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Post cringe kino.


>tfw I took the unionized-tradespill so I don't have to do any of these demeaning actions just to get a check/keep my job
Who IBEW here? I know you fuckers are on Yea Forums

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How I get job for fed my keed?

>just started new job making 60k a year
>unionizing through TWU within the next few months so probably will make even more money and get even better benefits

Feels good man.

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maybe once upon a time it was reasonable and fun, now it's just a relic of the past that some won't let go of. Like buying fine china or something. society has moved on, and no one really likes dancing, they just convince themselves they do because "everyone else likes it"

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This is why we need Socialism

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enjoy your job being replaced by chad robots in 10 years

This but unironically

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have sex


Remember to unionize your workplace, kids, or the Wagey Cagey is your ultimate destination!

>10 years
Make it 5 kek



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So that a party member who sucked dick to get position will order you to work in Walmart.

Any day bernie bro faggot, any day now. meanwhile I still wait for an automatic cutter that can actually cut a fucking 3mm profile in a straight line and I won't blackout out of rage everytime I have to weld together a simple metal frame.

I hate how you don't even have the option not to participate in this corporate positivity brainwashing exercises

Wagies are literally slaves.
You cannot refute this.

they really do think this way

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I don't like dancing because I can't dance and even if I could it would be cringe because I'm ugly. if I could dance I'd like it

you can't deny that dancing can be based and redpilled, not to mention cute and *****pilled


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yeah if girls do it in choreographed music videos or at strip clubs. but in both cases it's not really about the dancing. stop being so brainwashed.

you probably listen to country music to be honest

>that gucci store in the background in the most communist country on the planet

like potery

Go out to a bar have a drink with friends get merry and enjoy being a pillock on the dance floor, you might have sex afterwards as well.

Thank you for your service to your billionaire overlords. A 25 cent credit for a new Plasma TV has been credited to your account for your supreme bootlicking.

SPECIAL: Make posts about how tax cuts for billionaires create trickle-down economics to receive $2 off your next automobile purchase!

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I cant wait for my cushy job to start in 10 years fixing robots.

>enjoy your job being replaced by chad robots in 10 years
Its more expensive to buy a robot to bend pipe and pull wire compared to paying a sparky to do it. Plus being an elechicken requires coming up with creative solutions to run your electrical conduit around/over/across obstacles like existing conduit runs, plumbing/refrigeration piping, and ductwork. You really don't know anything.

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Fuck you AvE go break something else.

This never happened in communist societies

Do Americans really have to do this kind of stuff?

Who? I dont live on social media like most of you zoomers; im actually doing projects at home with my time off when I'm not shitposting or watching kinae with my mommygf

this never happened in anime

time for a revolution boys, we're replacing capitalism and socialism with anime

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That guy probably mocked Christ within earshot of the based customer.

Communist societies also never used atomic bombs.

But yes, Capitalism is the only choice! XD


No one has to do anything, they choose to do this.

Former Cold Stone worker, yes. And the dumb boomer customers would get pissy if you didn't put effort into it.

I work at a Wal-Mart part time while in college and I never seen this. It's at one of those flagship ones too. Yeah and a lot of cute coworkers and customers around make it a decent job

Ive never heard songs at cold stone.

I always wondered. Would your guys manager/supervisor reprimand you if I came in as a customer and paid you a tip with a proviso that you *dont* sing and dance

Love when a western berniebro cocksucker tells me something about automobiles, when I had to drive shitty quota rationed socialist car with reverse aerodynamics and engine in the back just because quota hired socialist engineers got order to do it completely different than those racist, colonialist imperialist from America.

lmao enjoy destroying your body by the time you're 50, all for a (((union))).

An old Canadian youtuber who tears down tools to see how they work, you should stop acting like an asshole you will probably like him.


>if you like dancing you must like music I don't too
you're the one with the controversial opinion.

in the strip club examples, dancing enhances the sexuality. this is like saying you don't like sauce because the dish is not really about the sauce. and dancing can be very good sauce

this also ignores redpilled dancing that just looks completely based. no need to be bitter just because you don't have the agility or dexterity to dance

Basedboy consumerist faggot who only cares about his hamster wheel of money BTFO.

