Saying goodbye in a week, give me some flicks

Just waiting for my will to get legally sorted then hanging myself in the woods. I am a tiny bit worried but mostly at peace, if any of you niggers want to give me some recommendations I'd be happy to hear them.

(My problems can't be solved, I'm actually insanely successful financially, academically, career wise, at slamming thots I'm just bored of life. Maybe parental abuse had an effect, but the pains going to be ogre soon regardless, been here 10 years and would have probably committed suicide years ago if this wasn't the case.)

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Other urls found in this thread:

make sure to livestream it faggot.

Then why die if you're so successful?

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fuck off you attention whore just do it now

Lord of the Rings trilogy nigga.


Chain Reaction with Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz


Send me your bitcoin senpai? Since you got your mind made up :^)

can you send me $40k please?

BECAUSE I'm successful, I've done everything I've wanted to do now I'm bored.

No, I want to go peacefully in the forest surrounded by nature. No pressure just bliss as I drift away.

I'd be very surprised if my death doesn't make news though, look out for that if you care. (Millionaire PhD student at famous uni)

Ok I admit it I'm a bit afraid and want to make sure mind is set for sure.

Noted niggers

Leaving it to charity and friends. No way of knowing if you're a decent person or racist poltard

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selfish cuck. dont do it jesus. going into the movies business to spice your life up be an actor or behind the camera.what a waste of life dont do it

formerly alive

What Dreams May Come

ikiru then

you sound like an arrogant self obsessed faggot, I'm pleased that you are offing yourself

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you just want attention.
Stream it nigger.

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have you tried using hard drugs instead? not to kill yourself with, but to try to make you feel better, more happy?

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No you're not doing any such thing but I also like to shock and spook anonymous cohorts online with similar threats. Just bee yourself. If you're gonna do it, do it and we'll see you soon.

Why hang yourself in the woods?
Some poor kids gonna find you and become traumatized
Also if this is factual, give us some kinda hint so we can find who you were afterwards when it makes the news or something.

>im totally gonna kill myself but FIRST i neeed to farm some (you)'s on Yea Forums

fuck of larper

>Insanely successful financially
>bored of life
Yeah you're doing something wrong user, spent that money on hallucinogens and other drugs to give you a new perspective. Or do something insane like forest gump and buy a shrimping boat and start shrimping, do something different, don't fucking kill yourself.

Please dont. There's also something to live for user. I'm praying for you

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Can i unironically have your stuff?

livestream it and make sure to die

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user who asked u for money here. have you tried to travel around the world? discover new cultures? I'm pretty sure u can be happy again, but u shoud know when u r going to die u r going to just cease to exist.. when u r dead u r dead son, there is no way back

>insanely successful
>trying to get (Yous) on 4chinnel

You've done everything except graduate. Are you flunking out?

>hey guys gonna commit suicide btw

fuck off LARPing faggot

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I love Dunston Checks In.

This. And how can you surrender to become a statistic?

See you tomorrow

lol so true

OP, check out Samasara and Bakara. It'll be like a nice tour before you go.

can i have your stuff?

He is a leftist he hates culture.

>wants to die in order to appear on the news
If you really were that smart you'd know that it is considered unethical to make news about suicide victims, so cunts like you won't feel like hanging yourselves for 5 minutes of attention.

>Millionaire PHD
The myth of the depressed genius that does not hold true in most cases. Truly smart people can sort themselves out emotionally, with clear displays of stoicism and willpower. You're a spoiled brat that will panic when the rope tightens and you start losing consciousness.

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>I'm actually insanely successful financially, academically, career wise
You're gonna touch a tree and be grossed out by how the bark feels and pussy out. Watch.

you should hurry up and kill yourself faster

Just OD on heroin, why do you want to die in such an uncomfy way?


This isn’t live journal nigga


>unironically want to kill myself too
>cuckcountry doesn't allow to buy/own guns
>the horrible existence continues

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You sound like a dickhead. Maybe work on your interpersonal skills and try again.

ping pong the animation - not a flick but about 1 and a half the length of one

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give this guy $4k on his patreon so i can see more of his twitter shitposts

You gotta end the marathon with BR2049
Come on

this desu

Suicidal people don't talk about it, they just do it. You're just fishing for (you)s.

>it's another "Yea Forums has the chance to rescue a lost soul from suicide but decides not to" episode

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Watch Kolya from 1996, absolute foreign kino

>hanging yourself in the woods
>not screwing their optics and going in

>putting your life in the hands of the members of a mongolian throat singing forum
He doesn't deserve the gift of life.

OP doesnt have a soul

I really don't think you should do it. it's incredibly selfish and will impact your family and friends in ways you can't even conceive.

Your hedonistic lifestyle has caused you depression. You consume dopamine in every shape and form and wonder why it hasn't brought you happiness. Am I correct?

How can I save a person if I can't even save myself?

Why not travel the world a bit before ending it all? See all there is to see and then, if you still think there's nothing out there, then you end it all.

Have you tried taking anti-depressants before this? I did and my daily suicidal thoughts literally went away completely after they kicked in. Like I was sitting there watching shows and realized that for the first time in forever I was actually chill and enjoying them. Extreme boredom seems like the hallmark of depression, in which case you're killing yourself for a really morbid, easily fixable reason instead of a more weirdly poetic one.

Just putting it out there, you might want to hold off for another 2-6 months and give the meds a shot. I don't see why you wouldn't, since it's a short amount of time to wait compared to the eternity of death...

>I want to go peacefully

You will be flailing and kicking as you struggle for air dangling from a half-broken neck and during your last seconds you will regret it all.

That's a misconception. You'll pass out due to the lack of blood flow in your brain, much like MMA fighters lose consciousness when choked out.

I hope you actually do it

>Wojak poster
Go right ahead mate

>fail to find meaning in meaningless world
>plan to hang oneself
Not surprised. I'm nearing my 30th birthday, which I set since about 13 as the last point to see if I could make myself happy. Well I'm not happy, no matter what I try. Some of the time outside forces have utterly destroyed my chances, but plenty of blame is surely on me not being able to do the simple task of finding something that makes me feel alive.

So yeah, a few months and I'll be gone and nobody will care.

Have SEX!!!

How did you gain your wealth? I’m trying to be successful


I made the stupid decision of coming off my meds, noticed an extreme high after coming off the for the first few days and then it slowly started coming back. Pills can work wonders, their often (or at least in my case) snubbed by professionals but they can literally save lives

Keep going brave warrior

Which pills ? I'm on 150mg of Venlafaxine, it doesn't do shit.


Postpone your death until after Godzilla King of the Monsters

LARPING pussy.