60 years old

What's the secret? What's his facial routine?

Attached: Top-Gun-2-with-Tom-Cruise-receives-July-2019-release-date.jpg (975x650, 40K)

ackshullay he’s 56, get ur facts right!

probably infant blood and boy semen or some other weird cultist shit

high thetan count

Semen & fetus blood

tfw Im 22 and his hairline is better than mine

plastic surgery

high thetan levels

From the gossip, taking a lot of COCK.

this is plastic surgery, tom is doing something else

Attached: download.jpg (264x191, 8K)

katie holmes

He wears makeup.

Contrary to popular belief those two never received any plastic surgery

From one of his Letterman interviews:

>In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub.

that's bad

gay males generally look yonger, maybe women are the problem..
who knows

>Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

what's amazing is that he and travolta have no grey hair. howard stern's a miracle too, has a full head of full dark hair and he's 65.

What's up with that weird obssession over this movie. 1st cirticized and panned but almost every Cruise-related article uses promo pictures from the release day.

Thetan absorption

That's like 13 moisturizers

Attached: with and without makeup.jpg (780x439, 71K)

the secret is wear sunscreen & moisturise. unless you have acne or other skin problems, then you'll need to work more.

>What's his facial routine?
Two times in the morning, two times in the evening. Must be black.

I'm 26 and already have white streaks in my hair. Started going when I was 16 or something.

tom cruise Is an OT IIIV. he can literally steal another's life force and live forever.

Attached: after tom cruise.jpg (634x850, 201K)

Unironically this

that thing is shoped, she cannot be that ugly.

her face in the first pic looks like she's in a 20g centrifuge.

its actually crazy how some of these people manage to look 20 years younger than they actually are

Attached: tom cruise and the mummy.jpg (838x944, 111K)

That's like saying Michael Jackson never had plastic surgery done on him.


What the fuck did tom do to her? poor girl..
i knew he did some bad shit but this is the result of depression and shit ton of drugs.

ven her fucking hair looks dry and old.

who are these guys? i've seen them here a lot lately. can anyone give me a quick rundown?


>What the fuck did tom do to her? poor girl..
Probably this.

Attached: mummyfu is kill.webm (1000x416, 2.92M)

I thought thetans were bad for you

they're the Frenchmen who control the stock market