looks like Delores got a new fashion consultant
Evan Rachel Wood on the set of Westworld
Manfaced abomination
looks like a comfy commute
she would be my favorite pornstar for guilty faps bc she is ugly
This show still going?
Not watching it, S2 was laughably bad
season 3 premieres sometime in 2020
HBO has literally nothing else with decent ratings until the Game of Thrones spin off
Thumbnail makes it seem like she's wearing a cape.
I hope they can reign the new season in a bit. The last one fucking sucked
This shit will be worse than GoT, mark my words.
you have capeshit on the brain
She looks very pretty here
Probably will but fuck it anyway. I'll watch any old shite
it's always been
last one
>Not watching it, S2 was laughably bad
But the show went to shit in S1.. that whole shit with dolores becoming a fucking cowboy was retarded.
>they'll produce a third season after the shit show that was season 2
May God have mercy.
why do boots make women look so sexy
she married billy elliot? that's kinda cool
she's joining a biker gang
imo. WW didnt need Season 2
He's married to and knocked up Kate Mara now.
oy vey!
fuck I want her to stomp on my balls
I dunno. Always found her incredibly good looking.
theyproduced a second after the shitshow of s1
you guys dont know anything about solid storytelling and production. season 2 was fantastic and you guys will cry about anything
it was just so good everyone dropped the show during it
That’s because you are attracted to men and are most likely gay
Bi women were a mistake.
s2 averaged less than 250k few views than s1 due in part to 1 ep that underperformed. you are basically pulling stuff out of your ass in an attempt to make a point. if everyone stopped watching as you claim, there wouldnt be a season 3
Season 1 was decent. It could be amazing as a mini-series.
looks like she hasn't eaten anything in 2019.
>attracted to a woman
>you are attracted to men
Who else dropped the show after the obnoxious season 2?
They shoul've made an anthology series with each season exploring a different world
Look at the top of her head
she used to be cute
I made it to the finale, but I couldn't finish the episode because of how fucking lame the reveals were. The writers should be executed for squandering a slam dunk concept with such mediocre, mystery box bullshit.
Westworld has been nominated for 43 Emmy Awards, 3 Golden Globe Awards, 2 Satellite Awards, 4 Critics' Choice Television Awards, and 2 Writers Guild of America Awards. 2 anons on Yea Forums call it a "shitshow"
The second season was an abomination, and the decline in ratings attest to that.
>awards and award nominations means its actually good
I just looked it up and I can't fucking believe Maeve got best supporting actress. Fucking Tony Hale was a better supporting actress.
she has prominent male features and you are attracted to them. you most likely prefer men to women and you just kidding yourself
how is it possible that non of them are still cute
Bledel can still get it and Duff is approved by the FDA as THICC.
she looks like that chick from The 100 but stretched 2x vertically
Season 2 was one of the most baffling bad finales I’ve seen to a show in sometime, I can’t believe give that ending that they can even continue this show.
they're still making this garbage?
>Industry gave awards lauding the quality of their own products on an awards show broadcast by television networks that produce the shows either directly or through a parent-company or other connection.
>This proves the show is good.
I bet a bunch of journalists' paid for opinion articles are also solid evidence of a show's quality.
>a bunch of morons who meme about big guys for you say a show is bad
>this proves its bad
How tall is she? Is she an amazon?
she's wearing high heels
Than chin is growing...
season 2 was trash, season 3 is most likely gonna be trash again but i will watch it anyways
It actually worked. SHe actually got roles becuase of it.
She should have been Captain Marvel, she would have been twice as insufferable
Sadly she is the biggest SJW in Hollywood right now.
after the disaster that was s2 i am not going to even bother pirating s3
to 2010
5ft 7 inches
I don't know why they keep putting mouse-face in those pics. She sounds wierd, looks wierd, and has a funny shaped body. She's fooling nobody.
>being this rude
How'd you like it if she bullied you?
Show jumped the shark in season 2, probably won’t keep watching it, season one was fantastic though, least we’ll always have that
I can't wait for the showrunners to fuck up the season because they don't want reddit to figure out their stupid twists
Da fuck's your problem, man
I honest to god forgot this show exists entirely. I think I only made it half way through S2. It was dreadful.
Duff didn't even become hot until she became a milf. Now she is like a 9
Season 1 was decent. Season 2 was SJW bullshit. I had to stop watching out of sheer frustration.
I thought for sure that thing was gonna have a penis
She's the only one on the 2010s cover too
Best year btw