the one with a delusional anti-human ideology. Libshits who want to regulate freedom of association, want to coerce people away from their perfectly natural and peaceful behavior for the sake of enforced diversity and equality of outcome. You pretty have to be an oppressive totalitarian to work towards the lefty value set.

White priviledge is the self projection of jewish nepotism.

He’s a goy tho’

Pretty based. So good at what you do people start calling you jew.

ITT: actual incels unironically get butthurt that a 5/10 man gets work as an actor and has sex, even after doing SJWars


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He's a very good actor

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Nigga is an oscar winner.

"His stepfather is a Baptist minister, and Adam had a religious Baptist upbringing."

He’s 35?

I thought he was like 23 with bad skin

based, kikes btfo

I meant for the general public. You know, if you ask people, not everyone of course, they would say something like robert downey jr, not Sam Rockwell.

The majority of Hollywood elitists are Ashkenazi Jews. Nothing wrong with it, but it's pretty fucking obvious.


The fundamentals in the path towards Chaddom.

Reminds me of an interview I saw with Jason Biggs once where he said he got the role in American Pie because the producer thought he was Jewish

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he met his anti-white quota

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What an ugly fuck

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Jewish nepotism

He's a WASP.

the nose knows

LOL look at his face you brainlet, do your eyes work?

he had the drive to keep going.

>Ethnicity: English, one eighth Dutch/Frisian, German, Irish, Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, more distant Welsh, remote Swedish

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Amerimutts are not WASPs

he looks fucking hideous

>North European
pol is retarded as fuck

nothing wrong with being mixed race, but WASPs are pretty explicitly Anglo-Saxons.

This, he's ugly as fuck

He's mostly anglo. Driver is an English last name.

He is was the same age as the character when cast.

He has an interesting face with a lot of character. That is probably in part because of his acting skills, but he is the poster boy for making the most out of what you have.

Anglos and Jews have a lot of similarities. The German propaganda that most people are familiar with really played that up.

He fucked Lena Dunham. Then he fucked Kathleen Kennedy.

>Adam Driver
>not jewish

He looks like a cube with shittier physique and was a trumpet player in the us military. He was never a marine.


Why is being good at acting considered respectable? When you remove all the glamour, they're essentially just good at lying.

he was in Lincoln the same year he was cast in Girls and appeared in Frances Ha.

if an actor gets an agent and does good work their tapes get sent around to other casting directors. no one involved in making a movie wants a to cast a shitter.

if you want to get mad about a group who keep getting cast disproportionately, perhaps you should pick on British actors.

It's almost like 'White privelege' is just Jewish projection to start with

whites' in-group preference, particularly anglos, is close to nil when compared to that of literally every other race, especially jews

But you guys think people being over represented in fields is because of privilege. How are Jews any different in case they are?

White people have the lowest in-group preference on the entire planet. Fuck off kike.

This is what I try telling them every time.

>whites are successful
muh high IQ
>jews are successful

Ashkenazi jews are white tho’
