It’s May the 4th nigga, what’s your favorite Star Wars film?
It’s May the 4th nigga, what’s your favorite Star Wars film?
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Empire Strikes Back. The prequel trilogy is still the worst.
The Last Jedi
Sneed Wars 7: Eight Max
attack of the clones
Star Wars Episode I want to kill myself
Revenge of the sith
You’re a retard if you think the Prequels were worse than this new Disney shit.
I'm so glad this date fell on Saturday this year so I don't have to deal with the faggots from IT dropping by my part of the office and saying "May the 4th be with you" every fucking minute.
>Hey user.
>You know what day it is?
>May the Fourth Be With You!
> *giggles*
OT ftw. Everything else ranges from meh to absolute shite.
when sheev died, his dark side luminous essence was exploded leaving his dark anti-midichlorians all over everything, instead of being absorbed into the force
his evil haunts
-> darth vaders cracked kyber crystal (kylo ren's lightsaber)
-> darth vaders helmet ("show me again, the power of the darkness")
-> luke's green lightsaber (TLJ flashbacks)
-> the entire emperor's tower piece in the death star wreckage (ian mcdiarmids voice will be heard there in TROS)
other way around
Why is the fourth of May Star Wars day? Is it when the first movie was released?
Return of the Jedi, Palpatine's real first appearance. No, he's not my favorite character, but he's way up there.
I don't want to acknowledge the bait but I can't resist.
^there's no way anyone believes that
ROTJ forever, and there's nothing you can do.
You gotta be a real shit eater to actually think that.
^A factual statement
The Darth Bane trilogy.
>darth vaders cracked kyber crystal
It's not Vader's crystal. It is the only known synthetic one in Disney canon because it was identified as such from the beginning in supplementary material, then Disney changed the way Sith make their crystals by corrupting Jedi crystals and making them bleed.
Which means Kylo is the only dark side user in existence who's using a cheap chink knockoff crystal.
nope, there are no synthetic crystals in canon
>Disney fanfiction
stop saying "Disney canon". Disney doesn't give a shit. it's Lucasfilm employees who have been there for a long time like pablo hidalgo & leeland chee making these decisions
Lucas himself did not think of the EU as canon, and they had to make it official when doing a sequel trilogy (started under Lucas) because it was never going to give a shit about EU continuity
It's the canon that the EU was completely replaced with after the Disney makeover. To differentiate the old and new system, Disney Canon is an acceptable term to refer to the current collection of stories. Also
>Disney doesn't give a shit
Blatantly obvious. Even when you replace Disney with Lucasfilm employees. The story group isn't there to ensure stories are written so that they fit into an organic timeline. They're there to nod and wink at every idiot wanting to tell a story and to think of (conflicting) explanations to shut up the twitter crowd noticing the next plot hole introduced by said idiots.
Moving away from the tiered canon system of the EU and ascribing everything the same level of validity was a mistake.
>They're there to nod and wink at every idiot wanting to tell a story and to think of (conflicting) explanations to shut up the twitter crowd noticing the next plot hole introduced by said idiots
wtf do you think stupid canon nerd employees are for if not that? its not like anyone gives a real shit about anything that isnt a feature film or a filoni cartoon
>Moving away from the tiered canon system of the EU and ascribing everything the same level of validity was a mistake.
doesnt matter because of what I said above. "G" and T canon still the only thing that matters. personally I think they should just stop producing all that garbage entirely (and have someone creative work as a "showrunner" but I guess they are doing that with D&D and Rian) but money is money
>shitcan the EU and tell everyone the new canon will be airtight as a reason
I knew it was just the marketing department talking but they could've made a better effort to hide it.
Phantom Menance but unironically
It had the best atmosphere and plot (broken as it was) of all the prequel trilogy, although its editing was horrible.
ralph mcquarrie > that one asian guy that did the art direction for phantom menace >>>>>> that other guy that was in charge of art direction for II and III
also using actual film and not the earliest digital cameras makes a big difference
Agreed, but they filmed the prequels for real too along with digital, as a backup.
New Hope, Empire, Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith are my favourites.
I was film (mostly) but II and III were entirely digital
My nigga.
Sheev posting is back on the menu today boys
You are correct.
There's only 6 Star Wars films.
1. A New Hope
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. Return of the Jedi
4. The Force Awakens
5. The Last Jedi
6. The Rise of Skywalker
everything else is a lowercase p prequel that inherently stupid. it would be different if they were original stories that didn't bastardize, flanderize characters and fetishize backstory you already know (like KOTOR) but they're not
phantom menace