Based and unionpilled

This is what fatass berniebro dipshit actually believes, amazing.


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>Communist societies also never used atomic bombs.
Is this nigger retarded

If only there was some middle-ground between neoliberalism and your ooga-booga sl*V(e) Sovietism.

As opposed to destroying your body by the time you're 40 because you sit on your ass letting your muscles atrophy for 8h a day at work? I stretch and foam roll every day and I dont feel any worse after work than the DOMS I get after a gym day.

sparkies arent known as one of the "Princess trades" for nothing; the heaviest stuff we have to lift sometimes is 500-600mcm wire or rigid/IMC conduit.

I don't work for the union either, basedhands. I work for the contractor, and the contractor pays the union for all my health + dental + vision benefits, life insurance, and 3 pension plans. Enjoy paying out of pocket for those things as well, little bugman.

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Most people start there own company or get made foreman/managers by the time there 30 .

>let's trade one set of problems for another, that will surely fix things!

dat cope

Whoa, I love neoliberal capitalism now.

>started by a women

obvious really.

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Also this, im considering aiming my trajectory towards making project manager so I can sit in the office and banter about classic cars and wives like the other boomers in their 40's

Not an argument, kalemale.
Also: please see a psychiatrist, its clear that your office job is adversely impacting your mental health :^)

>been getting recommended texas roadhouse dance vids
>theyre years old and the only comments are recent with dance wagie dance
I wonder what hose people think


cringe kino incoming

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/biz/ was a mistake

Stop hating ambition
Want to do and make things

>most communist country on the planet

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the chad union worker vs the virgin office drone

What's so bad about working at Walmart anyway? Any half competent employee can move up the ladder and be making 49k a year within 5 years. The job is easy and take's little thinking.

>you can either be a tradeslave or an officeslave
the tradecuck cope. enjoy those chronic pain pill$ I guess lmao.

sauce me up, famalam.

Instrumentation master race

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Here's a middle-ground for you, pinko. 9mm, 357 sig, or 45. You decide.

Both are shit and it depends on the local culture on which system will work better then the other.

Planning another mass-shooting, incel?

Watch out White collar anons, you are not exempt from corporate wagie cringe-kino, example below Is from a bank.


>is a supporter of capitalism
>dosn't know that there are no solutions, only trade-offs

Women in the workplace was a mistake.

Normally, I hate unions as they are effectively legalized rackets that take away from the owner of the business who took on all the inherent financial risk when opening it.

But, once a business becomes large enough, I think they are a good failsafe to make sure the business isn't taking advantage of it's workers.

Based and unionpilled

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What's "Notley"?


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What a cuck. Fuck the business owner. What you are you one of these "proud slaves"´? I bet you tell your boss when someone made a mistake at work.



This almost exclusively happens in the service industry too. Retail, restaurants and tech companies all do this crap.

Upper management is incredibly out of touch and their middle management yes men are useful idiots who believe their "team building" exercises actually help Tyrone work harder while making 9 bucks an hour.

I don't think it is as cringy with italians. I can't speak it, but the more southern you go, the less civilised and the more rhyhtmically coordinated are the population, so this singing shit seems natural, like birds singing.

True, the government mandated the propaganda and brainwashing, not the out of touch corporation execs.

At least the worst that happens to you in the latter is you lose your job, while the penalty for not conforming to the former makes you "disappear" for not being loyal to the cause.

It's so fucking hard to get a unionized job, all these lucky faggots gatekeeping all these jobs with a "fuck off we're full" attitude. I think some of them you even have to go through a lottery to get an interview.

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t. Loser who can’t dance

Dancing is fun as fuck and great exercise, learn how to do it, go to a club with friends and remember
Have sex

Ah, the wage slave mentality at work.

