What went RIGHT?

What went RIGHT?

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>Saves Alita

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Based. China is objectively the greatest nation on Earth.
t. Alitafag

I dont think the chinkshit made a billion


>56% even with review purging

triggered incels rigging the score

Based china

They made a good movie for once, a rarity these days.

>alita in china
>captain marvel in china


I like how people only pay attention to the big number when it suits them.

General audiences are literally a bunch of retards that just want explosions and shit. Not sure why anyone cares about the audience score.

Critics are literally a bunch of retards who just want their political agenda. Not sure why anyone cares about critic score.

Except that's wrong lmao


To be fair, Marvel had much better marketing and exposure. Alita had total gross of only 400M while Captain Marvel was 1.15B. China gave a much bigger percentage of Alita's gross.

Alita was pretty boring desu. Why do people like it?



I would adjust them (in order):

It bombed for this reason, people here are waifu soi boys

>audience score

But it didn’t bomb tho

Alita’s actress is pretty gross looking irl. I’d feel weird waifuing her character, even if they changed her look a lot.

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it's not but enjoy your fantasy universe

when 99% of 'critics' all say the same thing for every single movie they review you'll realize that they're all a pseudo version of paid shills as in they'll lose their livelyhood cause big corporations such as dinsey will stop giving them "press" passes to go and get early access to movies to get their reviews out before everyone else.

If they aren't getting this special treatment from these corporations then they lose their clicks from retards going to look at their reviews cause they'll be going to the people who get them out quickest.

Now you might say that this is the fault of Disney and other corporations but it's the """""""""""""journalist"""""""""""""""" who lack no integrity to not realize their pawns in pushing corporate thought control over reviews. They know what they're doing and these weak willed fat disgusting women and beta bitch boys who suckle at the neet of Disney will toe the line as long as they keep getting special treatment.

>200 million budget
>400 million box office
Denial is one hell of a drug

Negative reviews for heavily marketed films are rare because heavy marketing means lots of adbux flying around. Most “critics” are bloggers now, and they all need adbux to keep from having to get a real job. If they shit on something that’s advertising on their blog, they not only lose the adbux, but also early access to films, thus, they’ll need to get a real job.

Alita was not heavily marketed. So the critical response was honest.

>realize their pawns
meant they're, obviously

There are a few decent honest critics. Armond White for instance.

Explain why CM has 4x the amount of ratings as Endgame when less people saw CM?

See There’s no conspiracy, just adbux.

Endgame just came out

no one said it was a conspiracy retard just cause you think alita is somehow exempt from this cause you sit in your waifu threads for 8 hours a day doesn't mean you're not wrong

99% of all journalist a paid shills whether it's from ads or from early access passes and their "reviews" no matter if it fits your own personal opinion on a film should be taken seriously.

>capeshit series finale with massive buildup to finale and massive advertising campaigns
>just barely topping a movie coming out of the blue with far less advertising and no prequals to stand on

more like mahvel failed.

Armond white is the pinnacle of dishonesty. Everything he writes is simply self-aggrandization.

Your reading comprehension is leaving a lot to be desired.

Absolutely dreadful taste, I'd consider suicide if I were you.

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>we will never get the dvd and bluray release because Disney has a hate boner for Alita

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>Captain marvel
>90k ratings


Gee i wonder

Because CM had a lower score

What kind of retarded thinking is this?

They literally think Disney and Fox conspired together to ensure no one saw Alita because somehow that would maximize profits for Captain Marvel.

>before merger
>sites list the dvd and bluray coming out in May
>after merger
>lmfao sorry this product is currently """"unavailable"""" due to request by the distributor (i.e. Disney). ;^)

>Marvel drones seething

There was no campaign of hate against the avengers. Seriously, if you started campaigning against it on /pol/ you would get a lot of slackjawed yokels to down vote it....if rt even still has the option.

>should we spend money producing this blu-ray for a financial flop or is it going to be a waste of money like the movie itself was?

It's called business ya simp. Your weebshit garbage didn't appeal to the masses because the average normie is repulsed by anime.

Grow up. Wipe your mouth off. Hit the showers.


weird point of view but also incorrect because you can't read lmao

It made back money you retard. And the point is the DVD was going to be released, even had an official release date, until after the merger when COINCIDENTALLY the release date changed to """""unavailable""""".
That's an unofficial site you dumb ass. Check any retailer and official site and they all list it as """""unavailable""""".

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The merger also COINCIDED with the movie failing financially. What about that don't you understand?

Why release a blu-ray when the theatrical release was such a disaster. You need to bank millions in profit to justify a blu-ray release you simpleton. I get it, you REALLY liked your little anime weebfest and your anime buddies liked it too and saw it twelve times each.

That's a drop in the bucket kid. Ohnd the bucket is the ocean. And the ocean is both the Atlantic and the Pacific. Yikes!

It made a profit. Not a lot, but it made back it's production budget. But I find it very interesting you seem to keep ignoring the fact that the DVD release date was May but then changed to unavailable.

This went right

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Holy shit you illiterate, autistic, retarded, sexless fucking weeb, try to follow my SOPHISTICATED thinking here:

Blu-ray is planned well before final financial details are known.

THEN the financial reality of the movie barely scraping together a profit become known.

THEN the blu-ray is canceled to save money as it is now clear that it wouldn't make back enough money to justify the production of the blu-ray.

What about that extremely simple line of reasoning are you struggling with you rock-eating floor tile of a weebshit retard?

Anyone ever notice that Alita fans are honestly some of the dumbest fuckin people on this whole board?