I work as an American welder and make 500k a year. Without us your world would fall apart. That bridge you drive over its held up by other welders like me. That fucking car you drive is held together by my fellow union welding brothers. I work in the medical gas sector. We weld and prefab all the working gas fittings for hospitals. Without guys like me your surgerys that you pay to go get in the hospital wouldn't happen. I Might even save your life one day because of one of my welds.You want to know the best part about being a welder though? At the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. That's right I can count it and feel it. Unlike these scammy crypto coins that have absolutely no use case and will go no where but zero. So why don't you do yourself a favour. Put down the laptop and pick up the torch. Ignite the spark to your financial freedom.

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Factually false. Corporations and even small businesses will send you a bill for everything that they feel you owe them even after you leave. They will withold pay that your were due and even sue your ass. If your paycheck was necessary for you to pay rent is of no concern to them. How anyone working and paying rent is not straight up socialist maybe even natsoc is only a credit to western propaganda.

That cough shouldn't stop you from coming into work Wagie

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If you get bankrupt nigger none of your wagies are gonna be there for you. Remember that.

What in the fuck are you talking about buddy?

90IQ profession

You can lose more than your job in this modern market.

I worked as a welder before, it was full of retarded beaners and even more retarded rednecks.
15 years before robots take over most of welding

No shit, wagies are the reason I'd be going bankrupt.

>needing a doctors note in the first place to take a sick day
My job sucks but all I have to do is call at least 5 hours before my shift that I can't come in and they figure something out without busting my balls. What kind of wagie hellhole is that sign from?

>was found a day later hanging in his garage with his wrists slit

You take the risks and you do the crunch. Fuck your dreams.

Why aren't you grateful that you get to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week? Don't those 4 hours of actual work per week satisfy you?
Now stop reading this and go work to getMr. Schekleberg his next car

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I'm not even a christcuck, but I think I'll print out a few of these.

If even a guy with 90IQ can make more money than you, what does that say about you?

>you wont crawl closely behind a chinese girls ass

why even live

this is so sad the guy clearly has issues or something

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Yeah. Back then before this mass cultural infantilization, employers and managers knew there were three things that would motivate their men to work - women, booze and pay. Now it's taboo to talk about all of those things and we're left with this basedbean shit.

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Are suggestion boxes something only office wagies have? I've never heard about them in my manual labor jobs. I would've suggested the boss kill themselves joke or not.

I've seen that photo a couple of times now but
>Profits are up... costs are down!
How the fuck is that in the hands of his/her employees?

Wish we could break every single union left.

I'm sure you do, p*Rkoid.

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What dumbfuck country (not USA obv) do you live in?

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It's not and shouldn't be. It's a trademark of an incompetent and outright corrupt boss to burden his employees with this. If you ever work for someone that expects this of you then you are working for someone that will outright make you pay for working for him.

Fuck off ya upper-middle class fag. Socialism and Communism is capitalism for the State and state cronies, while the rest suffer.

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Now that you mention it, I remember seeing a suggestion box at the fast food place I work at.

Suck my union dick schlomo. The day of the rope is soon.

my old friend told me all about the mandatory shift rally walmart makes you do. Its like some cheerleader shit, or some rally. They all stand around and dance and yell "WALMART WALMART RAA RAA RAA WALMART, WE HELP OTHERS RA RA, WE SERVER THE CUSTOMER, RA RA." blah blah blah. he utterly hated it but he did it, then they fired him because he was working there for a long time and about to get a raise, thus they fired his white ass and hired some somolian guy and paid him min wage. tsk tsk tsk

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You don't know nothing.

This is why most people only "work" 2 hours per week and do nothing the other 38.

>tfw getting $2900 a month (after tax) in NEETbux

Considering moving to the US or some other third world shithole where I can really stretch that out.

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>getting welfare from a country while being a resident in another country

Based and redpilled.
All the people replying to you can't handle the fact dancing is archaic like going to see animals at a circus.

The welfare in America is nowhere near that good. Everyone I know on disability only gets $750 a month. If you're actually being serious, just stay where you are.

Lots of countries allow that even the US will send you disability if you live abroad

There's a list of countries that has this weird "NEETbux exchange program" type of thing, where people who receive NEETbux can receive in their country without penalty.

I can move to any other Euro country, the US, Australia and a few Asian countries without losing my NEETbux. If I move to an unapproved country, they'll stop the payments though.

The high gibs also means an insanely high cost of living. I'll still receive $2900 a month from my government, even if I move to the US, where the cost of living is lower.

This is Satan's doing.

I don't understand how someone can be so well adjusted that they can pull off going through the ropes of changing citizenship and affording moving overseas but this paper here says they're autistic and have a fart fetish so we need to send them a thousand dollars a month.

It isn't too late to change your life wagies. There is a better way.

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Enjoy breaking your body for 1/5th of what I make lmao

Why are you mad at him? You should be mad that you don't get paid enough that you could sustain your own house and wife.

come to brazil



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You should post this every time some retard posts about how you can make a career out of Walmart and "climb the ladder".

both are bad.... woah............................

I wasn't mad but I am surprised that such programs actually exist. Some neets truly got life figured out but if I'm hearing about it that means it's too late and the ship sailed for me to get in on it.

The future seems fucked no matter what path you take, innit? At least the romantic and superstitious plebs of the past had proper coping mechanisms for their servitude. Now, modern Westerners are so jaded and cynical that nothing will sufficiently distract them from work-culture.

Dancing is uplifting if you don't feel coerced into doing it. It doesn't have to be in a social setting to impress girls or guys. There's an amazing, Dionysian trance you go into when you challenge your own physicality in a way that synchronizes with a rhythm, any rhythm. The Lusitinanians of antiquity had their warriors preform elaborate and extremely demanding dances ritualistically as a preparation for war and as appeasement for their gods. Not all exercise has to be boring.

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Can you name some successful communist countries?

You should be mad at both, both for a government that allows such an exploitable system to exist and for the NEETs that do exploit it.

Russia and China.


i made it about 25 seconds

why does he like foreigners? i hate alberta now.

retard alert

He likes the funny foreigners that banter with him at work and hates all the other foreigners with the exception of women whom he catcalls.

No good for him that he isn't a fucking wageslave.
What should be however is that I work earnestly and should through my work be able to afford a fucking family. It was like this and now on purpose it has been unmade. ((they)) don't want white families, they want a slave caste.Brown,black, white doesn't matter as long as they're working and are under duress.

Hey libtards?

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man nobody gives a fuck, get this gay shit out of here

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Based as fuck.

this is obviously a joke sign

I used to be a vendor for large scale grocery stores including Wal-mart. They really do this shit in the mornings every day

Ohh poor NEET. That sing is more real than you

oh no it's retarded

I feel bad for you. I'd rather get fired then do this.

China is natsoc[/spoiler}

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At least he doesn't work in wal-mart

fucking hate how they always say customers #1 and always right. ok if i'm always right, then i own this entire store

now who exactly is right, and who's the liar? fucking retards

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I didn't work for Wal-Mart, I was a merchandiser for a soda company so I'd see this shit almost every time. Gave me and the other merchandisers a lot of laughs


Reminder that Walmart has taken out "dead peasant insurance" on their workers. Or a life insurance, which means if their employee dies, they get a payout of $50-90,000.

Having seen the Walmart "break rooms" and the ways in which they treat their employees, I'm absolutely fucking certain that it's a corporate decision to push their already depressed workers into suicide, for the easy profit it'll generate through the life insurance policy. And it'll take them 1 fucking day to replace the peasant, and start all over again.

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Came here to post this. Nationalize Walmart, arrest its current owners.

Now I understand it all.
Now I know why women prefer to do porn than being waggies.

That shit is more humiliating than porn, at least behind the camera they are able to preserve their dignity.

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at least it good to know i ain't the only old loser out there in murica.

I'm the user you replied to and I got my IBEW apprenticeship with literally 0 prior experience and no "friends"/"connections" in the union to help me out. Some locals are more exclusive than others, I'll grant you that

>the ways in which they treat their employees
former merchfag again, I also serviced Targets and Safeways and it was night and day how much of a better mood their employees were in compared to Wal-Mart, even the ones getting paid less(Target pays shit from what I know). A few stores didn't even run AC

Being this fucking stupid

That girl... Is that...?

lol that dude has never worked a non-scripted day in his life

>I don't think this job is for me, I kinda wanna do something else

>d-dont assume you can only pick between an office job or a trade!
>but all tradies are chronically crippled and miserable! I said s-so!
Hypocrite. I'm sure you make thousands a month leeching from your mommy and daddy, zoomer.