>You need to bank millions in profit to justify a blu-ray release you simpleton

What retardation is this?

Every film gets a blu ray release, profit at the box office or not.

Thank you for proving this point:

>Anyone ever notice that Alita fans are honestly some of the dumbest fuckin people on this whole board?

>I'm just pretending to be retarded.

Unironically kill yourself.

The release date got pushed back because of merger bullshit, it's not the biggest priority right now. Take off the tin foil, you're making Alita fans look bad.

Name me some recent films that had blu ray releases cancelled because of poor box office results.

For Alita? Not much
Nice audience score and all, but that didn't help the box office.

>The release date got pushed back because of merger bullshit
If that were the case, they would still list the date, instead of claiming that it's unavailable. And again, it originally had a release date of May. Mergers wouldn't affect that, as Fox still exists and is running the same, just under the umbrella of Disney. It would be entirely different if the Fox studio was absolved and all their assets liquidated.


>who is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw

>I'm pretending to be retarded, aren't I clever.

The original release date was provisional, shit changed, it got pushed back.

See you in June when you conspiracy theorists get to look stupid.

You keep pretending like you're literate when you clearly aren't.

How bad does it suck having nothing but a Chinese camrip to grease your weasel to now that you can't drip your pathetic nut onto the theater floor ever since they shipped this weebshit into theatrical purgatory?

>Movies lose 100's of millions and still get blu ray releases

>Alita probably either makes a small loss or breaks even at box office, according to you the studio cancels blue ray release out of fear of losing more money

Please explain what you know that I don't.

Or are you just going to shout nigger again, like the 12 year old you are?

Uh well Alita was a cultural failure, a financial flop, and has been utterly forgotten as the blip it was in the cinematic world. It's less than nothing, it isn't even anything. The ONLY people who care about it are the 20 or so of you weebs who spam the Alita threads day in day out.

Do you not realize that studios possess highly advanced financial forecasting algorithms? Do you not realize that decisions like releasing a blu-ray are based upon these? They have obviously forecast that the blu-ray wouldn't be worth the production itself and thus canceled it.

That's it.

Your weeby action movie is like that Dragon Ball Z movie. No one cares. It just fades away. It didn't capture a large enough fan base during its theatrical run so the studio has moved on.

Maybe you should too.

It's cute that you typed that out for your little "I'm a retard" act.

>Do you not realize that studios possess highly advanced financial forecasting algorithms?

And yet films flop all the time.

>They have obviously forecast that the blu-ray wouldn't be worth the production itself and thus canceled it.

This never happens. Blu rays print money, even the biggest flops still get a DVD/Blu ray release.

Now turn off your pc, leave the basement and stop being a burden to your long suffering parents.

>Uh well Alita was a cultural failure
What the fuck does that mean

If you ask your average normie "Did you see Alita?" they will INEVITABLY respond with "Wtf is that?"

>95% of films are a cultural failure.

What a meaningful criticism.

>none of my soiboy friends have heard of this movie so therefore no one else has!
>by the way Marvel makes the best movies ever lol Disney is so awesome XDXDXD

Try to follow the thread, I'm explaining why there will be NO BLU-RAY and NO SEQUEL

You're delusional if you think I'm wrong. Even Blade Runner 2049 connected with normies better than Alita and you know it.

waifufags are disgusting

can someone explain to me alita general?

>Jokes on you, I'm just pretending to be retarded.

Google thanks you for filling out another captcha for them.

A bunch of people really like Alita, so they've been making threads about it since it came out.

Not much to explain really.


Alita is garbage though...

they're a bunch of faggots who mass report jokes that compare their faggy general to a subreddit

They cared

They use the same title every thread, why not just filter it?

Why go out of your way to see something that makes you mad?

see Alita is a great film but /alita/ is one of the worst things to ever happen to Yea Forums

Friendless weebs have bonded over an anime movie and endlessly hug each other thinly veiling their social supplementation for real friends under the guise of "discussing" the movie which itself is entirely basic and cliched and has very little to actually discuss.

Audiences are retarded NPCs. Captain Marvel is the only decent flick out of those 3.

Weebs don't deserve happiness, that's why. They need to be exterminated.

Imagine just allowing a giant disgusting spider's nest to exist in the corner of your room. "Well just don't go to that corner, problem solved!"

No, you fucking retard. They need to be cleansed of this board. The jannies are faggot weebs themselves so they police those threads like the fuckin gestapo but if there were any justice in this world anyone who has posted in more than two of those abominations should be banned for life and imprisoned.


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terrible analogy
spiders are bros

sorry alitafag, no excuse for boring in an action movie

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150m is a flop in China, dog. The movie is another SJW propaganda piece that only does well domestically, like Black Panther.

Captain Marvel is the highest grossing non avengers mcu movie in China

So much airbrushing and photoshop on captain marvels face she looks like a different person


The chink market is very different from 10 years ago. Captain Marvel should have done better outside of the US, end of.

Lol. Review sites should just silently ommit 10/10 and 1/10 scores since people who usually leave those are idiots, trolls, or cucks. RT is fucking dogshit that doesnt deserve a 10 point grading scale. Thumbs up and down is all they should get. And fuck Captain Toefungus BTW.

>56% liked Captain Marvel

no surprise there

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dead meme

You are a dead meme


shut up brie

Worse than cunnyposting?

>brigade a film with 1 star reviews with multiple accounts
>use this as evidence that film is hated
Why do incels do this?

>Audience score over critics score
why are Yea Forums such a delusional incels

Hello Disney shill


Have Sex

Have sex

Imagine having your mouth this full of dicks