Get a real job.


It's sick how people pride themselves in work. It wasn't always this way. Capitalism corrodes the human soul.

Please just have sex already user

IBEW will be around long after your estrogenat bloodline dies out due to trannyism and soft living

Dancing can be fun with the right group in the right place. And it's a bigger part of society than ever you mongoloid

Not to mention you probably make as much in one porn shoot as you would in two weeks of a retail job

it was music video kino

based incel

What year is this?
They didnt let us wear jeans when i worked at walmart


literally all communist countries have dispersed extreme amounts of propaganda to try and make people work. U S E F U L I D I O T S

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So glad to see Yea Forums is taking the unionpill. Chapos finally are beginning to outnumber the /pol/tards here.


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Work is absolutely something to take pride in...if it's actually work and you can reap or benefit from the fruit of your labors. "Working" at Wal-Mart isn't work, though. It's pointless labor.


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forgot link

>and you can reap or benefit from the fruit of your labors
This is why we need communism. No more bosses extracting value from your labor. C O L L E C T I V I S M

...or you become a stakeholder in the company.

What a jewish thing for a christian to do.

This happens on a regular basis and on a much larger scale in socialist countries you utter Imbeciles.

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Ah, a Hilferdingist! Didn't work so well for Weimar...

so what type of program actually is this? Who gives you that amount for jack?

That was at PWC, fucking accounting overlord kikes.

>She was working as a secretary for State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois for her father

basado mucho

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Oh shit, really? Oof. Well, thanks for convincing me to stay away from Big 4. I think I'm only going to stick with local or regional. Fuck that shit.

>worked at walmart for a short time in early 2014
it was a shitty job but i personally never had to do that fucking dance. I sure as shit know i'd have quit on the spot if they expected me to dance like a circus sideshow

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>tfw I dance alone in my room any time I smoke weed and listen to music
Never done it in public, but swinging your hips and grooving your legs is pretty great.

Yeah some accountant user told the story the last time it got posted here. They're all competing for a spot, not even E&Y or Deloitte are such soi assholes.

This motherfucker is going to give me nightmares, thanks.

Dancing is satanic. Its literally cpnjuring spriits into ones self and those spirits taking hold of the body. Its an occult practice. Its taught to be ok and fun but its a means for Satanists to lure in spirits and demons into people

Yeah, I've heard that it's ruthless over there because they're all basically treated like slave labor for the incredibly high turnover rate they have. They know most of them aren't going to stick around more than a couple or few years, so may as well milk them hard. Also because of the simple sheer size of their market base.

I don't want to deal with that. Just give me a nice /comfy/ local business to help start up.

What compels someone to become an accountant? Passion/autism for numbers or just a "it makes good pay" means to an end type thing?

he'd make a cute trap


>tags male:mindbreak

one of the best jobs available based on education needed, age entering the work force, salary and stability.

It makes good pay type of thing like most stuff nowadays, everyone I've met in this career is a bum fuck unless they're autists into some niche area but those are only a handful.
Tons of chad mongs who dropped out of ComEng and Med school too.

Based Christian boomer bantz

He who does not work shall not eat etc.

Dropped it after the first sentence. Might have well have just went full Wil Wheaton life on easy mode.

I want both. White female and union. Natsoc.

If you get a female boss, i think it's about time to look for a new job.

Posting some yt kino



Would you get fired for refusing to dance with the rest of the employees?


Get a shower you disgusting hippie

To me, the pay is attractive and certainly lucrative, but it's not the actual reason. It's basically just the "passion/autism for numbers" as you stated, though accounting is much more than simple number crunching. It's basically an analysis job which requires thinking based on both estimations and exact figures.

The accounting equation is a thing of beauty to me. A = L+E
So simple, and precisely balanced, just as all things should be.

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Jesus christ, america is a hellhole. Why haven't god smote it down yet? Probably the best argument for god not existing.

But God said this world is of the Devil. Which is why Amerimutts (Jews) are so powerful.

What's the best way to make money over my college summer break?

Probably, not outright but you get called endlessly in meetings with bosses "discussing your behavior" and you get increasingly stressed until you either quit or they fire you for a small offence.

Take a dick in your butt a couple times on cam

Gambling on MMA matches. Just involve yourself within the world and you can fairly accurately find out who is the better fighter in most matchups and still get very good odds.


You mean Nazbol

I got hired their for the produce grocery section and made manager in about a month. All the nigs were pissed. One black lady store manager used to always chimp out on me during work. I chimped out on her hard back one day then she got transfered. The work wasnt bad it was just all the lazy nigs who think you get promoted just for being white that made it awful.
They become useless employees that wont even do their own jobs.


Nobody cares about sports where I am. I go to a place that's mostly korean/chinese. Makes me feel pretty lonely.


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>>The accounting equation is a thing of beauty to me. A = L+E
>So simple, and precisely balanced, just as all things should be.
Kek tell that to one of the dozen staceys in my classes without them laughing at you.
I doubt they can even explain the equation despite having regurgitated it a thousand times.

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The opposite of ley


Yeah. Business colleges are usually filled with two types of people, those who are actually interested in business and its related professions, and those who think that it's an easy ride just because it's easiER than engineering or medicine or whatever. The latter tend to drop out cause they can't even deal with that, or end up becoming something stupid and simpler like HR manager or god forbid a marketer.

Say, I've always been interested in the theory and history of accounting. Might you have any recommended readings? It's such a sparse field in that regard and like 90% of books on accounting is just all the technical stuff.

I guess you could start with Pacioli if you want some history.
All the boomer fucks that taught me used to cite him and make jokes about his writings. He was one of Davinci's bros too.

Yeah, I'm thinking that's BASED

I want to work for the Ibew. My dad is there but he refuses to help me get in, he says I have to do it my own way.

Yeah, I figured as much. I already knew about that, but thanks anyways.

Every single black person I have worked with in South Florida has fit the lazy, dumb nigger stereotype with the exception of 2: one was from Western Africa and was eager to work to finish his MBA. Very nice guy. The other was a swole Chad pharmacist-on-duty who gave me lifting tips and was a general bro all-around.

Every other black person that I have worked with has been lazy and retarded. All were extremely easy to anger and take even mild (yet usually extremely warranted) criticism as a personal affront to their fragile gibs psyche.

I wageslave as a paintball referee now that I have failed every other fact in life

I am legitimately shocked no burgerland wageslave has decided to shoot up one of those places. Seems like a much better option than a school.

I love all the wagie tears ITT


They do but it doesn't get shown as much on the news, if it got as much airtime every would start shooting up their shitty workplaces filled with cunts.

this. it's going to me that commie trannies are basically fighting for the exact same things as globalists, except they don't want to work as much.

This is not a comfy thread



Why give any shooting airtime then? I can remember hearing that the florida school shooter literally had teenage girls writing him when he was in jail. Someone could be inspired to do the same after seeing that


Cause dead kids sells more than a 2 or 3 dead boomers at a workplace anyways.

Bros, how do I become a lumberjack?

The first thing many people have suggested is not inadvertently glorifying mass shooters by giving them constant airtime. Half of why they do it is for attention. Deny them that attention and the ratea of mass shootings will decrease.

But of course, the media is a propaganda machine and doesn't care about solving problems. It cares about viewership ratings and whether their propaganda is approved by the political party that gives them their paycheck.


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Oldie but a goodie

Das rite tovarisch

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based unions


ayyy nigga I'm starting at IBEW later this month

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walmart is a comfy as fuck place to work. you dont have to try at all and are still the greatest employee they will ever have


Why would pol like Walmart? Everyone hates that place retard

I'm more of an instrumentality guy myself

this pic cracks me up every time.

/pol/ obsesses about the thot's alleged penis they see because they are all gay. meanwhile /fit/ is laughing their ass off that this fucking golem MOGGED this thot in her own thotcam

Waiter don't deserve tips. This loser should stop complaining about his job. Just work and shut the fuck up, wagie.

32 year old NEET here, living with my mother and sister and have been on welfare for several years now.

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>working any sort of job that requires you to interact with customers
Just get a warehouse job bro

Guys, how do I get into organized crime?

I was 25 when this song came out and was already a boomer making fun of zoomers listening to it.
Thats your chant???
>we are children.....

Only retards tip

>we're the kids of America

or cowards like me too afraid the arab pizza delivery dude will send his guys to trash my house

Now THAT was a good song.

True Chads don't work at all. Working is for cucks

whats ur race?


A proper christian would leave 20$ and that note
This is just high level trolling

I need to work to afford to do my hobby

Seriously? Lolberts love defending the Waltons.

I'm 28 and I work for $18/hour in a factory, about 32 hours a week.

Literally no idea what to do next. Not even High School education, but I'm not stupid, just a lazy fuck who played vidya for too long.

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>at all
nah they only work when absolutely necessary.
Its like the Lion getting the women to do the simple jobs like hunting but when a real threat to the pride happens then everybody is going to turn to Chad.




Then you're a cuck.

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you already know the answer then

At least I don't pretend I'm outside of the system like you do.

A lot of sad people in this thread lmao

Dont let communist acquire guns. Them maintaining the humane minimum wage and 7 hour work is okay. But know that they will kill all non communists when they seize power.

Identify communists and take note. Theyre more dangerous that muslims and incel scool shooters.

>it was actually kids IN America
Am I getting Berenstained right now? I never did have good hearing when it came to song lyrics though...

getting some continuing education would be a good first step. look into learning a trade, getting into IT certs, or actually going back to college and getting a degree. assuming you have money saved up.

>no risk of going postal so they get more arrogant

the fundamental problem is individual, not a societal one

if you're not born rich or become rich while still young, life is gonna suck, period. you'll trade in 40 hours of your life a week doing what you don't want to and you still won't be able to afford what you really want

economic systems are irrelevant if you're born with a silver spoon up your ass, compare the lives of rich people in China and in the US and tell me if either one of them gives a fuck

>white power hand symbol

scared, fashy?


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i want these

even at 28 though? I'd be back to making no money if I went back to any half-decent college as that would take up most of my time

Its amazing how one incel shoots up a school and suddenly everyone is paranoid.

I actually used to know the autist in the fedora. His name is Marcello and he's a massive edgelord who went to a top art school, but only got it because of the 'tism.

you're trading time now for more money/security later. take night or online classes if you have to work more to pay the bills. it's going to be tough but people do it. you absolutely cannot fuck around though. your age is irrelevant but the sooner you start the better.

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I agree. How dare workers organise to protect their interests.

read a fucking book and have sex

>mfw started dating black girl and she expects me to dance

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And /pol/ hasn't been libertarian for years. You can hate both Walmart and antifa scumbags. Socialism doesn't work without Nationalism. Nationalism doesn't work without Socialism.

Clever writing for plausible deniability, god and the devil are not real

>actually believing this is how unions works.

It's more like an organization that is entirely self-interested decides to dictate a worker's wants and needs based on what the organization wants rather than the workers.


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i played runescape in high school and had spreadsheets for item prices/how many items i could make an hour/profit per hour/xp per hour/etc. my dad saw them and said "if you like that spreadsheet stuff you should be an accountant". so i did it

>muh antimaterialism

Better than the alternative, I like my annual mandatory paid vacation days

>there's only 3 positions

>Better than the alternative

Until the union decides you no longer need your job and effectively tries to ruin the company you work for while hoarding millions of dollars to donate to political funds.

Go outside, autist.

>My workers' rights interests are about paid vacation days rather than quality of work or environment.

literal retard

I don't really see what the problem is if it's an easy job.


There's plenty of decent work to be had, I guess american unions try to squeeze as much money out of things as possible just like everyone else does in america